publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Optimized design and analysis of cable-based parallel manipulators for enhanced subsea operations. Ocean Engineering. 2024
- Optimizing the Economic Order Quantity Using Fuzzy Theory and Machine Learning Applied to a Pharmaceutical Framework. Biomedicines. 2024
- Efficiency, optimality, and selection in a rigid actuation system with matching capabilities for an assistive robotic exoskeleton. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal. 2024
- Addressing a decision problem through a bipolar Pythagorean fuzzy approach: A novel methodology with application in digital marketing. Heliyon. 2024
- An IoT-fuzzy intelligent approach for holistic management of COVID-19 patients. Heliyon. 2024
- Doença mental em sobreviventes da COVID-19. Revista Portuguesa de Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental. 2022
- Mental Illness in COVID-19 Survivors 2022
- UM departamento com ESTATÍSTICA 2020
- On the kernel estimation of a multivariate distribution function under positive dependence. Chilean J. Statist.. 2011
- A note on convergence rates in the strong law of large numbers for associated sequences. DIWEB ' 09: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH WSEAS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DISTANCE LEARNING AND WEB ENGINEERING. 2008
- Covariance estimation of the limit process of the empirical process under association. Recent Advances in Applied and Theoretical Mathematics. 2000
artigo de conferência
- Para alem do binário: Lógica Fuzzy na modelação de problemas complexos 2023
- Statistical procedures applied to floods in the Douro river basin 2023
- Proceedings of International Conference of Experimental Linguistics 2022
- Tracking participants’ behaviour when performing linguistic tasks 2022
- Depression, anxiety, and stress during COVID-19 in Portugal. 2021
- On the determination coefficient and global adjustment test of goodness of fit 2017
- Hybrid use of steel- and carbon-fiber reinforced concrete for monitoring of crack behavior 2012
- O que é a probabilidade? : interpretações da probabilidade 2004
artigo de revista
- An Overview of Kriging and Cokriging Predictors for Functional Random Fields. Biology. 2023
- Advanced Mathematical Approaches in Psycholinguistic Data Analysis: A Methodological Insight. Biology. 2023
- Biased Random-Key Genetic Algorithm with Local Search Applied to the Maximum Diversity Problem. Biology. 2023
- On Fuzzy and Crisp Solutions of a Novel Fractional Pandemic Model. Biology. 2023
- Fractional Transformation-Based Decentralized Robust Control of a Coupled-Tank System for Industrial Applications. Biology. 2023
- Geoscientists' views about science communication: predicting willingness to communicate geoscience. Geoscience Communication. 2023
- Robust semi-parametric inference for two-stage production models: A beta regression approach. Marine Drugs. 2023
- Similarity-based predictive models: Sensitivity analysis and a biological application with multi-attributes. Biology. 2023
- Effect of macro polypropylene fiber and basalt fiber on impact resistance of basalt fiber-reinforced polymer-reinforced concrete. Structural Concrete. 2021
- Portuguese Sentiment Analysis Applied to a Reality Show using Twitter and NLP in real time. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science. 2021
- Constraints on multiple dependencies in the left-periphery in European Portuguese. Journal of Portuguese Linguistics. 2020
- Thymic Function As a Predictor of Immune Recovery in Chronically HIV-Infected Patients Initiating Antiretroviral Therapy. Frontiers in Immunology. 2019
- Hybrid effect of fibre mesh and short fibres on the biaxial bending behaviour of TRC. Magazine of Concrete Research. 2019
- Influence of different fibers on the change of pore pressure of self-consolidating concrete exposed to fire. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2016
- Shear resistance and cracking behaviour of SFRC beams with and without axial load. Magazine of Concrete Research. 2014
- About Birnbaum-Saunders distributions based on the Johnson system. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. 2012
- Shape and change point analyses of the Birnbaum-Saunders-t hazard rate and associated estimation. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. 2012
- Study on residual behaviour and flexural toughness of fibre cocktail reinforced self compacting high performance concrete after exposure to high temperature. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2012
- Combined effect of steel fibres and steel rebars on impact resistance of high performance concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2011
capítulo de livro
- A Note on Kendall's Tau Coefficient for Gap Times in Presence of Right Censoring. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2022
- Recycled household ceramic waste in eco-efficient cement: A case study 2020
- Object realization across generations. A closer look on the spontaneous speech of Portuguese first and second generation migrants 2017
- Programação em R no estudo de probabilidades 2016
- Relatório de atividade profissional 2016
- Estatística e probabilidades: 7º - 9º ano de Matemática e 10º - 12º ano de Matemática A 2014
- Análise e processamento automático de dados 2013
- Desenvolvimento, validação e análise estatística de questionários 2013
- Um estudo sobre alguns aspetos caracterizadores dos estudantes do primeiro ciclo da Escola de Ciências da Universidade do Minho 2012
- Estudo de fatores facilitadores do consumo de publicidade através de email marketing 2011
- Estudo e caracterização do utilizador de email marketing 2011