publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Effects of ulotaront on brain circuits of reward, working memory, and emotion processing in healthy volunteers with high or low schizotypy. Schizophrenia. 2023
- Acute neural effects of fluoxetine on emotional regulation in depressed adolescents. Psychological Medicine. 2023
- Multispecies probiotic administration reduces emotional salience and improves mood in subjects with moderate depression: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.. Psychological Medicine. 2022
- The knowns and unknowns of SSRI treatment in young people with depression and anxiety: efficacy, predictors, and mechanisms of action.. The lancet. Psychiatry. 2021
- Hydrocortisone as an adjunct to brief cognitive-behavioural therapy for specific fear: Endocrine and cognitive biomarkers as predictors of symptom improvement. Journal of Psychopharmacology. 2021
- Neural effects of a single dose of fluoxetine on resting-state functional connectivity in adolescent depression. Journal of Psychopharmacology. 2020
- A single administration of the antibiotic, minocycline, reduces fear processing and improves implicit learning in healthy volunteers: analysis of the serum metabolome. Elife. 2020
- A single, clinically relevant dose of the GABAB agonist baclofen impairs visuomotor learning.. Journal of Physiology. 2020
- Precision biomarkers for mood disorders based on brain imaging. BMJ. 2020
- ENIGMA MDD: seven years of global neuroimaging studies of major depression through worldwide data sharing. Elife. 2020
- Effect of the NMDA receptor partial agonist, d-cycloserine, on emotional processing and autobiographical memory. Psychological Medicine. 2020
- A single administration of 'microbial' D-alanine to healthy volunteers augments reaction to negative emotions: A comparison with D-serine.. Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford, England). 2020
- A single, clinically relevant, dose of the GABAB agonist baclofen impairs visuomotor learning. Journal of Physiology. 2020
- Co-Production: An Ethical Model for Mental Health Research?. The American journal of bioethics : AJOB. 2019
- Prebiotic supplementation does not affect reading and cognitive performance in children: A randomised placebo-controlled study.. Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford, England). 2019
- A single dose of fluoxetine reduces neural limbic responses to anger in depressed adolescents.. Elife. 2019
- Psychoeducation for psychiatric inpatients following remission of a manic episode in bipolar I disorder: A randomized controlled trial.. Bipolar Disorders. 2018
- Acute fluoxetine modulates emotional processing in young adult volunteers.. Psychological Medicine. 2015
- Anxiety increases breakthrough of threat stimuli in continuous flash suppression.. Emotion (Washington, D.C.). 2014
- Aversive prediction error signals in the amygdala.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2014
- Variation in serotonin transporter expression modulates fear-evoked hemodynamic responses and theta-frequency neuronal oscillations in the amygdala.. Biological Psychiatry. 2013
- [Beliefs and attitudes of professionals about marital violence: studies with health professionals, policemen and teachers].. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2009
artigo de conferência
- Maus-tratos na infância, psicopatologia e satisfação com a vida: um estudo com jovens portugueses 2007
- Experiências adversas e funcionamento actual: um estudo com jovens portugueses 2006
- Memória para acontecimentos de vida: Análise da frequência de ocorrência até aos 10 anos de vida 2005
- Memória para acontecimentos de vida: análise da frequência de ocorrência até aos 10 anos de idade 2005
artigo de revista
- MRI amygdala volume in Williams Syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 2011
- Williams syndrome hypersociability: A neuropsychological study of the amygdala and prefrontal cortex hypotheses. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 2011
- Crenças e atitudes dos profissionais face à violência conjugal: estudos com profissionais de saúde, polícias e professores. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2009
- The effects of a prebiotic supplementation on sleep in elementrary school-aged children: a randomised placebo-controlled study. 2019
- Acute neural effects of acute fluoxetine on emotional regulation in depressed adolescents. 2019
- Reaction Time Modulation Deficit in Dysphorics: A Behavioral Study 2013
- Haemodynamic measurements of fear-evoked basolateral amygdala responses in a mouse model of serotonin transporter variation. 2013
- The influence of anxiety and depressive symptoms on the access of emotional stimuli to awareness: a study using Continuous Flash Suppression (CFS). 2012
- A single dose of fluoxetine modulates emotional processing in young healthy volunteers. 2012
- Hypersociability in Williams Syndrome: a neuroanatomical and neuropsychological study 2009
- Maltreatment in childhood, psychopathology and life satisfaction: a study with young adults 2007
- Adverse experiences and current functioning: a study with young adult volunteers 2006
- Discourse and practices of health professionals about domestic violence. 2005
- Memory for life situations memories: analysis of the frequency of occurrence until 10 years of age 2005
- A single dose of lamotrigine induces a positive memory bias in healthy volunteers
- Acute neural effects of the mood stabiliser lamotrigine on emotional processing in healthy volunteers - a randomised control trial
- “Invisible Dangers”: preconscious detection of fearful vs angry faces influences the subjective experience of anger
- Early effects of fluoxetine on emotional processing: implications for adolescent depression 2015
- Cortical and subcortical contributions to motor response inhibition: a combined TMS and FMRI study 2010
- Tissue oxygen signals in the hippocampus and amygdala of 5-HTT overexpressing mice during a fear conditioning task 2010
- Hypersociability in Williams Syndrome: a neuroanatomical and neuropsychological study 2008