publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Balancing the Formal and the Informal in User-centred Design. Interacting With Computers. 2021
- Improving the Visualization of Alloy Instances. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science. 2018
- Validating an Approach to Formalize Use Cases with Ontologies. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science. 2016
- An approach for graphical user interface external bad smells detection 2014
- Correction: Depth cues and perceived audiovisual synchrony of biological motion (PLoS ONE). Antibiotics. 2014
- High assurance interactive computing systems. HCI Engineering: Charting the Way towards Methods and Tools for Advanced Interactive Systems. 2014
- Ambiente de geração, mutação e execução de casos de teste para aplicações Web. Conferência Interação 2013. 2013
- Avaliação de Ambientes Ubíquos na Plataforma APEX. Conferência Interação 2013. 2013
- Combining Static and Dynamic Analysis for the Reverse Engineering of Web Applications. 5th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS 2013). 2013
- Desenvolvimento de Jogos Educativos na plataforma APEX: O Jogo da Asma. Conferência Interação 2013. 2013
- Developing Serious Games With The APEX Framework. Workshop on "Ubiquitous games and gamifiction for promoting behavior change and wellbeing". 2013
- MapIt: A model based pattern recovery tool. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2013
- The mobile context framework: Providing context to mobile applications. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2013
- Uma Abordagem para a Geração de Casos de Teste Baseada em Modelos. Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação (CISTI 2013). 2013
- A Patterns Based Reverse Engineering Approach for Java Source Code. IEEE Annual IEEE Software Engineering Workshop. 2012
- Can GUI Implementation Markup Languages Be Used for Modelling?. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2012
- Analysing Human Aspects of Safety-Critical Software. ERCIM NEWS. 2008
- A new plant modelling approach for formal verification purposes. IFAC proceedings volumes. 2007
- Combining formal methods and functional strategies regarding the reverse engineering of interactive applications. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2007
- Usabilidade em interfaces para crianças. Jornal de Ciências Cognitivas. 2006
artigo de conferência
- Assessing the impact of hints in learning formal specification 2024
- Verification of railway network models with EVEREST 2022
- The Management of Risks and Benefits when Engineering Interactive Digital Systems 2021
- Towards the integration of user interface prototyping and model-based development 2021
- A generator of user interface prototypes for the IVY workbench 2019
- Formal verification of interactive computing systems: Opportunities and challenges 2019
- High assurance on cyber-physical interactive systems 2019
- IVY 2: A model-based analysis tool 2019
- Improving Traces Visualisation through Layout Managers 2019
- Model-Based Testing of Post-WIMP Interactions Using Object Oriented Petri-Nets. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2019
- Trends on engineering interactive systems: An overview of works presented in workshops at EICS 2019 2019
- The MAL Interactors Animator: Supporting model validation through animation 2018
- Towards a Simulation-Based Medical Education Platform for PVSio-Web 2018
- A Hazard Analysis Method for Systematic Identification of Safety Requirements for User Interface Software in Medical Devices. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2017
- Avaliação de usabilidade da ferramenta uCat 2017
- De requisitos a protótipos de UI: uma abordagem semi automatizada 2017
- Demonstrating that Medical Devices Satisfy User Related Safety Requirements. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2017
- Evaluation of formal IDEs for human-machine interface design and analysis: The case of CIRCUS and PVSio-web. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science. 2017
- MODUS: Model-based user interfaces prototyping 2017
- Safety Analysis of Software Components of a Dialysis Machine Using Model Checking. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2017
- TOM: A Model-Based GUI Testing Framework. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2017
- Um editor tabular para modelação de interfaces 2017
- Modelling information resources and their salience in medical device design 2016
- Systematic automation of scenario-based testing of user interfaces 2016
- Welcome to EICS 2016 2016
- Immersiveness of Ubiquitous Computing Environments Prototypes: A case study. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2015
- Layers, resources and property templates in the specification and analysis of two interactive systems 2015
- MODUS: uma metodologia de prototipagem de interfaces baseada em modelos 2015
- Supporting the Design of an Ambient Assisted Living System Using Virtual Reality Prototypes. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2015
- Templates as heuristics for proving properties of medical devices 2015
- Towards a Catalog of Usability Smells 2015
- Welcome to EICS 2015 2015
- A Study on the Viability of Formalizing Use Cases 2014
- Application of ontologies in identifying requirements patterns in use cases. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science. 2014
- Characterizing the Control Logic of Web Applications' User Interfaces. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2014
- Design and evaluation of a smart library using the APEX framework. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2014
- Development of Dependable Controllers in the Context of Machines Design. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 2014
- Formal verification of safety-critical user interfaces: A space system case study 2014
- HCI engineering: Charting the way towards methods and tools for advanced interactive systems 2014
- Rapid development of first person serious games using the APEX platform: The Asthma Game 2014
- Towards a Framework for Adaptive Web Applications. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2014
- A Model-based Approach for Test Cases Generation 2013
- Combining static and dynamic analysis for the reverse engineering of Web applications 2013
- Foreword 2012
- Formal analysis of ubiquitous computing environments through the APEX framework 2012
- Partial plant models in formal verification of industrial automation discrete systems 2011
- Supporting requirements formulation in software formal verification 2011
- Test case generation from mutated task models 2011
- The importance of qualitative evaluation on E-learning systems 2011
- Abordagem Sistemática para o Controlo Seguro de Sistemas aeroespaciais 2010
- From SFC specification to C programming language on the context of aerospace systems control 2010
- GUI Behavior from Source Code Analysis 2010
- Principles of Ergonomics and Design discussed through systems utilized for e-learning 2010
- Prototipagem rápida de ambientes ubíquos 2010
- The APEX Framework: Prototyping of Ubiquitous Environments Based on Petri Nets. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2010
- The GUISurfer Tool: Towards a Language Independent Approach to Reverse Engineering GUI Code 2010
- A coordination model for interactive components. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2009
- A generic library for GUI reasoning and testing 2009
- Advanced engineering tools for next generation substation automation systems: The added value of IEC 61850 and the InPACT project 2009
- An infrastructure for experience centered agile prototyping of ambient intelligence 2009
- FlexiXML: Um animador de modelos UsiXML 2009
- Interaction Engineering Using the IVY Tool 2009
- Pattern-based analysis of automated production systems. IFAC proceedings volumes. 2009
- AniMAL - a user interface prototyper and animator for MAL interactor models 2008
- Considering Context and Users in Interactive Systems Analysis. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2008
- Framework de distribuição assíncrona de aplicações móveis situadas 2008
- Property patterns for the formal verification of automated production systems 2008
- Resources for Situated Actions. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2008
- Systematic analysis of control panel interfaces using formal tools. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2008
- An interaction model and infrastructure for localized activities in pervasive computing environments 2007
- Integrating HCI concerns into a UML based Software Engineering course 2007
- Simulation and Formal Verification of Industrial Systems Controllers 2007
- Accessibility and visually impaired users 2006
- Cognitive walkthroughs in the evaluation of user interfaces for children 2006
- Engenharia Reversa de Sistemas Interactivos Desenvolvidos em Java2/Swing 2006
- IVY Trace Visualiser 2006
- Models for the Reverse Engineering of Java/Swing Applications 2006
- UML no Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Interactivos 2006
- A study on usability criteria regarding interfaces for children 2005
- Supporting resource-based analysis of task information needs. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2005
- Accessibility and Visually Impaired Users 2004
- Análise de usabilidade baseada em modelos 2004
- The modelling gap between software engineering and human-computer interaction 2004
- Verifying user interface behaviour with model checking 2004
- A formal approach to the usability engineering 2003
- From HCI to Software Engineering and Back 2003
- Reasoning about Dynamic Information Displays 2003
- Uma abordagem formal à Engenharia da Usabilidade 2003
- Using task knowledge to guide interactor specifications analysis 2003
- Using automated reasoning in the design of an audio-visual communication system 1999
- Representational Reasoning and Verification 1998
- The role of verification in interactive systems design 1998
- Formally verifying interactive systems: A review 1997
- Context Sensitive User Interfaces 1996
- O Sistema GAMA - Arquitectura e Implementação 1994
- GAMA-X - Uma Arquitectura Software para o Desenvolvimento Semi-Automático de Interfaces Utilizador-Sistema 1993
artigo de revista
- Development and Validation of a Descriptive Cognitive Model for Predicting Usability Issues in a Low-Code Development Platform. Human Factors. 2021
- Supporting the Analysis of Safety Critical User Interfaces: An Exploration of Three Formal Tools. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. 2020
- A use error taxonomy for improving human-machine interface design in medical devices. ACM SIGBED Review. 2019
- Formal techniques in the safety analysis of software components of a new dialysis machine. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2019
- Verification Templates for the Analysis of User Interface Software Design. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 2019
- A More Intelligent Test Case Generation Approach through Task Models Manipulation. PACMHCI. 2017
- Don't go in there! using the APEX framework in the design of ambient assisted living systems. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. 2017
- Verification of User Interface Software: The Example of Use-Related Safety Requirements and Programmable Medical Devices. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. 2017
- Formal Verification of a Space System's User Interface With the IVY Workbench. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. 2016
- Reusing models and properties in the analysis of similar interactive devices. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering. 2015
- The Modelery: A Model-Based Software Development Repository. International Journal of Web Information Systems. 2015
- A Virtual Environment based Serious Game to Support Health Education. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Ambient Systems. 2014
- Analysing interactive devices based on information resource constraints. International Journal of Human Computer Studies. 2014
- Prototyping and analysing ubiquitous computing environments using multiple layers. International Journal of Human Computer Studies. 2014
- A Specification Patterns System for Discrete Event Systems Analysis. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 2013
- Automated theorem proving for the systematic analysis of interactive systems. Electronic Communications of the EASST. 2013
- Depth Cues and Perceived Audiovisual Synchrony of Biological Motion. Antibiotics. 2013
- A literature review about usability evaluation methods for e-learning platforms. WORK. 2012
- Safe controllers design for industrial automation systems. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2011
- Modelling and analysing the interactive behaviour of an infusion pump. Electronic Communications of the EASST. 2011
- GUI Inspection from Source Code Analysis. Electronic Communications of the EASST. 2010
- Exploring an option space to engineer a ubiquitous computing system. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. 2008
- Model-based user interface testing with Spec Explorer and ConcurTaskTrees. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. 2008
- Towards a Coordination Model for Interactive Systems. Electronic Notes in Theorectical Computer Science. 2008
- Model Checking Interactor Specifications. Automated Software Engineering. 2001
- Representational Reasoning and Verification. Formal Aspects of Computing. 2000
capítulo de livro
- AMAN Case Study 2023
- HCI-E2-2023: Second IFIP WG 2.7/13.4 Workshop on HCI Engineering Education 2023
- Prototyping with the IVY Workbench: Bridging Formal Methods and User-Centred Design 2023
- Towards Automated Load Testing Through the User Interface 2023
- Addressing Interactive Computing Systems' Concerns in Software Engineering Degrees 2022
- Teaching HCI Engineering: Four Case Studies 2022
- HCI-E2: HCI Engineering Education 2021
- Formal Modelling as a Component of User Centred Design. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2018
- The Specification and Analysis of Use Properties of a Nuclear Control System. Human-Computer Interaction Series. 2017
- GUIsurfer: A Reverse Engineering Framework for User Interface Software 2012
- Connecting rigorous system analysis to experience centred design 2008
- Formal analysis of interactive systems: opportunities and weaknesses 2008
- Processes: Working Group Report 2007
- Accessibility and Visually Impaired Users 2006
- Automated deduction and usability reasoning 2006
- Rigorous State-Based Methods - 9th International Conference, ABZ 2023, Nancy, France, May 30 - June 2, 2023, Proceedings 2023
- Sense, Feel, Design - INTERACT 2021 IFIP TC 13 Workshops, Bari, Italy, August 30 - September 3, 2021, Revised Selected Papers 2022
- Heterogeneous Models and Modelling Approaches for Engineering of Interactive Systems 2021
- Formal Methods. FM 2019 International Workshops - Porto, Portugal, October 7-11, 2019, Revised Selected Papers, Part II 2020
- Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, EICS 2017 2017
- Welcome to the First Issue of PACMHCI EICS 2017
- Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems 2016
- Distance Perception in Immersive Environments - The Role of Photorealism 2015
- Spatial limits for audiovisual unity assumption 2014
- ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, EICS'12, Copenhagen, Denmark - June 25 - 28, 2012 2012
- Interacção 2008 - Actas da 3a. Conferência Nacional em Interacção Pessoa-Máquina 2008
- A Push Infrastructure for Mobile Application Deployment in Mobile Environments 2006
- Adaptação de interfaces com o utilizador em dispositivos móveis 2006
- Ambience and mobility 2006
- Interacção 2006 - Actas da 2a. Conferência Nacional em Interacção Pessoa-Máquina 2006
- Laboratórios virtuais: duas aplicações no ensino de engenharia 2005
- Model based web interfaces' analysis 2005
- Testing AudioBrowser 2005
- Aplicação de um Cognitive Walkthrough - estudo de caso 2004
- Integrating Automated Verification into Interactive Systems Development 1998