publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Improving damage detection by combining multiple classifiers in different feature spaces. Engineering Structures. 2024
- Balancing privacy at the time of pandemic: global observation. International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS). 2023
- Benefícios da Adoção da Convenção do Cibercrime para a Obtenção de Provas Digitais pelo Ordenamento Jurídico Brasileiro [Benefits of Adopting the Cybercrime Convention for Obtaining Digital Evidence by the Brazilian Legal System]. Anuário de Direitos Humanos. 2021
- Negative selection algorithm based methodology for online structural health monitoring. Engineering Structures. 2021
- Os riscos invisíveis de discriminação na utilização de algoritmos no processo de contratação de pessoal [The invisible risks of discrimination in the use of algorithms in the hiring process]. Revista Questões Laborais. 2020
- Performance assessment of a bio-inspired anomaly detection algorithm for unsupervised SHM: application to a Manueline masonry church. International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation (IJMRI). 2020
- An Overview on Structural Health Monitoring: From the Current State-of-the-Art to New Bio-inspired Sensing Paradigms. International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation. 2018
- Concessão de Patentes à Indústria Farmacêutica: Entre o Direito Fundamental à Propriedade e sua Função Social [Concession of Patents to the Pharmaceutical Industry: Between the Fundamental Right to Property and its Social Function]. Revista Acadêmica Direitos Fundamentais. 2012
- Continuous stiffness monitoring of cemented sand through resonant frequency. American Society of Civil Engineers - Geotechnical Special (EI Indexed). Emerging Technologies for Material, Design, Rehabilitation, and Inspection of Roadway Pavements (GSP 218). 2011
- Desempenho sísmico de um minarete de alvenaria. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2011
artigo de conferência
- A worldwide overview on the information security posture of online public services 2024
- A worldwide overview on the information security posture of online public services 2023
- Improving damage identification reliability by combining classification on distinct feature spaces 2022
- Who is Behind the Scenes of the ICT Backstage? A Study of the ICT Resources in Local Governments 2021
- Balancing Between Personal Privacy And Public Health Utility At The Time Of Pandemic: Observations From ICTApplications Across The Globe 2020
- Application of a classification algorithm to the early-stage damage detection of a masonry arch. EURODYN. 2020
- Application of a classification algorithm to the early-stage damage detection of a masonry arch. EURODYN. 2020
- Evaluating privacy during the COVID-19 public health emergency 2020
- Structural performance and durability issues of vernacular schist masonry 2020
- Vernacular heritage of northwest Portugal: The valley and the mountain range farmhouse. REHABEND. 2020
- Privacy and Data Protection Concerns Regarding the Use of Blockchains in Smart Cities 2019
- A proactive approach to the conservation of historic and cultural Heritage: The HeritageCare methodology 2019
- Particle Swarm Optimization for damage identification in beam-like structures 2019
- Qualification offer in EGOV competencies in PALOP-TL 2018
- Application of a bio-inspired anomaly detection algorithm for unsupervised SHM of a historic masonry church 2018
- HeritageCARE: Preventive conservation of built cultural heritage in the south-west Europe. Reflections on Cultural Heritage Theories and Practices. 2018
- The construction of the transhumance territory of the Gerês-Xurés: Vernacular heritage identification, analysis and characterization. REHABEND. 2018
- On the use minor and non-destructive methods for the safety evaluation of an historic RC bridge: the Bôco Bridge 2017
- An overview on nature-inspired optimization algorithms for Structural Health Monitoring of historical buildings. Procedia Engineering. 2017
- Extraction of damage-sensitive eigen-parameters for supervised SHM. Procedia Engineering. 2017
- Monitorização e conservação preventiva do património histórico: o projeto HeritageCARE 2017
- Seismic design of tension wall-diaphragm anchorage for historical unreinforced masonry buildings 2016
- Tube-jack testing: semi-irregular masonry wall testing 2016
- Development of key performance indicators for the structural assessment of heritage buildings 2016
- Evaluation of structural intervention in the Quartel das Esquadras, Almeida (Portugal) 2016
- Geomatics’ procedures and dynamic identification for the structural survey of the church of ‘San Juan Bautista de Huaro’ in Perú 2016
- Mechanical performance of compressed earth block masonry using granitic residual soils 2016
- Survey and characterization of corbelled dome architecture in Northwestern Portugal. REHABEND. 2016
- Tube-jack and sonic testing for the evaluation of the state of stress in historical masonry 2016
- Construir com blocos de terra compactada em países sísmicos 2015
- Detection of Road Accident Accumulation Zones with a Visual Analytics Approach. Procedia Computer Science. 2015
- Survey and dynamic behaviour of the Our Lady of Conception Church, Portugal 2015
- Typology based method for choosing old masonry walls inspection procedures 2015
- A full-scale innovative GFRP-concrete hybrid footbridge : description and testing 2014
- Bayesian approach to fuse NDT data to find dynamic elastic modulus of granite stone 2014
- Bond behaviour of twisted stainless steel bars in mortar joints 2014
- Caracterização experimental do reforço de ligações parede-piso 2014
- Damage detection on the Z24 bridge by a spectral-based dynamic identification technique. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. 2014
- Design parameters for retrofitted masonry to timber connections 2014
- Developing a seismic retrofitting solution for wall-to-floor connections of URM buildings with wood diaphragms 2014
- Direct sonic and ultrasonic wave velocity in masonry under compressive stress 2014
- Dynamic identification and modelling of Clérigos Tower: initial studies. EURODYN. 2014
- Flexural out-of-plane retroftting technique for masonry walls in historical constructions 2014
- Identificação de dano baseada na totalidade da informação espectral: aplicações 2014
- Mechanical characterization of dry-stack interlocking compressed earth masonry 2014
- Poderão os blocos de terra compactada com estabilização fazer parte de um sistema sismo-resistente? 2014
- Pontalumis : hybrid GFRP-concrete footbridge: description, experimental tests and modelling (in portuguese) 2014
- Pontalumis : ponte pedonal mista GFRP-betão : descrição da solução, ensaios e modelação 2014
- Spectral based damage identification technique on an earthen mock-up construction tested on a shaking table 2014
- Structural monitoring and damage identification on a masonry chimney by a spectral-based identification technique. EURODYN. 2014
- The vernacular house between the Ca´vado and the Ave, Portugal 2014
- The vernacular house between the Cávado and the Ave, Portugal 2014
- Tube-jack testing: regular masonry wall testing 2014
- Dynamic identification of paradela historic railway bridge 2013
- Experimental modal identification of an existent earthen residential building 2013
- Experimental research on masonry wall and timber elements connection 2013
- SHM of a masonry chimney after a lightning accident 2013
- Avaliação experimental do módulo de elasticidade de materiais cimentícios desde as primeiras idades: aplicação laboratorial e in situ 2012
- Finite element simulations for the comprehension of physical phenomena involved in electric impedance tomography of masonry structures 2012
- Tube-jack testing for irregular masonry: preliminary testing 2012
- Characterization of polyester with fiberglass materials as reinforcement in interior dividing walls 2012
- Potential of polyester fibrous materials in interior dividing walls 2012
- Operational modal analysis tests on peruvian historical buildings : the case study of the 19th century hotel comercio 2012
- Assessment of the Luiz Bandeira historical bridge 2012
- Comportamento experimental de ligações estruturais madeira-alvenaria 2012
- Experimental seismic behaviour of wall-to-half-timbered wall connections 2012
- Experimental study on the seismic behavior of masonry wall-to-floor connections 2012
- Monitorização contínua da rigidez de areia estabilizada com cimento através da frequência de ressonância 2012
- Study of a new interlocking stabilised compressed earth masonry block 2012
- The use of continuous system identification for evaluation of concrete E-modulus evolution: Laboratory and field applications. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. 2012
- Workshop construção e reabilitação sustentáveis: soluções eficientes para um mercado em crise: livro de atas 2012
- Aging effect on the integrity of the traditional Portuguese timber roof structures 2011
- As paredes divisórias num sistema integrado de alvenaria estrutural em BTC 2011
- Automatic system identification algorithm for processing ambient vibration data 2011
- Caracterização dinâmica da ponte Luiz Bandeira em Sejães 2011
- Challenges and possibilities of WSNs in the dynamic monitoring of existent structures 2011
- Dynamic identification and FE updating of S. Torcato Church, Portugal. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. 2011
- Identification of the tensile force in tie-rods of historical constructions. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. 2011
- Low-cost housing in underdeveloped countries : simple strategies for a more sustainable construction 2011
- Measurement of vibrations induced by different railway trains in the renewed northern line of Portugal 2011
- Metodologia para diagnóstico e intervenção em edifícios correntes: habitação social no Porto e Recife 2011
- Operational modal monitoring of ancient structures using wireless technology. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. 2011
- Prototype WSN platform for performing dynamic monitoring of civil engineering structures. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. 2011
- Recent developments in vibration analysis of historic and masonry structures: damage detection and wireless sensor networks 2011
- Stone masonry buildings: shaking table testing and advanced methods of analysis 2011
- Dynamic identification and monitoring of St. Torcato Church. Advanced Materials Research. 2010
- Tube-jack testing for irregular masonry walls: first studies. Advanced Materials Research. 2010
- Safeguarding of the Portuguese heritage: the case study of Safi Cathedral, Morocco 2010
- A Wireless Sensor Network platform for structural health monitoring: Enabling accurate and synchronized measurements through COTS+custom-based design. IFAC proceedings volumes. 2010
- Direito fundamental à propriedade e função social da propriedade intelectual na concessão de patentes à indústria farmacêutica [Fundamental right to property and social function of intellectual property in granting patents to the pharmaceutical industry] 2010
- Ensaio de carga numa laje fungiforme de um pavilhão industrial 2010
- In situ investigation and stability analysis of Famagusta Churches 2010
- Dynamic identification and monitoring of historical masonry structures: case study of St. Torcato Church 2009
- Measurement of vibrations induced by high-speed trains 2009
- Rejection of temperature effect in subspace-based damage detection monitoring systems : application to two historical monuments 2009
- Structural dynamic monitoring in historical masonry structures using wireless and MEMS technology 2009
- Vantagens e empecilhos da utilização da biodiversidade brasileira [Advantages and obstacles to the use of Brazilian biodiversity] 2009
- Wireless sensor technology for structural health monitoring of historical masonry structures 2009
- Damage identification in masonry structures with vibration measurements 2008
- Global damage identification based on vibration signatures applied to masonry structures 2008
- Dynamic monitoring of historical masonry structures for damage identification. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. 2008
- Medições das vibrações geradas por comboios de alta velocidade 2008
- Monastery of Salzedas (Portugal): Intervention in the cloister and information management 2008
- Monastery of Salzedas (Portugal): Intervention in the cloister and information management 2008
- Post-accident damage identification based on vibration measurements applied to masonry structures 2008
- Monitoring of historical masonry structures with operational modal analysis: Two case studies 2007
- Vibration signatures to identify damage in historical constructions 2007
- Progressive damage analysis based on vibration signatures : an application to a masonry arch 2007
- Comparison between damage detection methods applied to beam structures 2006
- Damage identification based on vibration measurements applied to masonry structures 2006
- Dynamic identification of the Qutb Minar, New Delhi, India 2006
- Investigations techniques carried out on the Qutb Minar, New Delhi, India 2006
- Radar investigation on civil structures using 3D data reconstruction and transmission tomography 2006
- Vibration based damage identification of masonry structures 2006
- Improving the seismic resistance of cultural heritage buildings 2005
- Operational modal analysis for damage detection of a masonry construction 2005
- Seismic Analysis of one Heritage Compound Building of the Old Lisbon Town 2005
- Static and dynamic structural monitoring of the Santa Maria of Belém church, in Lisbon 2005
- Structural monitoring of the Monastery of Jerónimos 2005
- Avaliação da segurança de dois pavimentos em madeira 2004
- Avaliação de cursos para promover a cultura de proteção intelectual [Evaluation of courses to promote intellectual protection culture] 2004
- On the cyclic behaviour of stone dry masonry joints 2004
artigo de revista
- Reducing the Training Samples for Damage Detection of Existing Buildings through Self-Space Approximation Techniques. Bioengineering. 2021
- Digital contact tracing and data protection: assessing the French and Portuguese applications. UNIO – EU Law Journal. 2020
- Physical and mechanical characterization of vernacular dry stone heritage materials: Schist and granite from Northwest Portugal. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2020
- Web-GIS approach to preventive conservation of heritage buildings. Automation in Construction. 2020
- Deterministically generated negative selection algorithm for damage detection in civil engineering systems. Engineering Structures. 2019
- A Digital-based Integrated Methodology for the Preventive Conservation of Cultural Heritage: The Experience of HeritageCare Project. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2019
- An overview on structural health monitoring: From the current state-of-the-art to new bio-inspired sensing paradigms. International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation. 2019
- Simplified formulations for estimating the main frequencies of ancient masonry churches. Frontiers in Built Environment. 2019
- Modal analysis of historical masonry structures: Linear perturbation and software benchmarking. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2018
- Construção em falsa cúpula na região transfronteiriça Gerês-Xurés: metodologias e caracterização. Conservar Património. 2018
- Evaluation of Structural Intervention in the Quartel das Esquadras, Almeida (Portugal). International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2018
- Integrated structural safety analysis of San Francisco Master Gate in the Fortress of Almeida. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2018
- Integrating geomatic approaches, Operational Modal Analysis, advanced numerical and updating methods to evaluate the current safety conditions of the historical Bôco Bridge. Composite Structures. 2018
- Vernacular schist farm walls: materials, construction techniques and sustainable rebuilding solutions. Journal of Building Engineering. 2018
- Damage identification and seismic vulnerability assessment of a historic masonry chimney. Annals of Geophysics. 2017
- Spectral algorithm for non-destructive damage localisation: Application to an ancient masonry arch model. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2017
- Structural assessment of masonry arch bridges by combination of non-destructive testing techniques and three-dimensional numerical modelling: Application to Vilanova bridge. Engineering Structures. 2017
- The importance of structural monitoring as a diagnosis and control tool in the restoration process of heritage structures: A case study in Portugal. Journal of Cultural Heritage. 2017
- A multidisciplinary approach to assess the health state of heritage structures: The case study of the Church of Monastery of Jerónimos in Lisbon. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2016
- A spectrum-driven damage identification technique: Application and validation through the numerical simulation of the Z24 Bridge. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2016
- A students' challenge for the estimation of the maximum compressive load of masonry prisms. Mauerwerk. 2016
- Design Parameters for Seismically Retrofitted Masonry-To-Timber Connections: Injection Anchors. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2016
- Tube-jack testing for irregular masonry walls: Regular masonry wall testing. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation. 2016
- A Bayesian approach for NDT data fusion: The Saint Torcato church case study. Engineering Structures. 2015
- Characterization of dry-stack interlocking compressed earth blocks. Materials and Structures. 2015
- Experimental and numerical approaches for structural assessment in new footbridge designs (SFRSCC-GFPR hybrid structure). Composite Structures. 2015
- Lightweight adjustable partition system: Evaluation of resistance to horizontal loads and functional failure from impacts. Informes de la Construcción. 2015
- Experimental behavior of masonry wall-to-timber elements connections strengthened with injection anchors. Engineering Structures. 2014
- Safety analysis of modern heritage masonry buildings: Box-buildings in Recife, Brazil. Engineering Structures. 2014
- Seismic safety analysis of the old portuguese cathedral in Safi, Morrocco. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2014
- The combination of geomatic approaches and operational modal analysis to improve calibration of finite element models: a case of study in Saint Torcato church (Guimarães, Portugal). Composite Structures. 2014
- Luiz Bandeira Bridge: Assessment of a Historical Reinforced Concrete (RC) Bridge. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2013
- Application of Taguchi method in optimizing fabrication of composite panels for interior dividing walls. Polymers & Polymer Composites. 2013
- Dynamic structural health monitoring of Saint Torcato church. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2013
- Tube jack testing for irregular masonry walls: prototype development and testing. Ndt & e International. 2013
- Continuous monitoring of concrete E-modulus since casting based on modal identification: A case study for in situ application. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2012
- Inspeção estrutural de uma chaminé do centro de formação avançada – Guimarães 2012
- Novos desenvolvimentos para ensaios em paredes de alvenaria de construções antigas 2012
- Seismic performance of the St. George of the Latins church: Lessons learned from studying masonry ruins. Engineering Structures. 2012
- Analysis of masonry structures without box behavior. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2011
- Desempenho sísmico de um minarete de alvenaria. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2011
- Operational modal analysis of historical constructions using commercial wireless platforms. Structural Health Monitoring. 2011
- Damage identification on arched masonry structures using ambient and random impact vibrations. Engineering Structures. 2010
- Moinhos de água e vento : um património esquecido 2010
- Monitoring historical masonry structures with operational modal analysis: Two case studies. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2010
- Land use changes in the Douro Valley and carbon emissions 2009
- Avaliação do desempenho sísmico de um minarete de alvenaria. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2009
- Identificação de dano em estruturas de alvenaria 2009
- Preservar o nosso património além fronteiras 2009
- Failure analysis of Monastery of Jerónimos, Lisbon: How to learn from sophisticated numerical models. Engineering Failure Analysis. 2007
- Characterization of cyclic behavior of dry masonry joints. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2004
- Modeling and vulnerability of historical city centers in seismic areas: A case study in Lisbon. Engineering Structures. 2004
- Análise das técnicas de construção pombalina e apreciação do estado de conservação estrutural do quarteirão do Martinho da Arcada. Engenharia Civil. 2000
capítulo de livro
- The Importance of ICT in Local Governments: Results from a Survey on the Characterization of the ICT Function in Portugal 2021
- Diagnosis and Structural Assessment of the Fortress and Convent of Ínsua de São Isidro. RILEM Bookseries. 2019
- Dynamic Identification of Historic Masonry Structures. Woodhead Publishing Series in Civil and Structural Engineering. 2019
- Estimation of Churches Frequencies Based on Simplified Geometry Parameters. RILEM Bookseries. 2019
- A Bio-inspired Framework for Highly Efficient Structural Health Monitoring and Vibration Analysis. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2018
- An inspection of three of Famagusta’s churches 2012
- Gaining insight into Tua railway line through interactive experiments 2012
- As paredes divisórias num sistema integrado de alvenaria estrutural em BTC 2011
- Dynamic identification and monitoring of cultural heritage buildings 2011
- Cathedral of Porto, Portugal : conservation works 2003-2008 2009
- Monastery of Salzedas (Portugal) : intervention in the cloister 2008
- Balancing Privacy at the Time of Pandemic: Observations from ICT Applications Across the Globe 2020
- Caracterização da função TIC/Informática nas câmaras municipais portuguesas 2019
- A pedra e as suas circunstâncias: exemplos da deterioração dos materiais graníticos em Almeida (Guarda, Portugal) 2017
- Perspetivas complementares de valorização do património em pedra em Almeida (Distrito da Guarda) 2017
- Bayesian approach to fuse NDT data to find dynamic elastic modulus of granite stone 2014
- Livro de Atas do Workshop "Construção e Reabilitação Sustentáveis - Soluções Eficientes para um Mercado em Crise" 2012
- Workshop construção e reabilitação sustentáveis: soluções eficientes para um mercado em crise: livro de atas 2012
- Ensaio de carga numa laje fungiforme de um pavilhão industrial 2010
- A excepcionalidade do poder geral de cautela no processo penal brasileiro [The exceptionality of the general power of caution in the Brazilian criminal process] 2007
- Desenvolvimento da cultura da propriedade intelectual na região de Santa Maria [Development of the intellectual property culture in the Santa Maria region] 2003
- A worldwide overview on the information security posture of online public services
- Biometric Technologies and the Law: Developing a Taxonomy for Guiding Policymakers. ArXiv.
- The application of sonic testing on double-leaf historical portuguese masonry to obtain morphology and mechanical properties 2019
- Continuing tradition: Farms in the northeast region of portugal 2015
- HLT Hilotec: self-building manual for sustainable housing 2014
- Multi-technique approach for the assessment of historical masonry constructions 2013
- Non-destructive tests for the structural assessment of a historical bridge over the Tua River 2013
- Gaining insight into Tua railway line through interactive experiments 2012
- Monastery of Salzedas (Portugal) : intervention in the cloister 2008
- O Uso de Tecnologias de Registro Distribuído (DLT) Como Ferramenta Para a Proteção de Direitos de Autor [The Use of Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) as a Tool for Copyright Protection] 2019
- Damage identification on masonry structures based on vibration signatures 2007
- Análise experimental e numérica de estruturas históricas de alvenaria 2002