publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Crowdfunding or crowdsourcing time: Exploring the willingness of private citizens to help prevent forest fires. Forest Policy and Economics. 2024
- Second-chance offers and buyer reputation systems: theory and evidence on auctions with default. The RAND Journal of Economics. 2023
- Forest bioenergy as a land and wildfire management tool: Economic valuation under different informational contexts. Energy Policy. 2022
- When does remote electronic access (not) boost productivity? Longitudinal evidence from Portugal. Information Economics and Policy. 2021
- Exploring the consistency of ethical perceptions by business and economics higher education students: Looking from academia towards the corporate world. International Journal of Management Education. 2021
- What you get is not what you paid for: new evidence from a lab experiment on negative externalities and information asymmetries. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. 2021
- The case for academic hazing as a rational choice: An economic approach. Economic Analysis and Policy. 2020
- Exploring the relation between cultural values and R&D investment under the behavioral theory of the firm. Journal of Small Business Strategy. 2020
- Overestimation of health urgency as a cause for emergency services inappropriate use: Insights from an exploratory economics experiment in Portugal. Educação & Sociedade. 2019
- Discrete-choice experiments valuing local environmental impacts of renewables: two approaches to a case study in Portugal. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 2018
artigo de conferência
artigo de revista
- Ageing (un)equally and (un)healthily: On the health status of Portuguese people aged 50+. Portuguese Journal of Social Science. 2021
- Explaining the Social Acceptance of Renewables through Location-Related Factors: An Application to the Portuguese Case. Healthcare. 2021
- How Relevant Are Non-Use Values and Perceptions in Economic Valuations? The Case of Hydropower Plants. Energies. 2019
- When Is Green Too Rosy? Evidence from a Laboratory Market Experiment on Green Goods and Externalities. Games. 2018
- Perceptions and valuation of GM food: A study on the impact and importance of information provision. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018
- Accounting for local impacts of photovoltaic farms: The application of two stated preferences approaches to a case-study in Portugal. Energy Policy. 2017
- On the behavioural relevance of optional and mandatory impure public goods. Journal of Economic Psychology. 2017
- Social sustainability of renewable energy sources in electricity production: An application of the contingent valuation method. Sustainable Cities and SocIETy. 2016
- Green Goods: Are They Good or Bad News for the Environment? Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment on Impure Public Goods. Environmental & Resource Economics. 2016
- UK evidence for the determinants of R&D intensity from a panel fsQCA. Journal of Business Research. 2016
- Using stated preference methods to assess environmental impacts of forest biomass power plants in Portugal. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 2016
- Ethical Differentiation and Consumption in an Incentivized Market Experiment. Review of Industrial Organization. 2015