publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Optimizing Segment Routing using Evolutionary Computation. Procedia Computer Science. 2017
- A framework for improving routing configurations using multi-objective optimization mechanisms. Journal of Communications Software and Systems. 2016
- Towards effective control of P2P traffic aggregates in network infrastructures. Journal of Communications Software and Systems. 2015
- A framework for highly reconfigurable P2P trackers. Journal of Communications Software and Systems. 2013
- Automatic provisioning of QoS aware OSPF configurations. Journal of Networks. 2007
- A framework for the development of tolerant real-time applications. Computer Networks. 1998
artigo de conferência
- Design and Implementation of IaaS Automation Processes in Cloud Environments,Desenho e Implementação de Processos de Automação de IaaS em Ambientes Cloud 2023
- Implementation and Performance Analysis of Collaborative Peer-to-Peer Video-on-Demand Systems 2023
- A Routing Approach in SDN Environments,Uma Abordagem de Encaminhamento de Tráfego em Redes SDN 2022
- Allocation and migration of microservices in SDN-based vehicular fog networks 2022
- An ISP Controlled P2P Overlay Network for Content Sharing 2022
- Optimizing NFV deployment in Segment Routing,Otimização de implementações NFV em Segment Routing 2021
- Traffic Optimization at the Application Layer-A Cooperative Approach: The tussle between applications and the physical network infrastructure, and the Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) system as solution 2021
- An Efficient and Automated P2P Overlay System for Network Monitoring. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2020
- Microservices mobility in datacenters supported by Software Defined Networking,Mobilidade de microservicos em centros de dados suportada por Software Defined Networking. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2020
- Traffic Optimization at the Application Level Proof of concept, development and usefulness evaluation of the ALTO solution. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2020
- A P2P overlay system for network anomaly detection in ISP infrastructures. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2019
- Comparative study of software-defined networking (SDN) traffic controllers,Estudo Comparativo de Controladores Software-Defined Networking (SDN). Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2019
- Hybrid IP/SDN Routing for Inter-Data Center Communications. IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking. 2019
- An application for traffic analysis and optimization of network infrastructures,Plataforma para Análise de Tráfego e Optimização de Infraestruturas de Comunicação. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2018
- Protocolar extension for reliable communications in IoT environments,Extensão Protocolar para Comunicação Fiável em Ambientes IoT. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2018
- Segment routing single link failure congestion optimization 2018
- Evolutionary computation at work for the optimization of link state routing protocols 2017
- A simulation framework for testing collaborative P2P/ISP traffic engineering mechanisms 2014
- Evolutionary symbiotic feature selection for email spam detection 2012
- Interoperability and portability of cloud service enablers in a PaaS environment 2012
- Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms for intradomain routing optimization 2011
- A collaborative approach for spam detection 2010
- Flexible peer selection mechanisms for future internet applications 2009
- Symbiotic Data Mining for personalized spam filtering 2009
- An evolutionary algorithm for unicast/ multicast traffic engineering 2008
- Forecasting internet traffic by neural networks under univariate and multivariate strategies 2008
- Improving QoS guarantees through implicit AC. IEEE IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium. 2008
- Enhancing QoS metrics estimation in multiclass networks 2007
- Evolutionary computation for quality of service internet routing optimization. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2007
- Internet traffic forecasting using neural networks 2006
- QoS constrained internet routing with evolutionary algorithms 2006
- Improving the quality and reliability of traffic differentiation in IP networks. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. 2004
- End-to-end delay differentiation of IP traffic aggregates using priority queuing models 2002
artigo de revista
- A comparison of multi-objective optimization algorithms for weight setting problems in traffic engineering. Natural Computing. 2022
- Traffic Engineering With Three-Segments Routing. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. 2020
- An adaptable and ISP-friendly multicast overlay network. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications. 2018
- Towards automated test and validation of SIP solutions. Telecommunication Systems. 2016
- PaaS manager: A platform-as-a-service aggregation framework. Computer Science and Information Systems. 2014
- Email spam detection: A symbiotic feature selection approach fostered by evolutionary computation. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making. 2013
- An integrated approach to develop professional and technical skills for Informatics Engineering Students. European Journal of Engineering Education. 2012
- Multi-scale Internet traffic forecasting using neural networks and time series methods. Electronics. 2012
- Symbiotic filtering for spam email detection. Expert Systems with Applications. 2011
- Enabling heterogeneous mobility in Android Devices. Mobile Networks & Applications. 2011
- Quality of Service constrained routing optimization using Evolutionary Computation. Applied Soft Computing. 2011
capítulo de livro
- Optimizing Load Balancing Routing Mechanisms with Evolutionary Computation. Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. 2016
- An automated framework for the management of P2P traffic in ISP infrastructures 2016
- Automated network resilience optimization using computational intelligence methods 2016
- Comparison of Single and Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Robust Link-state Routing 2016
- Estimating and controlling the traffic impact of a collaborative P2P system 2014
- A framework for robust traffic engineering using evolutionary computation 2013
- A platform-as-a-service API aggregator 2013
- Robust optimization of intradomain routing using Evolutionary Algorithms 2013
- Traffic engineering approaches in P2P environments 2013
- Heterogeneous mobility in next generation devices: An android-based case study 2012
- Traffic engineering approaches using multicriteria optimization techniques 2011
- Spam email filtering using network-level properties 2010
- Automated and distributed network service monitoring 2009
- Context aware programmable trackers for the next generation internet 2009
- Multiconstrained optimization of networks with multicast and unicast traffic 2008
- Class-based OSPF traffic engineering inspired on evolutionary computation 2007
- Providing consistent service levels in IP networks 2007
- Topology aware internet traffic forecasting using neural networks 2007
- Efficient OSPF weight allocation for intra-domain QoS optimization 2006
- Enhancing delay differentiation semantics of class-based IP networks 2004
- Scheduling time-sensitive IP traffic 2003
- Tuning delay differentiation in IP networks using priority Queueing models 2002