publicações selecionadas
artigo de conferência
- Impact behaviour of hybrid carbon/flax fiber reinforced composites 2019
- Mechanical performance of composite materials developed using novel re-entrant star auxetic fibrous architectures 2019
- Novel High Performance Auxetic Fibrous Structures for Composite Reinforcement. Biomedical Materials. 2018
- Characterization of auxetic and mechanical behaviours of auxetic composites developed using star knitted structures 2018
- Natural fibre based advanced auxetic structures for technical applications 2017
- Hyperelastic modelling of cork-polyurethane gel composites: non-linear FEA implementation in 3D foot model. Key Engineering Materials. 2008
- Influence of the interaction potential parameters on the mechanical response of simulated semi-crystalline polymeric materials. Key Engineering Materials. 2006
artigo de revista
- Finite element modelling of thermoplastic matrix composite gas cylinders. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials. 2008
- Controlled delivery achieved with bi-layer matrix devices produced by co-injection moulding. Acta Biomaterialia. 2004
- MPCVD diamond tool cutting-edge coverage: dependence on the side wedge angle. Diamond and Related Materials. 2001
- Comparação de peças obtidas por injeção em condições reais com resultados obtidos por simulação FEM em Moldflow 2018
- Desenvolvimento de assistente na preparação de modelos para Moldflow 2017
- Estudo experimental e numérico da interação fluido-estrutura em embalagens de ketchup 2017
- A modelling approach for 3D braid reinforced composites under non-axial loading 2014
- Constitutive modelling of cork-polyurethane gel composites 2009
- Direct visualization and on-line monitoring in injection moulding 2008
- Integração geométrica e uma aplicação à dinâmica molecular 2007