publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Improving damage detection by combining multiple classifiers in different feature spaces. Engineering Structures. 2024
- Insertion loss prediction of sonic crystal noise barriers covered by porous concrete using the Method of Fundamental Solutions. Applied Acoustics. 2023
- Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Wooden Sonic Crystals Applied as Noise Barriers. Environments. 2023
- Experimental Analysis and Simulation of a Porous Absorbing Layer for Noise Barriers. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Broadband low-frequency bidimensional honeycomb lattice metastructure based on the coupling of subwavelength resonators. Applied Acoustics. 2022
- A Simple Method to Estimate the In Situ Performance of Noise Barriers. Applied Sciences. 2022
- On the Use of Perforated Sound Absorption Systems for Variable Acoustics Room Design. Bioengineering. 2021
- Proposal of numerical models to predict the diffuse field sound absorption of finite sized porous materials – BEM and FEM approaches. Applied Acoustics. 2021
- Vibrations induced by railway traffic in buildings: Experimental validation of a sub-structuring methodology based on 2.5D FEM-MFS and 3D FEM. Engineering Structures. 2021
- Improving the sound absorption behaviour of porous concrete using embedded resonant structures. Journal of Building Engineering. 2021
- Experimental validation of a simplified soil-structure interaction approach for the prediction of vibrations in buildings due to railway traffic. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2021
- Negative selection algorithm based methodology for online structural health monitoring. Engineering Structures. 2021
- Correlation between objective and subjective assessment of noise barriers. Applied Acoustics. 2021
- Normal incidence sound insulation provided by Sonic Crystal Acoustic Screens made from rigid scatterers – assessment of different simulation methods. Acta Acustica. 2021
- Performance assessment of a bio-inspired anomaly detection algorithm for unsupervised SHM: application to a Manueline masonry church. International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation (IJMRI). 2020
- Acoustic behavior of porous concrete. Characterization by experimental and inversion methods. Materiales de Construcción. 2019
- 3D FEM analysis of the effect of buried phononic crystal barriers on vibration mitigation. Engineering Structures. 2019
- Perforated panel absorbers with micro-perforated partitions. Applied Acoustics. 2019
- Numerical modelling of finite periodic arrays of acoustic resonators using an efficient 3D BEM model. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2019
- The method of fundamental solutions for the analysis of infinite 3D sonic crystals. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2019
- Experimental validation of a FEM-MFS hybrid numerical approach for vibro-acoustic prediction. Applied Acoustics. 2018
- On the application of continuous buried periodic inclusions on the filtering of traffic vibrations: A numerical study. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2018
- Assessment of methods to study the acoustic properties of heterogeneous perforated panel absorbers. Applied Acoustics. 2018
- An Efficient MFS Formulation for the Analysis of Acoustic Scattering by Periodic Structures. Journal of Computational Acoustics. 2018
- Acoustic screening effect on building fac¸ades due to parking lines in urban environments. Effects in noise mapping. Applied Acoustics. 2018
- An Overview on Structural Health Monitoring: From the Current State-of-the-Art to New Bio-inspired Sensing Paradigms. International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation. 2018
- MFS analysis of the vibration filtering effect of periodic structures in elastic media. International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements. 2018
- Prediction of Vibrations and Reradiated Noise Due to Railway Traffic: A Comprehensive Hybrid Model Based on a Finite Element Method and Method of Fundamental Solutions Approach. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics - ASME. 2017
- Modeling of grooved acoustic panels. Applied Acoustics. 2017
- Métodos numéricos para el estudio NVH de vehículos eléctricos e híbridos. Revista de Acústica. 2016
- 2.5D MFS-FEM model for the prediction of vibrations due to underground railway traffic. Engineering Structures. 2015
- Meshless analysis of soil-structure interaction using an MFS-MLPG coupled approach. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2015
- A finite element model of perforated panel absorbers including viscothermal effects. Applied Acoustics. 2015
- 3D numerical modelling of acoustic horns using the method of fundamental solutions. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2015
- Numerical Analysis of Acoustic Barriers with a Diffusive Surface Using a 2.5D Boundary Element Model. Journal of Computational Acoustics. 2015
- 3D Analysis of the Sound Reduction Provided by Protective Surfaces Around a Noise Source. International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 2014
- 2.5D and 3D green's functions for acoustic wedges: Image source technique versus a normal mode approach. Journal of Computational Acoustics. 2013
- A coupled MFS-FEM model for 2-D dynamic soil-structure interaction in the frequency domain. Computers & Structures. 2013
- A Numerical MFS Model for Computational Analysis of Acoustic Horns. Acta Acustica united with Acustica. 2012
- Simulation of sound absorption in 2D thin elements using a coupled BEM/TBEM formulation in the presence of 3D sources. International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications. 2012
- Using a Dual-BEM formulation to model the sound pressure wavefield provided by absorbing thin screens attached to the walls of a duct. WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation. 2012
- 3D Multi-Domain MFS Analysis of Sound Pressure Level Reduction Between Connected Enclosures. Archives of Acoustics. 2011
- A Hybrid Analytical-Numerical Model Based on the Method of Fundamental Solutions for the Analysis of Sound Scattering by Buried Shell Structures. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2011
- Solution of time-domain acoustic wave propagation problems using a RBF interpolation model with "a priori" estimation of the free parameter. Wave Motion. 2011
- Simulation of the acoustic performance of elastic membranes using an MFS approach. 39th International Congress on Noise Control Engineering 2010, INTER-NOISE 2010. 2010
- Numerical Simulation of Ground Rotations along 2D Topographical Profiles under the Incidence of Elastic Plane Waves. Bulletin of the Seismological SocIETy of America. 2009
- Simulation of wave propagation in a fluid-filled borehole embedded in a cracked medium using a coupled BEM/TBEM formulation. Bulletin of the Seismological SocIETy of America. 2009
- A 2.5D traction boundary elements metjpd formulation applied to the study of wave propagation in a fluid layer hosting a thin riged body. Journal of Computational Acoustics. 2008
- Sound pressure level attenuation provided by thin rigid screens coupled to tall buildings. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2007
- Wave propagation around thin structures using the MFS. Computers, Materials & Continua. 2007
- Wave propagation in cracked elastic slabs and half-space domains-TBEM and MFS approaches. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2007
- 3D elastic wave propagation modelling in the presence of 2D fluid-filled thin inclusions. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements. 2006
- The simulation of 3D elastic scattering produced by thin rigid inclusions using the traction boundary element method. Computers & Structures. 2006
- Wave propagation in the presence of empty cracks in an elastic medium. Computational Mechanics. 2006
- Cheias em Áreas Urbanas: a zona de intervenção do Programa Polis em Coimbra. Territorium. 2005
- Effect of thin rigid screens on sound propagation in the vicinity of tall buildings. 12th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2005, ICSV 2005. 2005
- Scattering of 3D acoustic waves by cracks using two different boundary elements formulations. International Series on Advances in Boundary Elements. 2004
- Sudden bed changes and wave-current interactions in coastal regions. Advances in Engineering Software. 2002
- Escoamentos unidimensionais com superfície livre: análise comparativa de métodos numéricos com ênfase no tratamento dos termos fonte. Recursos Hídricos. 2001
artigo de conferência
- Estudo Numérico De Soluções Otimizadas De Absorção Sonora Multicamada Para Mitigação De Ruído Ferroviário 2023
- In-situ acoustic characterization of porous materials using a PU-probe 2023
- Numerical study of symmetric hexagonal acoustic metasurface for sound transmission loss under normal incidence 2023
- Modelling the sound transmission properties of a side branch acoustic metamaterial using rigid frame porous model 2023
- Finite element modelling of the sound transmission properties of a symmetric meta-absorber composed by sided branch Helmholtz resonators 2023
- Diferentes métodos para avaliar o desempenho de barreiras para mitigação de ruído ferroviário 2022
- Retrieval method approach for a double-negative acoustic metamaterial composed by discontinued coupling of Helmholtz resonators 2022
- Different Methods For Evaluating The Performance Of Barriers For Railway Noise Mitigation 2022
- Improving damage identification reliability by combining classification on distinct feature spaces 2022
- Acoustic absorption of porous concrete - normal incidence vs diffuse field conditions 2021
- Low-frequency sound transmission loss of honeycomb metastructure with in-parallel arrangement of Helmholtz resonators 2021
- On the use of a variable acoustic solution with perforated panels for a multi-purpose auditorium 2021
- Sound absorption evaluated by analytical and experimental approaches of a variable acoustic solution composed of a multi-layer acoustic absorber 2021
- Experimental and numerical investigations of ventilated acoustic metamaterial based in-parallel arrangement of Helmholtz resonators for façade screens 2021
- Numerical modelling of sonic crystal noise barriers with absorbing scatterers 2021
- Application of a classification algorithm to the early-stage damage detection of a masonry arch. EURODYN. 2020
- Análise do desempenho acústico de barreiras de cristais sónicos através de modelação numérica 3D 2020
- Desempenho acústico de um painel reconfigurável para um auditório multiusos 2020
- Erasmus Mundus Joint Master degree in Acoustics: WAVES 2020
- La altura del micrófono en mediciones acústicas en entornos urbanos 2020
- Numerical evaluation of visco-thermal losses using the method of fundamental solutions 2020
- Experimental and numerical modelling of Helmholtz Resonator with angled neck aperture 2020
- Acoustic properties of porous concrete - Experiments and modelling 2020
- Damage detection and optimal sensor placement in health monitoring of "Collegiata di Santa Maria" in Visso (Central Italy) 2019
- 3D analysis of sonic crystal structures with absorbing scatterers 2019
- Effect of embedded resonators in sound insulation panels - A numerical study 2019
- Influence of the material in the acoustic performance of optimized RBF-based shape diffusers 2019
- Overcoming the Coincidence Effect of a Single Panel by Introducing and Tuning Locally Resonant Structures 2019
- Perception of noise annoyance reduction associated with acoustic screens 2019
- Simple method to predict the performance of Noise Barriers 2019
- Sound absorption assessment of variable perforated shapes for room acoustic design 2019
- Study of analytical and numerical models for diffuse field sound absorption prediction according to the porous panel dimensions 2019
- Painéis com incorporação de micro-ressoadores - Estudo numérico e de materialização 2019
- Análise experimental do comportamento fono-absorvente de painéis microperfurados em MDF 2018
- Contributo para uma abordagem baseada em computação natural para monitorização estrutural 2018
- A numerical study on the behavior of partition panels with micro-resonator-type metamaterials 2018
- An experimental study of the influence of moisture content in acoustic absorption of porous concrete 2018
- Avaliação experimental do desempenho de difusores curvilíneos baseados em funções de base radial e optimizados utilizando algoritmos genéticos 2018
- Desenvolvimento de um campo experimental para a análise e previsão de vibrações e ruído re-radiado induzidos por tráfego ferroviário 2018
- Effect of buried phononic crystal barriers in stratified medium 2018
- Experimental evaluation and theoretical representation of consolidated granular materials for noise control 2018
- Mejora del estudio comparativo sobre métodos de simulación para la evaluación del rendimiento acústico proporcionado por estructuras periódicas 2018
- Microperforated panel absorbers with porous partitions: a preliminary study 2018
- Particle Swarm Optimization for damage identification in beam-like structures 2018
- Sobre la percepción de la reducción de la molestia por ruidos asociada a las pantallas acústicas 2018
- Validação de um método numérico FEM periódico para análise de vibrações induzidas por acção humana 2018
- A numerical study on the shielding performance of a periodic vibration protection device 2018
- Numerical analysis of the shielding effect provided by periodic elastic scatterers 2018
- Mitigation of vibrations induced by railway traffic though soil burried inclusions: A numerical study 2018
- Numerical study of a buried periodic device for vibration protection 2018
- Application of a bio-inspired anomaly detection algorithm for unsupervised SHM of a historic masonry church 2018
- Acoustic behaviour of 3D periodic structures composed by perforated Resonators 2017
- Desenvolvimento de modelo nume´rico BEM 2D para estudo da absorc¸a~o sonora de materias porosos com superfi´cies irregulares 2017
- Design and optimization of sound diffusers using RBF-based shapes and genetic algorithms 2017
- Experimental evaluation of sound absorption of microperforated MDF panels 2017
- Mitigation of vibrations induced by railway traffic though soil burried inclusions: A numerical study 2017
- Modeling of heterogeneous perforated panels 2017
- Performance of sound diffusers in the low frequency range 2017
- Preliminary experimental validation of FEM-MFS approach for prediction of re-radiated noise 2017
- Simulación numérica del ruido generado por una scooter eléctrica 2017
- Mitigation of vibrations and re-radiated noise in buildings generated by railway traffic: a parametric study 2017
- A numerical study of the vibration filtering effect of periodic structures 2017
- Numerical modelling the acoustic behaviour of a large periodic set of resonators by an efficient 3D BEM model 2017
- Selection of microphone location, measurement uncertainty and calculated noise maps 2017
- Influência de pequenas variações geométricas no desempenho acústico de difusores 2017
- An overview on nature-inspired optimization algorithms for Structural Health Monitoring of historical buildings. Procedia Engineering. 2017
- Laboratory and full-scale experimental evaluation of the acoustic behaviour of sonic crystal noise barriers. 2016
- Laboratory and full-scale experimental evaluation of the acoustic behaviour of sonic crystal noise barriers 2016
- RBF-based shapes optimized with genetic algorithms for sound diffusion 2016
- The MFS as a tool for the numerical analysis of vibration protection devices 2016
- Experimental and numerical analysis of sustainable sonic crystal barriers based on timber logs. 2016
- A numerical procedure to evaluate vibrations and re-radiated noise in buildings generated by railway traffic 2016
- An overview of the absorptive properties of microperforated panels 2016
- Modeling of perforated panels with slit-like dead-end pores 2016
- Prediction of Vibrations due to Underground Railway Traffic through a 2.5 D MFS-FEM Approach 2016
- Experimental and numerical analysis of sustainable sonic crystal barriers based on timber logs 2016
- Sound diffusion provided by sonic crystal structures - Experimental and numerical results 2016
- Analysis and detectability in urban environments of AVAS for EVs and HEVs 2015
- Estudo da influência do material constituinte no desempenho de difusores QRD 2015
- Metodologías de muestreo para el diseño de señales de advertencia en vehículos eléctricos 2015
- Utilização de um modelo 3D ACA-BEM em problemas de propagação de ruído de tráfego 2015
- An efficient and accurate numerical model for the 3D analysis of sonic crystals 2015
- Behaviour of mixed absorptive-diffusive panels based in pseudo-random sequences 2015
- On the use of periodic arrays of timber logs as a sustainable noise mitigation solution 2015
- Study and adequacy of warning sounds in electric vehicles 2015
- A comparison between different methods for the assessment of airborne sound insulation in construction elements 2015
- Evaluation of the sound transmission loss using an impedance tube – The effect of sample’s support conditions 2015
- Acoustic performance of microperforated MDF panels – An experimental study 2014
- Numerical modeling of diffusive acoustic barriers 2014
- Sustainable insulation composite plasterboard solution – Acoustic laboratorial characterization 2014
- Reabilitação Acústica e Higrotérmica de Edifícios com Placa GYPCORK - Avaliação do desempenho em laboratório 2014
- Aplicación y desarrollo de nuevas configuraciones de diseño en barreras acústicas mediante difusores QRD 2014
- Desempenho acústico de painéis microperfurados em MDF – Um estudo experimental 2014
- Insertion loss provided by sonic crystal type barrier – Experimental and numerical evaluaton on a reduced scale model 2014
- Metodologia automatizada para análise laboratorial do desempenho acústico de elementos de construção 2014
- Un modelo numérico de paneles perforados absorbentes con diferentes formas de orificio 2014
- Low visual impact sound reduction wood barriers 2014
- 2.5D Modeling of soil-structure interaction using a coupled MFS-FEM formulation 2014
- Caracterização de cortiça projectada em emulsão 2014
- Insertion loss provided by a periodic structure – Numerical and experimental evaluation. 2013
- Insertion loss provided by a periodic structure – Numerical and experimental evaluation 2013
- Modelação numérica 3D do comportamento de cornetas acústicas 2013
- Numerical study of sound absorption by perforated panels 2013
- Reduction of vibrations transmitted through the soil by multiple buried inclusions - Numerical analysis 2013
- 3D Numerical modelling of acoustic horns by the Method of Fundamental Solutions 2013
- Meshless analysis of soil-structure interaction using a MFS-MLPG coupled approach 2013
- Análise numérica da redução sonora proporcionada por um dispositivo de proteção junto da fachada de um edifício 2012
- Desempenho acústico de soluções multicamada em paredes incorporando placas de gesso laminado 2012
- Análise da absorção sonora de painéis ranhurados e perfurados incorporando espumas sintéticas 2012
- Computational analysis of acoustic horns using an MFS model 2012
- A Hybrid Approach for Modelling Wave Propagation near Hollow Elastic Pipelines 2012
- Comportamento de painéis ranhurados e perfurados incorporando espumas sintéticas 2012
- Simulation of Sound Absorption in 2D Thin Elements Using a Coupled BEM/TBEM Formulation in the Presence of 3D Sources 2012
- Argamassas industriais com incorporação de granulado de cortiça 2012
- Avaliação do comportamento acústico de painéis ressonantes incorporando telas acústicas 2011
- A local RBF interpolation algorithm for time-domain acoustic modelling 2011
- Atenuação da pressão sonora gerada por barreiras absorventes numa conduta de ar usando uma formulação BEM-Dual 2011
- Using a Dual-BEM formulation to model the sound pressure wavefield provided by absorbing thin screens attached to the walls of a duct 2011
- 3D MFS analysis of SPL reduction between coupled enclosures 2011
- Influence of the presence of lining materials in the acoustic behaviour of perforated panel systems 2011
- A Local Radial Basis Function Interpolation Model to Simulate Time-Domain Acoustic Wave Propagation 2010
- Sound Emission from a Three-Dimensional Enclosure with an Opening using a Boundary Element Method 2010
- Simulation of the acoustic performance of elastic membranes using an MFS approach 2010
- Modelação da propagação de ondas num furo de prospecção intersectado por uma fissura 2009
- A meshless model for 3D sound propagation through acoustic attenuators and expansion chambers 2009
- Análise da propagação tridimensional do som entre dois espaços fechados usando um método sem malha 2008
- Câmaras móveis ITeCons para a realização de ensaios acústicos: Parte I – Descrição e projecto das câmaras 2008
- Câmaras móveis ITeCons para a realização de ensaios acústicos: Parte II – Preparação e caracterização das câmaras horizontais 2008
- Câmaras móveis ITeCons para a realização de ensaios acústicos: Parte III – Preparação e caracterização das câmaras verticais 2008
- Simulation of sound propagation between two closed spaces using the Method of Fundamental Solutions 2008
- A utilização de palas rígidas finas no exterior de um edifício alto como elementos de protecção contra o ruído 2007
- Wave propagation in the presence of empty cracks in elastic slabs – TBEM and MFS Formulations 2007
- Convergência de funções de Green para uma camada acústica quando aplicadas numa formulação TBEM 2006
- 3D Wave scattering by 2D cracks in a half-space elastic medium 2006
- 3D wave field scattered by thin elastic bodies buried in an elastic medium using the Traction Boundary Element Method 2006
- Modelling transient heat transfer through a thin solid conductor 2005
- Wave propagation in the vicinity of a fluid-filled borehole in an elastic medium containing empty cracks 2005
- 3D Wave scattering by acoustic screens and cracks embedded in acoustic and elastic media, making use of the Traction Boundary Element Method 2005
- Formulação do método dos elementos fronteira em tracções aplicada ao cálculo do campo de ondas reflectido por fracturas preenchidas por um fluido inseridas num meio elástico 2005
- Modelação da pressão sonora em redor de ecrãs de espessura reduzida inseridos numa camada acústica 2005
- Pressure wave scattering by thin rigid screens in an acoustic waveguide 2005
- Using the Traction Boundary Element Method to evaluate the wave field scattered by fluid-filled fractures in an elastic medium 2005
- 3D Elastic scattering by empty cracks using the traction boundary element method 2005
- Effect of thin rigid screens on sound propagation in the vicinity of tall buildings 2005
- Evaluation of 3D elastic wave scattering by rigid cracks using the Traction Boundary Element Method 2004
- Resolução de problemas acústicos através de diferentes formulações de elementos fronteira 2004
- Scattering of 3D acoustic waves by cracks using two different boundary elements formulations 2004
- Wave hydrodynamics over a barred beach 2001
- Medições de Campos de Velocidades num Escoamento Oscilatório sobre um Fundo com Rugas 1999
- Modelação integrada das potenciais causas e consequências da ruptura de uma barragem 1998
- Análise preliminar dos processos morfodinâmicos resultantes da ruptura de uma barragem 1997
- Numerical Visualization of Gravity Surface Waves’ Generation and Propagation 1995
artigo de revista
capítulo de livro
- Improving Damage Identification Reliability by Combining Classification on Distinct Feature Spaces 2024
- A Bio-inspired Framework for Highly Efficient Structural Health Monitoring and Vibration Analysis. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2018
- Annex 4C - Numerical prediction of the sound field produced by the alerting system of EVs and HVs using the BEM 2016
- Modelação Numérica de Cheias Fluviais e Urbanas na Bacia do Mondego 2013
- Performance of the MFS in the computation of seismic motion and rotation 2008
- LIFE4STONE - Valorização de resíduos e subprodutos da transformação da pedra natural para produtos de construção 2021
- Low visual impact sound reduction wood barriers 2014
- Comportamento de painéis ranhurados e perfurados incorporando espumas sintéticas 2012
- O Departamento de Engenharia Civil da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra 2011
- Métodos Numéricos em Engenharia 2011. Numerical Methods in Engineering 2011 2011
- Rotational Ground Motion at Topographical Features for Incident Elastic Waves Using Boundary Integral Formulations 2007
- Dipole Logging in Fractured Formation via TBEM 2006
- Grupo de trabalho para análise das cheias no Baixo Mondego no Inverno de 2000/2001 2001