publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Experimental and Analytical Study of the High-Strain Rate Flexural Behavior of SFRC. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2024
- A novel design model for predicting the shear resistance of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with EBR-CFRP systems. Composite Structures. 2024
- Design-oriented stress–strain model for RC columns with dual FRP- steel confinement mechanism. Composite Structures. 2024
- Stress-Strain Model for FRP-Confined Circular Concrete Columns Developing Structural Softening Behavior. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2024
- A novel analytical framework for assessing the impact response of SFRC beam. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 2023
- Fire behaviour of reinforced concrete slab strips strengthened with prestressed NSM-CFRP laminates. Engineering Structures. 2023
- Unified Compressive Strength and Strain Ductility Models for Fully and Partially FRP-Confined Circular, Square, and Rectangular Concrete Columns. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2023
- Global Resistance Methods for the Design of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (FRC) Beams with Material Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis. Bioengineering. 2023
- A new model for predicting the shear strength of RC beams strengthened with externally bonded FRP sheets. Composite Structures. 2023
- Two-dimensional integrated mixed-mode smeared crack model for simulating FRC structures. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2023
- Analytical model to predict axial stress-strain behavior of heat-damaged unreinforced concrete columns wrapped by FRP jacket. Engineering Structures. 2023
- Experimental and Numerical Investigation on the Behavior of a New Replaceable Steel Device Used in Self-Centering Prefabricated Shear Wall. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2023
- Experimental and analytical study of the high-strain-rate compressive behavior of SFRC. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 2023
- Stress–strain model for FRP confined heat-damaged concrete columns. Fire Safety Journal. 2023
- Analysis-oriented model for partially FRP-and-steel-confined circular RC columns under compression. Engineering Structures. 2023
- Experimental assessment of the thermo-mechanical bond behavior of NSM CFRP with cement-based adhesives. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2023
- Curvature-based analysis of concrete beams reinforced with steel bars and fibres. Journal of Structural Engineering and Mechanics. 2022
- 'Reforço de estruturas de betão com sistemas frp: regulamentação mais recente' / Strengthening of concrete structures with frp systems: latest regulations (in Portuguese). Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2021
- Analytical Model to Predict Dilation Behavior of FRP Confined Circular Concrete Columns Subjected to Axial Compressive Loading. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2020
- A multiscale model for optimizing the flexural capacity of FRC structural elements. Engineering Structures. 2020
- A computational model for simulation of steel fibre reinforced concrete with explicit fibres and cracks. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2020
- A new hybrid strengthening technique for increasing the load carrying capacity of rectangular reinforced concrete columns subjected to eccentric compressive loading. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2020
- Constitutive model for fibre reinforced concrete by coupling the fibre and aggregate interlock resisting mechanisms. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2020
- New openings in unreinforced masonry walls under in-plane loads: a numerical and experimental study. International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation (IJMRI). 2020
- Efeito do envelhecimento acelerado sobre as propriedades de microconcreto reforçado com fibras longas de sisal 2019
- Comportamento de lajes de betão armado reforçadas à flexão usando a técnica NSM com laminados de CFRP pré-tensionados 2016
- Protótipo de Edifício de Habitação e Comércio em Betão Auto-compactável Reforçado com Fibra de Aço. Revista Concreto e Construções. 2015
- Simulação do contributo dos mecanismos de reforço de fibras de aço para a resistência ao punçoamento de lajes fungiformes. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2015
- Model to simulate the contribution of fiber reinforcement for the punching resistance of RC slabs. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2014
- Polymer and cement-based fiber-reinforced composite materials for sandwich slabs. BFT International. 2014
- The EnCoRe project: an international network for sustainable concrete. Routes & Transports. 2014
- A model to simulate the contribution of fibre reinforcement for the punching resistance of RC slabs. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE. 2013
- Conference report : FRPRCS11-11th International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Polymer for Reinforced Concrete Structures 2013
- FRPRCS11-11th International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Polymer for Reinforced Concrete Structures. IIFC FRP International, The official newsletter of the IIF for FRP in Construction. 2013
- Flexural and shear strengthening of reinforced concrete elements. IIFC FRP International, The official newsletter of the IIF for FRP in Construction. 2013
- Steel bar–concrete bond behaviour in the context of the ETS shear strengthening technique for RC beams. Revista Ingeniería civil sostenible y urbanismo. 2013
- BEFIB2012-An overview. Structural Concrete, Journal of the fib. 2012
- Bond Behavior between Concrete and Multi-Directional CFRP Laminates Using the MF-EBR Strengthening Technique. Advanced Materials Research. 2012
- Experimental and numerical study of strengthened single storey brick building under torsional moment. International Journal of Civil Engineering. 2012
- Exploring the possibilities of fibre reinforced concrete for the flexural strengthening of ancient handmade brick based arch-type structures. International Journal of Architectural Heritage Conservation, Analysis, and Restoration. 2012
- Parametric Study of the Use of Strain Softening/Hardening FRC for RC Elements Failing in Bending. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2012
- Reforço de elementos de betão armado com recurso a laminados de CFRP multidirecionais. Construção magazine : revista profissional arquitectura e engenharia. 2012
- Seismic Retrofit of RC Beam-Column Joints Using the MF-EBR Strengthening Technique. Advanced Materials Research. 2012
- CFRP flexural and shear strengthening technique for RC beams : experimental and numerical research. Advances in Structural Engineering. 2011
- Development of a pedestrian bridge with GFRP profiles and fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete deck. Composite Structures. 2011
- Estudo comparativo de diferentes técnicas no reforço à flexão de vigas de betão armado com recurso a CFRP’s sob acções monotónicas e de fadiga. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2011
- Experimental behaviour of RC beams shear strengthened with NSM CFRP laminates. Strain. 2011
- Materiais compósitos no reforço ao corte de vigas de betão armado / Composite materials for the shear strenghtening of RC beams. CasaisNews 24. 2011
- Reliability analysis of shear strengthening EBR FRP models. Structures and Buildings Journal. 2011
- Bond Between Concrete and Multi-Directional CFRP Laminates. Advanced Materials Research. 2010
- Bond Model of NSM-FRP Strips in the Context of the Shear Strengthening of RC Beams. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2009
- CFRP-Based Strengthening Technique to Increase the Flexural and Energy Dissipation Capacities of RC Columns. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2009
- Cost competitive steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete for structural applications. The Indian Concrete Journal (ICJ). 2009
- NSM CFRP Strips for Shear Strengthening of RC Beams: Tests and Mechanical Model. Open Construction and Building Technology Journal. 2009
- NSM CFRP laminates for shear strengthening of RC beams : tests and mechanical model 2009
- Near surface mounted CFRP strips for the flexural strengthening of RC columns : experimental and numerical research. Engineering Structures. 2008
- Análise das alterações ventilatórias e hemodinâmicas com utilização de ventilação mecânica não-invasiva com binível pressórico em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca congestiva 2007
- Experimental characterization of a new reinforced brick masonry shell structural system. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings. 2007
- Fibras de aço no reforço de elementos estruturais : aplicação em aduelas pré-fabricadas. Proceedings of SPIE. 2007
- Materiais compósitos no reforço de estruturas de betão : parte I : propriedades e técnicas. Proceedings of SPIE. 2007
- Nova abordagem no reforço de estruturas com materiais compósitos. Proceedings of SPIE. 2007
- Flexural behavior of reinforced masonry panels. Structural Journal. 2006
- SU-8 microfluidic mixer for use in lab-on-a-chip devices for biological fluids analyses. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology. 2006
- Analisi, prove e tecnologia costruttiva delle volte industrializzate in muratura armata 2005
- Analisi, prove e tecnologia costruttiva delle volte industrializzate in muratura armata (Análises, ensaios e tecnologia construtiva de abóbadas industrializadas em alvenaria armada). Revista Construire in Laterizio. 2005
- Cascas em alvenaria cerâmica armada : um exemplo de construção pré-fabricada. Engenharia e Vida, Engenharia Civil, Construção e Desenvolvimento. 2005
- Cascas em alvenaria cerâmica armada : uma forma pré-fabricada de se construir. Proceedings of SPIE. 2005
- Experimental investigation of bricks under uniaxial tensile testing. Masonry International. 2005
- Experimental research of a new CFRP-based shear strengthening technique for reinforced concrete beams. IBRACON Structural Journal. 2005
- Testing, analysis and building technology for industrialized reinforced masonry shells 2005
- Verificação experimental de uma nova técnica de reforço ao corte com CFRP para vigas de betão armado. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2005
- Betão autocompactável reforçado com fibras de aço : método de concepção e propriedades mecânicas. Proceedings of SPIE. 2004
- Confinamento parcial e total de provetes cilíndricos de betão com CFRP. Proceedings of SPIE. 2004
- Desempenho de distintas técnicas de reforço ao corte de vigas de betão armado com compósitos de CFRP. Proceedings of SPIE. 2004
- Proposta de uma técnica de reforço ao corte com CFRP. Proceedings of SPIE. 2004
- Comportamento de vigas de betão armado de secção oca submetidas a flexão, corte e torção. Proceedings of SPIE. 2003
- s-e-Design Method. Materials and Structures. 2003
- Análise experimental de tensões em laminados de fibras de carbono. Mecânica Experimental. 2002
- Avaliação do módulo de elasticidade de betões de elevado desempenho com cinzas volantes. Mecânica Experimental. 2002
- Bending test. Materials and Structures. 2002
- Design of steel fibre reinforced concrete using the s-w method: principles and applications. Materials and Structures. 2002
- Influência da quantidade de fibras e de cinzas volantes, para diferentes idades, no comportamento em flexão do betão reforçado com fibras de aço. Mecânica Experimental. 2002
- Aplicação de laminados de fibras de carbono no reforço de pilares de betão armado. Proceedings of SPIE. 2001
- Caracterização experimental do betão reforçado com fibras : propostas recentes. Revista Betão. 2001
- Fracture Energy of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 2001
- Influência da percentagem de armadura convencional no comportamento à flexão de vigas reforçadas com sistemas de CFRP. Mecânica Experimental. 2001
- Betão reforçado com fibras de aço : conceitos fundamentais. Revista Betão. 2000
- Modelo para estruturas porticadas planas de betão armado sob acções cíclicas. Proceedings of SPIE. 2000
- Simulação do comportamento à compressão uniaxial do betão reforçado com fibras de aço. Proceedings of SPIE. 2000
- Avaliação da capacidade de absorção de energia de betões reforçados com fibras de aço. Mecânica Experimental. 1999
- Flexural behavior of SFRC: Testing and modeling. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 1999
- Comportamento à tracção uniaxial aos 28 dias de argamassa reforçada com fibras de vidro. Proceedings of SPIE. 1996
- Estado-da-arte dos betões reforçados com fibras. Proceedings of SPIE. 1996
- Modelo de análise linear de estruturas reticuladas. Proceedings of SPIE. 1996
- Softening of glass fibre reinforced concrete in tension. Progress in Concrete Research, Annual Report. 1992
artigo de conferência
- Relevant achievements on the activities of fib WP 2.4.1 for Modelling of Fibre Reinforced Concrete Structures 2023
- Modelling the behavior of I-shape concrete beams reinforced with fibers and prestressed steel and GFRP bars 2023
- Modelling the behavior of RC beams simultaneously strengthened for flexural and shear with CFRP systems 2023
- Bond behaviour of a stick shape CFRP reinforcement applied according to the NSM-ETS strengthening techniques 2023
- Design and optimization of a GFRP and steel hybrid prestressed SFRC beam based on numerical and analytical approaches 2023
- Performance of models for predicting the shear capacity of FRP-strengthened RC beams 2023
- AIpFRC: Uma plataforma inteligente para previsões de parâmetros de projeto de estruturas de betão reforçado com fibras 2022
- Avaliação experimental da conexão entre perfis de aço enformados a frio e betão 2022
- Comportamento a longo prazo de betão reforçado com fibras fendilhado sujeito a flexão 2022
- Nova geração de fibras sintéticas para o reforço de materiais de matriz cimentícia: estudo experimental e numérico 2022
- Numerical assessment of steel and concrete composite beams with cold formed members 2022
- Integrating hybrid reinforced concrete technology and advanced FEM-based numerical modelling for crack control in long concrete foundations without joints 2022
- Modelling the high strain rate tensile behavior of steel fiber reinforced concrete using artificial neural network approach 2021
- Theoretical prediction of axial response of FRP fully/partially confined circular concrete under axial loading 2021
- Thermo-mechanical bonding behaviour of CFRP NSM system using cement-based adhesive 2021
- Comportamento ao fogo de faixas de laje de betão armado reforçadas com laminados de CFRP pré-esforçados aplicados de acordo com a técnica NSM 2021
- Comportamento pós-fendilhação de betão reforçado com fibras exposto a temperaturas elevadas 2021
- Modeling the Compressive Behavior of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Under High Strain Rate Loads 2021
- Dimensionamento de sistemas de reforço à flexão em FRP para estruturas de betão segundo as recomendações do fib Bulletin 90 2021
- Experimental investigation of the effect of high strain rate loading on the compressive behaviour of the steel fibre-reinforced concrete 2021
- Experimental investigation of the effect of high strain rate loading on the flexural behaviour of the steel fibre-reinforced concrete 2021
- A new dilation model for FRP fully/partially confined concrete columns under axial loading 2020
- An analytical approach for evaluating the impact response of steel fiber reinforced concrete beam 2020
- Analysis of the interfacial debonding behaviour of NSM CFRP laminates with cement-based adhesive using Digital Image Correlation technique 2020
- Assessment of different coastal defence structures to promote wave energy dissipation and sediments retention 2020
- Integrated model for predicting the flexural capacity of concrete elements reinforced with non-corrodible discrete reinforcements 2020
- Numerical analysis of the connection between representative SFRC prestressed rings on off-shore wind towers 2020
- Thermal performance of steel and fibre reinforced concrete composite floor 2020
- Prediction on flexural strength of encased composite beam with cold-formed steel section 2019
- Experimental and numerical assessment of masonry walls with new opening strengthened with steel frames 2019
- A New Basic Creep Model Coupled with a Thermo-Mechanical Model for the Numerical Simulation of the Time-Dependent Behaviour of Concrete Structures 2019
- Behaviour of GFRP-steel reinforced I shape beams with steel fibers as shear reinforcement 2019
- Bond performance of NSM – CFRP laminates using different surface treatments and cementitious adhesives 2019
- Fabric reinforced cementitious matrix for strengthening of masonry vaulted structures 2019
- Appraisal of MC2010 shear resistance approaches coupled with a residual flexural strength prediction model. Biomedical Materials. 2019
- Behaviour of laminar RC structures subjected to cyclic loading 2019
- Cementitious adhesives for NSM carbon laminate strengthening system with treated surfaces 2019
- Numerical modelling of failure on brick masonry strengthened with FRCM overlays 2019
- Shear deformation and failure modes of GFRP reinforced concrete beams without stirrups 2019
- Torsional strengthening of thin-walled tubular reinforced concrete structures using NSM-CFRP laminates: Experimental work 2019
- A hybrid cementitious based-G/CFRP sandwich panel: concept, design and initial outcomes 2018
- Betão de alta resistência reforçado com fibras exposto a elevadas temperaturas 2018
- Effect of steel reinforcement in flexural strengthening of RC slabs using prestressed NSM CFRP laminates 2018
- Effects of new openings on the in-plane behavior of unreinforced brick masonry walls 2018
- Experimental investigation on torsional strengthening of box RC structures using NSM FRP 2018
- Flexural behaviour of an innovative connection for structural sandwich panels 2018
- A new technique for the confinement of rectangular cross section reinforced concrete columns 2017
- Active CFRP-Based confinement strategies for RC columns with rectangular cross sections 2017
- Flexural and shear response predictions of statically determinate and indeterminate RC structures strengthened with fibre reinforced polymer 2017
- Influence of Longitudinal GFRP Reinforcement Ratio on Shear Capacity of Concrete Beams without Stirrups 2017
- Reactive powder concrete reinforced with steel fibres exposed to high temperatures. Biomedical Materials. 2017
- Shear behavior of concrete beams reinforced with steel or GFRP reinforcement without stirrups 2017
- Shear behavior of steel or GFRP reinforced concrete beams without stirrups 2017
- Shear behaviour of polyurethane foam 2017
- The use of genetic algorithms for structural optimization of hybrid sandwich panels 2017
- Experimental and Numerical Study on the Shear Behaviour of Geometrically Similar FRP RC Beams 2016
- Creep behaviour of cracked steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete: from micro-mechanics to composite behaviour 2016
- Thermo-mechanical model for the material nonlinear analysis of cement based materials 2016
- Debilities and strengths of fem-based constitutive models for the material nonlinear analysis of steel fiber reinforced concrete structures 2016
- Durabilidade de argamassas de base cimentícia reforçadas com fibras sintéticas 2016
- Efeito do envelhecimento acelerado sobre as propriedades do microbetão fibro-reforçado com fibras naturais 2016
- Experimental and numerical assessment of the shear strengthening effectiveness of hybrid composite plates in reinforced concrete beams 2016
- Exploring NSM Technique for Torsional Strengthening of Tubular Type RC Structures 2016
- Fiber reinforced concrete and glass fibre reinforced polymer systems for the development of more sustainable construction systems 2016
- Flexural and shear/punching strengthening of RC beams/slabs using hybrid NSM-ETS technique with innovative CFRP laminates 2016
- Influence of embedded through section connectors on the behavior of a new strengthening technique for concrete structures. Key Engineering Materials. 2016
- Produção e modelação numérica de abobadilha em microbetão reforçado com fibras discretas de sisal 2016
- Reforço ao cisalhamento com lâminas de fibra de carbono inseridas na alma da viga 2016
- Structural response of the E-SFRSCC slabs 2016
- Affordable Prefabricated Modular Houses using cement and polymer based materials and advanced design tools 2015
- An innovative hybrid GFRP-concrete footbridge structure 2015
- Avaliação de desempenho de conetores numa nova técnica para reabilitação de estruturas de alvenaria e betão 2015
- Design formula for the flexural strengthening of RC beams using prestressed CFRP reinforcement 2015
- Development of sandwich panels of customized functionalities for the rehabilitation of the built patrimony 2015
- Durabilidade do betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço 2015
- Ensaio à rotura de protótipo de edifício em lajes de betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras 2015
- Etude du comportment mécanique des poutres corrodées réparées à l’effort tranchant par l’insertion des joncs de carbone 2015
- Exploring the potentialities of a new type of CFRP laminate for the simultaneous flexural and shear strengthening of RC beams: Numerical research 2015
- Exploring the use of HPFRC and GFRP grids for the production of manhole covers 2015
- LEGOUSE – Habitação modular pré-fabricada: conceito, construção e ensaios 2015
- Modelo para calcular a contribuição da fibra na resistência à punção de lajes em concreto reforçado com fibra de aço 2015
- Pesquisa experimental para avaliação da eficiência da fibra de aço na resistência à punção de lajes lisas reforçadas simetricamente 2015
- Prestress losses in reinforced concrete beams strengthened with NSM-CFRP laminates 2015
- Short-term real-time traffic prediction methods: A survey 2015
- The encore project: Sustainable solutions for cementitious materials 2015
- A full-scale innovative GFRP-concrete hybrid footbridge: Description and testing 2014
- Analytical and experimental study of RC slab strips strengthned with CFRP laminates 2014
- Análise numérica e experimental de faixas e lajes contínuas de CA reforçadas com laminados de carbono aplicados segundo a técnica NSM 2014
- Aplicação da técnica NSM cm laminados de CFRP pré-tensionados no reforço à flexão de lajes de betão armado 2014
- Argamassa de ultra-elevada ductilidade para reabilitação: comportamento mecânico e durabilidade 2014
- Assessing the effectiveness of a NSM-CFRP flexural strengthening arrangements for continuous RC slabs by numerical research 2014
- Behaviour of concrete elements strengthened with near surface mounted CFRP strips under thermal cycles 2014
- Bond and flexural behaviour of a NSM CFRP strengthening system under fatigue loading 2014
- Caracterização experimental do comportamento mecânico de painéis sandwich com lâminas de GFRP e núcleo de poliuretano 2014
- Comportamento de lajes de betão armado reforçadas à flexão usando a técnica NSM com laminados de CFRP pré-tensionados 2014
- Comportamento termo-higro-mecânico de elementos em betão : análise experimental e simulação numérica 2014
- Comportamento à fadiga de elementos de betão reforçados através de sistemas NSM CFRP 2014
- Creep behavior and durability of concrete elements strengthened with NSM CFRP strips 2014
- Development of hybrid composite plate (HCP) for the repair and strengthening of RC elements 2014
- Efeito de ciclos térmicos e de ciclos gelo/degelo no comportamento estrutural de elementos de betão reforçados com laminados de CFRP pela técnica NSM 2014
- Evaluation of the performance of full-scale RC beams prestressed with NSM-CFRP laminates 2014
- Experimental study on shear behavior of HPFRC beams reinforced by hybrid pre-stressed GFRP and steel bars 2014
- Fluência e durabilidade de elementos de betão armado reforçados com laminados de cfrp pela técnica NSM 2014
- Laje sandwich em polímero reforçado com fibra de vidro e argamassa de ultra elevada ductilidade para a reabilitação estrutural 2014
- Materiais de matriz cimentícia de elevado desempenho para o reforço estrutural 2014
- Mechanical performance of fibre reinforced concrete : the role of fibre distribution and orientation 2014
- Novel prefabricated panels for the repair of damaged interior RC beam-column joints 2014
- Performance assessment of overlay strengthened masonry under cyclic loading using the diagonal tensile test 2014
- Pontalumis : ponte pedonal mista GFRP-betão : descrição da solução, ensaios e modelação 2014
- A model for the prediction of the behaviour of continuous RC slabs flexurally strengthened with CFRP systems 2013
- Assessment of the effectiveness of prestressed NSM CFRP laminates for the flexural strengthening of RC beams 2013
- Assessment of the effectiveness of the NSM shear strengthening technique for deep T cross section RC beams 2013
- Assessment of the long term behaviour of structural adhesives in the context of NSM flexural strengthening technique with prestressed CFRP laminates 2013
- Assessment of the potentialities of recycled steel fibres for the reinforcement of cement based materials 2013
- Assessment of the strengthening effectiveness of EBR and NSM techniques for beams’ dapped-end by FEM analysis 2013
- Behaviour of RC slabs flexurally strengthened with prestressed NSM CFRP laminates 2013
- Creep behavior of RC slabs strengthened NSM CFRP laminate strips under different environmental conditions 2013
- Creep behavior of concrete elements strengthened with NSM CFRP laminate strips under different environmental conditions 2013
- FEM-based modelling of NSM-FRP bond behaviour 2013
- Failure modes in filled hole GFRP laminates for connections between FRP and concrete 2013
- Flexural and shear behaviour of precast sandwich slabs comprising thin walled steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete 2013
- Hybrid Composite Plates (HCP) for shear strengthening of RC beams 2013
- Influence of fatigue loading and environmental conditions on the bond behavior between GFRP systems and SFRSCC substrate 2013
- Model to simulate the behaviour of rc beams shear strengthened with ets bars 2013
- New composite slab system for the structural rehabilitation of traditional buildings 2013
- Numerical modelling of the punching behaviour of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete flat slabs 2013
- On the behaviour of continuous RC slab strips flexurally strengthened by the NSM technique 2013
- Reinforced concrete beams strengthened in shear with NSM CFRP laminates : assessment of influencing parameters 2013
- Shear capacity of HPFRC beams flexurally reinforced with steel and prestressed GFRP bars 2013
- Sobre a utilização de varões embebidos para o reforço ao corte de vigas de betão armado 2013
- Assessment of non linear bond laws for NSM systems in concrete elements 2012
- Bond of FRP strengthening systems for concrete structures: A Round Robin Test 2012
- Embedded through-section bars for the shear strengthening of RC beams 2012
- Fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) connectors for Steel Fibre Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete (SFRSCC) sandwich panels 2012
- Performance of pre-cracked RC beams shear strengthened with NSM CFRP laminates 2012
- Assessment of the effectiveness of NSM-CFRP flexural strengthening configurations for continuous RC slabs 2011
- Comparative performance study of Multi-stage Interconnection Networks using Carbon NanoTube switches 2011
- Experimental and numerical analysis of RC two-span slabs strengthened with NSM CFRP laminates 2011
- Fiber reinforced concrete of enhanced fire resistance for tunnel segments 2011
- Influence of the concrete properties in the effectiveness of the NSM CFRP laminates for the Shear strengthening of RC Beams 2011
- Mechanical model to simulate the NSM FRP strips shear strength contribution to RC Beams 2011
- NSM FRP strips shear strength contribution to a RC beam: A design procedure 2011
- Parametric studies of the NSM FRP strips shear strength contribution to a RC beam 2011
- Shear strengthening of RC Beams by means of NSM FRP strips: Constitutive law of a single strip 2011
- 2º Congresso Ibérico Betão Auto-Compactável 2010
- Avaliação da heterogeneidade das propriedades mecânicas de um BACRFA em elementos estruturais 2010
- Caracterização do comportamento diferido do betão de barragens. Aplicação à barragem de Alqueva 2010
- Comportamento de laminados multi-direccionais de CFRP para aplicações em engenharia civil 2010
- Comportamento em tracção uniaxial e flexão de betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço 2010
- Concepção de sistemas de restrição passiva à retracção para avaliação das tensões associadas à deformação impedida 2010
- Eficiência de diferentes técnicas de reforço à flexão de vigas de betão armado 2010
- Ensaio de carga numa laje fungiforme de um pavilhão industrial 2010
- Estudo da ligação entre laminados multi-direccionais e o betão 2010
- Factores que influenciam a reologia das argamassas 2010
- Sistemas de solo compósito-betão : caracterização da interface geocompósito-betão 2010
- Sistemas de solo compósito-betão : caracterização da interface geocompósito-solo 2010
- Tensile behavior of steel fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete. ACI Special Publication. 2010
- Data mining techniques and ultrasonic pulse velocity tests for the assessment of damage levels in concrete exposed to high temperatures and subject to compression 2009
- 3D behaviour of a 4 parameter isotropic nonlinear hardening plasticity model for concrete 2009
- Influence of the percentage of steel stirrups in the effectiveness of the NSM laminates shear strengthening technique 2009
- Innovative structural systems for industrial buildings using fiber reinforced concrete and material nonlinear FEM-Based models 2009
- Modelling FRC infrastructures taking into account the soil-structure interaction 2009
- Modelling of bond between galvanized steel rebars and concrete 2009
- Numerical simulation of continuous RC slabs strengthened using NSM technique 2009
- Comparação de programas comerciais para dimensionamento de lajes em betão armado 2008
- A model to simulate the cyclic axial compressive behavior of RC columns confined with CFRP sheets 2008
- A model to simulate the cyclic axial compressive behaviour of RC columns confined with CFRP sheets 2008
- A model to simulate the cyclic axil compressive behaviour of rc columns confined with CFRP sheets 2008
- A proposal for modeling debonding of NSM FRP strips for shear strengthening of RC beams 2008
- Analytical and numerical analysis of the behaviour of RC beams flexural strengthened with CFRP 2008
- Analytical model for bond-slip of hooked-end steel fibres 2008
- Analytical modelling strategy for predicting the NSM FRP strips contribution for RC beams shear strength 2008
- Análise do desempenho de uma nova técnica de reforço ao corte para elementos estruturais de betão armado 2008
- Aplicação de novos materiais e de modelos de análise não linear material no desenvolvimento de sistemas estruturais pré-fabricados para edifícios industriais 2008
- Avaliação da influência das propriedades de adesivos e da geometria de laminados de fibra de carbono no comportamento de ensaios de arranque 2008
- Avaliação do desempenho de uma técnica para aplicação de pós-tensão em mantas de CFRP no confinamento de pilares de betão armado 2008
- Behaviour of RC beams shear strengthening with NSM CFRP laminates 2008
- CFRP group effect and interaction between stirrups and strips on the NSM-shear strengthening of RC beams 2008
- Confinamento de pilares de betão armado reforçados total e parcialmente com mantas de CFRP submetidos a carregamentos ciclícos de compressão 2008
- Exploring the possibilities of a new technique for the shear strengthening of RC elements 2008
- Fibrous reinforcing system to increase the shear resistance of high strength concrete. Key Engineering Materials. 2008
- Flexural behaviour of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete laminar structures 2008
- How reliable are the available models for predicting the FRP contribution for the shear resistance of RC beams? 2008
- Hybrid CFRP-based strengthening technique to increase the flexural resistance and concrete confinement of RC columns submitted to axial and cyclic lateral loading 2008
- Impact of the fibre manufacturing quality control on the fibre pullout performance 2008
- Influência da geometria e propriedades mecânicas de fibras de aço no desempenho ao arrancamento 2008
- Laminados de CFRP pré-tensionados para o reforço à flexão de vigas de betão armado 2008
- Moradias de custo controlado em betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras 2008
- Multi-fixed smeared 3d crack model to simulate the behavior of fiber reinforced concrete structures 2008
- Novas perspectivas para o desenvolvimento de modelos de dimensionamento ao corte de vigas de betão armado reforçadas com FRP colado externamente 2008
- Painéis pré-fabricados em betão autocompactável reforçado com fibras de aço para fachadas de edifícios 2008
- Possibilities and challenges of NSM for the flexural strengthening of RC structures 2008
- Propagação de ondas ultra-sónicas em provetes de betão expostos a temperaturas elevadas 2008
- Steel fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete : from the material characterization to the structural analysis 2008
- Steel fibres for the shear resistance of high strength concrete beams 2008
- Stress-strain model for partial CFRP confined concrete 2008
- A pullout test for the near surface mounted CFRP-concrete bond characterization 2007
- Composite materials for the structural strengthening of reinforced masonry shells 2007
- Crack constitutive model to simulate the behavior of fiber reinforced concrete structures failing in punching 2007
- Design models for shear strengthening of reinforced concrete beams with externally bonded FRP composites : a statistical vs reliability approach 2007
- Fire behaviour of a fibre reinforced concrete tunnel segments 2007
- High strength and ductile fibrous concrete of enhanced fire resistance 2007
- Indirect assessment of the contribution of NSM CFRP laminates for the shear strengthening of RC beams 2007
- Influence of the concrete mechanical properties on the efficacy of the shear strengthening intervention on RC beams by NSM technique 2007
- Influence of the spacing between NSM-CFRP laminates on the flexural strengthening efficacy of RC slabs 2007
- Low strength T-cross section RC beams shear-strengthened by NSM technique 2007
- Numerical simulation of the nonlinear behavior of RC beams strengthened with NSM CFRP strips 2007
- Numerical simulation of thin steel fiber self-compacting concrete structures 2007
- Análise estrutural de aduela prefabricada em betão reforçado com fibras para o revestimento de túneis 2006
- Betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço para o reforço à flexâo de estruturas laminares 2006
- Betão fibroso de comportamento melhorado ao fogo 2006
- CFRP-Based confinement strategies for RC columns-experimental and analytical research 2006
- Comportamento de vigas de betão armado reforçadas ao corte por inserção de laminados de CFRP 2006
- Confinement efficacy of partial and full wrapped CFRP systems in RC column prototypes 2006
- Confinement efficacy of partially and fully wrapped CFRP systems in RC column prototypes 2006
- Desempenho de modelos analíticos de previsão da contribuição de materiais compósitos no reforço ao corte de vigas de betão armado 2006
- Efficient strengthening technique for reinforced concrete slabs - SFRC and CFRP laminate strips 2006
- Elementos de pilar de betão armado confinados com sistemas de cfrp submetidos a carregamento cíclico de compressão 2006
- Influência da percentagem e orientação de laminados de CFRP no reforço ao corte de vigas de betão armado 2006
- Memória descritiva e justificativa do projecto de estabilidade do edifício do Centro de Solidariedade de Braga 2006
- Modelação analítica da influência da idade de betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço no seu comportamento à compressão 2006
- NSM CFRP laminates for the shear strengthening of T section RC beams 2006
- Partial versus full wrapping confinement systems for concrete columns 2006
- Reforço à flexão de cobertura de betão armado 2006
- Sistema híbrido em materiais compósitos para reforço de lajes de betão armado 2006
- An efficient confinement strategy with CFRP sheets to increase the energy absorption capacity of RC concrete columns 2005
- Analysis of the bond between near-surface mounted CFRP laminate strips and concrete 2005
- Compression and bending behavior of steel fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete 2005
- Concrete slabs strips reinforced with epoxy-bonded carbon laminates into slits 2005
- Design methods for steel fiber reinforced concrete industrial floors 2005
- Faixas de manta de CFRP no confinamento de elementos de pilar de betão armado 2005
- Near surface mounted thecnique for the flexural and shear strengthening of concrete beams 2005
- On bonding repairing steel fibre reinforced concrete to hardened concrete 2005
- On bonding repairing steel reinforced concrete to hardened concrete 2005
- Painéis aligeirados em betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço 2005
- Partial versus full wrapping confinement systems for concrete columns 2005
- Reforço ao corte de vigas T de betão armado por inserção de laminados de CFRP 2005
- SEM analysis of bond epoxy based layer between hardened concrete and SFRC repairing 2005
- Shear Strengthening of RC beams with near-surface-mounted CFRP laminates 2005
- Simplified model for the thermal boundary condition in polymer injection 2005
- Avaliação da eficácia de distintas técnicas de reforço ao corte de vigas de betão armado com CFRP 2004
- Caracterização do comportamento da ligação entre betões de distinta classe de resistência 2004
- Centro de Solidariedade de Braga 2004
- Comportamento da ligação de laminados de CFRP inseridos no betão sob acções cíclicas 2004
- Comportamento à flexão de painéis representativos de um novo sistema construtivo em alvenaria armada 2004
- Comportamento à tracção directa de elementos laminares de betão armado reforçado com fibras de aço 2004
- Confinamento garantido ao betão por cintagem total e parcial com mantas de CFRP 2004
- Design recommendations for reinforced masonry arches 2004
- Flexural behavior of representative panels of prefabricated reinforced masonry shells 2004
- Flexural tensile behaviour of enhanced performance concrete 2004
- Influência da idade nos parâmetros de fractura do betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço 2004
- Materiais compósitos no reforço de estruturas 2004
- Material nonlinear analysis of steel fibre reinforced concrete beams failing in shear 2004
- Modelação de vigas reforçadas com laminados de CFRP inseridos no betão de recobrimento 2004
- Método das linhas de rotura versus modelos de análise não linear material na determinação da capacidade de carga de lajes apoiadas em solo 2004
- Near surface mounted CFRP-based technique for the strengthening of concrete structures 2004
- Nova formulação para o dimensionamento de estruturas laminares de betão armado 2004
- On the experimental study of the interface between a fiber composite lamina and concrete 2004
- Painéis aligeirados em betão autocompactável reforçado com fibras de aço 2004
- Post-cracking behaviour of selfcompacting steel fibre reinforced concrete 2004
- Reforço de pavimentos de edifícios industriais com laminados de fibras de carbono 2004
- Self-compacting steel fibre reinforced concrete for precasted sandwich panels : experimental and numerical research 2004
- Stress-crack opening relationship of enhanced performance concrete 2004
- Análise experimental de lajes de betão apoiadas em solo 1995
- Comportamento de elementos estruturais de betão reforçado com fibras de aço 1994
- Modelos constitutivos para o betão armado fendilhado 1994
- Tensile behaviour of glass fibre reinforced concrete 1994
- Analysis of composite laminates using graphical processing 1990
- Analysis of plates on elastic foundation by the finite element method 1990
- Observação e análise do comportamento estrutural de um piso aligeirado com vigotas pré-esforçadas 1990
- Modelos de análise de estruturas tridimensionais 1989
artigo de revista
- Cross-sectional and confining system unification on peak compressive strength of FRP confined concrete. Structural Concrete. 2023
- Blind competition on the numerical simulation of continuous shallow steel-fiber reinforced concrete beams failing in bending. Structural Concrete. 2023
- Relation between Shear Stresses and Flexural Tensile Stresses from Standardized Tests of Extracted Prismatic Specimens of an SFRC Bridge Girder. Materials. 2022
- Numerical assessment of the potential of fibre reinforced shotcrete for structural strengthening of underground masonry tunnels. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2022
- Three-dimensional braided composites as innovative smart structural reinforcements. Composite Structures. 2022
- Fatigue behavior of RC slabs flexurally strengthened with prestressed NSM CFRP laminates. Structural Concrete. 2022
- Competición a ciegas de simulaciones numéricas de vigas de hormigón reforzado con fibras que fallan a cortante. Hormigón y Acero. 2022
- In-plane cyclic behaviour of RC frames strengthened with composite sandwich panels. Engineering Structures. 2022
- New type of CFRP reinforcement and technique for the flexural strengthening of RC balconies. Composite Structures. 2022
- Technical and environmental potentialities of recycled steel fiber reinforced concrete for structural applications. Journal of Building Engineering. 2022
- Unified model for fully and partially FRP confined circular and square concrete columns subjected to axial compression. Engineering Structures. 2022
- Flexural strengthening of pre-cracked RC slabs with prestressed NSM CFRP laminates and evaluation of strain loss. Advances in Structural Engineering. 2021
- Generalized Analysis-oriented model of FRP confined concrete circular columns. Composite Structures. 2021
- Extreme wave value analysis under uncertainty of climate change scenarios off Iberian Peninsula coast. Ocean Engineering. 2021
- Monitoring steel fibre orientation in self-compacting cementitious composite slabs during pouring with dynamic X-ray radiography. Cement and Concrete Research. 2021
- A new inverse analysis approach for predicting the fracture mode I parameters of fibre reinforced concrete. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2021
- Influence of the Chloride Attack on the Post-Cracking Behavior of Recycled Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete. Materials. 2021
- Seismic behaviour of precast sandwich wall panels of steel fibre reinforced concrete layers and fibre reinforced polymer connectors. Engineering Structures. 2021
- Assessing the applicability of a smeared crack approach for simulating the behaviour of concrete beams flexurally reinforced with GFRP bars and failing in shear. Engineering Structures. 2021
- Development of sandwich panels for multi-functional strengthening of RC buildings: Characterization of constituent materials and shear interaction of panel assemblies. Composite Structures. 2021
- Effectiveness of a steel ring-frame for the seismic strengthening of masonry walls with new openings. Engineering Structures. 2021
- Flexural and shear strengthening of reinforced concrete beams with a hybrid CFRP solution. Composite Structures. 2021
- A numerical finite element study on connections of SFRC offshore wind towers with prestressed CFRP reinforcement and steel connectors. RILEM Technical Letters. 2020
- Torsional strengthening of tubular type RC beams with NSM technique: Structural performance and cracking process using DIC. Structural Concrete. 2020
- The effect of surface treatment and environmental actions on the adhesive connection between GFRP laminate surface and fresh FRC. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2020
- A model for optimizing hooked end steel fibre reinforcements in cracked cement composites. Applications in Engineering Science. 2020
- Behavior of one-way RC slabs flexurally strengthened with prestressed NSM CFRP laminates – Assessment of influencing parameters. Composite Structures. 2020
- Integrated approach for the prediction of crack width and spacing in flexural FRC members with hybrid reinforcement. Engineering Structures. 2020
- Hydrodynamics and Morphodynamics Performance Assessment of Three Coastal Protection Structures. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2020
- Deformation analysis of fibre-reinforced polymer reinforced concrete beams by tension-stiffening approach. Composite Structures. 2020
- FEM-Based Numerical Strategy for Analysis of Composite Modular Floor Prototype for Emergency Housing Applications. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2020
- Durability of Recycled Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete in Chloride Environment. Fibers. 2019
- Rate effect in inclined fibre pull-out for smooth and hooked-end fibres: a numerical study. International Journal of Fracture. 2019
- Effect of the displacement rate and inclination angle in steel fiber pullout tests. International Journal of Fracture. 2019
- Influence of service temperature on shear creep behaviour of a rigid low-density closed-cell PIR foam. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Punching behavior of BubbleDeck type reinforced concrete slabs. Structural Concrete. 2019
- Punching CFRP-based strengthening solutions for reinforced concrete flat slabs. Composite Structures. 2019
- Analytical bond model for general type of reinforcements of finite embedment length in cracked cement based materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2019
- Mechanical behavior of concrete prisms reinforced with steel and GFRP bar systems. Composite Structures. 2019
- Bond behaviour of sand coated GFRP bars to concrete at elevated temperature – Definition of bond vs. slip relations. Composite Structures. 2019
- A new strengthening technique for increasing the load carrying capacity of rectangular reinforced concrete columns subjected to axial compressive loading. Composite Structures. 2019
- An experimental study on the corrosion susceptibility of Recycled Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Assessment of different methods for characterization and simulation of post-cracking behavior of self-compacting steel fiber reinforced concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Experimental and numerical analysis of short sisal fiber-cement composites produced with recycled matrix. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering. 2019
- Experimental study of torsional strengthening on thin walled tubular reinforced concrete structures using NSM-CFRP laminates. Composite Structures. 2019
- Structural performance of hybrid sandwich slabs under shear loading. Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials. 2019
- An integrated approach for predicting the shear capacity of fibre reinforced concrete beams. Engineering Structures. 2018
- Behavior of RC beams flexurally strengthened with NSM CFRP laminates. Composite Structures. 2018
- Bond behavior of NSM CFRP laminates in concrete under sustained loading. Composite Structures. 2018
- Composite modular floor prototype for emergency housing applications: Experimental and analytical approach. Journal of Composite Materials. 2018
- Design-oriented approach to predict shear strength of reinforced concrete beams. Structural Concrete. 2018
- Development of sandwich panels combining sisal fiber-cement composites and fiber-reinforced lightweight concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2018
- Pull-out behaviour of Glass-Fibre Reinforced Polymer perforated plate connectors embedded in concrete. Part I: Experimental program. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2018
- Shear behavior of concrete beams reinforced exclusively with longitudinal glass fiber reinforced polymer bars: Analytical model. Structural Concrete. 2018
- Shear strengthening of RC beams with thin panels of mortar reinforced with recycled steel fibres. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018
- Short sisal fiber reinforced recycled concrete block for one-way precast concrete slabs. Composite Structures. 2018
- Experimental validation of a framework for hygro-mechanical simulation of self-induced stresses in concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2017
- Viscoelastic response of an epoxy adhesive for construction since its early ages: Experiments and modelling. Composite Structures. 2017
- A model for the simultaneous prediction of the flexural and shear deflections of statically determinate and indeterminate reinforced concrete structures. Structural Concrete. 2017
- Axial performance of jointed sandwich wall panels. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2017
- Design approach to determine shear capacity of reinforced concrete beams shear strengthened with NSM systems. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2017
- Development of a High-Performance Concrete Deck for Louisiana's Movable Bridges: Numerical Study. Journal of Bridge Engineering. 2017
- Flexural performance of innovative hybrid sandwich panels with special focus on the shear connection behavior. Composite Structures. 2017
- NSM shear strengthening technique with CFRP laminates applied in high T cross section RC beams. Composite Structures. 2017
- New approach to predict shear capacity of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with NSM technique. Structural Journal. 2017
- Prediction of the load carrying capacity of elevated steel fibre reinforced concrete slabs. Composite Structures. 2017
- Shear strengthening of damaged reinforced concrete beams with hybrid composite plates. Composite Structures. 2017
- Simultaneous flexural and punching strengthening of RC slabs according to a new hybrid technique using U-shape CFRP laminates. Composite Structures. 2017
- Three dimensional plastic-damage multidirectional fixed smeared crack approach for modelling concrete structures. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2017
- Time dependent behaviour of fibre pull-out in self-compacting concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2017
- Deflection and cracking behavior of SFRSCC beams reinforced with hybrid prestressed GFRP and steel reinforcements. Engineering Structures. 2016
- Development of a composite prototype with GFRP profiles and sandwich panels used as a floor module of an emergency house. Composite Structures. 2016
- Effect of fiber dosage and prestress level on shear behavior of hybrid GFRP-steel reinforced concrete I-shape beams without stirrups. Composite Structures. 2016
- Shear resistance of SFRSCC short-span beams without transversal reinforcements. Composite Structures. 2016
- A two-phase material approach to model steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete in panels. Composite Structures. 2016
- Application of plastic-damage multidirectional fixed smeared crack model in analysis of RC structures. Engineering Structures. 2016
- Assessment of the properties to characterize the interface between clay brick substrate and strengthening mortar. Composite Structures. 2016
- Corrosion effects on pullout behavior of hooked steel fibers in self-compacting concrete. Cement and Concrete Research. 2016
- Development of innovative hybrid sandwich panel slabs: Advanced numerical simulations and parametric studies. Composite Structures. 2016
- End concrete cover separation in RC structures strengthened in flexure with NSM FRP: Analytical design approach. Engineering Structures. 2016
- Experimental and numerical research on the potentialities of layered reinforcement configuration of continuous sisal fibers for thin mortar panels. Composite Structures. 2016
- Exploring new NSM reinforcements for the flexural strengthening of RC beams: experimental and numerical research. Composite Structures. 2016
- Fibre reinforced mortar application for out-of-plane strengthening of schist walls. Composite Structures. 2016
- Flexural strengthening of reinforced low strength concrete slabs using prestressed NSM CFRP laminates. Composite Structures. 2016
- NSM CFRP prestressing techniques with strengthening potential for simultaneously enhancing load capacity and ductility performance. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2016
- New shear strengthening configurations of near-surface-mounted CFRP laminates for RC beams. Structural Journal. 2016
- RC beams strengthened in shear using the Embedded Through-Section technique: experimental results and analytical formulation. Composite Structures. 2016
- Shear properties of the strain hardening cementitious composite material. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2016
- Shear strengthening of reinforced concrete T beams with Hybrid Composite Plate (HCP). Advances in Structural Engineering. 2016
- Shear strengthening of reinforced concrete beams with Hybrid Composite Plates (HCP) technique: experimental research and analytical model. Engineering Structures. 2016
- Strategies for numerical modeling the behavior of RC beams strengthened in shear using the ETS technique. Engineering Structures. 2016
- Tension-stiffening model for FRC reinforced by hybrid FRP and steel bars. Composite Structures. 2016
- Time-dependent flexural behaviour of cracked steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete panels. Cement and Concrete Research. 2015
- A FEM-based model to study the behaviour of corroded RC beams shear repaired by NSM CFRP rods technique. Composite Structures. 2015
- A model to simulate the moment-rotation and crack width of FRC members reinforced with longitudinal bars. Engineering Structures. 2015
- Analytical approach for the flexural analysis of RC beams strengthened with prestressed CFRP. Composite Structures. 2015
- Assessment of overlay masonry strengthening system under in-plane monotonic and cyclic loading using the diagonal tensile test. Composite Structures. 2015
- Assessment of the efficiency of prefabricated hybrid composite plates (HCPs) for retrofitting of damaged interior RC beam-column joints. Composite Structures. 2015
- Assessment of the performance of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete in elevated slabs. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- Development of innovative hybrid sandwich panel slabs: Experimental results. Composite Structures. 2015
- Embedded Through-Section shear strengthening technique using steel and CFRP bars in RC beams of different percentage of existing stirrups. Composite Structures. 2015
- Experimental and numerical approaches for structural assessment in new footbridge designs (SFRSCC-GFPR hybrid structure). Composite Structures. 2015
- Flexural strengthening of RC beams using hybrid composite plate (HCP): experimental and analytical study. Composite Structures. 2015
- High performance fiber reinforced concrete for the shear reinforcement: Experimental and numerical research. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- Influence of casting condition on the anisotropy of the fracture properties of Steel Fibre Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete (SFRSCC). Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- Plastic-damage smeared crack model to simulate the behaviour of structures made by cement based materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2015
- Recycled steel fibre reinforced concrete failing in bending and in shear. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- Retrofitting of interior RC beam-column joints using CFRP strengthened SHCC: Cast-in-place solution. Composite Structures. 2015
- Tensile creep of a structural epoxy adhesive: experimental and analytical characterization. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 2015
- The influence of fibre orientation on the post-cracking tensile behaviour of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete. Frattura Ed Integrita Strutturale. 2015
- Transfer Zone of Prestressed CFRP Reinforcement Applied According to NSM Technique for Strengthening of RC Structures. Composite Structures. 2015
- Application of air cooled pipes for reduction of early age cracking risk in a massive RC wall. Engineering Structures. 2014
- Effectiveness of prestressed NSM CFRP laminates for the flexural strengthening of RC slabs. Composite Structures. 2014
- Hygrometric assessment of internal relative humidity in concrete : practical application issues. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology. 2014
- Shear strengthening of reinforced concrete beams strengthened using embedded through section steel bars. Engineering Structures. 2014
- Static, dynamic and creep behaviour of a full-scale GFRP-SFRSCC hybrid footbridge. Composite Structures. 2014
- Steel fibre reinforced concrete for elements failing in bending and in shear. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering. 2014
- A FEM-based model to predict the behaviour of RC beams shear strengthened according to the NSM technique. Engineering Structures. 2013
- A model for the prediction of the punching resistance of steel fibre reinforced concrete slabs centrically loaded. Composite Structures. 2013
- Analytical Bond Model for GFRP Bars to Steel Fiber Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2013
- Assessment of nonlinear bond laws for near-surface-mounted systems in concrete elements. Composite Structures. 2013
- Assessment of the effectiveness of the embedded through-section technique for the shear strengthening of RC beams. Strain. 2013
- Critical analysis of fibre-reinforced polymer near-surface mounted double-shear pull-out tests. Strain. 2013
- Design formula to evaluate the NSM FRP strips shear strength contribution to a RC beam. Composite Structures. 2013
- Development of sandwich panels combining fibre reinforced concrete layers and fibre reinforced polymer connectors. Part I: Conception and pull-out tests. Composite Structures. 2013
- Durability of steel fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete. Composite Structures. 2013
- Experimental study on bond performance of GFRP bars in self-compacting steel fiber reinforced concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Exploring the possibilities of steel-fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete for the flexural strengthening of masonry structural elements. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2013
- NSM technique to increase the load carrying capacity of continuous RC slabs. Engineering Structures. 2013
- Numerical calibration of bond law for GFRP bars embedded in steel fibre-reinforced self-compacting concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Relation between fibre distribution and post-cracking behaviour in steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete panels. Cement and Concrete Research. 2013
- Shear strengthening of RC beams with NSM CFRP laminates : experimental research and analytical formulation. Composite Structures. 2013
- Strain hardening fiber reinforced cement composites for the flexural strengthening of masonry elements of ancient structures. Composite Structures. 2013
- Bond behavior between glulam and GFRP's by pullout tests. Composite Structures. 2012
- A finite element model with discrete embedded elements for fibre reinforced composites. Computers & Structures. 2012
- A parametric study on the effectiveness of the NSM technique for the flexural strengthening of continuous RC slabs. Composite Structures. 2012
- BOND OF NSM FRP STRENGTHENED CONCRETE: ROUND ROBIN. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2012
- Direct assessment of tensile stress-crack opening behavior of Strain Hardening Cementitious Composites (SHCC). Cement and Concrete Research. 2012
- Effect of hybrid fiber reinforcement on the cracking process in fiber reinforced cementitious composites. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2012
- Efficiency of different techniques in flexural strengthening of RC beams under monotonic and fatigue loading. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2012
- Experimental and numerical assessment of the effectiveness of FRP-based strengthening configurations for dapped-end RC beams. Engineering Structures. 2012
- Experimental behaviour of RC beams shear strengthened with NSM CFRP laminates. Strain. 2012
- NSM shear strengthening technique with CFRP laminates applied in high-strength concrete beams with or without pre-cracking. Composite Structures. 2012
- Three dimensional mechanical model to simulate the NSM FRP strips shear strength contribution to a RC beam: Parametric studies. Engineering Structures. 2012
- A design model for strain-softening and strain-hardening fiber reinforced elements reinforced longitudinally with steel and FRP bars. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2011
- An integrated approach for modelling the tensile behaviour of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete. Cement and Concrete Research. 2011
- CFRP flexural and shear strengthening technique for RC beams: Experimental and numerical research. Advances in Structural Engineering. 2011
- Crack constitutive model for the prediction of punching failure modes of fiber reinforced concrete laminar structures. Composite Structures. 2011
- Development of a pedestrian bridge with GFRP profiles and fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete deck. Composite Structures. 2011
- Flexural Strengthening of RC Continuous Slab Strips Using NSM CFRP Laminates. Advances in Structural Engineering. 2011
- Reliability analysis of shear strengthening externally bonded FRP models. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings. 2011
- Shear strengthening of RC T-section beams with low strength concrete using NSM CFRP laminates. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2011
- Theoretical Model and Computational Procedure to Evaluate the NSM FRP Strips Shear Strength Contribution to a RC Beam. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2011
- New Approach for Modeling the Contribution of NSM FRP Strips for Shear Strengthening of RC Beams. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2010
- Performance of reinforced concrete T beams strengthened in shear with NSM CFRP laminates. Engineering Structures. 2010
- Pullout behavior of steel fibers in self-compacting concrete. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2010
- Reinforced brick masonry light vaults: Semi-prefabrication, construction, testing and numerical modeling. Composite Structures. 2010
- Are available models reliable for predicting the FRP contribution to the shear resistance of RC beams. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2009
- Flexural and shear strengthening of RC beams with composites materials: the influence of cutting steel stirrups to install CFRP strips. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2009
- Numerical model for CFRP confined concrete elements subject to monotonic and cyclic loadings. Composite Structures. 2009
- Assessing the efficiency of CFRP discrete confinement systems for concrete column elements. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2008
- Efficient strengthening technique to increase the flexural resistance of existing RC slabs. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2008
- Modelling the influence of age of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete on its compressive behaviour. Materials and Structures. 2008
- Near surface mounted CFRP strips for the flexural strengthening of RC columns: Experimental and numerical research. Engineering Structures. 2008
- Shear strengthening of T cross section reinforced concrete beams by near surface mounted technique. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2008
- Steel fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete : experimental research and numerical simulation. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2008
- Efficacy of CFRP-based techniques for the flexural and shear strengthening of concrete beams. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2007
- Lightweight Panels of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2007
- Testing a new reinforced brick masonry shell system. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings. 2007
- Assessing the effectiveness of embedding CFRP laminates in the near surface for structural strengthening. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2006
- Bond behavior of near-surface mounted CFRP laminate strips under monotonic and cyclic loading. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2006
- Near surface mounted CFRP laminates for shear strengthening of concrete beams. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2006
- Bond characterization between concrete substrate and repairing SFRC using pull-off testing. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 2005
- Flexural strengthening of concrete beams with CFRP laminates bonded into slits. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2005
- Post-cracking behaviour of steel fibre reinforced concrete. Materials and Structures. 2005
- Bond Between Near-Surface Mounted Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Laminate Strips and Concrete. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2004
- Modeling of bond between near-surface mounted CFRP laminate strips and concrete. Computers & Structures. 2004
- Shear testing of stack bonded masonry. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2004
- Model for the analysis of steel fibre reinforced concrete slabs on grade. Computers & Structures. 2001
- Evaluation of the Thermal Behaviour of Injection Moulds. International Polymer Processing. 2000
- Flexural behavior of steel fiber reinforced concrete : testing and modelling. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 1999
- Experimental behaviour of fibre concrete slabs on soil. Journal Mechanics of Cohesive-frictional Materials. 1998
capítulo de livro
- Toward Sustainable Strengthening Systems for RC Structures 2023
- Analytical Model for Predicting the Torsional Capacity of Thin Walled Tubular RC Beams Strengthened with NSM CFRP Laminates 2022
- Flexural Behaviour of Hybrid FRC-GFRP/PUR Sandwich Panels 2022
- Nonlinear Analysis of Offshore Wind Towers in Prefabricated Segments of Prestressed Fibre Reinforced Concrete. RILEM Bookseries. 2021
- Bond 2019
- Detailing 2019
- Advanced numerical models for the analysis of sustainable frc structures 2017
- Approaches for the design of structures made by concrete reinforced with sustainable fibres 2017
- Cementitious composites reinforced with recycled fibres 2017
- Exploring the use of cement based materials reinforced with sustainable fibres for structural applications 2017
- Inverse analysis for deriving the fracture properties of RSFRC 2017
- Projeto de reforço à flexão 2011
- Steel fibre reinforced concrete : material properties and structural applications 2011
- Report on the physical properties and durability of fiber-reinforced concrete 2010
- Tensile behavior of steel fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete 2010
- Guide for Specifying, Proportioning, and Production of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete 2008
- CFRP-confined reinforced concrete elements subjected to cyclic compressive loading 2007
- Caracterização do comportamento do betão reforçado com fibras de aço 1996
- Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques 2024
- Competições de simulação cega de estruturas de betão reforçadas com fibras – relevância e resultados 2023
- Eficiente sistema híbrido de reforço ao corte e flexão de estruturas de betão armado 2022
- Structural Strengthening with FRP Systems – a review of research and application in Portugal 2022
- Avaliação das potencialidades técnicas e ambientais do betão reforçado com fibras de aço recicladas para aplicações estruturais 2021
- PreSlabTec – Novo sistema de laje préfabricada ultraleve e de elevado desempenho estrutural 2021
- Reforço de estruturas de betão com sistemas FRP: regulamentação mais recente 2021
- Projeto e monitorização de fundação especial em betão reforçado com sistema híbrido 2020
- Nova geração de armaduras em fibra de carbono para reforço à flexão de estruturas de betão armado em balanço 2020
- Abordagem integrada para determinação da resistência ao corte de vigas de betão reforçado com fibras – Parte I 2019
- A FEM-based model to study the behaviour of corroded RC beams shear repaired by NSM CFRP rods technique 2015
- Affordable prefabricated modular houses using cement and polymer based materials and advanced design tools 2015
- Avaliação de desempenho de conetores numa nova técnica para reabilitação de estruturas de alvenaria e betão 2015
- Design formula for the flexural strengthening of RC beams using prestressed CFRP reinforcement 2015
- Development of Sandwich Panels of Customized Functionalities for the Rehabilitation of the built Patrimony 2015
- Durabilidade do betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço 2015
- Ensaio à rotura de protótipo de edifício em lajes de betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras 2015
- Etude du comportment mécanique des poutres corrodes réparées à l’effort tranchant par l’insertion des joncs de carbone 2015
- Exploring the potentialities of a new type of CFRP laminate for the simultaneous flexural and shear strengthening of RC beams: numerical research 2015
- Exploring the use of HPFRC and GFRP grids for the production of manhole covers 2015
- LEGOUSE – Habitação modular pré-fabricada: conceito, construção e ensaios 2015
- Modelo para calcular a contribuição da fibra na resistência à punção de lajes em concreto reforçado com fibra de aço 2015
- Modelo para calcular a resistência à punção de lajes lisas simétricas reforçadas com fibras de aço 2015
- Painéis sandwich customizados para a reabilitaçãoo do património edificado 2015
- Pesquisa experimental para avaliação da eficiência da fibra de aço na resistência à punção de lajes lisas reforçadas simetricamente 2015
- Prestress Losses in Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with NSM-CFRP laminates 2015
- Analytical and experimental study of RC slab strips strengthned with CFRP laminates 2014
- Análise numérica e experimental de faixas e lajes contínuas de CA reforçadas com laminados de carbono aplicados segundo a técnica NSM 2014
- Aplicação da técnica NSM cm laminados de CFRP pré-tensionados no reforço à flexão de lajes de betão armado 2014
- Argamassa de ultra-elevada ductilidade para reabilitação: comportamento mecâico e durabilidade 2014
- Assessing the effectiveness of a NSM-CFRP flexural strengthening arrangements for continuous RC slabs by experimental and numerical research 2014
- Caracterização experimental do comportamento mecânico de painéis sandwich com lâminas de GFRP e núcleo de poliuretano 2014
- Comportamento de lajes de betão armado reforçadas à flexão usando a técnica NSM com laminados de CFRP pré-tensionados 2014
- Development of hybrid composite plate (HCP) for the repair and strengthening of RC elements 2014
- Durabilidade do betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço 2014
- Evaluation of the performance of full-scale RC beams prestressed with NSM-CFRP laminates 2014
- Il Progetto EnCoRe: una iniziativa sobranazionale per promuovere il concetto di sostenibilità del calcestruzzo e dei materiali cementizi 2014
- Materiais de matriz cimentícia de elevado desempenho para o reforço estrutural 2014
- Mechanical performance of fibre reinforced concrete: the role of fibre distribution and orientation 2014
- Multiple cracking under flexion of short sisal fiber-cement composites produced with recycled matrix 2014
- Performance assessment of overlay strengthened masonry under cyclic loading using the diagonal tensile test 2014
- Polymer and cement-based fiber-reinforced composite materials for sandwich slabs | Polymer- und zementbasierte, faserbewehrte Verbundwerkstoffe für Sandwichelemente 2014
- Projeto de Reforço de Estruturas de betão com FRP’s: Estados Limite de Utilização 2014
- A model for the prediction of the behaviour of continuous RC slabs flexurally strengthened with CFRP systems 2013
- Assessment of the Effectiveness of Prestressed NSM CFRP Laminates for the Flexural Strengthening of RC Beams 2013
- Assessment of the effectiveness of the NSM shear strengthening technique for deep T cross section RC beams 2013
- Assessment of the long term behaviour of structural adhesives in the context of NSM flexural strengthening technique with prestressed CFRP laminates 2013
- Assessment of the potentialities of recycled steel fibres for the reinforcement of cement based materials 2013
- Assessment of the strengthening effectiveness of EBR and NSM techniques for beams’ dapped-end by FEM analysis 2013
- Behaviour of RC slabs flexurally strengthened with prestressed NSM CFRP laminates 2013
- Betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço no desenvolvimento de novos sistemas estruturais 2013
- Flexural and shear behaviour of precast sandwich slabs comprising thin walled steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete 2013
- Hybrid Composite Plates (HCP) for Shear Strengthening of RC Beams 2013
- Model to simulate the behaviour of RC beams shear strengthened with ETS bars 2013
- Numerical modelling of the punching behaviour of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete flat slabs 2013
- On the behaviour of continuous RC slab strips flexurally strengthened by the NSM technique 2013
- Reinforced concrete beams strengthened in shear with NSM CFRP laminates - assessment of influencing parameters 2013
- Sobre a utilização de varões embebidos para o reforço ao corte de vigas de betão armado 2013
- A design model for fibre reinforced concrete bending elements with longitudinal pre-stressed steel and FRP bars 2012
- A finite element model with discrete embedded elements for fibre reinforced composites 2012
- A parametric study on the use of strain softening/hardening FRC for RC elements failing in bending. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2012
- Abordagem multi-física ao comportamento em serviço das estruturas de betão: Monitorização dos campos intermos de humidade 2012
- Aplicação da técnica da inserção de laminados de CFRP no reforço ao corte de vigas de betão de elevada resistência 2012
- Aplicação de microbetão para o reforço de elementos estruturais em betão armado danificados por ação de um fogo 2012
- Aplicação de sistema baseado em bainhas de pré-esforço ventiladas para redução do risco de fissuração de origem térmica do betão nas primeiras idades 2012
- Assessment of fibre orientation and distribution in steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete panels 2012
- Assessment of non linear bond laws for NSM systems in concrete elements 2012
- Avaliação do cálculo da resistência ao punçoamento centrado de lajes fungiformes reforçadas com fibras de aço – Modeos teóricos 2012
- Betões auto-compactáveis reforçados com fibras - propriedades e aplicações 2012
- Bond behavior between concrete and multi-directional CFRP laminates using the MF-EBR strengthening technique 2012
- Bond behaviour of concrete elements strengthened with NSM CFRP laminate strips under wet-dry cycles 2012
- Bond between multidirectional laminates of CFRP and concrete 2012
- Caracterização ao corte da ligação entre conector de GFRP e betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço 2012
- Caracterização do comportamento a longo prazo de adesivos estruturais 2012
- Characterization of cracking in strain hardening cementitious composites using the compact tension test 2012
- Comportamento de vigas de betão armado reforçadas à flexão com laminados de CFRP inseridos 2012
- Conception of sandwich structural panels comprising thin walled steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete (SFRSCC) and fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) connectors 2012
- Construction phasing of a dam spillway: thermomechanical simulation 2012
- Desenvolvimento de painéis sandwich estruturais constituídos por camadas nervuradas de betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço e conetores de compósito polimérico reforçado com fibras de vidro 2012
- Design-curves of strain softening and strain hardening fibre reinforced concrete elements subjected to axial load and bending moments 2012
- Diferentes métodos de avaliação do comportamento da ligação de laminados de CFRP ao betão de acordo com a técnica NSM 2012
- Edifícios de habitação e comércio em lajes fungiformes de betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço 2012
- Effects of curing conditions on crack bridging response of PVA reinforced cementitious matrix 2012
- Efficiency of different techniques in seismic strengthening of RC beam-column joints 2012
- Eighth RILEM International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Concrete: challenges and opportunities (BEFIB2012), 2012
- Embedded through-section bars for the shear strengthening of RC beams 2012
- Estudo paramétrico do comportamento de faixas de laje contínuas de BA reforçadas à flexão segundo a técnica NSM 2012
- Experimental and theoretical study on bond behavior of GFRP bars in steel fiber reinforced self compacting concrete 2012
- Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Connectors for Steel Fibre Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete (SFRSCC) sandwich panels 2012
- Interfacial bond behaviour of GFRP bar in self-compacting fiber reinforced concrete 2012
- Mechanical model to simulate the NSM FRP strips shear strength contribution to a RC beam: influence of each parameter on the force transferred by a single strip to a prism of plain concrete 2012
- NSM CFRP laminates for the shear strengthening of high strength concrete beams 2012
- NSM shear strengthening technique with CFRP laminates applied in high-strength concrete beams with or without pre-cracking 2012
- Numerical simulation of three-point bending tests : two distinct approaches 2012
- Otimização do faseamento construtivo de estruturas constituídas por grandes volumes de betão; Estudo do canal do descarregador de cheias de uma barragem 2012
- Performance of pre-cracked RC beams shear strengthened with NSM CFRP laminates 2012
- Reforço à flexão de faixas de laje contínuas de BA utilizando laminados de carbono aplicados segundo a técnica NSM 2012
- Seismic strengthening of beam-column joints with multidirectional CFRP laminates 2012
- Steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete for grid foundationS of single-family houses 2012
- Steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete for lightweight and durable pedestrian bridges : creep behaviour 2012
- The contribution of embedded through-section bars for the shear resistance of RC 2012
- The predictive performance of design models for the punching resistance of SFRC slabs in inner column loading conditions 2012
- 1º Seminário sobre projecto de reforço de estruturas de betão com FRP’s 2011
- Assessing the effectiveness of a NSM-CFRP flexural strengthening technique for continuous RC slabs by experimental research 2011
- Assessment of the bond behavior of NSM FRP materials by pullout tests 2011
- Assessment of the effectiveness of NSM-CFRP flexural strengthening configuration for continuous RC slabs 2011
- Bond behavior between glulam and GFRP’s using pullout bending tests 2011
- Bond behavior between glulam and GFRP’s using pullout direct tests 2011
- Comportamento da ligação varões de aço-betão no contexto de reforço ao corte segundo a técnica ETS para vigas de betão armado 2011
- Design-oriented approach for strain-softening and strain-hardening fibre hybrid reinforced concrete elements failing in bending 2011
- Efficiency of different FRP-based flexural strengthening techniques in beams submitted to fatigue loading 2011
- Evaluation of the dynamic behavior of a GFRP-SFRSCC hybrid footbridge 2011
- Experimental and numerical analysis of RC two-span slabs strengthened with NSM CFRP laminates 2011
- Experimental and numerical study of distinct techniques to strengthen beams failing in bending under monotonic loading 2011
- Flexural strengthening of RC continuous slab strips using NSM CFRP laminates 2011
- Flexural strengthening of masonry members using advanced cementitious materials 2011
- Hybrid fiber reinforcement and crack formation in cementitious composite materials 2011
- Image-based detection and analysis of crack propagation in cementitious composites 2011
- Influence of mechanical and geometrical parameters on the NSM FRP strips shear strength contribution to a RC beam 2011
- NSM FRP strips shear strength contribution to a RC beam : a design procedure 2011
- Near-tip analysis of crack propagation in cementitious composites 2011
- Reforço à flexão de faixas de lajes contínuas utilizando laminados de carbono aplicados segundo a técnica NSM 2011
- Response of FRP-glulam slab systems under five-point bending load 2011
- Round robin testing initiative for fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement 2011
- Technology, design and applications of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete 2011
- Theoretical model and computacional procedure to evaluate the NSM FRP strips shear strength contribution to a RC beam 2011
- Varões embebidos para o reforço ao corte de vigas de betão armado 2011
- 8º Congresso Nacional de Mecânica Experimental 2010 2010
- Aplicação da técnica da inserção de laminados de CFRP no reforço ao corte de vigas de betão armado 2010
- Aplicação da técnica da inserção de laminados de CFRP no reforço ao corte de vigas de betão de baixa resistência 2010
- Avaliação da heterogeneidade das propriedades mecânicas de um BACRFA em elementos estruturais 2010
- Avaliação do desempenho de ensaios de caracterização da ligação FRP-betão 2010
- Cobertura pré-fabricada em betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço 2010
- Comportamento de laminados multi-direccionais de CFRP para aplicações em engenharia civil 2010
- Comportamento em tracção uniaxial e flexão de betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço 2010
- Comportamento mecânico de betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço após exposição a temperaturas elevadas 2010
- Concepção de sistemas de restrição passiva à retracção para avaliação das tensões associadas à deformação impedida 2010
- Eficiência de diferentes técnicas de reforço à flexão de vigas de betão armado 2010
- Ensaio de carga numa laje fungiforme de um pavilhão industrial 2010
- Estudo da ligação entre laminados multi-direccionais e o betão 2010
- Influence of the concrete properties in the effectiveness of the NSM CFRP laminates for the shear strengthening of RC beams 2010
- Laminados de CFRP pós-tensionados no reforço à flexão de lajes de betão armado com excessiva deformabilidade 2010
- Mechanical model to simulate the NSM FRP strips shear strength contribution to RC beams 2010
- Modelação da interação solo estrutura na simulação do comportamento de box-culvert em betão reforçado com fibras 2010
- Shear strengthening of RC beams by means of NSM FRP strips : constitutive law of a single strip 2010
- Sistemas de solo compósito-betão : caracterização da interface geocompósito-betão 2010
- Sistemas de solo compósito-betão : caracterização da interface geocompósito-solo 2010
- 3D behaviour of a 4 parameter isotropic nonlinear hardening plasticity model for concrete 2009
- Cost competitive steel fibre reinforced SCC for structural applications 2009
- Data mining techniques and ultrasonic pulse velocity tests for the assessment of damage levels in concrete exposed to high temperatures and subject to compression 2009
- Flexural and shear strengthening of RC beams with composites materials : the influence of cutting steel stirrups to install CFRP strips 2009
- Influence of the percentage of steel stirrups in the effectiveness of the NSM laminates shear strengthening technique 2009
- Innovative structural systems for industrial buildings using fiber reinforced concrete and material nonlinear FEM-Based models 2009
- Modelling FRC infrastructures taking into account the soil-structure interaction 2009
- Modelling of bond between galvanized steel rebars and concrete 2009
- Numerical simulation of continuous RC slabs strengthened using NSM technique 2009
- Pre-stress technique for the flexural strengthening with NSM-CFRP strips 2009
- A model to simulate the cyclic axial compressive behavior of RC columns confined with CFRP sheets 2008
- A proposal for modeling debonding of NSM FRP strips for shear strengthening of RC beams 2008
- Active CFRP-based confinement strategies for RC columns with rectangular cross sections 2008
- Analytical and numerical analysis of the behaviour of RC beams flexural strengthened with CFRP 2008
- Analytical model for bond-slip of hooked-end steel fibres 2008
- Analytical modelling strategy for predicting the NSM FRP strips contribution for RC beams shear strength 2008
- Análise do desempenho de uma nova técnica de reforço ao corte para elementos estruturais de betão armado 2008
- Aplicação de novos materiais e de modelos de análise não linear material no desenvolvimento de sistemas estruturais pré-fabricados para edifícios industriais 2008
- Avaliação da influência das propriedades de adesivos e da geometria de laminados de fibra de carbono no comportamento de ensaios de arranque 2008
- Avaliação do desempenho de uma técnica para aplicação de pós-tensão em mantas de CFRP no confinamento de pilares de betão armado 2008
- Behaviour of RC beams shear strengthening with NSM CFRP laminates 2008
- CCC2008 Challenges for Civil Construction, International Conference, Bridge Science and Application with Engineering Towards Innovative Solutions for Construction 2008
- CFRP group effect and interaction between stirrups and strips on the NSM-shear strengthening of RC beams 2008
- Comparação de programas comerciais para dimensionamento de lajes em betão armado 2008
- Confinamento de pilares de betão armado reforçados total e parcialmente com mantas de CFRP submetidos a carregamentos ciclícos de compressão 2008
- Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2008
- Exploring the possibilities of a new technique for the shear strengthening of RC elements 2008
- Flexural behaviour of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete laminar structures 2008
- How reliable are the available models for predicting the FRP contribution for the shear resistance of RC beams? 2008
- Hybrid CFRP-based strengthening technique to increase the flexural resistance and concrete confinement of RC columns submitted to axial and cyclic lateral loading 2008
- Impact of the fibre manufacturing quality control on the fibre pullout performance 2008
- Influência da geometria e propriedades mecânicas de fibras de aço no desempenho ao arrancamento 2008
- Laminados de CFRP pré-tensionados para o reforço à flexão de vigas de betão armado 2008
- Modelling the influence of age of steel fibre reinforced self : compacting concrete on its compressive behaviour 2008
- Moradias de custo controlado em betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras 2008
- Multi-fixed smeared 3d crack model to simulate the behavior of fiber reinforced concrete structures 2008
- Novas perspectivas para o desenvolvimento de modelos de dimensionamento ao corte de vigas de betão armado reforçadas com FRP colado externamente 2008
- Painéis pré-fabricados em betão autocompactável reforçado com fibras de aço para fachadas de edifícios 2008
- Possibilities and challenges of NSM for the flexural strengthening of RC structures 2008
- Steel fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete : from the material characterization to the structural analysis 2008
- Steel fibres for the shear resistance of high strength concrete beams 2008
- Stress-strain model for partial CFRP confined concrete 2008
- A new approach for modelling the NSM shear strengthening contribution in reinforced concrete beams 2007
- A pullout test for the near surface mounted CFRP-concrete bond characterization 2007
- Bond-slip mechanisms of hooked-end steel fibers in self-compacting concrete 2007
- Composite materials for the structural strengthening of reinforced masonry shells 2007
- Crack constitutive model to simulate the behavior of fiber reinforced concrete structures failing in punching 2007
- Design models for shear strengthening of reinforced concrete beams with externally bonded FRP composites : a statistical vs reliability approach 2007
- Fibrous reinforcing system to increase the shear resistance of high strength concrete 2007
- Fire behaviour of a fibre reinforced concrete tunnel segments 2007
- High strength and ductile fibrous concrete of enhanced fire resistance 2007
- Indirect assessment of the contribution of NSM CFRP laminates for the shear strengthening of RC beams 2007
- Influence of the concrete mechanical properties on the efficacy of the shear strengthening intervention on RC beams by NSM technique 2007
- Influence of the spacing between NSM-CFRP laminates on the flexural strengthening efficacy of RC slabs 2007
- Low strength T-cross section RC beams shear-strengthened by NSM technique 2007
- Numerical simulation of the nonlinear behavior of RC beams strengthened with NSM CFRP strips 2007
- Betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço para o reforço à flexâo de estruturas laminares 2006
- CFRP-based confinement strategies for RC columns-experimental and analytical research 2006
- Comportamento de vigas de betão armado reforçadas ao corte por inserção de laminados de CFRP 2006
- Confinement efficacy of partially and fully wrapped CFRP systems in RC column prototypes 2006
- Desempenho de modelos analíticos de previsão da contribuição de materiais compósitos no reforço ao corte de vigas de betão armado 2006
- Efficient strengthening technique for reinforced concrete slabs 2006
- Elementos de pilar de betão armado confinados com sistemas de cfrp submetidos a carregamento cíclico de compressão 2006
- Influência da percentagem e orientação de laminados de CFRP no reforço ao corte de vigas de betão armado 2006
- Memória descritiva e justificativa do projecto de estabilidade do edifício do Centro de Solidariedade de Braga 2006
- Modelação analítica da influência da idade de betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço no seu comportamento à compressão 2006
- NSM CFRP laminates for the shear strengthening of T section RC beams 2006
- Reforço à flexão de cobertura de betão armado 2006
- Sistema híbrido em materiais compósitos para reforço de lajes de betão armado 2006
- 1st US-Portugal International Workshop - Grand challenges in earthquake engineering - 250 years after the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake 2005
- An efficient confinement strategy with CFRP sheets to increase the energy absorption capacity of RC concrete columns 2005
- Compression and bending behavior of steel fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete 2005
- Concrete slabs strips reinforced with epoxy-bonded carbon laminates into slits 2005
- Design methods for steel fiber reinforced concrete industrial floors 2005
- Faixas de manta de CFRP no confinamento de elementos de pilar de betão armado 2005
- Near surface mounted thecnique for the flexural and shear strengthening of concrete beams 2005
- On bonding repairing steel fibre reinforced concrete to hardened concrete 2005
- Painéis aligeirados em betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço 2005
- Partial versus full wrapping confinement systems for concrete columns 2005
- Reforço ao corte de vigas T de betão armado por inserção de laminados de CFRP 2005
- SEM analysis of bond epoxy based layer between hardened concrete and SFRC repairing 2005
- Shear Strengthening of RC beams with near-surface-mounted CFRP laminates 2005
- Avaliação da eficácia de distintas técnicas de reforço ao corte de vigas de betão armado com CFRP 2004
- Caracterização do comportamento da ligação entre betões de distinta classe de resistência 2004
- Centro de Solidariedade de Braga 2004
- Comportamento da ligação de laminados de CFRP inseridos no betão sob acções cíclicas 2004
- Comportamento à flexão de painéis representativos de um novo sistema construtivo em alvenaria armada 2004
- Comportamento à tracção directa de elementos laminares de betão armado reforçado com fibras de aço 2004
- Confinamento garantido ao betão por cintagem total e parcial com mantas de CFRP 2004
- Design recommendations for reinforced masonry arches 2004
- Flexural behavior of representative panels of prefabricated reinforced masonry shells 2004
- Flexural tensile behaviour of enhanced performance concrete 2004
- Influência da idade nos parâmetros de fractura do betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço 2004
- Materiais compósitos no reforço de estruturas 2004
- Material nonlinear analysis of steel fibre reinforced concrete beams failing in shear 2004
- Modelação de vigas reforçadas com laminados de CFRP inseridos no betão de recobrimento 2004
- Método das linhas de rotura versus modelos de análise não linear material na determinação da capacidade de carga de lajes apoiadas em solo 2004
- Near surface mounted CFRP-based technique for the strengthening of concrete structures 2004
- Nova formulação para o dimensionamento de estruturas laminares de betão armado 2004
- On the experimental study of the interface between a fiber composite lamina and concrete 2004
- Painéis aligeirados em betão autocompactável reforçado com fibras de aço 2004
- Post-cracking behaviour of selfcompacting steel fibre reinforced concrete 2004
- Reforço de pavimentos de edifícios industriais com laminados de fibras de carbono 2004
- Self-compacting steel fibre reinforced concrete for precasted sandwich panels : experimental and numerical research 2004
- Stress-crack opening relationship of enhanced performance concrete 2004
- Sísmica 2004, 6º Congresso Nacional de Sismologia e Engenharia Sísmica 2004
- Avaliação da adequabilidade das leis propostas pela Rilem para caracterizar o comportamento fendilhado do betão reforçado com fibras de aço 2003
- Betão autocompactável reforçado com fibras de aço : método racional de concepção 2003
- Betão reforçado com fibras de aço : recomendações normativas, investigação experimental e numérica 2003
- Bond between near-surface mounted CFRP laminates and the concrete in structural strengthening 2003
- Comportamento à flexão de betão reforçado com fibras de aço : caracterização experimental e conceitos para uso em projecto 2003
- Confinamento de provetes cilíndricos de betão com mantas de CFRP : cintagem parcial e total 2003
- Dimensionamento de estruturas de betão reforçado com fibras de aço 2003
- Eficiência do reforço de CFRP em estruturas de concreto sob efeito térmico 2003
- Estratégia para determinar a lei tensão-abertura de fenda do BRFA 2003
- Estudo comparativo de três técnicas de reforço à flexão com CFRP 2003
- Experimental characterization of the flexural behaviour of steel fibre reinforced concrete according to RILEM TC 162-TDF recommendations 2003
- Fibras de aço no reforço ao corte de vigas de betão armado 2003
- Investigação no âmbito da utilização de materiais compósitos no reforço de estruturas de betão 2003
- Juntas em pavimentos de edifícios industriais 2003
- Mantas de CFRP no confinamento de elementos de betão submetidos a compressão 2003
- Materiais compósitos de CFRP no reforço ao corte de vigas de betão armado 2003
- Modelação da ligação de laminados de CFRP inseridos no betão 2003
- Modelação do comportamento à flexão do BRFA com base em lei tensão-extensão 2003
- Post-cracking behaviour of steel fibre reinforced concrete (RILEM Recommendations) 2003
- Shear strengthening of reinforced concrete beams with laminate strips of CFRP 2003
- Software no ensino e no projecto de estruturas 2003
- Strategies for concrete confinement with strips of CFRP sheet 2003
- Análise comparativa da eficácia de dois tipos de fibras de aço no reforço de elementos de betão 2002
- Bond behavior of carbon laminate strips into concrete by pullout-bending tests 2002
- Characterization and strengthening a "ghost" building 2002
- Characterization of brick and brick–mortar interface under uniaxial tension 2002
- Comportamento da ligação de laminados de CFRP inseridos no betão 2002
- Concrete beams reinforced with carbon laminates strips bonded into slits 2002
- Desempenho de três técnicas de reforço à flexão de vigas de betão armado com CFRP 2002
- Eficácia de fibras discretas de aço no reforço à flexão de elementos de betão 2002
- Elementos de casca em alvenaria cerâmica reforçados com laminados de fibras de carbono 2002
- Painéis de alvenaria cerâmica com juntas de concreto submetidos a ensaio de cisalhamento 2002
- Projecto de reforço à flexão com fibras FRP baseado nas recomendações do ACI 440 2002
- Reforço à flexão de vigas de betão armado por intermédio da inserção de laminados de CFRP no betão de recobrimento 2002
- Soluções industrializadas para cascas de betão com elementos cerâmicos incorporados 2002
- Vigas de betão armado reforçadas ao corte com laminados de CFRP : uma técnica nova 2002
- Análise experimental de pilares de betão armado reforçados com laminados de carbono sob acções cíclicas 2001
- Assessing the embedded length of epoxy-bonded carbon laminates by pull-out bending tests 2001
- Avaliação do módulo de elasticidade de betões de elevado desempenho com cinzas volantes 2001
- Betão reforçado com fibras de aço – recentes desenvolvimentos nas áreas da caracterização experimental, cálculo e aplicação. Dimensionamento e execução de pavimentos 2001
- CCC 2001 Composites in Construction 2001
- Caracterização do betão reforçado com fibras de aço segundo as recomendações do RILEM 2001
- Caracterização do comportamento à flexão do betão reforçado com fibras segundo a proposta do RILEM 2001
- Conceito de resistência equivalente em flexão do BFRA na verificação aos estados limites últimos e de utilização segundo o RILEM e o Eurocódigo 2001
- Normalização nos ensaios de caracterização experimental dos betões reforçados com fibras de aço. Dimensionamento e execução de pavimentos 2001
- Pilares de betão armado reforçados com laminados de fibras de carbono 2001
- Strengthening a prestressed concrete slab by epoxy-bonded FRP composites and SFRC overlayer 2001
- Comportamento de pilares de betão armado reforçados com laminados de fibras de carbono 2000
- Comportamento à tracção em flexão de betões de desempenho melhorado 2000
- Lajes de betão reforçado com fibras de aço submetidas aos principais casos de carga 2000
- Modelo de análise não linear material de pórticos de betão armado : calibração das relações constitutivas 2000
- Reinforced concrete under cyclic loading 2000
- Size effect on masonry subjected to out-of-plane loading 2000
- Analysis of concrete slabs supported on soil 1999
- Análise experimental de elementos de viga de betão armado reforçado com fibras de aço sob acções ciclícas 1999
- Energy absorption capacity of steel fibre reinforced concrete 1999
- Analysis of damage building in the north region of Portugal 1998
- Análise de elementos de parede de betão armado 1998
- Análise experimental de elementos de betão armado reforçado com fibras sob acções cíclicas 1998
- Experimental behavior of mesh reinforced shotcrete and steel fiber reinforced shotcrete panels 1998
- Experimental analysis of fiber reinforced concrete slabs 1997
- Object oriented programming : data preparation and visualization of FEM models 1997
- Experimental and numerical analysis of steel fiber reinforced concrete slabs 1996
- Simulação numérica do comportamento de lajes de betão reforçado com fibras de aço apoiadas em solo 1996
- Análise experimental de lajes de betão apoiadas em solo 1995
- Modelo de fendilhação para estruturas de betão reforçado com fibras de aço 1995
- Comportamento de elementos estruturais de betão reforçado com fibras de aço 1994
- Modelos constitutivos para o betão armado fendilhado 1994
- Tensile behaviour of glass fibre reinforced concrete 1994
- Finite element analysis of sandwich structures 1991
- Analysis of composite laminates using graphical processing 1990
- Analysis of plates on elastic foundation by the finite element method 1990
- Observação e análise do comportamento estrutural de um piso aligeirado com vigotas pré-esforçadas 1990
- Modelos de análise de estruturas tridimensionais 1989
- Introduction 2017
- Potentialities of cement-based recycled materials reinforced with sisal fibers as a filler component of precast concrete slabs 2017
- Preface 2017
- Time-dependent flexural behaviour of SFRSCC elements 2017
- NSM Systems 2016
- Prestressed FRP Systems 2016
- Report on indirect method to obtain stress-strain response of fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) 2016
- Special Problems 2016
- Report on design and construction of steel fiber-reinforced concrete elevated slabs 2015
- Advancements in retrofitting reinforced concrete structures by the use of CFRP materials 2014
- Effects of adding multiwalled carbon nanotube into dielectric when EDMing titanium alloy 2012
- Hybrid fiber reinforcement and crack formation in cementitious composite materials 2012
- Bond-slip mechanisms of hooked-end steel fibers in self-compacting concrete 2008
- Possibilidades e desafios do betão auto compactável reforçado com fibras : do laboratório à aplicação real 2006
- CEC research activities for the period 2003-2005 2005
- Método dos deslocamentos 2005
- Exercícios práticos resolvidos de Estruturas I 2004
- Comportamento do betão reforçado com fibras - análise experimental e simulação numérica (Tese de Doutoramento) 1995
- Modelos de análise de estruturas laminares e de compósitos laminados (Tese de Mestrado) 1989