publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Eco Printing of Linen and Tencel Substrates with Onion Skins and Red Cabbage. Materials Circular Economy. 2021
- Proteção UV de tecidos de poliamida e de lã tingidos com folhas de teca / UV protection of polyamide and wool fabrics dyed with teak leaves. Brazilian Journal of Development. 2021
- Efficient silver nanoparticles deposition method on DBD plasma-treated polyamide 6,6 for antimicrobial textiles. Biomedical Materials. 2018
- New Possibilities of Raw Cotton Pre-treatment before reactive dyeing. Biomedical Materials. 2018
- Flexible piezoresistive pressure sensors for smart textiles. Biomedical Materials. 2018
- The first fifty years of the Mechanism and Machine Theory: Standing back and looking forward. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2018
- Development of pressure sensors for smart textiles. Biomedical Materials. 2018
- Silkworm excrement used for dyeing textiles. Biomedical Materials. 2018
- Surface activation of textile fibers by plasma DBD for dyeing with teak leaf. Biomedical Materials. 2018
- Laccase-mediated grafting of polyphenols onto cationized cotton fibers to impart UV protection and antioxidant activities. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2017
- A new approach to implement a customized anatomic insole in orthopaedic footwear of lower limb orthosis. Biomedical Materials. 2017
- Exploring dynamic lighting, colour and form with smart textiles. Biomedical Materials. 2017
- Plasma-assisted deposition of microcapsule containing Aloe vera extract for cosmeto-textiles . Biomedical Materials. 2017
- Double Dielectric Barrier (DBD) plasma-assisted deposition of chemical stabilized nanoparticles on polyamide 6,6 and polyester fabrics. Biomedical Materials. 2017
- Dyeing of cotton and polyester blended fabric previously cationized with synthetic and natural polyelectrolytes. Procedia Engineering. 2017
- Physical, Chemical and Morphological Characterization of Polyamide Fabrics Treated with Plasma Discharge. Materials Research. 2017
- Structural coloration of chitosan-cationized cotton fabric using photonic crystals. Biomedical Materials. 2017
- A study on the dynamics of spatial mechanisms with frictional spherical clearance joints. Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Tecnhical Conference. 2016
- Development and early results of a new concept of an orthopedic footwear stirrup. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2015
- Human gait analyses using multibody system formulation: normal and pathological scenarios. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2015
- Influence of the hip joint modeling approaches on the kinematics of human gait. Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Tecnhical Conference. 2015
- Estudo da substituição do couro pela pele de cortiça para aplicação em calçado/vestuário. Nova Têxtil. 2014
- Functionalization of Natural Cork Composite with Microcapsules after Plasma Treatment. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. 2014
- Thermochromic Textile Structures: Dynamic Ambient Light Design. International Journal of Design. 2014
- Thermochromic Filters Effect on Static Light. International Journal of Visual Design. 2013
- Acabamento de têxteis multifuncionais com nanocompósitos poliméricos. Nova Têxtil. 2011
- Aplicação da descarga plasmática de dupla barreira dielétrica (DBD) em fibras têxteis hidrofóbicas - estudo da força colorística. Redige, Revista de Design, Inovação e Gestão Estratégica. 2010
- Surface Modification on Polyamide 6.6 with Double Barrier Discharge (DBD) Plasma to Optimise Dyeing Process by Direct Dyes. Key Engineering Materials. 2010
- La Maquina de Plasma DBD en el Procesamiento a Mojado del Material Textil. Revista de la Asociacion Espanola de Quimicos y Coloristas, Química Têxtil. 2009
- Tingimento da Poliamida 6.6 com corantes reactivos para lã e algodão após modificação superficial com descarga plasmática de dupla dieléctrica (DBD). Química Textil. 2009
- Influence of September 11 on color tendencies. ITC and DC: Book of Proceedings of the 4th International Textile, Clothing and Design Conference - Magic World of Textiles. 2008
- Reactive Pad-Batch Dyeing in CORONA Discharged Fabrics. Journal of Natural Fibers. 2007
- Space without Smoke. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields. 2003
- Application of machine vision to laboratory tests for the textile industry. Textile Science. 2001
- Softening and hidrophilicity: A solved conflict. Proceedings of the 80th World Conference of the Textile Institute. 2000
- Aplicação de Tratamento Corona na Estamparia Têxtil. Nova Têxtil. 1999
- Tratamentos Plasma e CORONA sobre Materiais Têxteis. Nova Têxtil. 1998
- Aplicações da técnica de análise de imagem em testes de laboratório na Indústria. Nova Têxtil. 1993
artigo de conferência
- Research on Shape Memory Textiles Based on Origami Techniques 2019
- Antibacterial Potential of Cotton Fabric Dyed With Indigofera Tinctoria-Derived Dye 2019
- Bacterial Nanocellulose composites for the textile and leather industries 2019
- Efficient silver nanoparticles deposition method on DBD plasma-treated polyamide 6,6 for antimicrobial textile. Biomedical Materials. 2018
- New Possibilities of Raw Cotton Pre-treatment before reactive dyeing 2018
- Size Effects on Antimicrobial Efficiency of DBD Plasma Coated Silver Nanoparticles on Textiles 2017
- A new approach to implement a customized anatomic insole in orthopaedic footwear of lower limb orthosis. Biomedical Materials. 2017
- Developing smart body protector for sports karate 2017
- Exploring dynamic lighting, colour and form with smart textiles. Biomedical Materials. 2017
- Intelligent textiles for martial arts 2017
- Structural coloration in textiles 2017
- Using photonic crystals for structural coloration of textiles 2017
- A study on the dynamics of spatial mechanisms with frictional spherical clearance joints 2016
- Development and characterization of cotton elastic yarns to improve wear comfort of bi-elastic thin fabrics 2016
- New textile fiber: Curauá 2016
- Shape Memory Textiles: Screen-Printing and Knife Coating Processes to Acquire Functional Performance 2015
- O desenvolvimento de uniformes profissionais para trabalhadores de ambientes externos a partir da aplicação de acabamentos funcionais de barreira UV em fibras previamente ativadas por plasma 2015
- Plasma Technology Applied in Textile Industry 2014
- Human gait Analyses using multi body Systems Formulation: Normal and Pathological Scenarios 2014
- Reuse of effluent from dyeing process of polyamide fibers modified by Double Barrier Discharge (DBD) Plasma 2014
- Tinctorial behaviour of curaua and banana fibers and dyeing wastewater treatment by porous alumina membranes 2014
- Development and Early results of a new concept of an Orthopedic Footwear Stirrup 2014
- Shape Memory Textiles: Designing Origami Light Filters 2014
- The points of Incidence of the Solar Radiation on the Skin of the Open-air Workers 2014
- Colour: research in smart materials applied to textile design 2013
- Characterization of Natural Cork Agglomerate Functionalised by Plasma Treatment 2013
- Design of a new Foot Stirrup Model for Functional Orthopaedic Footwear 2013
- Development and Application of a New Concept of Cork Substrate in Footwear and Clothing 2013
- Functionalization of Cork Agglomerate Composite with PCM Microcapsules after DBD Plasma Treatment 2013
- Thermochromic Textiles Structures: Dynamic Ambient Light Design 2013
- Colour spread: light, thermochromics and conventional pigments 2012
- Functionalization of Textile Materials by Double Barrier Discharge Plasma 2012
- Breathable, Impermeable and Odourless Lining for Orthopaedic Footwear Application 2012
- Colours Spread: Thermochromics, Conventional Pigments and Light 2012
- Gaining insight into Tua railway line through interactive experiments 2012
- Processing and electrical response of fully polymer piezoelectric filaments for e-textiles applications 2012
- The consumer perception of sustainability 2012
- Thermochromic Filters Effect on Static Light 2012
- Application of new Materials and Finishings in Orthopaedic Footwear Associated with Orthosis 2011
- Influence of DBD plasma modification in the dyeing process of polyamide 2011
- DBD treatment of diacetate, polyamide, polyester, acrylic and wool fibres and competitive dyeing with different dye classes 2010
- Durable functionalities in polyamide 6.6 with ZnO-PMMA nanocomposites 2010
- Dyeing wood - a new green process 2010
- Green Process Applied to Wood - Impregnation of Wood with Colour 2010
- UV protection of polyamide fabrics with polymeric nanocomposites 2010
- Pré-Tratamentos de materiais fibrosos com plasma atmosférico 2009
- Polyamide Dyeing with Anionic Dyes after DBD Treatment - the process's Optimization 2009
- Bojo Inteligente com Memória de Forma 2009
- Shape Memory Alloys applied to Intimate Apparel Pad 2009
- Surface Modification on Polyamide 6.6 with Double Barrier Discharge (DBD) Plasma to Optimize Dyeing Process by Direct Dyes 2009
- Tingimento da Poliamida 6.6 com corantes Reactivos para lã e algodão após alteração superficial com Descarga Plasmática de Dupla Barreira dieléctrica (DBD) 2009
- Surface Modification on PVA Fibers with Double Barrier Discharge (DBD) Plasma 2009
- Reactive Dyeing of Polyamide 6.6 by Plasmatic Modification 2008
- Design de moda com Memória de Forma 2008
- Incorporation of SMA technologies in fashion underwear products 2008
- A DBD Plasma Machine in Textile Wet Processing 2008
- Comparative Research of Two Smart Materials for Application in Fashion Textile Design 2008
- Influence of September 11 on color 2008
- Optimização da uniformidade de materiais têxteis tingidos com corantes de cuba e pré-tratados com descarga plasmática Corona 2007
- Improvement of Durable properties of Surgical Textiles using Plasma Treatment 2007
- Raw cotton vat dyeing using Corona plasmatic radiation as pre-treatment 2007
- Corona Technology in the Processing of Cellulosic Materials 2006
- Space Without Smoke 2006
- Aplicación del Plasma en la Industria Textile 2006
- Water carpet 2006
- Influence of Plasmatic CORONA Discharge in Dyeing of Desized/ Mercerised Fabrics 2006
- Development of a new vat dyeing process for cellulosic materials pré-treated with CORONA 2005
- Effect of CORONA Treatment on Finishing processes of linen fabrics 2005
- Developments in Preparation and Dyeing of CORONA Discharged Cellulosic Materials 2005
- Evaluation of cotton fabric properties after mercerization using CORONA as a preparation step 2005
- Structural Changes in CORONA Discharged Cotton Submitted to Mercerization 2005
- Quality Improvement and Shortcut of Preparation of CORONA Discharged Cotton Fabrics 2004
- Effect of CORONA Treatment on Physical Properties of Linen Fabric 2004
- Characterisation of Surface-Liquids Interaction in Textile Materials 2002
- Comparative Behaviour of Softening agents in Coronised Cotton Materials 2001
- CORONA treatment of softened textiles materials 2001
- Descarga Corona em Tecidos de Algodão: um Estudo do Mecanismo por Técnicas Espectroscópicas 2000
- Corona Treatment and Fabric's Hidrophilicity Improvement after Cationic Softening 2000
- Hydrophilization Mechanisms of Cotton Fibers Following Corona Discharge 2000
- Softening and Hidrophilicity: a Solved Conflict 2000
- Probing Surface Changes in Cotton Textiles Following Corona Discharge 2000
- Tratamento de Tecido de Algodão Utilizando a Descarga Corona: um Estudo por Sondas Fluorescentes 1999
- Industrial Impact of Corona Plasmatic Treatments in the Wet Processing of Cotton Materials 1999
- Capacidade de Penetração da Descarga Corona através da Camada superficial Lipídica na Fibra de Algodão 1999
- Hidrofilidade e Ionização de Tecidos de Algodão Submetidos a Descargas Corona 1999
- To Dye Green and Clean 1999
- Image Analysis Applications in the Assessment of Flammability and Transparency Evaluation of Fabrics 1998
- O tingimento de tecidos de algodão submetidos a descargas CORONA 1998
- Oxidação superficial provocada por descarga CORONA sobre o algodão e os produtos de estamparia pigmentaria 1998
- Tratamentos por Radiações: A Aplicação do Tratamento Corona na Estamparia com Pigmentos 1997
- Influence du traitment CORONA dans la cuticle du cotton 1996
- L'application des traitments CORONA dans l'impression textile 1996
- Utilização da técnica de radiação superficial CORONA na estamparia têxtil e avaliação do seu impacto ambiental, no processo e na qualidade do produto final 1996
- A Utilização de Técnicas de Análise de Imagem no Laboratório Têxtil 1994
- Application of Machine Vision to Laboratory Tests for the Textile Industry 1993
- Defects on Textile Substractes Caused by the Presence of Oils and Lubricants 1993
- Novas Aplicações da Técnica de Tratamento de Imagem na Indústria têxtil 1991
- Applications of Image Analysis in Quality Control 1991
- Aplicação da Técnica de Tratamento de Imagem na Indústria Têxtil 1991
- Structural Transformations in Acrylic Fibers 1990
artigo de revista
- Application of bacterial cellulose in the textile and shoe industry: Development of biocomposites. Polysaccharides. 2021
- Resistance variation of conductive ink applied by the screen printing technique on different substrates. Coloration Technology. 2020
- The influence of chemical reaction conditions upon poly(styrene-methyl methacrylate-acrylic acid) synthesis: Variations in nanoparticle size, colour and deposition methods. Coloration Technology. 2019
- Bacterial Cellulose and Emulsified AESO Biocomposites as an Ecological Alternative to Leather. Nanomaterials. 2019
- Optimization of bacterial nanocellulose fermentation using recycled paper sludge and development of novel composites. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2019
- Electroactive Polyamide/Cotton Fabrics for Biomedical Applications. Journal of Polymer Engineering. 2019
- Multifunctional Chitosan/Gold Nanoparticles Coatings for Biomedical Textiles. Nanomaterials. 2019
- Structural coloration of chitosan coated cellulose fabrics by electrostatic self-assembled poly (styrene-methyl methacrylate-acrylic acid) photonic crystals. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2018
- Dyed Poly(styrene-methyl Methacrylate-acrylic Acid) Photonic Nanocrystals for Enhanced Structural Color. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2018
- A Study on the Dynamics of Spatial Mechanisms With Frictional Spherical Clearance Joints. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics. 2017
- Glycerol/PEDOT: PSS coated woven fabric as a flexible heating element on textiles. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2017
- On the constraints violation in forward dynamics of multibody systems. Multibody System Dynamics. 2017
- Influence of the Hip Joint Modeling Approaches on the Kinematics of Human Gait. Journal of Tribology-Transactions of the Asme. 2016
- Reuse of effluent from dyeing process of polyamide fibers modified by double barrier discharge (DBD) plasma. Desalination and Water Treatment. 2016
- Tinctorial behavior of curaua and banana fibers and dyeing wastewater treatment by porous alumina membranes. Desalination and Water Treatment. 2016
- Exploring geometric morphology in shape memory textiles: Design of dynamic light filters. Antibiotics. 2015
- Photocatalytic fabrics based on reduced graphene oxide and TiO2 coatings. Journal of Materials Science and Engineering A. 2015
- Size and Aging Effects on Antimicrobial Efficiency of Silver Nanoparticles Coated on Polyamide Fabrics Activated by Atmospheric DBD Plasma. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2015
- Plasma treatment of polyester fabrics to increase the adhesion of reduced graphene oxide. Synthetic Metals. 2015
- Conducting fabrics of polyester coated with polypyrrole and doped with graphene oxide. Synthetic Metals. 2015
- Plasma Treatment in Textile Industry. Plasma Processes and Polymers. 2015
- Application of nanotechnology in antimicrobial finishing of biomedical textiles. Materials Research Express. 2014
- Processing and Electrical Response of Fully Polymer Piezoelectric Filaments for E-Textiles Applications. Journal of Textile Engineering. 2014
- Dyeing mechanism and optimization of polyamide 6,6 functionalized with double barrier discharge (DBD) plasma in air. Applied Surface Science. 2014
- Properties and controlled release of chitosan microencapsulated limonene oil. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia-Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy. 2014
- Effect of Particle Size on Silver Nanoparticle Deposition onto Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) Plasma Functionalized Polyamide Fabric. Plasma Processes and Polymers. 2013
- Enhanced adhesion of polypyrrole/PW12O40 3- hybrid coatings on polyester fabrics. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2013
- Functionalization of wool fabric with phase-change materials microcapsules after plasma surface modification. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2013
- Influence of DBD plasma modification in the dyeing process of polyamide. Tekstil ve Mühendis. 2012
- Novel copolymer for SiO 2 nanoparticles dispersion. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2012
- Surface modification of banana fibers by DBD plasma treatment. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing. 2012
- Functional finishing of polyamide fabrics using ZnO-PMMA nanocomposites. Journal of Materials Science. 2010
- Polymer nanocomposites for multifunctional finishing of textiles - A review. Antibiotics. 2010
- Preparation of cotton materials using corona discharge. Journal of Natural Fibers. 2006
- Dyeability of corona-treated fabrics. Coloration Technology. 2001
capítulo de livro
- Dynamic Qualities of Smart Textiles: Study of Stimuli Magnitude with Chromic Pigments 2022
- Flexible textile printed piezoresistive pressure sensors 2022
- Surface Modification of textile materials by plasma treatment to improve adhesion 2015
- Polyamide 6.6 Modified by DBD Plasma Treatment for Anionic Dyeing Processes 2011
- Linho 2009
- Development of a new vat dyeing process for cellulose materials pre-treated with Corona (Chapter 24) 2007
- Effect of corona treatment on finishing processes of linen fabrics (Chapter 29) 2007
- Deposition of Silver Nanocomposite on Textiles for Controllable Antibacterial Activity Using Atmospheric Pressure Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) Plasma 2020
- Bacterial nanocellulose composites for the textile and leather industries 2019
- Antibacterial potential of cotton fabrics dyed with INDIGOFERA TINCTORIA-derived dye 2019
- Atmospheric-pressure plasma spray deposition of Silver/HMDSO nanocomposite on polyamide 6,6 with controllable antibacterial activity 2019
- Brazilian native flora and its potential for textile application 2019
- Copaíba essential oil microencapsulation: production and evaluation 2019
- Dyeing performance of Brazilian pineapple leaf fibers for textile applications 2019
- Dynamic colour in textiles: combination of thermo, photo and hydrochromic pigments 2019
- Em Braga, a programação local da Noite Europeia dos Investigadores 2021, coordenada pela Escola de Ciências da Universidade do Minho e pelo Laboratório Ibérico Internacional de Nanotecnologia, contemplará atividades online e locais inspiradas na temática geral Ciência para o Clima. A programação conta com cerca de 50 atividades sobre a temática desta edição da NEI alinhada com o Pacto Ecológico Eu 2019
- Influence of chemical reaction conditions in P(St-MMA-AA) synthesis: variation in nanoparticle size, color and deposition methods. 2019
- Postpartum cesarean underwear design as recovery in the healing process 2019
- Research on shape memory textiles based on origami techniques. 2019
- Resistance variation of different substrats applied condutive ink by screen print technique 2019
- Soft piezoresistive sensors for integration into smart werables 2019
- Conductive textiles for biomedical applications 2018
- Flexible piezoresistive pressure sensors for smart textiles 2018
- New Possibilities of Raw Cotton Pre-treatment before reactive dyeing 2018
- Noções Propedêuticas em Desenho Técnico 2018
- A Critical Overview of Several Methods to Handle the Problem of Constraints Violation in Forward Multibody Dynamics 2017
- A new approach to implement a customized anatomic insole in orthopaedic footwear of lower limb orthosis 2017
- Developing smart body protector for sports karate 2017
- Intelligent textiles for martial arts 2017
- Introdução ao Desenho Técnico 2017
- Structural coloration in textiles 2017
- Using photonic crystals for structural coloration of textiles 2017
- A Study on the Dynamics of Spatial Mechanisms with Frictional Spherical Clearance Joints 2016
- Development and characterization of cotton elastic yarns to improve wear comfort of bi-elastic thin fabrics 2016
- New textile fiber: Curauá 2016
- Shape Memory Textiles: Screen-Printing and Knife Coating Processes to Acquire Functional Performance 2015
- Influence of the hip joint modeling approaches on the kinematics of human gait 2015
- O desenvolvimento de uniformes profissionais para trabalhadores de ambientes externos a partir da aplicação de acabamentos funcionais de barreira UV em fibras previamente ativadas por plasma 2015
- Shape Memory Textiles: Designing Origami Light Filters 2014
- Development and Early results of a new concept of an Orthopedic Footwear Stirrup 2014
- Human gait Analyses using multi body Systems Formulation: Normal and Pathological Scenarios 2014
- Tinctorial behaviour of curaua and banana fibers and dyeing wastewater treatment by porous alumina membranes 2014
- The points of Incidence of the Solar Radiation on the Skin of the Open-air Workers 2014
- Characterization of Natural Cork Agglomerate Functionalised by Plasma Treatment 2013
- Design of a new Foot Stirrup Model for Functional Orthopaedic Footwear 2013
- Development and Application of a New Concept of Cork Substrate in Footwear and Clothing 2013
- Functionalization of Cork Agglomerate Composite with PCM Microcapsules After DBD Plasma Treatment 2013
- Thermochromic Textiles Structures: Dynamic Ambient Light Design 2013
- Breathable, Impermeable and Odorless Lining for Orthopedic Footwear Application 2012
- Colours Spread: Thermochromics, Conventional Pigments and Light 2012
- Functionalization of Textile Materials by Double Barrier Discharge Plasma 2012
- The consumer perception of sustainability 2012
- Processing and electrical response of fully polymer piezoelectric filaments for e-textiles applications 2012
- Thermochromic Filters Effect on Static Light 2012
- Influence of DBD plasma modification in the dyeing process of polyamide 2011
- Application of new Materials and Finishings in Orthopaedic Footwear Associated with Orthosis 2011
- DBD treatment of diacetate, polyamide, polyester, acrylic and wool fibres and competitive dyeing with different dye classes 2010
- UV protection of polyamide fabrics with polymeric nanocomposites 2010
- Dyeing wood – a new green process 2010
- Green Process Applied to Wood - Impregnation of Wood with Colour 2010
- Durable functionalities in polyamide 6.6 with ZnO-PMMA nanocomposites 2010
- Pré-Tratamentos de materiais fibrosos com plasma atmosférico 2009
- Polyamide Dyeing with Anionic Dyes after DBD Treatment – the process’s Optimization 2009
- Bojo Inteligente com Memória de Forma 2009
- Tingimento da Poliamida 6.6 com corantes Reactivos para lã e algodão após alteração superficial com Descarga Plasmática de Dupla Barreira dieléctrica (DBD) 2009
- Surface Modification on PVA Fibers with Double Barrier Discharge (DBD) Plasma 2009
- Double dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators in the wetting process of textile material,La máquina de plasma DBD en el procesamiento de mojado del material textil 2009
- Reactive Dyeing of Polyamide 6.6 by Plasmatic Modification 2008
- Design de moda com Memória de Forma 2008
- Incorporation of SMA technologies in fashion underwear products 2008
- A DBD Plasma Machine in Textile Wet Processing 2008
- Comparative Research of Two Smart Materials for Application in Fashion Textile Design 2008
- Influence of September 11 on color 2008
- Improvement of Durable properties of Surgical Textiles using Plasma Treatment 2007
- Raw cotton vat dyeing using Corona plasmatic radiation as pre-treatment 2007
- Corona Technology in the Processing of Cellulosic Materials 2006
- Influence of Plasmatic CORONA Discharge in Dyeing of Desized/Mercerised Fabrics 2006
- Space Without Smoke 5th ESA Student Parabolic Flight Campaign –Study the behaviour of smoke in absence of gravity 2006
- Aplicación del Plasma en la Industria Textile 2006
- Water carpet 2006
- Development of a new vat dyeing process for cellulosic materials pré-treated with CORONA 2005
- Effect of CORONA Treatment on Finishing processes of linen fabrics 2005
- Developments in Preparation and Dyeing of CORONA Discharged Cellulosic Materials 2005
- Evaluation of cotton fabric properties after mercerization using CORONA as a preparation step 2005
- Structural Changes in CORONA Discharged Cotton Submitted to Mercerization 2005
- Quality Improvement and Shortcut of Preparation of CORONA Discharged Cotton Fabrics 2004
- Effect of CORONA Treatment on Physical Properties of Linen Fabric 2004
- Characterisation of Surface-Liquids Interaction in Textile Materials 2002
- Space without Smoke 2002
- CORONA treatment of softened textiles materials 2001
- Descarga Corona em Tecidos de Algodão: um Estudo do Mecanismo por Técnicas Espectroscópicas 2000
- Corona Treatment and Fabric`s Hidrophilicity Improvement after Cationic Softening 2000
- Probing Surface Changes in Cotton Textiles Following Corona Discharge 2000
- Capacidade de Penetração da Descarga Corona através da Camada superficial Lipídica na Fibra de Algodão 1999
- Hidrofilidade e Ionização de Tecidos de Algodão Submetidos a Descargas Corona 1999
- Tratamento de Tecido de Algodão Utilizando a Descarga Corona: um Estudo por Sondas Fluorescentes 1999
- Influence du traitment CORONA dans la cuticule du cotton 1996
- Application of Machine Vision to Laboratory Tests for the Textile Industry 1993
- Defects on Textile Substractes Caused by the Presence of Oils and Lubricants 1993
- Structural Transformations in Acrylic Fibers 1990
- Dynamic Light Filters: Smart Materials Applied to Textile Design 2020
- Eu e a Química 12 - Química - 12.º Ano - Caderno de Laboratório 2017
- Eu e a Química 12 - Química - 12.º Ano - Manual 2017
- Eu e a Química - Física e Química A - Química 11º ano - Caderno de Laboratório 2016
- Eu e a Química - Física e Química A - Química 11º ano - Manual 2016
- Eu e a Química - Física e Química A - Química 10º ano - Caderno de Laboratório 2015
- Eu e a Química - Física e Química A - Química 10º ano - Manual 2015
- Guia de Turismo Científico de Guimarães 2009
- As propriedades medicinais dos corantes naturais - a aplicação do índigo no vestuário de criança 2019
- Inserção ou aplicação de componentes de cortiça em mobiliário de autor 2016
- Os processos Corona aplicados aos tratamentos de preparação e acabamentos de materiais têxteis 2003
- Aplicações da técnica de análise de imagem em testes de laboratório na Indústria Têxtil 1992