publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Applications of Virtual and Augmented Reality for Practical Application Learning with Gamification Elements. Interaction Design and Architecture(s). 2022
- Intelligent energy management using data mining techniques at Bosch Car Multimedia Portugal facilities. Procedia Computer Science. 2022
- Scientific Production in Portuguese Public Universities 2022
- A gamification framework for getting residents closer to public institutions. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. 2020
- Do Intróito à Engenharia do Direito Penal sobre Rodas ao Agente Inteligente Automóvel que não (VaI) à luz do atual desarranjo terminológico. Cyberlaw by CIJIC. 2020
- O Mercado Único Digital e a (Leigo)ritmia da Pontuação de Crédito na Era da Inteligência Artificial. Revista de Direito e Tecnologia. 2020
- Full Informed Road Networks Evaluation: Simpler, Maybe Better 2020
- Fully Informed Vulnerable Road Users - Simpler, Maybe Better 2020
- Introduction to CCSCS'20. Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. 2020
- IoT Architecture Proposal from a Survey of Pedestrian-Oriented Applications. Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. 2020
- Optimising User Experience with Conversational Interface. Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. 2020
- Representing Human Mobility Patterns in Urban Spaces. Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. 2020
- Inteligência Artificial na era data-driven: a lógica fuzzy das aproximações soft computing e a proibição de sujeição a decisões tomadas exclusivamente com base na Exploração e Prospeção de Dados Pessoais 2019
- Computational sustainability and the PHESS platform: Using affective computing as social indicators. Future Generation Computer Systems. 2019
- Crowd Sensing for Urban Security in Smart Cities. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 2018
- Introduction to CCSCS'2018. Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. 2018
- Predicative Vagueness in Lung Metastases in Soft Tissue Sarcoma Screening. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2018
- Reinforcement Learning Based Approach for Smart Homes. Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. 2018
- Special issue IDC 2015 & INISTA 2015. Soft Computing. 2017
- Ubiquitous driving and community knowledge. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. 2017
- Prototyping teams of affective agents in robocode 2015
- Tracking Context-Aware Well-Being through Intelligent Environments. Adcaij-Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal. 2015
- Ubiquitous Community Driven Traffic Analysis. 2015 International Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications (Inista) Proceedings. 2015
- Gamification, Social Networks and Sustainable Environments 2013
- Editors’ Preface 2012
- Information asset analysis: credit scoring and credit suggestion. International Journal of Electronic Business. 2011
- Decision Making and Quality-of-Information. Fuzzy Information and Engineering. 2010
- Guest Editorial: Virtual enterprises-methods and approaches for coalition formation. International Journal of Production Research. 2009
- Anthropopathy and its assessment in virtual entities. Innovations Through Information Technology, Vols 1 and 2. 2004
- Editors' preface. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research. 2000
artigo de conferência
- Explainable artificial intelligence on smart human mobility: a comparative study approach 2023
- A Multi-Agent System for Automated Machine Learning. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS. 2022
- An entropic approach to technology enable learning and social computing 2022
- Analyzing metrics to understand human mobility phenomena: challenges and solutions 2022
- Explainable decision tree on smart human mobility. Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. 2022
- KnowLedger - A Multi-Agent System Blockchain for Smart Cities Data 2022
- Sentiment analysis based on smart human mobility: a comparative study of ML models. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2022
- Urban human mobility modelling and prediction: impact of comfort and well-being indicators. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2021
- WalkingStreet: understanding human mobility phenomena through a mobile application. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2021
- A machine learning approach to boredom detection using smartphone's sensors 2020
- TMSA: participatory sensing based on mobile phones in urban space 2020
- Cloud computing environments for simulation of adaptable standardized work and electronic work instructions in industry 4.0 2018
- Gamification and affective computing for the improvement of driving assessments 2018
- Computational Sustainability for Smart City Design 2017
- Preface 2017
- Road Safety and Vulnerable Road Users - Internet of People Insights 2017
- Handling default data under a case-based reasoning approach 2015
- Traffic expression through ubiquitous and pervasive sensorization smart cities and assessment of driving behaviour 2015
- Multi-agent system for credit scoring 2011
- Preface 2011
- Design of an Application for Credit Scoring and Client Suggestion 2010
- Jogos de papéis e emoções em ambientes assistidos 2010
- Quality of knowledge in group decision support systems 2009
- Formal models in Web based contracting 2007
- Segmentação bilingue com base na marker hypothesis 2007
- A web-based collaboration approach for teaching in medicine 2006
- ICTs in remote assessment 2006
- Anthropopaty and its assessment in virtual entities 2004
- Reputation and trust in the context of logic-based argumentation 2004
- Anthropapathic agents in e-Learning systems applied to the area of the medicine 2003
- Antropopatia em entidades virtuais 2002
- Extended logic programming applied to the specification of multi-agent systems and their computing environments 1998
artigo de revista
- Forecasting Energy Consumption of Wastewater Treatment Plants with a Transfer Learning Approach for Sustainable Cities. Electronics. 2021
- A Simple Strategy for Choosing Network Structures in a Object Detection Project with Transfer Learning. AI Communications. 2021
- Mobile networks and internet of things infrastructures to characterize smart human mobility. Smart Cities. 2021
- An Adjective Selection Personality Assessment Method Using Gradient Boosting Machine Learning. Processes. 2020
- Long Short-Term Memory Networks for Traffic Flow Forecasting: Exploring Input Variables, Time Frames and Multi-Step Approaches. Informatica. 2020
- Assessing Road Traffic Expression. International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence. 2014
- Gamification, social networks and sustainable environments. International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence. 2013
- Evolutionary intelligence in asphalt pavement modeling and quality-of-information. Progress in AI. 2012
capítulo de livro
- An Entropic Approach to Technology Enable Learning and Social Computing 2022
- Distress Detection in Road Pavements Using Neural Networks 2022
- Multi-step Ultraviolet Index Forecasting Using Long Short-Term Memory Networks. AI Communications. 2021
- A Deep Learning Approach to Forecast the Influent Flow in Wastewater Treatment Plants. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2020
- A New Power Play for Winners in the Employment Relationship of Professional Football: How Lawful is Artificial Intelligence to the Upcoming Portuguese Big Data Ball Championship? 2020
- SafeCity: A Platform for Safer and Smarter Cities 2020
- Sleep Performance and Physical Activity Estimation from Multisensor Time Series Sleep Environment Data 2020
- Full Informed Road Networks Evaluation: Simpler, Maybe Better 2019
- Fully Informed Vulnerable Road Users 2019
- Gamification and the Improvement of Urban Sustainability 2016
- Introduction to CoSTA'2016 2016
- Screening a Case Base for Stroke Disease Detection
- Smart human mobility in smart cities 2023
- A Proteção de Dados Pessoais e o Art. 22.º nos meandros de uma Decisão Multi-Agente Automatizada: um Estudo de Caso na Contratação do Crédito Bancário 2019
- Evolutionary Computation on Road Safety 2018
- Intelligent Environments 2017 - Workshop Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, Seoul, Korea, August 2017 2017
- Educase – intelligent system for pedagogical advising using case-based reasoning 2015
- Handling Default Data under a Case-Based Reasoning Approach 2015
- Prototyping teams of affective agents in robocode 2015
- Evolutionary intelligence in asphalt pavement modeling and quality-of-information 2012
- Information asset analysis: credit scoring and credit suggestion 2011
- The halt condition in genetic programming 2007
- Controlo Homem-Máquina nas Decisões Automatizadas da IA
- Controlo Homem-Máquina nas Decisões Automatizadas da IA
- Football 4.0.: a Privacy-fairer Sporting Discipline
- Football 4.0.: a Privacy-fairer Sporting Discipline
- Preface 2023
- Crowdsensing on Smart Cities: A Systematic Review 2022
- Continuous authentication in mobile devices using behavioral biometrics 2020
- Preface 2020
- Getting Residents Closer to Public Institutions Through Gamification 2019
- Towards Road Safety 2019
- Traffic Flow Forecasting on Data-Scarce Environments Using ARIMA and LSTM Networks 2019
- Evolutionary Computation on Road Safety 2018
- Improving productive processes using a process mining approach 2018
- Adapting the user path through trajectory data mining 2017
- Collaborative Process Mapping to Improve Work Instructions and Standardized Work 2017
- Developing an Ambient Intelligent-Based Decision Support System for Production and Control Planning 2017
- Intelligent data metrics for urban driving with data fusion and distributed machine learning 2017
- Assessing interpersonal trust in an ambient intelligence negotiation system 2016
- Context time-sequencing for machine learning and sustainability optimization 2016
- Data mining in academic databases to detect behaviors of students related to school dropout and disapproval 2016
- Intelligent Distributed Computing IX 2016
- Intelligible data metrics for ambient sensorization and gamification 2016
- Screening a case base for stroke disease detection 2016
- Sensorization to promote the weil-being of people and the betterment of health organizations 2016
- Ambient intelligence: Experiments on sustainability awareness 2015
- Context-aware well-being assessment in intelligent environments 2015
- Ubiquitous sensorization for multimodal assessment of driving patterns 2014
- Ambient Sensorization for the Furtherance of Sustainability 2013
- Experimental study of the stress level at the workplace using an smart testbed of wireless sensor networks and ambient intelligence techniques 2013
- Information fusion for context awareness in intelligent environments 2013
- Sensorization and intelligent systems in energetic sustainable environments 2013
- Simulating a team behaviour of affective agents using Robocode 2013
- Social networks gamification for sustainability recommendation systems 2013
- An evolutionary approach to generate solutions for conflict scenarios 2012
- Credit scoring data for information asset analysis 2011
- Modelling and Simulation 2011, ESM’2011 2011
- Role playing games and emotions in dispute resolution environments 2011
- Ambient Intelligence - Future Trends (International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence - ISAmI 2010) 2010
- Ambient Intelligence and Future Trends - International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence (ISAmI 2010), Guimarães, Portugal, 16-18 June 2010 2010
- Decision Making and Quality-of-Information 2010
- Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications 2010
- Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications, 5th International Workshop (SOCO 2010) 2010
- Quality of information in the context of ambient assisted living 2009
- An agent based approach to the selection dilemma in CBR 2008
- Quality of Knowledge in Virtual Entities 2008
- Ambient intelligence and simulation in health care virtual scenarios 2007
- Establishing the Foundation of Collaborative Networks: IFIP TC 5 Working Group 5.5 Eighth IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises September 10-12, 2007, Guimaraes, Portugal 2007
- Foreword 2007
- The halt condition in genetic programming 2007
- Desenvolvimento de um sistema de ensino para crianças com Perturbação do Espectro do Autismo com recurso a um robô humanoide 2023
- Inteligência artificial aplicada à infraestrutura de carregamentos para veículos elétricos 2023
- A data science approach to portuguese road accidents’ data 2022
- Deteção de padrões em imagens SAR 2022
- Graph kernels and neural networks for predicting yields of chemical reactions 2022
- Segmentação de clientes B2B e previsão estratégica de oportunidades futuras com Inteligência Artificial 2022
- Connectionist systems for image processing and anomaly detection 2021
- Crowd sensing and forecasting for Smart Cities 2021
- Data mining: modelação de algoritmos para automação de marketing 2021
- HealthAdvisor ecosystem mobile solutions 2021
- Intelligent data analysis from the financial execution of research projects at University of Minho 2021
- Learning user well-being and comfort through smart devices 2021
- The internet of people approach to road safety and vulnerable road users in smart cities 2021
- “HealthAdvisor” – development of central services 2021
- A machine learning approach to boredom detection in smartphones 2020
- A machine learning approach to The Big Five Personality Test 2019
- Monitorização de saúde física e psicológica utilizando dispositivos móveis 2019
- Smart city geofences for vulnerable road users 2019
- Enhance Smart Home capabilities by learning from usage patterns and IoT devices 2018
- Real-time MIDI device data analysis and context aware music generation 2017
- Ambient intelligence and affective computing: a contribute to energetic sustainability 2016
- Creating intelligible metrics road traffic analysis 2016
- O impacto das redes socias na cessação do contrato de trabalho: liberdade de expressão versus justa causa de despedimento 2015
- Assessing road traffic expression 2014
- Deteção, identificação e caracterização de movimento em espaços interiores 2014
- Gestão inteligente de tarefas: atribuição de tarefas numa equipa 2014
- Handle default data with case-based reasoning: an approach to solve problem reports 2014
- Inteligência Ambiente em serviços de saúde baseada em ontologias e na descoberta de conhecimento em bases de dados e/ou bases de conhecimento 2014
- Localização indoor por identificação de marcos 2014
- Personalized approach on a smart image search engine, handling default data 2014
- Gamification in social environments to promote behaviours regarding energetic sustainability 2013
- Sensorização, fusão sensorial e dispositivos móveis : contribuições para a sustentabilidade de ambientes inteligentes 2013
- Social simulations of human behavior in virtual agents for sustainability management platforms 2013
- Intelligent systems for energetic sustainability 2012
- Uma experiência educativa com robótica inteligente 2012
- Using Reinforcement Learning in the tuning of Central Pattern Generators 2012
- Adaptive quadruped locomotion: learning to detect and avoid an obstacle 2011
- Credit scoring as an asset for decision making in intelligent decision support systems 2011