publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Life-cicle analysis towards a proactive time of first repair for such coastal RC bridges designed with prescriptive durability provisions. The Indian Concrete Journal (ICJ). 2021
- Life-cycle analysis towards a proactive time of first repair for such coastal RC bridges designed with prescriptive durability provisions. The Indian Concrete Journal (ICJ). 2021
- Erratum to: Processing Time Reduction: an Application in Living Human High-Resolution Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data (Journal of Medical Systems, (2016), 40, 11, (243), 10.1007/s10916-016-0594-2). Journal of Medical Systems. 2017
artigo de conferência
- Integration of BrIM and BMS to support bridge life-cycle management 2022
- BMS and BIM: the Portuguese scenario 2022
- Life-cycle cost analysis of a viaduct considering uncertainties on the interventions plan. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2021
- The impact of clustering in the performance prediction of transportation infrastructures. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2021
- Stochastic methodology to forecast concrete deterioration based on corrosion mechanisms. fib Symposium Proceedings. 2021
- AI On The Management Of Existing Bridges 2020
- Assessment of roadway bridges damaged by human errors using risk indicators and robustness index 2019
- Human error effect in the robustness of a reinforced concrete bridge 2019
- Viaduct in the highway siervo de la nación 2018
- Monitorização contínua em contextos de continuous assurance de processos organizacionais: uma análise bibliométrica 2017
- Management of internal control mechanisms in ERP for continuous monitoring purposes 2014
- A conceptual model for evaluating systems with continuous assurance services 2013
- Use of Shannon information to relate function and structure in the brain using diffusion spectrum imaging MRI 2012
artigo de revista
- Life-cicle analysis towards a proactive time of first repair for such coastal RC bridges designed with prescriptive durability provisions. The Indian Concrete Journal (ICJ). 2021
- Comparison and evaluation of organizational transactions for continuous auditing and business compliance. International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design. 2018
- Processing Time Reduction: an Application in Living Human High-Resolution Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data. Journal of Medical Systems. 2016
- Monitoring organizational transactions in enterprise information systems with continuous assurance requirements. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems. 2015
capítulo de livro
- Estratégias de resolução de conflitos adotadas pelos enfermeiros: estudo de alguns fatores determinantes 2017
- Protein oxidation by electrogenerated hydroxyl radicals 2013
- Estudo da capacidade antioxidante de compostos fenólicos baseado em electrólises galvanostáticas 2012
- Estudo dos danos oxidativos provocados em proteínas por radicais hidroxilo gerados por meios eletroquímicos 2012