publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Enhancing Surgery Scheduling with Artificial Intelligence: A Study on Metaheuristic Optimisation Models in Healthcare Settings (Preprint). JMIR Medical Informatics. 2024
- A Traceability Platform for Monitoring Environmental and Social Sustainability in the Textile and Clothing Value Chain: Towards a Digital Passport for Textiles and Clothing. Sustainability (MDPI). 2023
- Standardizing Corneal Transplantation Records with openEHR: Case Study (Preprint). JMIR Medical Informatics. 2023
- Towards effective clinical decision support systems: A systematic review. Antibiotics. 2022
- Intelligent Decision Support in Beds Management and Hospital Planning. Procedia Computer Science. 2022
- Intelligent energy management using data mining techniques at Bosch Car Multimedia Portugal facilities. Procedia Computer Science. 2022
- Interoperability and Security Issues on Multichannel Interaction In Healthcare Services. Procedia Computer Science. 2022
- Predictive analytics for hospital discharge flow determination. Procedia Computer Science. 2022
- Towards an Effective Clinical Decision Support System in Intensive Medicine. Procedia Computer Science. 2022
- A Conceptual Model for Multichannel Interaction in Healthcare Services. Procedia Computer Science. 2020
- A Conceptual Model for Multichannel Interaction in Healthcare Services. Procedia Computer Science. 2020
- ICU Data Management - A Permissioned Blockchain Approach. Procedia Computer Science. 2020
- Open Science in Pandemic Times: A Literature Review. Procedia Computer Science. 2020
- Fourth special issue on knowledge discovery and business intelligence. Electronics. 2018
- Interoperability in Healthcare. Health Care Delivery and Clinical Science: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. 2018
- Interoperability in Healthcare. Health Care Delivery and Clinical Science: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. 2018
- Preservando a Memória das Pedras. Vista. 2018
- La estela de guerrero y la estela antropomorfa de Pedra Alta (Castrelo de Val, Galicia). Complutum. 2017
- Third special issue on knowledge discovery and business intelligence. Electronics. 2017
- Deer and Horses in Atlantic Rock Art: A Structural Analysis of Iconography in the Landscape. Time and Mind. 2015
- Iron Age Saunas of Northern Portugal: State of the Art and Research Perspectives. Oxford Journal of Archaeology. 2015
- Recent advances on knowledge discovery and business intelligence. Electronics. 2015
- A Multi-Agent Platform for Hospital Interoperability. AI Communications. 2014
- A Preventive Action Management Platform in Healthcare Information Systems. Int. J. Reliab. Qual. E-Healthc.. 2014
- A Preventive Action Management Platform in Healthcare Information Systems. Int. J. Reliab. Qual. E-Healthc.. 2014
- A clustering approach for predicting readmissions in Intensive Medicine. Information Processing Letters. 2014
- A pervasive intelligent system for scoring MEWS and TISS-28 in intensive care. IFMBE Proceedings. 2014
- An Expert System for Supporting Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis and Treatment. Information Processing Letters. 2014
- Business Inteligence to improve the quality of Local Government Services - Case-Study in a Local Government Town Hal. KMIS 2014 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing. 2014
- Business Intelligence and Nosocomial Infection Decision Making. Integration of Data Mining in Business Intelligence Systems. 2014
- Business intelligence in maternity care. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. 2014
- Hospital bed management support using regression data mining models. 2nd International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. 2014
- Intelligent Decision Support for University application using RIASEC codes. INTED 2014 - 8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. 2014
- MULTI-MODEL AND PERVASIVE INTELLIGENT DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR UNIVERSITY APPLICATION. ICERI 2014 - 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. 2014
- Plataforma de Monitorização e Suporte à Decisão de Doentes Críticos. I Congresso Internacional "A pessoa em situação crítica. 2014
- Preventing Patient Cardiac Arrhythmias by Using Data Mining Techniques. 2014 Ieee Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (Iecbes). 2014
- Real-Time Business Intelligence Platform to Maternity Care. 2014 Ieee Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (Iecbes). 2014
- Towards Of an Information Service to Educational Leaderships: Business Intelligence as Analytical Engine of Service. ICERI 2014 - 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. Sevilha. 2014
- Selective inhibition of an apicoplastic aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase from Plasmodium falciparum. 2013
- Knowledge discovery and business intelligence. Electronics. 2013
- Pervasive Information Systems to Intensive Care Medicine Technology Acceptance Model. Iceis: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Vol 1. 2013
- Step Towards m-Health in Pediatrics. Information Processing Letters. 2013
- Territorialidad en la Edad del Bronce del Noroeste de la Península Ibérica 2013
- The Impact of Mobile Platforms in Obstetrics. Information Processing Letters. 2013
- A proporción da escultura galaica na Idade do Ferro. Cuadernos de Estudios Gallegos. 2012
- Arqueoloxía dun topónimo. O nome do Vigo romano. Gallaecia revista de arqueoloxía e antigüidade. 2012
- Intelligent and Real Time Data Acquisition and Evaluation to Determine Critical Events in Intensive Medicine. 4th Conference of Enterprise Information Systems - Aligning Technology, Organizations and People (Centeris 2012). 2012
- Multi-agent Systems for HL7 Interoperability Services. Information Processing Letters. 2012
- Arte Rupestre y Códigos Espaciales: un Caso de Estudio en Chile Central. Chungara-Revista de Antropologia Chilena. 2011
- Sobre los petroglifos podomorfos y sus interpretaciones. Zephyrus. 2010
- La Pedra da Póvoa (Trás-os-Montes, Portugal). Una pieza escultórica de la Edad del Hierro. Trabajos de Prehistoria. 2009
- Propuesta metodológica para el análisis de los códigos decorativos: Comparando piedras y cerámica. Estudios Atacamenos. 2009
- Holocene fire history of black colluvial soils revealed by pyrolysis-GC/MS: a case study from Campo Lameiro (NW Spain). Journal of Archaeological Science. 2008
- Some notes about social space and its influence in the design of labyrinth figure. Man in India. 2008
- Un programa de investigación para el arte rupestre en Galicia. Arqueoweb. 2007
- Respuesta a la réplica firmada por F. J. Costas Goberna. Arqueoweb. 2006
- Sobre la cronología del arte rupestre atlántico en Galicia. Arqueoweb. 2005
- Alineación arqueastronómica en A Ferradura (Amoeiro-Ourense). Complutum. 2004
- Escavación no contorno dun petroglifo en A Ferrarura (Ourense – Galiza). Arkeos. 2004
- From rock carvings to celtic weltanschauung in a Ferradura : a sanctuary of the hillfort culture in Northwest Spain. Journal of Indo-European Studies. 2004
- Arte Rupestre y recintos rituales de la Edad del Hierro. Sémata. 2003
- Arte Rupestre no promontorio de Corme. Gallaecia revista de arqueoloxía e antigüidade. 2002
- Petroglifos podomorfos de Galicia e investiduras reales célticas: estudio comparativo. Archivo Espanol de Arqueologia. 2000
- A arte rupestre e a construcción de territorios na Idade do Bronce en Galicia. Gallaecia revista de arqueoloxía e antigüidade. 1999
- Rewriting landscape: Incorporating sacred landscapes into cultural traditions. World Archaeology. 1998
- Catalogación dos xacementos arqueolóxicos do concello de Cotobade (Pontevedra). Gallaecia revista de arqueoloxía e antigüidade. 1998
- Los espacios del arte: construcción del panel y articulación del paisaje en los petroglifos gallegos. Trabajos de Prehistoria. 1998
- De la arqueología simbólica del paisaje a la arqueología de los paisajes sagrados. Trabajos de Prehistoria. 1997
- Los grabados rupestres de Tourón y Redondela-Pazos de Borbén como ejemplo de un paisaje con petroglifos. Minius. 1996
- Aportacións sobre a estatuaria de guerreiros galaicos a raíz da aparición de dúas novas estátuas en Melgaço y Quintela. Revista de Ciências Historicas. 1989
- Gravados rupestres no concello de Arbo. Castrelos. 1988
artigo de conferência
- Adaptive business intelligence platform and its contribution as a support in the evolution of hospital 4.0. Procedia Computer Science. 2021
- MHealth: Monitoring platform for diabetes patients. Procedia Computer Science. 2021
- Adaptive Business Intelligence: A New Architectural Approach. Procedia Computer Science. 2020
- Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics in Healthcare: A Survey. Procedia Computer Science. 2020
- A New Architecture for Intelligent Clinical Decision Support for Intensive Medicine. Procedia Computer Science. 2020
- A SWOT analysis of big data in healthcare 2020
- An OpenEHR Adoption in a Portuguese Healthcare Facility. Procedia Computer Science. 2020
- How prescriptive analytics influences decision making in precision medicine. Procedia Computer Science. 2020
- A data mining study on pressure ulcers 2019
- An overview of data mining representation techniques 2019
- Automatically detect diagnostic patterns based on clinical notes through Text Mining. Procedia Computer Science. 2019
- Benchmarking Business Analytics Techniques in Big Data. Procedia Computer Science. 2019
- Clinical workflows based on OpenEHR using BPM 2019
- Improving the use of the electronic health record using an online documentation manual and its acceptance through technology acceptance model 2019
- Towards pwa in healthcare. Procedia Computer Science. 2019
- Improving pervasive decision support system in critical care by using technology acceptance model. Procedia Computer Science. 2018
- Introduction to BPM approach in healthcare and case study of end user interaction with EHR interface. Procedia Computer Science. 2018
- Iron value classification in patients undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis using data mining 2018
- TechPaper - An interactive learning information system game 2018
- Web intelligence in higher education: A study on the usage of business intelligence techniques in education 2018
- Prehistoric rock art and landscape: the outcropts and its forms were certainly not simple carved surfaces 2017
- Clinical Intelligence: A study on Corneal Transplantation. Procedia Computer Science. 2017
- Importance of statistics for data mining and data science 2017
- O conjunto de gravuras rupestres de Santo Adrião (Caminha, Portugal): embarcações, armas, cavalos e ex-votos 2017
- Predicting Resurgery in Intensive Care - A data Mining Approach. Procedia Computer Science. 2017
- Prehistoric Rock Art and Landscape: the outcrops and its forms were certainly not simple carving surfaces 2017
- Towards of a Real-time Big Data Architecture to Intensive Care. Procedia Computer Science. 2017
- Intelligent Systems and Applications in Healthcare (ISAHealth 2016 ) Preface 2016
- Pervasive Business Intelligence: A New Trend in Critical Healthcare. Procedia Computer Science. 2016
- Resurgery Clusters in Intensive Medicine. Procedia Computer Science. 2016
- Towards of a Business Intelligence Platform to Portuguese Misericórdias. Procedia Computer Science. 2016
- Why Big Data? Towards a Project Assessment Framework. Procedia Computer Science. 2016
- Looking out to sea: accesibility to the coast and distribution of Bronze Age rock art 2015
- Clustering-based approach for categorizing pregnant women in obstetrics and maternity care 2015
- Improving quality of medical service with mobile health software. Procedia Computer Science. 2015
- Intelligent Decision Support to Predict Patient Barotrauma Risk in Intensive Care Units. Procedia Computer Science. 2015
- Predicting 2-way football results by means of data mining 2015
- Predicting Type of Delivery by Identification of Obstetric Risk Factors through Data Mining. Procedia Computer Science. 2015
- Predicting the risk associated to pregnancy using Data Mining 2015
- Step Towards a Patient Timeline in Intensive Care Units. Procedia Computer Science. 2015
- Step towards Multiplatform Framework for supporting Pediatric and Neonatology Care Unit decision process. Procedia Computer Science. 2015
- Towards an Ontology for Health Complaints Management 2015
- Using domain knowledge to improve intelligent decision support in intensive medicine - a study of bacteriological infections 2015
- Multi-model and pervasive intelligent decision support system for university application. AI Communications. 2014
- Business intelligence to improve the quality of local government services : case-study in a local government Town Hall 2014
- Data mining models to predict patient's readmission in intensive care units 2014
- Extending a patient monitoring system with identification and localisation. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2014
- Extending the use of SNOMED concepts in electronic health records 2014
- Hospital bed management support using regression data mining models 2014
- Intelligent decision support for university application using RIASEC codes. INTED Proceedings. 2014
- Plataforma de monitorização e suporte à decisão de doentes críticos 2014
- Real-time data mining models for predicting length of stay in Intensive Care Units 2014
- Simulating a multi-level priority triage system for maternity emergency 2014
- Towards of an information service to educational leaderships : business intelligence as analytical engine of service. AI Communications. 2014
- Adoption of pervasive intelligent information systems in intensive medicine 2013
- A decision support system for portuguese higher education course selection -First round 2013
- Data mining for real-time Intelligent Decision Support System in intensive care medicine 2013
- Process mining: a framework proposal for pervasive business intelligence. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2013
- Binding data mining to final business users of business intelligence systems 2012
- Data mining predictive models for pervasive intelligent decision support in intensive care medicine 2012
- Intelligent decision support in Intensive Care : towards technology acceptance 2012
- Intelligent systems based in hospital database malfunction scenarios. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2012
- Monitoring intelligent system for the Intensive Care Unit using RFID and multi-agent systems. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2012
- Step towards fault forecasting in hospital information systems 2012
- Usability evaluation of Electronic Health Record. IEEE EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences. 2012
- Usability of an electronic health record. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2012
- AASYS - Appointment Alert System: an open-source-based software to improve show rates in a health care unity 2011
- An open source decision support system to improve healthcare show rates 2011
- Developing virtual actors inspired by real actors' practice 2011
- Enabling real-time intelligent decision support in intensive care 2011
- Enabling ubiquitous Data Mining in intensive care: Features selection and data pre-processing 2011
- Grid data mining by means of learning classifier systems and distributed model induction 2011
- INTCARE: Multi-agent approach for real-time intelligent decision support in intensive medicine 2011
- Knowledge discovery for pervasive and real-time Intelligent Decision Support in intensive care medicine 2011
- Service oriented grid computing architecture for distributed learning classifier systems. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2011
- Supervised learning classifier system for grid data mining 2011
- Towards intelligent drug electronic prescription 2011
- Understanding virtual actors 2011
- Arte postpaleolítico en el valle del Eresma. 2010
- Data quality evaluation of electronic health records in the hospital admission process 2010
- Electronic health records in the emergency room 2010
- Hourly prediction of organ failure and outcome in intensive care based on data mining techniques 2010
- Intelligent Decision Support in Intensive Care Units - Nursing Information Modeling 2010
- Real-time intelligent decision support in intensive medicine 2010
- Real-time prediction of organ failure and outcome in intensive medicine 2010
- Unha visión diacrónica da arte rupestre atlántica 2010
- Agent-based group decision support in medicine 2009
- An agent-based architecture for cancer staging 2009
- Information modeling for real-time decision support in intensive medicine. WSEAS Transactions on Computers. 2009
- Intelligent agents and medical moral dilemmas 2009
- Nursing information architecture for situated decision support in intensive care units. Recent Advances in Computer Engineering. 2009
- An intelligent decision support system for bridge safety assessment based on Data Mining models. WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies. 2008
- Electronic health records : organizational, regional, national, or worldwide?. Recent Advances in Biology and Biomedicine. 2008
- Alternative models for the calculation of the RMR and Q indexes for granite rock masses 2007
- Real-time intelligent decision support system for bridges structures behavior prediction. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2007
- Agent-based learning classifier systems for grid data mining 2006
- Ambient intelligence in medicine 2006
- Auditing agents in the context of a telemedical information society 2006
- Corporate bankruptcy prediction using data mining techniques. WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies. 2006
- Felipe Criado Boado; Manuel Santos Estévez. Paisajes domésticos, espacios cerrados: los espacios de la representación y la domesticación del paisaje en la Edad del Bronce. Arte rupestre esquemático en la Península Ibérica. pp. 173 - 192. Comarca de Los Vélez, 2006 2006
- Influence of web thickness reduction in the shear resistance of non-prismatic tapered plate girders 2006
- Intelligent decision support in Intensive Care Medicine 2006
- Multiagent based problem solving in medical decision support systems 2006
- Multiple organ failure diagnosis using adverse events and neural networks 2006
- Strength of corroded tapered plate girders under pure shear 2006
- Future challenges in intelligent tutoring systems: a framework 2005
- Ecological mining: a case study on dam water quality. WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies. 2005
- A Clustering Approach for Knowledge Discovery in Database Marketing. WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies. 2005
- Data preparation for marketing database creation: a case study 2005
- Data pre-processing for database marketing 2004
- A Computational Environment For Building Intelligent Medical Diagnosis Based Systems 2003
- Organ Failure Diagnosis by Artificial Neural Networks 2003
- Espacios rupestres: del panel al paisaje 1998
- Agents and classifiers a transaction logic approach 1998
- Agents and classifiers: A Transaction Logic approach 1998
- La arqueología de los espacios sagrados 1998
artigo de revista
- Case Study of Multichannel Interaction in Healthcare Services. Information. 2023
- Categorize Readmitted Patients in Intensive Medicine by Means of Clustering Data Mining. International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications. 2020
- A regression data mining approach in Lean Production. Concurrency and Computation-Practice & Experience. 2019
- Preservando a memória das pedras 2018
- An online-processing critical patient monitoring system- an interoperability overview. Computer Science and Information Systems. 2017
- La estela de guerrero y la estela antropomorfa de Pedra Alta (Castrelo de Val, Galicia). Complutum. 2017
- Patients' Admissions in Intensive Care Units A clustering overview. Conference on Business Informatics. 2017
- A benchmarking analysis of open-source business intelligence tools in healthcare environments. Information. 2016
- Clustering data mining models to identify patterns in weaning patient failures 2016
- Improving Quality of Services in Maternity Care Triage System. Healthcare Ethics and Training: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. 2015
- Predict hourly patient discharge probability in intensive care units using Data Mining. Indian Journal of Science & Technology. 2015
- Assessment of technology acceptance in intensive care units. International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering (ijssoe). 2014
- Pervasive real-time intelligent system for tracking critical events with intensive care patients. International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics. 2014
- Predict hourly patient discharge probability in intensive care units using data mining. ScienceAsia. 2014
- Real-time predictive analytics for sepsis level and therapeutic plans in intensive care medicine. International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics. 2014
- The Next Generation of Interoperability Agents in Healthcare, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Healthcare. 2014
- Real-time decision support in intensive medicine: an intelligent approach for monitoring data quality. Journal of Medical and Bioengineering. 2013
- Evolutionary intelligence in asphalt pavement modeling and quality-of-information. Progress in AI. 2012
- Grid learning classifiers : a Web based interface. International Journal of Computers. 2011
- New models for strength and deformability parameter calculation in rock masses using data-mining techniques. International Journal of Geomechanics. 2011
- QMBE: a data mining language for business intelligence. International Journal of Data Mining and Emerging Technologies. 2011
- Information architecture for intelligent decision support in intensive medicine. WSEAS Transactions on Computers. 2009
- Electronic health records and decision support local and global perspectives. WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine. 2008
- Rating organ failure via adverse events using data mining in the intensive care unit. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 2008
- Mortality assessment in intensive care units via adverse events using artificial neural networks. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 2006
- INTCare: A knowledge discovery based intelligent decision support system for intensive care medicine. Journal of Decision Systems. 2005
capítulo de livro
- A Framework to Evaluate Big Data Fabric Tools 2021
- Introduction: depiction of weapons and tools in rock art as ambivalent symbols in time and space 2021
- A Estátua-Menir do Pedrão ou de São Bartolomeu do Mar (Esposende, Noroeste de Portugal) no contexto arqueológico da fachada costeira de entre os rios Neiva e Cávado 2020
- Rock art and archaeological excavation in Campo Lameiro, Galicia 2018
- Prehistoric Rock Art and Landscape: the outcrops and its forms were certainly not simple carving surfaces 2017
- Recorded places, experienced places. Some remarks. Recorded Places, Experienced Places. The Holocene Rock Art of the Iberian Atlantic Northwest 2017
- SANTOS-ESTEVEZ, M.; BETTENCOURT, A.M.S. (2017). "O conjunto de gravuras rupestres de Santo Adrião (Caminha, Portugal). Embarcações, armas, cavalos e ex-votos", in J.M. Arnaud; A. Martins (eds.) Lisboa: Associação de Arqueólogos Portugueses 2017
- Shape and meaning: engraved weapons as materialisations of the Calcolithic / Early Bronze Age cosmogony in NW Iberia 2017
- Shape and meaning: engraved weapons as materialisations of the Chalcolithic / Early Bronze Age cosmogony in North-west Iberia 2017
- To where do the horses run? A dialogue between signs and matter in the rock carvings of Fornelos (Viana do Castelo, North-western Portugal) 2017
- Where do the horses run? A dialogue between signs and matter in the rock carvings of Fornelos (Viana do Castelo, north-west Portugal) 2017
- Length of Stay in Intensive Care Units - A Case Base Evaluation. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. 2016
- Manuel Santos Estévez. A Arte Rupestre na Paisaxe. Atlas Arqueolóxico da Paisaxe Galega. pp. 308 - 308. Editorial Xerais, 01/06/2016 2016
- Towards of automatically detecting Brain Death patterns through Text Mining. Conference on Business Informatics. 2016
- Astronomical Symbolism in Bronze Age and Iron Age rock art 2015
- Ciervos y caballos en el arte rupestre atlántico. Una interpretación etnoarqueológica. 2015
- The maritime factor in the distibution of Bronze Age rock art in Galicia 2015
- When, Why and to Whom. Atlantic Rock Art in Galicia and Northern Portugal 2015
- An Intelligent Approach for Open Clinical Laboratory Results in Intensive Care Medicine. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2014
- An expert system for supporting Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis and treatment. Information Processing Letters. 2014
- Improving Quality of Electronic Health Records with SNOMED. Information Processing Letters. 2014
- Managing Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy using Data Mining. Information Processing Letters. 2014
- Stand-Alone Electronic Health Record. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2014
- La excavación arqueológica del arte rupestre. Petroglifos, paleoambiente y paisaje 2013
- Manuel Santos Estévez. El contexto temporal del arte rupestre de Galicia: historiografía de las propuestas cronológicas. Petroglifos, paleoambiente y paisaje. Estudios interdisciplinares del arte rupestre de Campo Lameiro. TAPA. 42, pp. 35 - 40. INCIPIT - CSIC, 2013 2013
- Manuel Santos Estévez. La excavación arqueológica del arte rupestre. 2013
- Manuel Santos Estévez. Una propuesta de periodización para el arte rupestre atlántico. Petroglifos, paleoambiente y paisaje. Estudios interdisciplinares del arte rupestre de Campo Lameiro. TAPA. 42, pp. 283 - 289. INCIPIT-CSIC, 2013 2013
- Manuel Santos Estévez; Yolanda Seoane Veiga. Análisis de la distribución del arte rupestre de estilo atlántico. Petroglifos, paleoambiente y paisaje. Estudios interdisciplinares del arte rupestre de Campo Lameiro. 2013
- Manuela Costa Casais; Manuel Santos Estévez; Yolanda Seoane Veiga. Definición de los ámbitos geográficos de estudio. 2013
- Manuel Santos Estévez. Atlantic Rock Art: Transformation and Tradition during Late Prehistory. The Prehistory of Iberia: Debating Early Social Stratification and the State. pp. 231 - 248. Rouledge, 2012 2012
- ScheduleIT - Open-Source Preventive Actions Management Plataform in Healthcare Information Systems. Information Processing Letters. 2012
- QMBE : a data mining language for business intelligence 2011
- Manuel Santos Estévez. El Castriño de Conxo y los territorios de la Edad del Bronce. Reconstruyendo la Historia de la Comarca Ulla-Deza.pp. 159 - 166. Incipit - CSIC, 2010 2010
- Manuel Santos Estévez. The Spaces of Representation and the Domestication of Landscape in Rock Art Societies. Representations and Communications. Creating an Archaeological Matrix of Late Prehistoric Art. pp. 144 - 157. Oxbow, 2010 2010
- Manuel Santos Estévez; Yolanda Seoane Veiga. Rock Art and Archaeological Excavations in Campo Lameiro, Galicia; A New Chronological Proposal for the Atlantic Rock Art. Representations and Communications. Creating an Archaeological Matrix of Late Prehistoric Art. pp. 16 - 30. Oxbow, 2010 2010
- Manuel Santos Estévez. A new proposal for the chronology of Atlantic Rock Art in Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsula). BAR International Series. 1833, pp. 141 - 152. Archaeopress, 2008 2008
- Marco García Quintela; Manuel Santos Estévez. Los «santuarios» de Galicia en la Edad del Hierro: «A Ferradura» (Amoeiro, Ourense) como ejemplo. Saturnia Tellus. Definizioni dello spazio consacrato in ambiente etrusco, italico, fenicio-punico, iberico e celtico. pp. 527 - 545. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 2008 2008
- Manuel Santos Estévez; Felipe Criado Boado; César Parcero Oubiña. O descubrimento arqueolóxico de santuarios e espazos sagrados. Soberanía e santuarios na Galicia castrexa. pp. 227 - 235. Toxosoutos, 2006 2006
- Manuel Santos Estévez; Yolanda Seoane Veiga. Os Petroglifos do Castro de Montealegre: entre a pedra e o mar. O castro de Montealegre. pp. 57 - 76. Toxosoutos, 2006 2006
- Multiple Organ Failure Diagnosis Using Adverse Events and Neural Networks 2006
- Manuel Santos Estévez. A Arte Rupestre da Barbanza. Os castros de Neixón. pp. 37 - 50. Toxosoutos, 2005 2005
- Manuel Santos Estévez. A Arte Rupestre na Península do Morrazo. Obras Públicas e Patrimonio: Estudo Arqueolóxico do Corredor do Morrazo. pp. 106 - 108. IEGPS - CSIC, 2005 2005
- Manuel Santos Estévez. La Caza Ritual en la Edad del Bronce y su Representación en el Arte Rupestre de Galicia. Reflexiones sobre Arte Rupestre, Paisaje, Forma y Contenido. pp. 106 - 121. IEGPS - CSIC, 2005 2005
- Felipe Criado Boado; Manuel Santos Estévez; Victoria Villoch Vázquez. Forms of Ceremonial Landscapes in Iberia from the Neolithic to Bronze Age. Archaeolingua. pp. 169 - 178. Archaeolingua Fundation, 2001 2001
- Felipe Criado Boado; Ramón Fábregas Valcarce; Manuel Santos Estévez. Paisaje y representación en la Edad del Bronce: la decodificación del arte rupestre gallego. Edad del Bronce ¿Primera Edad de Oro en España?. pp. 291 - 320. Crítica, 2001 2001
- Manuel Santos Estévez; Felipe Criado Boado. Deconstructing rock art spatial grammar in the Galician Bronze Age. BAR International Series. 902, pp. 111 - 122. Archaeopress, 2000 2000
- Manuel Santos Estévez; César Parcero Oubiña; Felipe Criado Boado. Settlement patterns, land used and sacred landscapes in Galician Late Prehistory and anciaent History: essay on an Archaeology Sacred Geographies. Traballo en Arqueoloxía da Paisaxe. 2, pp. 11 - 19. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 1997 1997
- Victoria Villoch Vázquez; Manuel Santos Estévez; Felipe Criado Boado. Forms and ceremonial landscapes in Iberia from Neolithic to Bronze Age; essay on an archaeology of perception. Trabajos en Arqueología del Paisaje. 2, pp. 19 - 27. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 1997 1997
- Adoption of precision medicine: limitations and considerations 2021
- BETTENCOURT, A.M.S.; SANTOS-ESTEVEZ, M.; SAMPAIO, H.A. (2021). Weapons and Tools in Rock Art. A World Perspective. Oxford: Oxbow 2021
- Implementation considerations for the applied business intelligence in healthcare 2021
- Intelligent decision support System for precision medicine (IDSS 4 PM) 2021
- A Estátua-Menir do Pedrão ou de São Bartolomeu do Mar (Esposende, Noroeste de Portugal) no contexto arqueológico da fachada costeira de entre os rios Neiva e Cávado 2020
- Estátua-Menir da Agra do Pedrão (S. Bartolomeu do Mar, Esposende) 2019
- Prospeção arqueológica na concelho de Esposende. Relatório Técnico-Científico dos Trabalhos Arqueológicos Desenvolvidos em 2018 2019
- Gravuras rupestres da Breia (Cardielos e Serraleis, Viana do Castelo). Relatório Técnico-científico dos trabalhos arqueológicos desenvolvidos em 2017 2018
- Gravuras rupestres da Fraga das Passadas (Bustelo, Chaves) 2018
- Gravuras rupestres de Vila Nova de Cerveira (Viana do Castelo). Relatório técnico-científico dos trabalhos arqueológicos realizados em julho de 2016 2018
- Gravuras rupestres do Penedo de S. Gonçalo, (Felgueiras). Relatório Técnico-científico dos trabalhos arqueológicos desenvolvidos em 2017 2018
- Bettencourt, A., Santos-Estévez, M., Sampaio, H., Cardoso, D. Recorded Places, Experienced Places. The Holocene Rock Art of the Iberian Atlantic Northwest. 2878, pp. 167 - 177. British Archaeological Reports – BAR, Archeopress, 01/12/2017. 2017
- Recorded places, experienced places: some remarks about the Holocene Rock Art of the Iberian Atlantic Northwest 2017
- Penedo de S. Gonçalo (boulder of Saint Gonçalo), Felgueiras, NW Portugal. A long life of a rock art place 2016
- The Penedo de S. Gonçalo, Felgueiras, NW of Portugal. The long life of an engraved place 2016
- Images in Stone. Abstracts book. Braga. 2016
- Gravuras Rupestres da Galga, Ponte de Lima, Viana do Castelo. Relatório Técnico-Científico dos Trabalhos Arqueológicos Realizados em 2015 2015
- Gravuras Rupestres do Monte da Laje, Valença, Viana do Castelo. Relatório Técnico-Científico dos Trabalhos Arqueológicos Realizados em 2015 2015
- O Conjunto de Gravuras Rupestres de Santo Adrião, Caminha, Viana do Castelo. Relatório Técnico-Científico dos Trabalhos Arqueológicos Realizados em 2015 2015
- A Multi-agent Platform for Hospital Interoperability 2014
- Living Places, Experiencing Places. The Northwest Iberia in Prehistory. Abstracts book, 2014
- Santo Adrião, in AMS. Bettencourt e E. Abad Vidal (eds.) CVARN-Corpus Virtual de Arte Rupestre do Noroeste Português 2014
- Pervasive real-time intelligent system for tracking critical events in intensive care patients 2013
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- Preâmbulo [a] "Data mining: descoberta de conhecimento em bases de dados" 2005
- Reflexiones sobre Arte Rupestre, Paisaje, Forma y Contenido 2005
- Santos Estévez, M. e Troncoso Meléndez, A. Reflexiones sobre Arte Rupestre, Paisaje, Forma y Contenido. pp. 106 - 121. IEGPS - CSIC, 2005. 2005
- A Traceability Platform for Monitoring Environmental and Social Sustainability in the Textile and Clothing Value Chain: Towards a Digital Passport for T&C
- Standardizing Corneal Transplantation Records with openEHR: Case Study (Preprint)
- Characteristics of the Intelligent Decision Support System for Precision Medicine (IDSS4PM) 2022
- An Exploratory Study of a NoSQL Database for a Clinical Data Repository 2020
- Clinical Decision Support Using Open Data 2020
- Data Intelligence Using PDME for Predicting Cardiovascular Predictive Failures 2020
- Data extraction and exploration tools for business intelligence 2020
- How to Assess the Acceptance of an Electronic Health Record System? 2020
- Integration challenges for analytics, business intelligence, and data mining 2020
- PWA and Pervasive Information System – A New Era 2020
- Adaptive business intelligence in healthcare - A platform for optimising surgeries 2019
- Detecting Automatic Patterns of Stroke Through Text Mining 2019
- Evaluation model for big data integration tools 2019
- Towards to use image mining to classified skin problems - A melanoma case study 2019
- A Geografia Mágica do Monte Sao Silvestre através da Arte Rupestre 2018
- A geografia mágica do monte de são silvestre através da arte rupestre 2018
- An overview of big data architectures in healthcare 2018
- Data science analysis of healthcare complaints 2018
- Pervasive business intelligence in misericordias – A Portuguese case study 2018
- Step towards a pervasive data system for intensive care medicine 2018
- Towards a pervasive intelligent system on football scouting - A data mining study case 2018
- A Pervasive Business Intelligence Solution to Manage Portuguese Misericordia 2017
- A case-based approach to colorectal cancer detection 2017
- An ontology for mapping cerebral death 2017
- Data mining classification models for industrial planning 2017
- Interoperability in healthcare 2017
- Pervasiveness in digital marketing – A global overview 2017
- Regression models for lean production 2017
- A Case Based Approach to Assess Waiting Time Prediction at an Intensive Care Unity 2016
- Critical events in mechanically ventilated patients 2016
- Optimization techniques to detect early ventilation extubation in intensive care units 2016
- Pervasive adaptive data acquisition gateway for critical healthcare 2016
- Pervasive decision support to predict football corners and goals by means of data mining 2016
- Pervasive patient timeline for intensive care units 2016
- Predicting pre-triage waiting time in a maternity emergency room through data mining 2016
- Predicting triage waiting time in maternity emergency care by means of data mining 2016
- Prediction of length of hospital stay in preterm infants a case-based reasoning view 2016
- Real-time models to predict the use of vasopressors in monitored patients 2016
- Screening a case base for stroke disease detection 2016
- Towards a pervasive data mining engine - Architecture overview 2016
- Towards an intelligent system for monitoring health complaints 2016
- Waiting Time Screening in Diagnostic Medical Imaging – A Case-Based View 2016
- A real-time intelligent system for tracking patient condition 2015
- An overview of the quality of service in bluetooth communications in healthcare 2015
- Big data for stock market by means of mining techniques 2015
- Clustering barotrauma patients in ICU–A data mining based approach using ventilator variables 2015
- Decision support in E-government – a pervasive business intelligence approach case study in a local government 2015
- Information systems assessment in pathologic anatomy service 2015
- Pervasive business intelligence platform to improve the quality of decision process in primary and secondary education – a portuguese case study 2015
- Predicting nosocomial infection by using data mining technologies 2015
- Predicting plateau pressure in intensive medicine for ventilated patients 2015
- Predicting preterm birth in maternity care by means of data mining 2015
- Real-time decision support using data mining to predict blood pressure critical events in intensive medicine patients 2015
- Step towards of a homemade business intelligence solution - A case study in textile industry 2015
- Pervasive and intelligent decision support in intensive medicine - The complete picture 2014
- Pre-triage decision support improvement in maternity care by means of data mining 2014
- Predictive models for hospital bed management using data mining techniques 2014
- University application process - decision support models 2014
- cImproving high availability and reliability of health interoperability systems 2014
- A pervasive approach to a real-time intelligent decision support system in intensive medicine 2013
- Grid data mining strategies for outcome prediction in distributed intensive care units 2013
- Intelligent information system to tracking patients in intensive care units 2013
- Knowledge Acquisition Process for Intelligent Decision Support in Critical Health Care 2013
- Modeling intelligent agents to integrate a patient monitoring system 2013
- Pervasive Ensemble Data Mining Models to Predict Organ Failure and Patient Outcome in Intensive Medicine 2013
- Pervasive and intelligent decision support in critical health care using ensembles 2013
- Pervasive intelligent decision support system - Technology acceptance in Intensive Care Units 2013
- Predict sepsis level in intensive medicine - Data mining approach 2013
- Step towards paper free hospital through electronic health record 2013
- An intelligent patient monitoring system 2012
- Hospital database workload and fault forecasting 2012
- Hospital database workload and fault forecasting 2012
- Intelligence in interoperability with AIDA 2012
- Intelligent data acquisition and scoring system for intensive medicine 2012
- Data acquisition process for an intelligent decision support in gynecology and obstetrics emergency triage 2011
- Electronic health record in dermatology service 2011
- Enabling a pervasive approach for intelligent decision support in critical health care 2011
- Grid data mining for outcome prediction in intensive care medicine 2011
- Improvements in data quality for decision support in intensive care 2011
- Modelling intelligent behaviours in multi-agent based HL7 services 2010
- A group decision support system for staging of cancer 2009
- Manuel Santos Estévez. Petroglifos y paisaje social en la prehistoria reciente del NW de la Península Ibérica. TAPA. 38, pp. 1 - 219. Instituto de Estudos Galegos Padre Sarmiento - CSIC, 2008 2008
- Marco García Quintela; Manuel Santos Estévez. Santuarios de la Galicia Céltica. pp. 1 - 349. Abada, 2008 2008
- Ambient intelligence and simulation in health care virtual scenarios 2007
- Marco García Quintela; Felipe Criado Boado; Javier García González; César Parcero Oubiña; Manuel Santos Estévez. Suverainete et sanctuaires dans l´Espagne celte. Memoires de la Societe Belge D´Etudes Celtiques, 2003 2003
- Fernando Javier Costas Goberna; Ramón Fábregas Valcarce; Antonio de la Peña Santos; Piero Ricchardi; Manuel Santos Estévez; Dario Seglie. De Petroglyphis Gallaeciae. pp. 1 - 120. CeSMAP, 2000 2000
- Xesús Amado Reino; Patricia Mañana Borrazás; Manuel Santos Estévez. La arqueología de la gasificación de Galicia 13: corrección de impacto de las redes de Pontevedra.Traballos en Arqueoloxía da Paisaxe. 18, IEGPS - CSIC, 2000 2000
- Xesús Amado Reino; María del Carmen Martínez López; Manuel Santos Estévez. La arqueología de la gasificación de Galicia 5: corrección de impacto del ramal Pontevedra-Ourense. Trabajos en Arqueología del Paisaje. 7, pp. 1 - 121. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 1998 1998