publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Real-Time Precision in 3D Concrete Printing: Controlling Layer Morphology via Machine Vision and Learning Algorithms. Inventions. 2024
- Robotic 3DCP fabrication of custom-fit slabs for irregular pontoons. Architectural Intelligence. 2024
- A Machine Learning and computer-vision framework for real-time control in 3DCP: layer morphology as a design feature 2023
- Ambiente de geração, mutação e execução de casos de teste para aplicações Web. Conferência Interação 2013. 2013
- ttt torre turística transportável: estrutura de madeira polivalente como segundo pavilhão de Portugal na EXPO Xangai2010. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2011
- Caracterização mecânica de toros de madeira lamelada colada. Mecânica Experimental. 2009
- Asnas tradicionais de madeira: evolução, comportamento e reforço com materiais compósitos 2008
- Compósitos de CFRP unidireccionais no reforço de vigas de madeira lamelada-colada 2006
- Structural grades of timber by bending and compression tests 2006
- Lajes mistas de madeira-betão. Engenharia Civil. 2002
artigo de conferência
- A Machine Learning and Computer-Vision Framework for Real-Time Control in 3DCP: Layer Morphology as a Design Feature 2023
- Towards e-Cities: An Atlas to Enhance the Public Realm Through Interactive Urban Cyber-Physical Devices 2023
- Towards e-cities. An Atlas to enhance the public realm through interactive urban cyber-physical devices 2023
- BioTILES: A sustainable interior wall panels 2022
- The use of natural materials in additive manufacturing of buildings components 2022
- Reuse of Ceramic Roof Tiles: Enhancing New Functional Design Possibilities Through the Integration of Digital Tools for Simulation, Manufacture and Assembly 2021
- Ceramic AM Gantry Structures - Discretisation and connections between beams and columns 2021
- Exceptional structures > Ordinary materials + Emerging construction technologies 2020
- Challenges of 3d printed architectural ceramic components structures: controlling the shrinkage and preventing the cracking 2019
- From rapid prototyping to building in real scale: methodologies for upscaling additive manufacturing in architecture 2019
- From rapid prototyping to real building: methodologies for upscaling additive manufacturing prototypes to functional architectural components 2019
- Ceramic additive manufacturing in architecture: computational methodology for defining a column system 2019
- Free-form ceramic vault system: taking ceramic additive manufacturing to real scale 2019
- Paper in Architecture: The role of additive manufacturing 2019
- BIM as a tool for setting and infrastructure management 2019
- BIM as a tool for setting and infrastructure management 2019
- Connections and joints in buildings: Revisiting the main concepts on building materials life cycle's circularity. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES). 2019
- Life cycle costs. The importance of the users’ costs 2019
- The challenges of adopting BIM for setting and infrastructure management of University of Minho 2018
- 3D printed ceramic vault shading systems 2018
- The dream of building bridges over the Tagus River mouth in Lisbon 2018
- Additive manufacturing for the built environment 2017
- Ceramic 3D printing – The future of brick architecture 2017
- Ceramic 3D printing ? The future of brick architecture 2017
- Estructuras de hielo reforzado 2017
- Estructuras recíprocas paramétricas 2017
- Reinforced ice structures: In the footsteps of Candela 2016
- Fatigue and creep behaviour of stainless steel/ glass / SentryGlas® joints 2016
- Lifetime performance of composite bridges with protective coating 2016
- Compressive strength of ice and cellulose-ice composite 2016
- Estructuras recíprocas paramétricas 2016
- Extending the life of centenary metal bridges 2016
- Time-variant performance of composite bridges with protective coating 2015
- Modelo para a quantificação dos custos de ciclo de vida de pontes 2015
- Quantificação dos custos de ciclo de vida de uma ponte - Apresentação de um caso de estudo 2015
- Fragments of an evolving tangible immateriality 2015
- Uma nova metodologia para a avaliação de segurança de pontes existentes 2015
- Experimental study of structural adhesives for a steel-glass connection 2014
- Estudo experimental de sistemas adesivos vidro-aço 2013
- Simulação numérica do comportamento de vidro reforçado com elementos metálicos embebidos 2013
- Experimental analysis on steel reinforced glass beams at different temperatures 2013
- Methodology for updating nonlinear structural models through experimental data acquisition 2013
- Methodology for updating nonlinear structural models through experimental data acquisition 2013
- Modelo de análise de reservatórios de betão pré-esforçado 2012
- A probabilistic assessment methodology for life cycle analysis of structures 2012
- An advanced probabilistic updating algorithm for life cycle analysis of civil structures 2012
- An advanced probabilistic updating algorithm for life cycle analysis of civil structures 2012
- An advanced reliability procedure for lifetime assessment of structures : application to reinforced concrete beams 2012
- Uncertainty evaluation of the behavior of a composite beam 2012
- Uncertainty evaluation of the behavior of a composite beam 2012
- Advanced evaluation of civil engineering structures behaviour 2011
- Avaliação probabilística do comportamento até à rotura de estruturas : aplicação a vigas mistas 2011
- Uncertainty evaluation of civil engineering structures behavior 2010
- Análise experimental do comportamento até à rotura de vigas de betão armado 2010
- Non linear probabilistic analysis of reinforced concrete structures 2010
- Uncertainty evaluation of reinforced concrete structures behavior 2010
- Avaliação de incertezas no comportamento até à rotura de vigas de betão armado 2009
- Modelling of bond between galvanized steel rebars and concrete 2009
- Original and strengthened traditional timber connections 2009
- Experimental characterization of shear connectors for steel and concrete composite bridge decks 2008
- Avaliação de desempenho de um conector de cisalhamento para sistemas de piso mistos com pré-laje de concreto 2008
- Avaliação da aderência ao betão de varões de aço galvanizado ou com revestimento epoxídico 2008
- Diagnosis and analysis of two king-post trusses 2008
- Field tests of a timber queen-post truss and numerical analysis 2008
- Comportamento de conectores de tipo perno inseridos em lajes maciças de betão leve e sujeitos a carregamentos cíclicos 2007
- A guideline for railway bridge inspection and condition assessment including the NDT toolbox 2007
- A new sensor for crack detection in concrete structures 2007
- Bayesian updating, a powerful tool for updating engineering models using results of testing and monitoring 2007
- Análise experimental e numérica de vigas mistas em aço e betão leve 2007
- Avaliação do desempenho de um conector de cisalhamento em chapa dentada para estruturas mistas de aço e concreto 2007
- Concepção e avaliação de desempenho de um novo conector para estruturas mistas de aço e betão 2007
- Experimental studies on structural timber glass adhesive bonding 2007
- Railway bridge defects and degradation mechanisms 2007
- A utilização de betões leves em vigas mistas aço-betão 2006
- Utilização do radar de prospecção geotécnica na localização das bainhas de pré-esforço nas pontes da Barra e Lanheses 2006
- Cyclic loadings on steel and lightweight concrete composite beams 2006
- Análise experimental de um conector de cisalhamento em chapa de aço endentada para estruturas mistas de aço e concreto 2006
- Asnas de madeira: a importância da rigidez das ligações 2006
- Assessment of load capacity of railway RC slab spans with reinforcement losses 2006
- Behaviour of traditional Portuguese timber roof structures 2006
- Comparison between damage detection methods applied to beam structures 2006
- Concrete railway bridges : taxonomy of degradation mechanisms and damages identified by NDT methods 2006
- Desenvolvimentos recentes no domínio da conexão aço concreto no contexto das estruturas mistas 2006
- Design and experimental analysis of a new shear connector for steel and concrete composite structures 2006
- Experimental analysis of original and strengthened traditional timber connections 2006
- Influence of web thickness reduction in the shear resistance of non-prismatic tapered plate girders 2006
- Inspecção, diagnóstico, conservação e monitorização de pontes 2006
- Lifetime multi-objective optimization of maintenance of existing steel structures 2006
- Linhas orientadoras de uma política de manutenção, conservação e inspecção de pontes 2006
- Modelling of timber joints in traditional structures 2006
- Multi-objective probabilistic optimization of bridge lifetime maintenance : novel approach 2006
- New method for detecting & measuring cracks on concrete using fiber optic sensors 2006
- Radar investigation on civil structures using 3D data reconstruction and transmission tomography 2006
- Strength of corroded tapered plate girders under pure shear 2006
- Strengthening methodologies of portuguese traditional timber connections 2006
- Structural grades of timber by bending and compression tests. Key Engineering Materials. 2006
- Verifying design plans and detecting deficiencies in concrete bridge using GPR 2006
- Detecting damage in structures using wavelet analysis 2005
- Experimental studies on shear connection between steel and lightweight concrete using studs 2005
- Old timber beams – diagnosis and reinforcement 2005
- Predicting and optimizing lifetime performance of existing steel bridges under preventive and essential maintenance actions 2005
- Caracterização experimental de um betão leve de elevada resistência 2004
- Estudo experimental de vigas mistas aço-betão leve 2004
- Experimental studies on shear connection between steel and lightweight concrete 2004
- Aumento da durabilidade do betão através da utilização de metacaulino e látex: um caso de estudo 2004
- Avaliação da aderência da ligação colada madeira-CFRP 2004
- Durability performance of concrete bridge piers made with metakaolin and latex mixes 2004
- Reforço à flexão com compósitos de CFRP de vigas de madeira lamelada-colada 2004
artigo de revista
- Additive manufacturing effect on the mechanical behaviour of architectural stoneware bricks. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2020
- Additive manufacturing effect on the mechanical behaviour of architectural stoneware bricks. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2020
- Surface functionalization of 3D printed structures: Aesthetic and antibiofouling properties. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2020
- Additive Manufacturing of Ceramic Components for Façade Construction. Journal of Façade Design & Engineering. 2020
- Probabilistic-based assessment of existing steel-concrete composite bridges – Application to Sousa River Bridge. Engineering Structures. 2019
- Edgar Cardoso: a tribute to a brilliant bridge engineer. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. 2016
- An innovative framework for probabilistic-based structural assessment with an application to existing reinforced concrete structures. Engineering Structures. 2016
- Probabilistic-based assessment of composite steel-concrete structures through an innovative framework. Steel and Composite Structures. 2016
- Probabilistic-based assessment of composite steel-concrete structures through an innovative framework. Steel and Composite Structures. 2016
- Serviceability assessment of the Góis footbridge using vibration monitoring. Case Studies in Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation. 2014
- ttt torre turística transportável: estrutura de madeira polivalente como segundo pavilhão de Portugal na EXPO Xangai2010. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2011
- Experimental evaluation of different strengthening techniques of traditional timber connections. Engineering Structures. 2011
- Experimental analysis on steel and lightweight concrete beams. Steel and Composite Structures. 2010
- Structural analysis of two King-post timber trusses: Non-destructive evaluation and load-carrying tests. Composite Structures. 2010
- Application of radar techniques to the verification of design plans and the detection of defects in concrete bridges. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. 2010
- Experimental analysis on steel and lightweight concrete composite beams. Steel and Composite Structures. 2010
- Possibilidades do radar de prospecção geotécnica em estruturas e aplicações em Portugal, 2010
- Experimental analysis of laterally loaded nailed timber-to-concrete connections. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2009
- Performance of damage detection methods in bridges through vibration monitoring. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 2009
- Caracterização mecânica de toros de madeira lamelada colada. Mecânica Experimental. 2009
- Asnas tradicionais de madeira: evolução, comportamento e reforço com materiais compósitos. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2008
- Métodos de avaliação da segurança de pontes existentes. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2008
- A utilização de betões leves em estruturas mistas aço-betão. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2008
- Practical implications of GPR investigation using 3D data reconstruction and transmission tomography. Journal of Building Appraisal. 2007
- Compósitos de CFRP unidireccionais no reforço de vigas de madeira lamelada-colada. Revista Internacional Construlink. 2006
- Design and mechanical characterization of fibre optic plate sensor for cracking monitoring. Sensors and Materials. 2006
- Probabilistic lifetime-oriented multiobjective optimization of bridge maintenance: Single maintenance type. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2006
- Pontes contemporâneas do Porto. Ingenium. 2005
- Prefabrykowane elementy zelbetowe do budowy malych mostow, przepustow i tuneli pod nasypami – pratyka portugalska (“Utilização de elementos pré-fabricados de betão para a construção de pequenas pontes e túneis”). Inzynieria Budownictwo. 2005
- Vidro na arquitectura. Arte & Construção. 2005
- Experimental analysis of perfobond shear connection between steel and lightweight concrete. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2004
- Lajes mistas de madeira-betão. Engenharia Civil. 2002
- Introdução à análise probabilística simplificada da segurança estrutural. Engenharia Civil. 2001
- Avaliação experimental do comportamento ao corte de vigas de aço esbeltas. Engenharia Civil. 2000
- Database for the semi-rigid behaviour of beam-to-column connections in seismic regions. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 1998
- Um novo modelo para a análise não linear e diferida de estruturas evolutivas, parte III: exemplos de aplicação. Engenharia Civil. 1996
- Um novo modelo para a análise não linear e diferida de estruturas evolutivas, parte II: formulação do pré-esforço. Engenharia Civil. 1996
- Um novo modelo para a análise não linear e diferida de estruturas evolutivas, parte I: descrição geral. Engenharia Civil. 1995
capítulo de livro
- 3DCP for Complex Sites: Robotic Fabrication of Custom-Fit Slabs in Irregular Pontoons 2024
- AEIOU 2023
- Strategies of Learning and Control of Robotic Manufacturing Methods in Architecture 2023
- Additive Manufacturing of Mmultifunctional ceramic columns 2022
- Crónica de uma pandemia 2020
- Design for Additive Manufacturing of Mechanical Connections Toward Hybrid Products. AI Communications. 2019
- Design for Additive Manufacturing of Mechanical Connections Toward Hybrid Products. AI Communications. 2019
- Self-supporting ceramic wall system: Challenges of additive manufacturing of architectural ceramic components 2019
- Edgar Cardoso: a tribute to a brilliant bridge engineer 2018
- Pontes metálicas em Portugal 2016
- Environmental Assessment Impacts In Constructive Methods: Use of Wood-Based Materials as a Sustainable Architectural Solution 2023
- Towards e-cities. An Atlas to enhance the public realm through interactive urban cyber-physical devices 2023
- BIM as a tool for setting and infrastructure management 2019
- Parametric Reciprocal Structures: workshop of design and fabrication 2018
- Fabricação aditiva de produtos cerâmicos inovadores para sistemas arquitetónicos 2017
- Preface. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 2016
- Prefácio: Concepção, conservação e reabilitação de pontes 2015
- Concepção, conservação e reabilitação de pontes 2015
- Modelling of bond between galvanized steel rebars and concrete 2009