publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- An industrial experience of using reference architectures for mapping features to code. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2024
- Approach to attributed feature modeling for requirements elicitation in Scrum agile development. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. 2023
- A concrete product derivation in software product line engineering: A practical approach. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology. 2022
- A fundação do Sporting Clube de Braga. Bracara Augusta. 2021
- Business model development and maturity in software-based startups: Insights from a case study. Proelium. 2020
- Improving visibility using RFID – the case of a company in the automotive sector. Procedia Manufacturing. 2017
- Improving visibility using RFID – the case of a company in the automotive sector. Procedia Manufacturing. 2017
- Model-based approaches and frameworks for embedded software systems. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering. 2012
- Editorial: Selected papers from the 10th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD 2010). IET Computers and Digital Techniques. 2011
- Influence of the Bologna Accord in Software Engineering Curriculum Development. The Interface. 2010
- Refinement of Software Architectures by Recursive Model Transformations,. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2006
- Towards a Catalogue of Refactorings and Code Smells for AspectJ. Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development. 2006
- Guest Editors' Foreword. Nordic Journal of Computing. 2005
- Specification of Requirements Models. Engineering and Managing Software Requirements. 2005
- Modeling industrial embedded systems with UML. Hardware/Software Codesign - Proceedings of the International Workshop. 2000
- Hierarchical mechanisms for high-level modeling and simulation of digital systems. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems. 1998
- Genetic regulatory mechanisms by means of extended interactive Petri Nets. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 1997
- Specification of industrial digital controllers with Object-Oriented Petri Nets. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. 1997
artigo de conferência
- Impact of remote work on Portuguese software professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic 2023
- Transforming Ideas and Developing Entrepreneurship Skills in Computing Sciences and Informatics Engineering Courses 2022
- Transforming Ideas and Developing Entrepreneurship Skills in Computing Sciences and Informatics Engineering Courses 2022
- Engineering education in a context of VUCA. International Conference of the Portuguese SocIETy for Engineering Education. 2021
- Risk Assessment of a Railway Bridge Subjected to a Multi-hazard Scenario. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2021
- Web based object annotation tool using a Triplet-ReID sorting approach 2021
- On the use of smartphone sensors for developing advanced driver assistance systems. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2019
- An industrial case study for adopting software product lines in automotive industry 2019
- Bibliometric analysis of 50 years of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society publications. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2018
- A systematic reuse-based approach for customized cloned variants 2018
- Industry-academia collaborations in software engineering: An empirical analysis of challenges, patterns and anti-patterns in research projects 2017
- Savings in internal logistics using a RFID-based software system in a lean context 2017
- Savings in internal logistics using a RFID-based software system in a lean context 2017
- iFloW: An integrated logistics software system for inbound supply chain traceability. Proceedings of the I-ESA Conferences. 2016
- iFloW: An integrated logistics software system for inbound supply chain traceability. Proceedings of the I-ESA Conferences. 2016
- Comparing AHP and ELECTRE I for prioritizing software requirements 2015
- Ensino de empreendedorismo no domínio do software: 6 anos de história na UMinho 2015
- Como jogos educacionais são desenvolvidos? Uma revisão sistemática da literatura 2014
- Assisting data warehousing populating processes design through modelling using Coloured Petri Nets 2013
- Guidelines for modelling reactive systems with coloured Petri nets. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2013
- Colored Petri nets in the simulation of ETL standard tasks: the surrogate key pipelining case 2012
- Coloured PETRI nets in the simulation of ETL standard tasks the surrogate key pipelining case 2012
- Combining petri nets and uml for model-based software engineering. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2012
- Identification and assessment of behavioural competences in multidisciplinary teams within design projects 2012
- Peer feedback : quality and quantity in large groups 2012
- Peer feedback: quality and quantity in large groups 2012
- Peer-assessment in projects : an analysis of qualitative feedback 2011
- A Technique to Classify and Compare Agile Methods. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. 2010
- A domain-specific aspect language for transforming MATLAB programs 2010
- PlayScrum - a card game to learn the Scrum agile method 2010
- Prototipagem rápida de ambientes ubíquos 2010
- The APEX Framework: Prototyping of Ubiquitous Environments Based on Petri Nets. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2010
- A Requirements Engineering and Management Training Course for Software Development Professionals. Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training. 2009
- Validation of scenario-based business requirements with Coloured Petri Nets 2009
- Expressing Environment Assumptions and Real-time Requirements for a Distributed Embedded System with Shared Variables. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 2008
- Automated Information Systems Generation for Process-Oriented Organizations 2007
- Deriving Software Architectures for CRUD Applications: The FPL Tower Interface Case Study 2007
- Designing Tool Support for Translating Use Cases and UML 2.0 Sequence Diagrams into a Coloured Petri Net 2007
- Requirements Engineering for Reactive Systems: Coloured Petri Nets for an Elevator Controller. Proceedings - Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC. 2007
- Teaching Embedded Systems Engineering in a Software-Oriented Computing Degree. AI Communications. 2007
- Translating synchronous Petri Nets into PROMELA for verifying behavioural properties 2007
- Validation of Reactive Software from Scenario-Based Models 2007
- A Demonstration Case on the Transformation of Software Architectures for Mobile Applications 2006
- A Two-Year Software Engineering M.Sc. Degree designed under the Bologna Declaration Principles 2006
- Adding aspect-oriented features to MATLAB 2006
- Some rules to transform sequence diagrams into coloured Petri nets 2006
- Integration of Embedded Software with Corporate Information Systems. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 2005
- Model checking embedded systems with PROMELA 2005
- Refactoring a java code base to aspectJ: an illustrative example 2005
- Towards a Catalog of Aspect-Oriented Refactorings 2005
- Transformation of UML Models for Service-Oriented Software Architectures 2005
- A Multi-level Design Pattern for Embedded Software. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 2004
- A model-based approach to the development of distributed control systems 2004
- Functional and Object-Oriented Views in Embedded Software Modeling 2004
- Object-to-Aspect Refactorings For Feature Extraction 2004
- Pitfalls of aspectJ implementations of some of the gang-of-four design patterns 2004
- Tool Support for DFD-UML Model-Based Transformations 2004
- Using RUP for Process-Oriented Organisations 2004
- Some thoughts on refactoring objects to aspects 2003
- Can UML be a system-language for embedded software?. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 2002
- Heterogeneous Information Systems Integration: Organizations and Tools 2002
- Heterogeneous information systems integration: organizations and methodologies. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2002
- A Petri Net Meta-Model to Develop Software Components for Embedded Systems 2001
- From Use Cases to Objects: An Industrial Information Systems Case Study Analysis 2001
- From use cases to objects : an industrial information systems case study analysis 2001
- System-Level Object-Orientation in the Specification and Validation of Embedded Systems 2001
- An Object-Oriented Approach to the Co-Design of Industrial Control-Based Information Systems 2000
- Modeling industrial embedded systems with UML 2000
- Object-Oriented Inheritance of Statecharts for Control Applications 2000
- A UML-based approach for modeling industrial control applications 1999
- An object-oriented model for rapid prototyping of data path/control systems - a case study 1999
- An Object-Oriented Model for Rapid Prototyping of Data Path/Control Systems - A Case Study 1998
- An evolutionary approach to the use of Petri net based models: from parallel controllers to HW/SW co-design 1998
- Hierarchical Mechanisms for High-level Modelling and Simulation of Digital Systems 1998
- Hierarchical mechanisms for high-level modeling and simulation of digital systems 1998
- Modeling Multi-Agent Systems Activities Through Colored Petri Nets: An Industrial Production System Case Study 1998
- Modeling multi-agent systems activities through colored petri nets : an industrial production system case study 1998
- Redes de Petri e VHDL na prototipagem rápida de sistemas digitais 1997
- Genetic regulatory mechanisms by means of extended interactive Petri Nets. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. 1997
- SOFHIA: A CAD Environment to Design Digital Control Systems 1997
- Specification of Industrial Digital Controllers with Object-Oriented Petri Nets 1997
- EDgAR: A Platform for Hardware/Software Codesign 1996
- A plataforma EDgAR na prototipagem rápida de sistemas digitais 1995
- Simulação e Síntese de Controladores Paralelos Baseados em Redes de Petri 1995
- Simulação e síntese de controladores paralelos a partir de especificações baseados em redes de Petri 1995
artigo de revista
- A hybrid bi-objective optimization approach for joint determination of safety stock and safety time buffers in multi-item single-stage industrial supply chains. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2022
- A concrete product derivation in software product line engineering: a practical approach. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology. 2022
- Author placement in Computer Science: a study based on the careers of ACM Fellows. Scientometrics. 2022
- Meta-learning and the new challenges of machine learning. International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 2021
- A fundação do Sporting Clube de Braga 2021
- Alphabetic order of authors in scholarly publications: A bibliometric study for 27 scientific fields. Scientometrics. 2020
- Business model development and maturity in software-based startups: Insights from a case study. Proelium. 2020
- Characterizing industry-academia collaborations in software engineering: Evidence from 101 projects. Empirical Software Engineering. 2019
- Samarium (III) triflate-doped chitosan electrolyte for solid state electrochromic devices. Electrochimica Acta. 2018
- Quantity versus impact of software engineering papers: A quantitative study. Scientometrics. 2017
- Evolution in the number of authors of computer science publications. Scientometrics. 2017
- Promoting entrepreneurship among informatics engineering students: insights from a case study. European Journal of Engineering Education. 2017
- Promoting entrepreneurship among informatics engineering students: insights from a case study. European Journal of Engineering Education. 2017
- Highly-cited papers in software engineering: The top-100. Information and Software Technology. 2016
- Plasma treatment of polyester fabrics to increase the adhesion of reduced graphene oxide. Synthetic Metals. 2015
- Cyber-physical systems design: transition from functional to architectural models. Design Automation for Embedded Systems. 2015
- Authorship trends in software engineering. Scientometrics. 2014
- Enriching MATLAB with aspect-oriented features for developing embedded systems. Journal of Systems Architecture. 2013
- An integrated approach to develop professional and technical skills for Informatics Engineering Students. European Journal of Engineering Education. 2012
- A Multidisciplinary Engineering Summer School in an Industrial Setting. European Journal of Engineering Education. 2009
- An Illustrative Example of Refactoring Object-oriented Source Code with Aspect-oriented Mechanisms. Software - Practice and Experience. 2009
- Formal Requirements Modeling with Executable Use Cases and Coloured Petri Nets. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering. 2009
- Integration of DFDs into a UML-based Model-Driven Engineering Approach. Software and Systems Modeling. 2006
- A Reference Framework for Process-Oriented Software Development Organizations. Software and Systems Modeling. 2005
- C++ é inadequado para ensinar OO. Ingenium. 2002
- Sistemas de informação industriais orientados ao controlo: perspectivas metodológicas para tecnologias reconfiguráveis. Ingenium. 2000
- Projecto de hardware digital orientado por objectos. Anais da Engenharia e Tecnologia Electrotécnica. 1997
- Redes de Petri e VHDL na prototipagem rápida de sistemas digitais. Anais da Engenharia e Tecnologia Electrotécnica. 1997
- VHDL Generation from Hierarchical Petri Net Specifications of Parallel Controllers. Iee Proceedings-Computers and Digital Techniques. 1997
- A Heterogeneous Computer Vision Architecture: Implementation Issues. Computing Systems in Engineering. 1995
- A Heterogeneous Computer Vision Architecture: Implementation Issues. Computing Systems in Engineering. 1995
capítulo de livro
- A Software Engineering Course that Promotes Entrepreneurship: Insights from a VUCA Perspective. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. 2021
- Changing and Pivoting the Business Model in Software Startups. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. 2018
- Determinants for the Success of Software Startups: Insights from a Regional Cluster. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. 2018
- Quality attributes for mobile applications 2016
- Aspect-oriented refactoring of Java programs 2011
- Towards a catalogue of refactorings and code smells for AspectJ. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2006
- Using RUP for Process-Oriented Organisations. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2004
- An Evolutionary Approach to the Use of Petri Net based Models: From Parallel Controllers to HW/SW Co-Design 2000
- An evolutionary approach to the use of petri net based models : from parallel controllers to Hw/Sw codesign 2000
- Edgar : a platform for hardware/software codesign 1997
- Peer feedback: quality and quantity in large groups 2012
- Behavioral Modeling for Embedded Systems and Technologies: Applications for Design and Implementation 2010
- Preface [Behavioral modeling for embedded systems and technologies: applications for design and implementation] 2010
- Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD 2010) 2010
- Proceedings of 6th International Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES 2009) 2009
- Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES 2008) 2008
- Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES 2007) 2007
- Oferta formativa na área das TICE: ensino formal e informal 2006
- Proceedings of Joint Meeting of the 4th Workshop on Model-Based Development of Computer Based Systems (MBD) and 3rd International Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES 2006) 2006
- Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES 2005) 2005
- Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES 2004) 2004
- Some thoughts on refactoring objects to aspects 2003
- C++ é inadequado para ensinar OO 2002
- Sistemas de informação industriais orientados ao controlo: perspectivas metodológicas para tecnologias reconfiguráveis 2000
- Modeling multi-agent systems activities through colored petri nets : an industrial production system case study 1998
- Projecto de hardware digital orientado por objectos 1997
- A plataforma EDgAR na prototipagem rápida de sistemas digitais 1995
- A história centenária da Associação de Futebol de Braga 2022
- Essentials of computing systems 2022
- A história do Sporting Clube de Braga 2021
- Data Requirements Elicitation in Big Data Warehousing 2019
- Requisitos em projetos de software e de sistemas de informação 2017
- Requirements in Engineering Projects 2016
- Using scrum together with UML models: A collaborative university-industry R&D software project 2016
- Using scrum together with UML models: A collaborative university-industry R&D software project 2016
- A transformation of business process models into software-executable models using MDA 2013
- Atas de workshops 2012
- BIM : a methodology to transform business processes into software systems 2012
- Recent advances in petri nets and concurrency 2012
- Aspect-oriented refactoring of Java programs 2011
- Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering III 2011
- Proceedings of 7th International Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES 2010) 2010
- Scenario-based modeling in industrial information systems 2010
- A demonstration case on the transformation of software architectures for service specification 2006
- Business Modeling in Process-Oriented Organizations for RUP-based Software Development 2006
- Towards a catalogue of refactorings and code smells for AspectJ 2006
- A Methodology for Complex Embedded Systems Design: Petri Nets within a UML Approach 2001
- Edgar : a platform for hardware/software codesign 1997
poster de conferência
- Animation-based validation of reactive software systems using behavioural models 2009
- Refactorings to evolve object-oriented systems with aspect-oriented concepts 2005
- MIDAS: metodologia orientada ao objecto para desenvolvimento de sistemas embebidos 2000
- Redes de Petri e VHDL na especificação de controladores paralelos 1994