publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- More than Psychometric Properties of the Fear of Covid-19 Scale. The Struggle of the Portuguese Police Officers. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2024
- Characterizing and Responding to Significant Experiences: Portuguese Firefighters’s Perspectives. Workplace Health and Safety. 2024
- Meta-analysis of suicide ideation among police officers 2024
- Bringing a Uniform Home: a Qualitative Study on Police Officer’s Work-Family Balance Perspective!. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2023
- Connecting the Dots: Occupational Stressors and PTSD Symptoms as Serial Mediators of the Relationship between Fear of COVID-19 and Burnout among Portuguese Police Officers. Psych. 2023
- An assessment of the key construct of the Integrated Cognitive Antisocial Potential (ICAP) theory: psychometric qualities of the antisocial attitudes scale among a sample of Portuguese adolescents 2023
- Contributions of Social and Psychological Assessments in Juvenile Justice Decision Making in Portugal: A Document Analysis 2023
- Short HIV Stigma Scale: Psychometric properties of the Portuguese Version. Psicologia: Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia. 2022
- Adverse lifelong experiences in Portuguese people living with HIV: a retrospective study. Janac-Journal of the Association of Nurses in Aids Care. 2022
- Contributo para um retrato dos Socorristas da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa: Saúde, Trabalho, Coping e Suporte Social. Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Ocupacional. 2021
- Inconsistent reporting of life experiences: What people think and how they explain it?. Análise Psicológica. 2021
- Transcrever entrevistas: questões conceptuais, orientações práticas e desafios 2017
- Intergenerational impact of mental illness in juveniles with a history of victimization. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças. 2016
- A eficácia das estratégias de coping após um evento traumático: uma revisão sistemática 2016
- Predictors of health complaints in detained women. Psychology & Health. 2013
- The impact of prison on health: What women say?. Psychology & Health. 2013
- Are men more resilient than women after a road traffic accident?. Psychology & Health. 2012
- What predicts PTSD 12 months after a road traffic accident?. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 2012
- Contributos para a compreensão do sucesso da cirurgia da banda gástrica 2011
- Coping and health status predicts PTSD 12 months after a serious motor vehicle accident. Psychology & Health. 2011
- Determinantes da utilização de serviços de saúde em ex-combatentes da Guerra Colonial portuguesa: estresse pós-traumático, neuroticismo e apoio social. Contextos Clínicos. 2011
- Factores predictores do insucesso na gastrobandoplastia: uma revisão da literatura. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças. 2011
- Experiências adversas durante a infância e comportamentos de risco para a saúde em mulheres reclusas. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças. 2010
- Family childhood experiences reports in depressed patients: comparison between 2 time points. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2010
- Estudo de uma população de obesos após realização de gastrobandoplastia 2009
- O Trauma dos Acidentes Rodoviários – um estudo português. Revista dos Transportes Públicos. 2007
- Os acidentes rodoviários – um olhar sobre a realidade portuguesa . 2007
- Dilemas Implicativos e Ajustamento Psicológico: Um estudo com alunos recém-chegados à Universidade do Minho.. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology. 2005
- Dilemas implicativos e ajustamento psicológico: um estudo com alunos recém-chegados à Universidade do Minho. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology. 2005
- Personalidade e narrativa: hipertensão e asma: um estudo comparativo. Revista Portuguesa de Psicossomática. 2001
artigo de conferência
- Obesidade: Semelhanças no discurso dos médicos de família, nutricionistas e enfermeiros 2014
- Perturbação pós-stress traumático e indicadores de (in)adaptação em bombeiros portugueses 2009
- Adversidade na infância explica sintomas actuais em homens de meia-idade 2009
- Dissociação e perturbação aguda de stress: preditores de PTSD em vítimas de acidentes rodoviários?! 2009
- Dos maus-tratos na infância aos comportamentos de risco na idade adulta: um modelo conceptual 2009
- Exposição adversa, psicopatologia e queixas de saúde em bombeiros portugueses 2009
- Health and academic performance in students at the University of Minho: perception of problem areas [Saúde e rendimento académico nos estudantes da Universidade do Minho: percepção de áreas problemáticas] 2009
- Os acidentes rodoviários: um problema de saúde pública nos jovens 2009
- Road accidents: a public health problem among young people [Os acidentes rodoviários: um problema de saúde pública nos jovens] 2009
- Saúde e rendimento académico nos estudantes da Universidade do Minho: percepção de áreas problemáticas 2009
- Experiências adversas na infância e na idade adulta em sujeitos com obesidade mórbida: o que é que tem mais “peso” para a adaptação actual? 2008
- Questões éticas no estudo da relação entre trauma e saúde: a investigação revitimiza as vítimas? 2008
- Adaptação psicológica ao trauma enquanto hedonia e/ou eudaimonia? Diferenças na prevalência de PTSD, psicopatologia actual e percepção da experiência de guerra em veteranos da Guerra Colonial Portuguesa com significados positivos versus negativos para a experiência de combate 2008
- Características psicométricas da versão portuguesa do Family Background Questionnaire (Questionários de Avaliação dos Cuidados Familiares em Adultos e Adolescentes) 2008
- Dados de exposição potencialmente traumática na população portuguesa utilizando as versões portuguesas do Life Events Checklist e o Life Stressor Checklist – Revised 2008
- Estudo das características psicométricas do Posttraumatic Growth Inventory – PTGI – (Inventário de Crescimento Pós-Traumático) para a população portuguesa 2008
- Versão portuguesa do Family ACE Questionnaire (Questionário da História de Adversidade na Infância) 2008
- História de adversidade na família e queixas de saúde: um estudo comparativo entre obesos e não obesos 2007
- Experiências de cuidado vividas na infância e comportamentos de risco para a saúde 2007
- Maus-tratos na infância, psicopatologia e satisfação com a vida: um estudo com jovens portugueses 2007
- Quem desenterra as histórias sepultadas no cemitério da memória talvez não as termine e quem as escuta talvez não as consiga escrever… Análise dos aspectos autobiográficos das histórias de vida dos ex-combatentes pela Grounded Theory 2007
- A experiência de deixar de ver: aspectos a considerar na avaliação e intervenção psicológica 2006
- Experiências adversas e funcionamento actual: um estudo com jovens portugueses 2006
- Guerra Colonial Portuguesa : as duas faces da moeda: significado da experiência de participação na guerra colonial portuguesa na vida dos ex-combatentes 2006
- Trauma e saúde 2004
- Acidentes rodoviários: perturbação aguda de stress e PTSD nas vítimas directas 2004
- Apoio psicossocial na transição para o Ensino Superior: um modelo integrado de serviços 2000
artigo de revista
- Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and dissociation as serial mediators of the relationship between cumulative victimization and adjustment problems among poly-victimized at-risk youth. Psychological Trauma-Theory Research Practice and Policy. 2023
- The assessment of combat exposure, mental and physical health problems in Portuguese colonial war veterans: A scoping review.. Traumatology. 2023
- The mediating role of posttraumatic stress symptoms on somatization in adolescents: A two-wave longitudinal study.. Psychological Trauma-Theory Research Practice and Policy. 2023
- The impact of modes of administration on self-reports of offending: evidence from a methodological experiment with university students. Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2022
- Psychometric properties of the Peritraumatic Dissociative Experiences Questionnaire (PDEQ) in a sample of Chilean firefighters.. Traumatology. 2022
- Factors Associated With Physical and Psychological Health Outcomes Among Inmate Women in Portugal. Women and Criminal Justice. 2022
- The psychometric properties of the adolescent dissociative experiences scale (A-DES) in a sample of Portuguese at-risk adolescents. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation. 2022
- HIV Stigma Scale: Translation and Validation of the Short Version to the Portuguese Population. Psicologia: Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia. 2022
- Assessment of the health status of women in prison: a comparison between drug users versus non-users. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 2022
- Comparing and Predicting Inconsistency on Positive and Negative Life Experiences Reports: Which Variables Matter?. Social Sciences. 2022
- How sensitive are self-reports of offending?: the impact of recall periods on question sensitivity. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. 2022
- Measuring Self-Serving Cognitive Distortions with Special Reference to Juvenile Delinquency: A Validation of the “How I Think” Questionnaire in a Sample of Portuguese Adolescents. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 2022
- Field experiments on dishonesty and stealing: what have we learned in the last 40 years?. Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021
- Inconsistent reporting of life experiences: What people think and how they explain it?. Análise Psicológica. 2021
- Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Posttraumatic Growth in a community sample exposed to stressful events: A (not so) curvilinear relationship. Traumatology. 2021
- Telephone-based psychological crisis intervention: the Portuguese experience with COVID-19. Counselling Psychology Quarterly. 2021
- The Impact of Psychopathology Associated With Childhood Trauma on Quality of Life in Portuguese Adolescents: A Two-Wave Longitudinal Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2021
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Identity Transformation After Experiences of Psychological Abuse: A Mixed-Methods Approach 2020
- Lifetime experiences scale (LIFES): Development and validation in community samples. Psicologia: Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia. 2020
- Peer support in prehospital emergency: the first responders' point of view. International Journal of Emergency Services. 2020
- Alternative Models of DSM-5 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Portuguese Adolescents Exposed to Trauma and Childhood Adversity. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 2019
- A Step Toward a Better Understanding of the Relationship Between Victimization and Emotional Distress: Indirect Effect of Adult Attachment and Interaction With Household Dysfunction. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2019
- Early adversity and adult delinquency: the mediational role of mental health in youth offenders. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva. 2019
- Measurement bias in self-reports of offending: a systematic review of experiments. Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019
- Understanding the criminal justice process in human trafficking cases in Portugal: factors associated with successful prosecutions. Crime Law and Social Change. 2019
- Working in prehospital emergency contexts: Stress, coping and support from the perspective of ambulance personnel. International Journal of Workplace Health Management. 2019
- Relationship Between HIV and Depressive Symptomatology in Patients From Northern Portugal: Analysis of Individual, Health, and Social Predictors. Janac-Journal of the Association of Nurses in Aids Care. 2018
- Characteristics of intimate partner violence victimization experienced by a sample of portuguese men. Children and Youth Services Review. 2018
- Different settings, different approaches: A qualitative comparison of Portuguese dietitians' beliefs, attitudes and practices about obesity in public and private settings. Public Health Nutrition. 2018
- Life Experiences Throughout the Lifespan: What Do People Say (or Not) About Them?. Journal of Adult Development. 2018
- Measuring offending: self-reports, official records, systematic observation and experimentation. Crime Psychology Review. 2018
- Needs and Achievements of the Juvenile Justice System: Insights From Two Empirical Studies With Portuguese Young Adults. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 2018
- Persistence in Crime in Young Adults with a History of Juvenile Delinquency: the Role of Mental Health and Psychosocial Problems. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2018
- Randomized feasibility trial of the Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network hand exercise program (SPIN-HAND): study protocol. Journal of Scleroderma and Related Disorders. 2018
- Screening tool for psychological intimate partner violence: Portuguese validation of the psychological maltreatment of women inventory. Children and Youth Services Review. 2018
- The enduring effect of maltreatment on antisocial behavior: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 2018
- The scleroderma patient-centered intervention network cohort: Baseline clinical features and comparison with other large scleroderma cohorts. Rheumatology. 2018
- Twins’ Agreement on Negative and Positive Life Experiences. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2018
- Validation of the social interaction anxiety scale in scleroderma: A scleroderma patientcentered intervention network cohort study. Journal of Scleroderma and Related Disorders. 2018
- What is told when the story is retold? Consistency of victimization reports in psychiatric patients. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. 2018
- Clinically speaking, psychological abuse matters. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 2017
- Prevalence of Childhood Victimization Experiences in Psychiatric Patients: a Systematic Review. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2017
- The Barratt Impulsiveness Scale - 11 Among a Portuguese Sample of Female Juvenile Delinquents and Community Youths. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health. 2017
- Unraveling the link between maltreatment and juvenile antisocial behavior: A meta-analysis of prospective longitudinal studies. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 2017
- Examination of the association of sex and race/ethnicity with appearance concerns: A Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network (SPIN) Cohort study. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology. 2016
- Growing up with adversity: From juvenile justice involvement to criminal persistence and psychosocial problems in young adulthood. Child Abuse & Neglect. 2016
- Health conditions prior to imprisonment and the impact of prison on health: Views of detained women. Qualitative Health Research. 2016
- When the safe place does not protect: reports of victimisation and adverse experiences in psychiatric institutions. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 2016
- A qualitative study of GPs' views towards obesity: are they fighting or giving up?. Healthcare. 2015
- Adversity in childhood predicts depressive symptoms and suicide attempts in adult Portuguese women,Adversidade na infância prediz sintomas depressivos e tentativas de suicídio em mulheres adultas portuguesas. Estudos de Psicologia. 2015
- Childhood adversity among institutionalized male juvenile offenders and other high-risk groups without offense records in Portugal 2015
- Long-term predictors of crime desistance in juvenile delinquents: A systematic review of longitudinal studies. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 2015
- Some quit, others persist: similarities and disparities of healthcare providers' speech concerning obesity,Uns desistem, outros insistem: semelhanças e diferenças no discurso de profissionais de saúde face à obesidade. Revista Portuguesa de Saude Publica. 2015
- The Strongest Correlates of PTSD for Firefighters: Number, Recency, Frequency, or Perceived Threat of Traumatic Events?. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 2015
- Assessing the Reliability of Retrospective Reports of Adverse Childhood Experiences among Adolescents with Documented Childhood Maltreatment 2014
- Psychopathology among youths who were victims of documented childhood maltreatment. Child and Adolescent Mental Health. 2014
- Combat exposure and posttraumatic stress disorder among Portuguese special operation forces deployed in Afghanistan. Military Psychology. 2013
- History of adversity, health and psychopathology among prisoners: Comparison between men and women,História de adversidade, saúde e psicopatologia em reclusos: Comparação entre homens e mulheres. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva. 2013
- Psychological and health comorbidities before and after bariatric surgery: A longitudinal study,Comorbidades físicas e psicológicas antes e depois da cirurgia bariátrica: Um estudo longitudinal. Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. 2013
- Psychopathology, physical complaints and health risk behaviors among youths who were victims of childhood maltreatment: A comparison between home and institutional interventions. Children and Youth Services Review. 2013
- Symptoms of disease and psychological adaptation in Brazilian scleroderma patients. Revista Brasileira de Reumatologia. 2013
- The Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network (SPIN) Cohort: Protocol for a cohort multiple randomised controlled trial (cmRCT) design to support trials of psychosocial and rehabilitation interventions in a rare disease context. BMJ Open. 2013
- The stability of self-reported adverse experiences in childhood: a longitudinal study on obesity. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2013
- New directions for patient-centred care in scleroderma : the Scleroderma Patient-centred Intervention Network (SPIN). Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology. 2012
- Violência contra crianças e adolescentes no Amazonas: análise dos registros. Análise Psicológica. 2012
- A Comparison study between official records and self-reports of childhood adversity. Child Abuse Review. 2012
- Beliefs and practices of healthcare providers regarding obesity: A systematic review. Revista da Associacao Medica Brasileira. 2012
- Changes in the Construct Systems of First-Year University Students: Impact on Psychological Symptoms and Problem-Solving Skills. Journal of Constructivist Psychology. 2012
- Obesity and Treatment Meanings in Bariatric Surgery Candidates: A Qualitative Study. Obesity Surgery. 2012
- Prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder and physical health complaints among Portuguese army Special Operations Forces deployed in Afghanistan. Military Medicine. 2012
- Contributos para a compreensão do sucesso da cirurgia da banda gástrica 2011
- Does obesity’s beliefs matters? Analysis of general practitioners’ speech. Psychology & Health. 2011
- Commitment or miracle?. Obesity Surgery. 2011
- Coping and health status predicts PTSD 12 months after a serious motor vehicle accident. Psychology & Health. 2011
- A comparison study between official records and self-reports : implications to health research on childhood adversity. Psychology & Health. 2011
- Adversidade na infância, características psicológicas e problemas de saúde física: comparação entre obesos e não obesos. Archives of Clinical Psychiatry. 2011
- Bad habits in oral hygiene on campus: to change or not to change, that’s the question!. Psychology & Health. 2011
- Psychological adaptation to a rare, disfiguring disease : european study with patients suffering scleroderma. Psychology & Health. 2011
- Psychopathology and health problems before and after bariatric surgery. Obesity Reviews. 2011
- Psychosocial and health changes with bariatric surgery : a longitudinal study. Psychology & Health. 2011
- Relações familiares, humor deprimido e comportamentos autodestrutivos em adolescentes. Revista de Psicologia da Criança e do Adolescente. 2011
- War exposure and post-traumatic stress as predictors of Portuguese colonial war veterans' physical health. AnxIETy, Stress and Coping. 2011
- A avaliação do dano psíquico em processo cível : uma análise de 5 anos de práticas 2010
- As consequências a nível da saúde psicológica da participação na guerra do Afeganistão e Iraque 2010
- Avaliação psicométrica de três questionários sobre o historial familiar. Archives of Clinical Psychiatry. 2010
- Experiências adversas na infância e tentativas de suicídio em adultos com obesidade mórbida. Revista de Psiquiatria do Rio Grande do Sul. 2010
- Estudo de uma população de obesos após realização de gastrobandoplastia 2009
- Interrupção voluntária da gravidez : representações de futuros profissionais de saúde 2009
- Relação entre perturbação psicológica e suporte social em vítimas de acidentes 2009
- Propriedades psicométricas da versão portuguesa do instrumento de avaliação do sentimento de pertença. Revista de Ciências de Saúde de Macau. 2009
- Adaptação para a língua portuguesa do Questionário de Experiências Dissociativas Peritraumáticas (QEDP) numa amostra de bombeiros. Archives of Clinical Psychiatry. 2009
- Impacto do exercício da psicoterapia nos psicoterapeutas. Análise Psicológica. 2008
- Acidentes rodoviários: Incidência de PTSD nas vítimas directas 2007
- Experiências adversas na infância de adultos com obesidade mórbida. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2007
- Maus tratos e rendimento académico num meio sócio-económico desfavorecido. Infância e Juventude. 2006
- Dilemas implicativos e ajustamento psicológico: um estudo com alunos recém-chegados à Universidade do Minho. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology. 2005
- A consulta psicológica em contexto universitário: ponto de encontro entre a docência e a prática clínica. Psicologia: Teoria, Investigação e Prática. 2005
- History of childhood abuse in Portuguese parents. Child Abuse & Neglect. 2004
- Emoções e sistema imunológico: um olhar sobre a psiconeuroimunologia. Psicologia: Teoria, Investigação e Prática. 2002
- Abuso sexual na infância: a reconstrução depois do trauma. Psicologia: Teoria, Investigação e Prática. 2001
- História de abuso durante a infância. Análise Psicológica. 2001
- Modelos de avaliação da experiência depressiva. Archives of Clinical Psychiatry. 2001
- Personalidade e narrativa : hipertensão e asma : um estudo comparativo. Revista Portuguesa de Psicossomática. 2001
- Quando a guerra parece não ter fim : uma intervenção psicoterapêutica em perturbação stress pós-traumático de guerra. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology. 2001
- Das observações clínicas aos resultados da investigação : coincidências e discrepâncias no estudo da depressão. Archives of Clinical Psychiatry. 2000
- Terapias cognitivo-comportamentais da depressão 1999
- Estatuto empírico das terapias cognitivo-comportamentais da depressão. Archives of Clinical Psychiatry. 1999
capítulo de livro
- Intervenção Psicológica com Adultos Vítimas de Trauma Complexo na Infância. 2024
- The psychometric properties of a questionnaire for measuring delinquency and crime (D-CRIM) 2017
- Questionário de Experiências Dissociativas Peritraumáticas (QEDP) 2013
- Factores preditores de PTSD e critérios de selecção em profissionais de actuação na crise 2007
- Por baixo das pústulas da guerra : reflexões sobre um estudo com ex-combatentes da guerra colonial 2006
- Acidentes rodoviários: o impacto nas vítimas 2004
- Trauma, PTSD e saúde 2004
- Epidemiologia da perturbação pos stress traumático (PTSD) e avaliação de resposta ao trauma 2003
- Maus-tratos na Infância: Trajectórias desenvolvimentais e intervenção psicológica na idade adulta [Childhood Abuse: Developmental trajectories and psychological intervention in adulthood] 2002
- Grounded theory 2001
- Maus-tratos na Infância: Trajectórias desenvolvimentais e intervenção psicológica na idade adulta 2001
- Maus Tratos na Infância: Impacto desenvolvimental na idade adulta [Childhood Abuse: Developmental impact in adulthood] 2000
- Maus-tratos na Infância: Impacto desenvolvimental na idade adulta. 2000
- Adverse and Traumatic Experiences in People who Comitted Homicide - A Systematic Review [on going] 2024
- From the road to the hotline: Differences and commonalities in road infrastructure professionals [on going] 2024
- Ideação Suicida Em Forças Policiais. Uma Revisão Sistemática E Meta-Análise. 2023
- Impact, coping and development challenges among perinatally HIV-infected adolescents 2022
- Nascer com VIH: Como é que a revelação promove uma (des)adaptação à vida 2022
- Homicídio negligente em acidente de viação: análise documental 2017
- Homicídio negligente em acidente de viação: o impacto do crime no condutor 2017
- Impact of a national plan against trafficking in persons: potentialities and limitations 2014
- Resilience and health among youths with documented childhood maltreatment. Psychology & Health. 2012
- Adverse childhood experiences, crime and health. Psychology & Health. 2012
- Are men more resilient than women after a road traffic accident?. Psychology & Health. 2012
- Who is fighting in obesity treatment? Patients or health professionals?. Psychology & Health. 2012
- PTSD is a better predictor of somatization in high trauma exposed than in community samples. Psychology & Health. 2012
- Physical, psychological and social impact of scleroderma in Europe and Brazil. Rheumatology. 2012
- What predicts PTSD 12 months after a road traffic accident?. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 2012
- Morbid obesity: disease, problem or identity? 2009
- Implicative dilemmas and trajectories of human change. 2004
- Developmental Impact of the History of Child Abuse. 2000 Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research 2000
- Psychosocial Context of Child Abuse: Psychopathological Symptoms, History of Child Abuse and Child Abuse Potential in Non-Patient Couples 2000
- More Than Psychometric Properties of The Fear of Covid-19 Scale. The Struggle of The Portuguese Police Officers
poster de conferência