publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Visco-elastic Systems as a Quadratic Eigenvalue Problem. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2017
- Raman study of doped-ZnO thin films grown by rf sputtering. physica status solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters. 2010
- Ancient portuguese ceramic wall tiles ("azulejos"): Characterization of the glaze and ceramic pigments. Journal of Nano Research. 2009
- Structural and mechanical properties of AZOY thin films deposited on flexible substrates. Key Engineering Materials. 2008
artigo de conferência
- Balance between viscous and elastic parameters for ductile materials flow under an overdamped regime. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2019
- Special matrices for visco-elastic systems. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2016
- Complementary eigenvalue problem in systems with frictional contact: The stiffness matrix for the contact nodes between different materials 2014
- Structural and Mechanical Properties of AZOY Thin Films Deposited on Flexible Substrates. Key Engineering Materials. 2008
artigo de revista
- Approaching an overdamped system as a quadratic eigenvalue problem. Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences. 2017
- Raman study of insulating and conductive ZnO:(Al, Mn) thin films. Physica Status Solidi A . 2015
- Electrical and Raman Scattering Studies of ZnO:P and ZnO:Sb Thin Films. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology. 2010
- Structural and electrical properties of Al doped ZnO thin films deposited at room temperature on poly(vinilidene fluoride) substrates. Thin Solid Films. 2009
- ZnO Thin Films Implanted with Al, Sb and P: Optical, Structural and Electrical Characterization. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology. 2009
- The annealing effect on structural and optical properties of ZnO thin films produced by r.f. sputtering. Superlattices and Microstructures. 2007
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