publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Exploring socioeconomic-related inequality in children’s cognitive achievement in Peru. Journal of Economic Inequality. 2024
- Overestimation of health urgency as a cause for emergency services inappropriate use: Insights from an exploratory economics experiment in Portugal. Educação & Sociedade. 2019
- Erratum: Who should participate in health care priority setting and how should priorities be set? Evidence from a Portuguese survey (Revista Portuguesa de Saude Publica (2013) 31:2 (214-22)) | Erratum: Quem deveria participar na definição das prioridades em saúde e como deveriam essas prioridades ser estabelecidas? resultados de um inquérito em Portugal (Revista Portuguesa de Saude Publica (2013) . Revista Portuguesa de Saude Publica. 2014
- Racionamento dos cuidados de saúde e a participação da sociedade: revisão do debate. Revista Portuguesa de Saude Publica. 2010
- Forum: Rationing health care services. Postscript | Fórum: Racionamento dos cuidados de saúde. Posfácio. Cadernos de Saúde Pública. 2008
artigo de conferência
artigo de revista
- Ageing (un)equally and (un)healthily: On the health status of Portuguese people aged 50+. Portuguese Journal of Social Science. 2021
- Potential of a nurse telephone triage line to direct elderly to appropriate health care settings. Journal of Nursing Management. 2019
- Access to Infertility Consultations “What Women Tell Us About it”?. Current Women's Health Reviews. 2019
- Who should participate in health care priority setting and how should priorities be set? Evidence from a Portuguese survey. Revista Portuguesa de Saude Publica. 2013
- Geographic distribution of physicians in Portugal. Eur J Health Econ. . 2010
- Do inequalities in parents' education play an important role in PISA students' mathematics achievement test score disparities?. Economics of Education Review. 2010
- Avaliação de custo-utilidade como mecanismo de alocação de recursos em saúde: revisão do debate. Cadernos de Saúde Pública. 2009
- Out-of-pocket health care expenditures due to excess of body weight in Portugal. Economics & Human Biology. 2008
- Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy and Birthweight: A Propensity Score Matching Approach. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2007
capítulo de livro
- Growing old, unhealthy and unequal: an exploratory study on the health of Portuguese individuals aged 50+ 2017
- Choice of emergency health services: an experimental study 2016
- Who and how should participate in health care priority setting? evidence from a Portuguese survey 2011
- Efficiency and/or equality in health outcomes: determination of SWF parameters 2011
- Determinants of export diversification and sophistication in sub-saharan Africa 2010
- Alcohol attributable fractions and costs in Portugal 2008
- Environmental tobacco smoke risk perception and smoking behavior in Portugal 2008
- Smoking attributable health care expenditures in Portugal 2008
- Socioeconomic related inequalities in students' mathematics achievement in the European Union 2008
- Discounting in developing countries : experimental evidence from Timor-Leste 2006
- Discounting in developing countries: experimental evidence from Timor-Leste 2006
- Maternal smoking during pregnancy and birthweight: a propensity score matching approach 2006
- Discounting in developing countries: a pilot experiment in Timor-Leste 2005
- Income-related health inequality in Portugal 2005