publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Mobile platform motion control system based on human gestures. International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics. 2017
- Remote control system for a mobile platform with four Mecanum wheels. International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics. 2017
- Microcontroller-driven hydrogen fuel cell car 2010
- Miniature thermoelectric power plant 2010
- Alternating current and direct current generator 2008
- Computer-controlled model railroad 2008
- Sistema Digital de Bajo Coste para la Monitorización de la Calidad de Energía Eléctrica. Información Tecnológica. 2007
- Estudo e Desenvolvimento de Filtros Activos de Potência do Tipo Série com Sistema de Controlo Implementado em Computador Pessoal. Revista Engenharia Electrónica Industrial e Computadores. 2005
- Projecto SINUS : tecnologia para compensação dinâmica de harmónicos, factor de potência e desequilíbrios 2005
- Filtro Activo Série para Compensação de Tensão. Revista Voltium – Revista do Núcleo Estudantil do IEEE da Universidade do Minho. 2002
- Filtros Activos de Potência para Melhoria da Qualidade de Energia Eléctrica. Revista Voltium – Revista do Núcleo Estudantil do IEEE da Universidade do Minho. 2000
- Developing an automated system for shoe sole halogenation. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. 1997
artigo de conferência
- A Novel Five-Level Semi-Bridgeless Power Factor Correction Topology. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2018
- A Novel Single-Phase Bidirectional Nine-Level Converter Employing Four Quadrant Switches 2018
- A novel fixed switching frequency control strategy applied to an improved five-level active rectifier 2018
- Car diagnostics using sound 2017
- A new energetically optimized power supply system for a mobile robot platform, using ultracapacitors and batteries to ensure both ultra-fast charging and autonomy 2015
- Three-phase three-level current-source converter for EVs fast battery charging systems 2015
- Using Ultracapacitors as Energy-storing Devices on a Mobile Robot Platform Power System for Ultra-fast Charging 2014
- Design of a high-performance single-phase offline UPS with reduced switching time 2012
- Simple camera calibration for light measurements 2008
- Calibration of Camera for Light Quality Measurements of Low-Power Lamps 2007
- Compensador de Tensão do Tipo Activo Série Controlado por Computador Pessoal 2007
- Experimental results of a single-phase shunt active filter prototype with different switching techniques 2007
- Parallel association of shunt active power filters 2007
- SINUS : tecnologia para monitorização da qualidade de energia, compensação dinâmica de harmónicos, factor de potência e desequilíbrios e para interface de fontes renováveis 2007
- Thermonuclear power plant model 2007
- Alternating current and direct current generator 2006
- Computer-controlled model railroad 2006
- Projecto SINUS : tecnologias para melhoria da eficiência e da qualidade de energia em sistemas eléctricos 2006
- Projecto SINUS: Tecnologias para Melhoria da Eficiência e da Qualidade de Energia em Sistemas Eléctricos 2006
- A Single Phase Power Series Compensator for Voltage Distortion 2005
- Análise E Simulações De Um Filtro Banda Adaptativo Aplicado A Um Filtro Activo Série 2004
- A Personal Computer Based Controller for an Active Power Filter 2003
- P-q Theory power components calculations 2003
- Developing an Automated System for Shoe Sole Halogenation 1997
artigo de revista
- A New Approach for Real Time Train Energy Efficiency Optimization. Energies. 2018
- Mobile platform motion control system based on human gestures. International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics. 2017
- Remote control system for a mobile platform with four Mecanum wheels. International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics. 2017
- New Control Algorithm for Single-Phase Series Active Power Filter. Electric Power Components and Systems. 2015
- An integrated project of entrepreneurship and innovation in engineering education. Mechatronics. 2013
- Microcontroller-driven hydrogen fuel cell car. International Journal on Hands-on Science. 2010
- Miniature thermoelectric power plant. International Journal on Hands-on Science. 2010
- Computer-controlled model railroad. International Journal on Hands-on Science. 2008
- Alternating current and direct current generator. International Journal on Hands-on Science. 2008
- Sistema digital de bajo coste para la monitorización de la calidad de energía eléctrica. Información Tecnológica. 2007
- Estudo e desenvolvimento de filtros activos de potência do tipo série com sistema de controlo implementado em computador pessoal 2005
- Projecto SINUS : tecnologia para compensação dinâmica de harmónicos, factor de potência e desequilíbrios 2005
- A series active power filter controlled by personal computer. Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal. 2003
- Filtro activo série para compensação de tensão 2002
- Filtros activos de potência para melhoria da qualidade de energia eléctrica 2000
capítulo de livro
- Car diagnostics using sound 2017
- A new energetically optimized power supply system for a mobile robot platform, using ultracapacitors and batteries to ensure both ultra-fast charging and autonomy 2015
- Design of a high-performance single-phase offline UPS with reduced switching time 2012
- Calibration of camera for light quality measurements of low-power lamps 2007
- Compensador de tensão do tipo activo série controlado por computador pessoal 2007
- Thermonuclear power plant model 2007
- Alternating current and direct current generator 2006
- Computer-controlled model railroad 2006
- Projecto SINUS : tecnologias para melhoria da eficiência e da qualidade de energia em sistemas eléctricos 2006
- A single-phase power series compensator for voltage distortion 2005
- Análise e simulações de um filtro banda adaptativo aplicado a um filtro activo série 2004
- Developing an automated system for shoe sole halogenation 1997
- Comprehensive Analysis and Comparison of Digital Current Control Techniques for Active Rectifiers 2017
- Evaluation of the Introduction of Electric Vehicles in the Power Grid – A Study for the Island of Maio in Cape Verde 2017
- Inverted pendulum controlled by an analog PID controller: a framework for a laboratorial experiment 2017
- Learning electronics project inside a control inspired conceptual map 2015
- Filtro activo de potência para interface da rede com cargas eléctricas 2014
- A Newton's cradle model for science fair events 2014
- Environment-friendly slot cars circuit 2014
- Gaining insight into Tua railway line through interactive experiments 2012
- Thermonuclear power plant model 2008