publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Online yarn hairiness– Loop & protruding fibers dataset. Data in Brief. 2024
- Mapping the implementation of active learning approaches in a school of engineering – the positive effect of teacher training. European Journal of Engineering Education. 2024
- Physioland: a motivational complement of physical therapy for patients with neurological diseases 2024
- The Role of Design and Digital Media in Monitoring and Improving the Performance of Taekwondo Athletes. Designs. 2023
- Development of a Virtual Reality Escape Room Game for Emotion Elicitation. Information. 2023
- Social Stories for Promoting Social Communication with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Using a Humanoid Robot: Step-by-Step Study. Technology, Knowledge and Learning. 2023
- Systems Engineering: Availability and Reliability. Applied Sciences. 2022
- A Review in the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Textile Industry. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 2022
- Monitoring System of Taekwondo Athletes' Movements: First Insights. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 2022
- Learning engineering contents from different courses through a hands-on activity teamwork. 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE PORTUGUESE SOCIETY FOR ENGINEERING EDUCATION (CISPEE). 2021
- General Satisfaction in Chemical and Biological Engineering Courses: What Matters? A students' perception study. 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE PORTUGUESE SOCIETY FOR ENGINEERING EDUCATION (CISPEE). 2018
- Mechatronic system for the promotion of physical activity in people with motor limitations. International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics. 2018
- Perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes of first year third-level students: an empirical study of portuguese, russian, polish, finnish, and irish students 2018
- Mechatronic Systems for Caregivers Support on the Context of Bedridden People Care. Recent Innovations in Mechatronics. 2017
- Using a humanoid robot as the promoter of interaction with children in the context of educational games. International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics. 2017
- Total Challenge: A Serious Game for Stimulating Cognitive Abilities. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC). 2016
- Conceptual design of a medical device for transference of bedridden people in domestic environments - preliminary studies. Sho2016: International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene. 2016
- Lego Robots & Autism Spectrum Disorders: A potential partnership?. Revista Galego-Portuguesa de Psicoloxía e Educación. 2016
- PAIR: The Remote Industrial Automation Trainer. Volume 5: Education and Globalization. 2015
- Assessing Remote Physiological Signals Acquisition Experiments. Volume 5: Education and Globalization. 2014
- Conceptual design of a conveyer system for supporting basic quality of life of bedridden elderly people. Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics. 2014
- Conceptual design of a mechatronic system for supporting basic quality of life of bedridden elderly people 2014
- Monitoring of Patients with Neurological Diseases. International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Engineering. 2013
- Characterization of Yarn Mass Parameters and Production Characteristics Using Optical Sensors, Capacitive Sensors and Image Processing. International Journal of Sensors Wireless Communications and Control. 2013
- Reintrepreting the cardiovascular system as a mechanical model. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2013
- Remote physiological systems (RePhyS) laboratory : a didactic learning environment. 3rd Portuguese Bioengineering Meeting, ENBENG 2013 - Book of Proceedings. 2013
- Rh phenotypes analysis by spectrophotometry in human blood typing. 3rd Portuguese Bioengineering Meeting, ENBENG 2013 - Book of Proceedings. 2013
- Robotic Tool to Improve Skills in Children with ASD: A Preliminary Study. International Journal of Life Science and Medical Research. 2013
- Automatic Electronic System to Human Blood Typing. Procedia Engineering. 2012
- Automation & Control remote laboratory: Evaluating a cooperative methodology. Proceedings - 2012 6th IEEE International Conference on E-Learning in Industrial Electronics, ICELIE 2012. 2012
- Development of an automatic electronic system to human blood typing. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2012
- Preliminary study on determining stereotypical motor movements.. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2012
- Spectrophotometric approach for automatic human blood typing. 2012 IEEE 2nd Portuguese Meeting in Bioengineering, ENBENG 2012. 2012
- Web-assisted laboratory for control education : remote and virtual environments. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2012
- An Overview Over Yarn Mass Parameterization Methods. Proceedings of Sensordevices: the Second International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications. 2011
- K-12, university students and robots : an early start. 2011 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON 2011. 2011
- A Network Configuration for Industrial Systems Control. International Conference on Innovations, Recent Trends and Challenges in Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering and New High-tech Products Development (mecahitech). 2010
- Promoting interaction amongst autistic adolescents using robots. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2010
- A collaborative biomedical engineering undergraduate work: An automatic system for blood glucose regulation. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2009
- Automatic yarn characterization system. Proceedings of IEEE Sensors. 2008
- A new plant modelling approach for formal verification purposes. IFAC proceedings volumes. 2007
- Optical yarn hairiness measurement system. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (Indin). 2007
- Development of a yarn evenness measurement and hairiness analysis system. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2006
- Yarn mass analysis with 1 mm capacitive sensors. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. 2004
- Bioreactor-on-a chip: Application to baker's yeast fermentation. 1st Annual International Ieee-Embs Special Topic Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine & Biology, Proceedings. 2000
artigo de conferência
- Cábulas/Padlet: nada de malícia, apenas perícia 2022
- Triple R (Rewind, Replay, Rebound): maximizar a aprendizagem através de vídeos educacionais 2022
- A Pedagogical Virtual Reality Serious Game Tool for the Development of Emotional Competencies to Nursing Students 2021
- Classification of Taekwondo Techniques using Deep Learning Methods: First Insights 2021
- Real-time Evaluation System for Top Taekwondo Athletes: Project Overview 2021
- Hybrid Approach to Promote Social Interaction with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder 2021
- Cheat Sheets and Padlet: A metacognitive learning tool 2020
- Higher Education Students' Perception and Behavior during Pandemic Reality: A Pilot Study 2020
- Gender Differences in Students’ Assessment in a Fluid Mechanics Course 2020
- Development of a Serious Game to fight Childhood Obesity: "Barty". IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference. 2020
- E-learning tools: engaging our students?. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference. 2020
- Gender Differences in Students' Assessment in a Fluid Mechanics Course. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference. 2020
- Human action recognition using an image-based temporal and spatial representation. International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems & Workshops. 2020
- Interdisciplinary contents integration and key competences developed in a project work of industrial engineering and management third year 2020
- Towards a virtual coach for boccia: Developing a virtual augmented interaction based on a boccia simulator 2020
- A Review on Commercially Available Anthropomorphic Myoelectric Prosthetic Hands, Pattern-Recognition-Based Microcontrollers and sEMG Sensors used for Prosthetic Control. IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions. 2019
- A Supervised Autonomous Approach for Robot Intervention with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder 2019
- An adaptive serious game of statistics: Project development and mechanisms 2019
- Ball detection for boccia game analysis. International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies. 2019
- Comunidade de prática e inovação em ensino e aprendizagem CPIEA 2019
- Comunidade de prática e inovação em ensino e aprendizagem CPIEA/Community of practice and innovation in education and training in CPIEA 2019
- Design of a biomedical kit for bedridden patients: A conceptual approach. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2019
- Innovating in control engineering teaching/learning with smartphones. International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies. 2019
- Mimicking human movement with robots: Control of an anthropomorphic robotic arm using a glove-based system as an educational tool. International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies. 2019
- Os Audience Response Systems como instrumento de inovação no ensino e na aprendizagem ativa: aplicações no âmbito de uma comunidade de prática e inovação em ensino e aprendizagem e perceções dos alunos 2019
- Relation between pedestrians' safety and traffic noise 2019
- Serious games para profissionais de saúde como estratégia promotora de reconstrução da autonomia em doentes após enfarte agudo do miocárdio 2019
- Serious games to improve health professional´s skills when caring for cardiac patients 2019
- Stability control of a quadcopter fixed to a base. International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies. 2019
- Yarn linear mass determination using image processing: First insights. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2019
- Real-Time Gesture Classification for Monitoring Elderly Physical Activity Using a Wireless Wearable Device 2018
- An approach to behavioural distraction patterns detection and classification in a Human-Robot Interaction 2018
- Serious games assisted by playware as a way to improve socio-emotional skills in children with autism spectrum disorder 2018
- A wearable and non-wearable approach for gesture recognition-Initial results. International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems & Workshops. 2018
- Boccia court analisys for real-time scoring 2018
- Design, implementation and preliminary tests of E-ducation platform 2018
- General satisfaction in chemical and biological engineering courses: What matters? : 'ception study. International Conference of the Portuguese SocIETy for Engineering Education. 2018
- Nível de satisfação em cursos de engenharia: as perceções dos alunos 2018
- Practical work and assessment to stimulate students' participation and motivation in fluid transport issues 2018
- Teaching Impact and Evaluation Methodology Assessment in a Fluid Mechanics Course: Student’s Perceptions 2018
- To be or not to be an engineer? - Perceptions among 3rd cycle basic school students 2018
- A serious game concept to enhance students' learning of statistics. Experiment at International Conference. 2017
- E-ducAtion: Multidisciplinary platform to support the teaching/learning process in Portuguese 1st cycle schools. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference. 2017
- Educational games for children with special needs: Preliminary design. Experiment at International Conference. 2017
- Mirroring and recognizing emotions through facial expressions for a RoboKind platform 2017
- Teaching/learning PBL activity: Gantry crane control system implementation 2017
- Technology and Special Educational Needs: Let's Play "Doing Good Deeds" 2017
- Technology and special educational needs: Let's play 'Doing Good Deeds!'. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference. 2017
- Technology and special educational needs: Let's play 'Doing Good Deeds!'. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference. 2017
- Virtual Application for Preventing Repetitive Strain Injuries on Hands: First Insights 2017
- iBoccia: Monitoring elderly while playing Boccia gameplay 2017
- “HugMe”-validation of a prototype of an inclusive toy for children 2017
- Augmented reality for cognitive and social skills improvement in children with ASD. International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation. 2016
- "HugMe" Development of an inclusive toy: First insights 2016
- Conceptual design of a medical device for transference of bedridden people in domestic environments - preliminary studies 2016
- Design of a Conceptual Bed Mattress for Reducing Pressure on Bony Prominences 2016
- Development of a serious game for Portuguese Sign Language. International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems & Workshops. 2016
- Development of a serious game for Portuguese Sign Language. International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems & Workshops. 2016
- Mirroring emotion system - on-line synthesizing facial expressions on a robot face. International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems & Workshops. 2016
- Portuguese and Brazilian students perceptions regarding the flow of knowledge in their courses: Two different realities? 2016
- Real-time emotions recognition system. International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems & Workshops. 2016
- Requirements for the development of medical devices - Caregivers perspectives survey 2016
- Sign language learning using the hangman videogame. International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems & Workshops. 2016
- Sign language learning using the hangman videogame. International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems & Workshops. 2016
- Students' expectations analysis before and after a curricular internship 2016
- A spectrophotometry based blood typing device 2015
- A realization of the inverted pendulum and cart. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. 2015
- A serious game for rehabilitation of neurological disabilities: Premilinary study 2015
- Ambient assisted living platform for remote monitoring of bedridden people. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2015
- An Overview of Industrial Communication Networks. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2015
- Controlling an equilibrist lego robot. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. 2015
- Design and development of a portable projection and natural interface device for virtual games applied to physiotherapy. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2015
- Freshman's perceptions in electrical/electronic engineering courses: Early findings 2015
- Industrial controlling process using the remote industrial automation trainer PAIR. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2015
- Mechatronic system for assistance on bath of bedridden elderly people 2015
- Web Platform for Serious Games' Management. Procedia Computer Science. 2015
- A pilot study using imitation and storytelling scenarios as activities for labelling emotions by children with autism using a humanoid robot 2014
- Building a game scenario to encourage children with autism to recognize and label emotions using a humanoid robot. RO-MAN. 2014
- Detection of stereotyped hand flapping movements in Autistic children using the Kinect sensor: A case study. IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions. 2014
- PhysioVinci - A First Approach on a Physical Rehabilitation Game 2014
- Using Ultracapacitors as Energy-storing Devices on a Mobile Robot Platform Power System for Ultra-fast Charging 2014
- Issues in remote laboratory developments for biomedical engineering education 2013
- Remote Physiological Data Acquisition : from the human body to electromechanical simulators 2013
- Robótica-Autismo Project: Technology for autistic children 2013
- Students' perspectives on remote physiological signals acquisition experiments 2013
- Students' perspectives on remote physiological signals acquisition experiments 2013
- ”Where is your nose?” : developing body awareness skills among children with autism using a humanoid robot 2013
- A support tool for teaching grafcet : engineering students' perceptions 2012
- Automatic detection of stereotyped hand flapping movements: Two different approaches 2012
- Constraints in the design of activities focusing on emotion recognition for children with ASD using robotic tools. Proceedings of the IEEE Ras-Embs International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics. 2012
- Constrangimentos no desenho de atividades que focam o reconhecimento de emoções com crianças com PEA usando ferramentas robóticas 2012
- Design of a mechatronic system for human blood typing in emergency situations. IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA. 2012
- Development of skills in children with ASD using a robotic platform 2012
- Stereotype movement recognition in children with ASD. Procedia Engineering. 2012
- A mechatronic device for spasticity quantification. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (Indin). 2011
- An approach to promote social and communication behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorders : robot based intervention 2011
- Biomedical device for spasticity quantification based on the velocity dependence of the Stretch Reflex threshold. IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA. 2011
- Robots and autism disorder: promoting the competence generalization 2011
- Adaptive control of an electromagnetically actuated presser-foot for industrial sewing machines. IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA. 2010
- An approach for spasticity quantification based on the stretch reflex threshold 2010
- Applications of simple robots to encourage social receptiveness of adolescents with autism. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2009
- Streaming contents and RSS feed in a pedagogical environment 2009
- Lab-on-a-chip with fluid acoustic microagitation : piezoelectric polymer ß-PVDF used as ultrassonic transducer 2008
- Lab-on-a-chip with fluid acoustic microagitation : piezoelectric polymer β-PVDF used as ultrassonic transducer 2008
- Property patterns for the formal verification of automated production systems 2008
- Optical quantification of yarn hairiness using a single direction 2007
- Streaming media in a different contexts : engineering and education graduation 2007
- Application of new methodologies in an industrial electronics engineering course : case study 2006
- BakSIM : an application for control, monitoring and simulation of baker's yeast fermentation process 2006
- Baker's yeast fermentation parameters estimation : an evolutionary approach 2006
- Determination of yarn hairiness using optical sensors 2006
- Direct measurement of yarn mass with 1mm accuracy using capacitive sensors 2006
- ICTs in remote assessment 2006
- Using multivariate statistics on detection of particular signals during production of knitwear 2006
- Knitting process surveillance using time and frequency analysis 2005
- Laboratórios virtuais: duas aplicações no ensino de engenharia 2005
- A new system for monitoring and analysis of the knitting process 2004
- A system for knitting process monitoring and fault detection on weft circular knitting machines 2004
- Advancements in on-line monitoring and control of parameters in knitting and sewing processes 2004
- Automatic yarn mass parameterization 2004
- Fuzzy logic based control strategies for an electromagnetic actuated sewing machine presser foot 2004
- Improving feeding efficiency of a sewing machine by on-line control of the presser foot 2004
- Surveillance and control of the yarn input tension on circular weft knitting machines : new approaches 2004
- Techniques for unveiling faults during knitting production 2004
- On-line measurement of yarn evenness 2003
- On-line measurement of yarn evenness 2003
- A new system for direct measurement of yarn mass with 1 mm. accuracy 2002
- Control of baker’s yeast fermentation : PID and fuzzy algorithms. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2001
- High resolution yarn measurement 2001
- Influence of measurement length in yarn eveness control 2001
- Yarn eveness control in 1 mm range 2000
- A Study on the Convergence of Observer-Based Kinetics Estimators in Stirred Tank Bioreactors 1994
- Requisitos e realização de uma instalação experimental para estudos de modelização e controlo em processos de fermentação 1994
- Studies on on-line state and parameter estimation through a real-time process simulator 1992
artigo de revista
- Using Object Detection Technology to Identify Defects in Clothing for Blind People. Bioengineering. 2023
- Blind People: Clothing Category Classification and Stain Detection Using Transfer Learning. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Cyber-Physical System for Evaluation of Taekwondo Athletes: An Initial Project Description. Machines. 2023
- Intelligent Computer Vision System for Analysis and Characterization of Yarn Quality. Electronics. 2023
- Fostering Emotion Recognition in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction. 2021
- Skeleton Driven Action Recognition Using an Image-Based Spatial-Temporal Representation and Convolution Neural Network. Bioengineering. 2021
- Physioland – A serious game for physical rehabilitation of patients with neurological diseases. Entertainment Computing. 2020
- A New Methodology for Use by a Single Caregiver to Bathe Bedridden Elderly Persons Using Advanced Mechatronic Systems. Healthcare. 2019
- Socio-emotional development in high functioning children with Autism Spectrum Disorders using a humanoid robot. Interaction Studies. 2019
- Student’s perceptions regarding assessment changes in a fluid mechanics course. Education Sciences. 2019
- Developing a framework for promoting physical activity in a Boccia game scenario. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering-Imaging and Visualization. 2018
- Simulation of cyber physical systems behaviour using timed plant models. Mechatronics. 2018
- Simulation of cyber physical systems behaviour using timed plant models. Mechatronics. 2018
- Teaching PLC timers and counters programming using MIT app-inventor. International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics. 2018
- Using a humanoid robot as the promoter of interaction with children in the context of educational games. International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics. 2017
- Bath-Ambience—A Mechatronic System for Assisting the Caregivers of Bedridden People. Bioengineering. 2017
- Deaf people feeling music rhythm by using a sensing and actuating device. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2017
- Traffic noise: Annoyance assessment of real and virtual sounds based on close proximity measurements. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 2017
- A Faster and More Secure Human Blood Type Determining Product—Concept Design. Journal of Medical Devices, Transactions of the Asme. 2016
- Robot Lego & Trastorno del Espectro Autista: Una asociación posible? || Lego Robots & Autism Spectrum Disorder: a potential partnership?. Revista Galego-Portuguesa de Psicoloxía e Educación. 2016
- Robot Lego & Trastorno del Espectro Autista: Una asociación posible? || Lego Robots & Autism Spectrum Disorder: a potential partnership?. Revista Galego-Portuguesa de Psicoloxía e Educación. 2016
- The Conceptual Design of a Mechatronic System to Handle Bedridden Elderly Individuals. Bioengineering. 2016
- Development of a Medical Care Terminal for Efficient Monitoring of Bedridden Subjects. Journal of Engineering. 2016
- Ergonomics and usability in the development of a portable virtual gaming device applied in physiotherapy. Transactions of Famena. 2016
- Integrated Solution of a Back Office System for Serious Games Targeted at Physiotherapy. International Journal of Computer Games Technology. 2016
- Interpretando las percepciones de los estudiantes en los resultados de aprendizaje de mecánica de fluidos. Education in The Knowledge SocIETy (EKS). 2015
- Yarn features extraction using image processing and computer vision - A study with cotton and polyester yarns. Measurement. 2015
- Mechanical simulation model of the systemic circulation. Measurement. 2015
- A Complete Blood Typing Device for Automatic Agglutination Detection Based on Absorption Spectrophotometry. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2015
- Bed design with mechatronic system to decrease pressure ulcers. Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics. 2015
- Using a Humanoid Robot to Elicit Body Awareness and Appropriate Physical Interaction in Children with Autism. International Journal of Social Robotics. 2015
- Automation and Control Remote Laboratory: A Pedagogical Tool. International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education. 2014
- Automation and Control Remote Laboratory: A Pedagogical Tool. International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education. 2014
- A multidisciplinary experience in Remote Physiological Systems laboratory. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference. 2013
- A multidisciplinary experience in Remote Physiological Systems laboratory. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference. 2013
- An integrated project of entrepreneurship and innovation in engineering education. Mechatronics. 2013
- Yarn Periodical Errors Determination Using Three Signal Processing Approaches. Digital Signal Processing: a Review Journal. 2013
- Yarn parameterization and fabrics prediction using image processing. Textiles and Light Industrial Science and Technology. 2013
- Advanced design of a mechatronic system for human blood typing. Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics. 2012
- Web portal: Total challenge. International Journal of Web Portals. 2012
- Safe controllers design for industrial automation systems. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2011
- A comparison of mass parameters determination using capacitive and optical sensors. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2011
- An early start in robotics: K-12 case-study. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (IJEP). 2011
- Design and development of an industrial network laboratory. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning. 2011
- Yarn diameter characterization using two orthogonal directions. Experimental Techniques. 2011
- An approach for spasticity quantification based on the stretch reflex threshold. Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics. 2010
- Determination of Yarn Production Characteristics Using Image Processing. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology. 2010
- Automatic Yarn Characterization System: Design of a Prototype. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2009
- Yarn diameter and linear mass correlation. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation. 2009
- Yarn hairiness characterization using two orthogonal directions. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2009
- Yarn irregularity parameterisation using optical sensors. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe. 2009
- A comparative study between yarn diameter and yarn mass variation measurement systems using capacitive and optical sensors. Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research. 2008
- Yarn hairness and diameter characterization using a CMOS line array. Measurement. 2008
- Fabrics Made from Non-conventional Blends: What Can We Expect from them Related to Frictional Properties?. Antibiotics. 2008
- Yarn diameter measurements using coherent optical signal processing. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2008
- Yarn hairiness parameterization using a coherent signal processing technique. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2008
- Remote PID control of a DC Motor. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference. 2007
- Yarn-mass measurement with 1-mm-length samples. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2007
- Isothermal and nonisothermal crystallization of polymers: Analysis with a shear differential thermal analyzer. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2005
- Yarn parameterization based on mass analysis. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2004
- Mediação online da irregularidade do fio 2003
- Evaluation of the sample temperature increase during the quiescent and shear-induced isothermal crystallization of polyethylene. E-Polymers. 2003
- A Study on the Convergence of Observer-Based Kinetic Estimators in Fed-Batch Fermentations. Journal of Process Control. 1996
capítulo de livro
- A Step Towards Obtaining an Innovative Smartbath for Shower in Bed of Disabled and Elder¿s People 2023
- Web Application for the Learning of Emotions in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder 2023
- Deep Learning in Taekwondo Techniques Recognition System: A Preliminary Approach 2022
- Development and Design of an Evaluation Interface for Taekwondo Athletes: First Insights 2022
- Virtual Lab Virtues in Distance Learning 2022
- Your Turn to Learn – Flipped Classroom in Automation Courses. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2021
- Design and Testing of a Textile EMG Sensor for Prosthetic Control. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2020
- Didactic Toy for Children with Special Needs. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2020
- The Flow of Knowledge and Level of Satisfaction in Engineering Courses Based on Students¿ Perceptions 2018
- A wearable and non-wearable approach for gesture recognition - Initial results 2017
- Image processing : characteristics and applications in textile industry and biomedicine 2012
- A bioareactor based on optical measurements for Baker's yeast fermentation 2002
- Computer-based studies on bioprocess engineering: II - Tools for process operation 1996
- O uso de jogos com finalidade séria: propriedades percebidas por pais de crianças com paralisia cerebral 2021
- A hybrid supervised approach for human robot interaction with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder 2021
- Serious games to improve health professional´s skills when caring for cardiac patients 2019
- Comunidade de prática e inovação em ensino e aprendizagem CPIEA 2019
- Os Audience Response Systems como instrumento de inovação no ensino e na aprendizagem ativa: Aplicações no âmbito de uma Comunidade de Prática e Inovação em Ensino e Aprendizagem e perceções dos alunos 2019
- Preface. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2017
- Automatic Yarn Mass Parameterization 2016
- On-line measurement of yarn evenness 2016
- Robots and Autism Disorder: Promoting competence generalization 2011
- ICTs in remote assessment 2006
- Computer-aided teaching of process engineering: VI - studies on bioprocess identification and control through a process simulator 1993
- Model-based identification and control on baker's yeast fed-batch fermentation 1993
- Team-Based Learning to Enhance Student’ Competencies in a Fluid Mechanics Module 2023
- Adequacy of Game Scenarios for an Object with Playware Technology to Promote Emotion Recognition in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder 2020
- Design of a Smart Mechatronic System to Combine Garments for Blind People: First Insights 2020
- Boccia court analysis for promoting elderly physical activity 2019
- Building a Behaviour Architecture: An Approach for Promoting Human-Robot Interaction 2019
- Design of a Framework to Promote Physical Activity for the Elderly 2019
- Extracting Clothing Features for Blind People Using Image Processing and Machine Learning Techniques: First Insights 2019
- Facial Virtual Tracking: A System to Mirror Emotions 2019
- Integrating MIT app-inventor in PLC programming teaching 2019
- Mechatronic system for the promotion of physical activity in people with motor limitations: First insights 2019
- Monitoring of bioelectrical and biomechanical signals in Taekwondo training: First insights 2019
- Perspectives of Entrepreneurship in Engineering Education: An Exploratory Study 2019
- PlayCube: Designing a Tangible Playware Module for Human-Robot Interaction 2019
- Real-time data movements acquisition of taekwondo athletes: First insights 2019
- Recording of occurrences through image processing in Taekwondo training: First insights 2019
- Serious Game for Teaching Statistics in Higher Education: Storyboard Design 2019
- A serious game for learning portuguese sign language - “iLearnPSL” 2018
- An Application to Promote Emotional Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders 2018
- Building a Hybrid Approach for a Game Scenario Using a Tangible Interface in Human Robot Interaction 2018
- Computer vision techniques for detecting yarn defects 2018
- Computer vision techniques for detecting yarn defects 2018
- Development of activities for human-robot interaction: Preliminary results 2018
- Physioland - A serious game for rehabilitation of patients with neurological diseases 2018
- Serious Games Development as a Tool to Prevent Repetitive Strain Injuries in Hands: First Steps 2018
- Virtual application to prevent repetitive strain injuries in hands 2018
- iBoccia: A framework to monitor the Boccia gameplay in elderly 2018
- Control engineering learning by integrating app-inventor based experiments 2017
- Happiness and Sadness Recognition System—Preliminary Results with an Intel RealSense 3D Sensor 2017
- Imitate me! - preliminary tests on an upper members gestures recognition system 2017
- Inverted pendulum controlled by an analog PID controller: a framework for a laboratorial experiment 2017
- I’m an outlier! Is this important? – Answers based on a satisfaction and perception questionnaire 2017
- SmartBath: A new bathing concept for disabled people 2017
- Tracking of physiotherapy exercises using image processing techniques 2017
- A virtual workbench applied to automation: Student's response analysis 2015
- Concurrent Projects in Control Laboratorial Classes 2015
- Games Development for Pedagogical and Educational Purposes 2011
- A Remote System for Water Tank Level Monitoring and Control - a Collaborative Case-study 2009