publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Perceptions of Different Stakeholders on Managing Collaborative University-Industry R&D Funded Contracts. Procedia Computer Science. 2016
- Effect of the Injection Moulding Processing Conditions on Biopolymers Final Properties. Key Engineering Materials. 2013
- Influence of Mesh Discretization on the Prediction of Polymer Flow Behaviour in Microcavities. Key Engineering Materials. 2013
- A microinjected 3-axis thermal accelerometer. Procedia Engineering. 2011
artigo de conferência
- Human-centered design – the importance of usability tests in the development of technological objects. AI Communications. 2020
- A Conceptual Social Media Tool for Supporting Collaborative University-Industry R&D Programs. International ICE Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation. 2018
- New concepts in flexible packaging. AI Communications. 2018
- An adaptive approach to humanoid locomotion 2017
- Ejection forces in deep tubular moldings: theoretical and experimental approach. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2016
- Laser welding process in PP moulding parts: evaluation of seam performance. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2015
- A Program and Project Management Approach for Collaborative University-industry R&D Funded Contracts. Procedia Computer Science. 2015
- Assessment of polymeric flow in micromouldings coated with nanocrystalline diamond 2014
- Characterization of polymer behavior in microchannels. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2014
- Combination of laser welding with in-mould assembling into a single process 2014
- Evaluation of coefficient of friction in similar conditions to ejection of molding parts 2014
- In mold laser welding for high precision polymer based optical components. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2014
- Influence of the local morphology on the surface tension of injection molded polypropylene. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2014
- Mould redesign and analysis for the production of a micro-accelerometer 2014
- Optimization of injection moulding process of PP with metallic pigments 2014
- Shape analysis in the design process of products with embedded microelectronics 2014
- Study of ejection forces in injection moulding of thin-walled tubular mouldings 2014
- Tracking surgical instruments: From a management perspective to safety issues 2014
- Yield, impact and fracture performance of injected metallic looking polypropylene parts 2014
- A fully integrated three-axis thermal accelerometer. IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference. 2013
- In mould laser welding for high precision polymer based optical components 2013
- Influence of the local morphology on the surface tension of injection molded polypropylene 2013
- Morphological aspects of injection-molded polypropylene with metallic pigments 2013
- Microstructure of PP/clay nanocomposites produced by shear induced injection moulding. Procedia Materials Science. 2012
- Advanced coating systems towards the analysis of polymer flow within microcavities 2012
- Design and development of large rigid plastic packaging for olives 2012
- Design of a 3-axis thermal accelerometer using an electro-thermo-fluidic model 2012
- Effect of the micromoulding process conditions on polymer flow behavior within a variable thickness microcavity 2012
- Flexible pressure sensors: Modeling and experimental characterization. Procedia Engineering. 2012
- On the effect of metallic particles on the performance of injection moulded PP plastic parts 2012
- Optimization of the processing of bio based polymer sustainable products 2012
- Static and dynamic modeling of a 3-axis thermal accelerometer. Procedia Engineering. 2012
- Ergonomic evaluation in product design for surgical instruments traceability 2011
- Design of a pressure sensor for monitoring of post-endovascular aneurysm repair 2011
- Effect of the Injection moulding processing conditions on biopolymers final properties 2011
- Flexible sensor for blood pressure measurement. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2011
- Influence of mesh discretization on the prediction of polymer flow behaviour in microcavities 2011
- Model to predict shrinkage and ejection forces of injection moulded tubular parts of short glass fiber reinforced thermoplastics 2011
- Nanocomposite flexible pressure sensor for biomedical applications. Procedia Engineering. 2011
- Processing of conductive filled polymers using microinjection 2011
- Study of the adhesion on overmoulded parts with thermoplastic/LSR combination 2011
- Synergistic effects of nanoclay and SGF on tribological and dynamic properties of polypropylene composites 2011
- Synergistic effects of nanoclay and Short Glass polypropylene composites 2011
- Surface property effects of compounding a nanoclay masterbatch in PP injection moulding 2010
- Fracture toughness of injection moulded organoclay reinforced polypropylene composites 2010
- Impact behavior of injected PP/nanoclay parts 2010
- Inductive-coupling system for abdominal aortic aneurysms monitoring based on pressure sensing 2010
- Microinjection moulding of polyamide with functionalized carbon nanotubes 2010
- Microinjection of polipropylene with nanoclays 2010
- Multi-objective optimization of injection molding 2010
- Process simulation and morphology evolution of micromouldings 2010
- Product design and development of novel technology-based products 2010
- Product design for the health sector: usability issues in embedding tracing technologies in surgical instruments 2010
- Thermoelectrical regulation of microinjection moulds 2010
- CAD/CAE techniques to prevent premature failure in direct AIM moulding inserts. 2008
- The effect of thermal conductivity of RIM moulds in kinetics cure 2008
- The effect of thermomechanical environment on the shrinkage and warpage in thermoplastic parts. Key Engineering Materials. 2008
- Microtesting of micro-injection molded parts 2007
- A microfluidic system for integration on lab-on-a-chip devices 2007
- Predicting shrinkage in semi-crystalline injection mouldings : the influence of pressure. Key Engineering Materials. 2006
- Hybrid moulds : the use of combined techniques for the rapid manufacturing of injection moulds 2005
- Effect of melt viscosity on the ejection force in injection moulds. Key Engineering Materials. 2004
- The effect of holding pressure on the shrinkage and birefringence of injection moulded polypropylene plates. Key Engineering Materials. 2004
- Glass fibre content of PP plates and their properties: part II: tensile mechanical properties. Key Engineering Materials. 2002
- Glass fibre contents of PP plates and their properties: part I: Shrinkage and changes in time. Key Engineering Materials. 2002
artigo de revista
- Development of an Open-Source Injection Mold Monitoring System. Bioengineering. 2023
- A Novel Route to Optimize Placement Equipment Kinematics by Coupling Capacitive Accelerometers. Bioengineering. 2022
- Hybrid Manufacturing of Aluminium Parts Combining Additive and Conventional Technologies—Mechanical and Thermal Properties. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing. 2022
- Evaluation of Active Heat Sinks Design under Forced Convection—Effect of Geometric and Boundary Parameters. Materials. 2021
- Assessment of the Dimensional and Geometric Precision of Micro-Details Produced by Material Jetting. Materials. 2021
- Design of kinematic connectors for microstructured materials produced by additive manufacturing 2021
- Development of functionalised foam for electrostatic discharge applications. Plastics Rubber and Composites Processing and Applications. 2020
- Surface functionalization of 3D printed structures: Aesthetic and antibiofouling properties. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2020
- Fresnel polarisation of infra-red radiation by elemental bismuth. European Physical Journal B. 2020
- Hand-Product Contact Point Detection on Surgical Instruments – A User Evaluation. Ergonomics in Design. 2019
- Methodology for sustainable product design. Polymer Engineering and Science. 2018
- High strength injection molded thermoplastic composites. Polymer Engineering and Science. 2018
- Modeling and Optimization of the Injection-Molding Process: A Review. Advances in Polymer Technology. 2018
- Characterization of PP/TPV/MMT Ternary Nanocomposites Produced by Injection Molding. Macromolecular Symposia. 2017
- Experimental study of shrinkage and ejection forces of reinforced polypropylene based on nanoclays and short glass fibers. Polymer Engineering and Science. 2017
- Laser Welding Process in PP Molding Parts: Evaluation of Seam Performance. International Polymer Processing. 2016
- Environmental and economic performance of a car component: assessing new materials, processes and designs. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016
- Combination of laser welding with in-mould assembling into a single process. International Journal of Materials & Product Technology. 2016
- Mechanical performance of double gated injected metallic looking polypropylene parts. eXPRESS Polymer Letters. 2015
- Fabrication and characterization of polymeric three-axis thermal accelerometers. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 2015
- Microinjection molding of polyamide 6/carbon nanotube composites. Nanocomposites. 2015
- Desenvolvimento de um equipamento instrumentado para investigação em moldação rotacional: um estudo sobre estabilidade dimensional 2014
- Microinjection molding of polyamide 6. Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 2014
- Modeling of Plasticating Injection Molding - Experimental Assessment. International Polymer Processing. 2014
- BigProto – fabrico avançado de protótipos técnicos de grandes dimensões 2013
- Dispersion of carbon nanotubes in polyamide 6 for microinjection moulding. Journal of Polymer Research. 2013
- Full elastic constitutive relation of non-isotropic aligned-CNT/PDMS flexible nanocomposites. Nanoscale. 2013
- Morphology-performance relationship of polypropylene-nanoclay composites processed by shear controlled injection moulding. Polymer International. 2013
- Polymer flow dynamics in microimpressions : an experimental approach. Materials Letters. 2013
- Polypropylene/clay nanocomposites produced by shear controlled orientation in injection moulding: Deformation and fracture properties. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2013
- The quest for a sustainable product: An environmental study of tyre recyclates. Materials & Design. 2013
- Uni- and biaxial impact behavior of double-gated nanoclay-reinforced polypropylene injection moldings. Polymer Engineering and Science. 2013
- Co-injection molding of immiscible polymers: Skin-core structure and adhesion studies. Polymer Engineering and Science. 2011
- Experimental assessment of hybrid mould performance. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2010
- Modeling and simulation of photofabrication processes using unsaturated polyester resins. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2009
- Using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for optimization of the cooling system in polymer injection molding. International Polymer Processing. 2009
- Moldação por injecção de polímeros incompatíveis 2008
- Influence of mould material in products moulded by RIM 2007
- The use of stereolithography in direct tooling 2007
- Friction properties of moulding thermoplastics. Materials Letters. 2006
- Ejection force of tubular injection moldings. Part II: A prediction model. Polymer Engineering and Science. 2005
- Ejection force in tubular injection moldings. Part I: Effect of processing conditions. Polymer Engineering and Science. 2004
- Development of efficient ejection systems for injection moulds 2003
- The role of the interaction coefficient in the prediction of the fiber orientation in planar injection moldings. E-Polymers. 2003
- Assessment of the Ejection Force in Tubular Injection Moldings 2002
- Experimental validation of morphology simulation in glass fibre reinforced polycarbonate discs. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. 2001
- Injection mould for assessment of ejection forces 2001
- Solidification Criterion on Shrinkage Predictions for Semi-Crystalline Injection Moulded Samples. International Polymer Processing. 2000
- Effect of processing conditions on the ejection forces of injection moulds 1997
capítulo de livro
- Engenharia e Design - Aditivo, contra o COVID-19 2020
- Experimental Testing and Process Parametrization. Advanced Structured Materials. 2020
- Design for Additive Manufacturing of Mechanical Connections Toward Hybrid Products. AI Communications. 2019
- Self-supporting ceramic wall system: Challenges of additive manufacturing of architectural ceramic components 2019
- Development of a flexible pressure sensor for measurement of endotension 2011
- Study of pressure sensors placement using an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) model 2011
- Antimicrobial activity of fruit packages coated with nanomaterials based in metal-ions zeolites 2021
- Sistema e método de injecção e soldadura 2014
- Study of ejection forces in injection moulding of thin-walled tubular mouldings. O Molde. 2014
- Material compósito de granulado de borracha de pneus usados reciclado numa matriz polimérica 2014
- Perfil compósito para colector solar, respectivo método de produção e utilização 2014
- Sistema flexível de moldação por injecção multilateral 2014
- Medição de coeficientes de atrito em condições de extração em moldes de injeção 2013
- Piezoresistive accelerometer produced by microinjection moulding 2013
- Peças poliméricas com aspecto metálico 2013
- Engineering & tooling na embalagem 2013
- Peças poliméricas com aspeto metálico. O Molde. 2013
- Processamento de embalagens rígidas de paredes finas em Poli (ácido láctico) 2013
- Processamento de embalagens rígidas de paredes finas em poli(ácido láctico). O Molde. 2013
- Uni- and biaxial impact behaviour of double-gated nanoclay-reinforced polypropylene injection mouldings. Polymer Engineering and Science. 2013
- Processo de sobremoldação de vedante numa tampa plástica 2012
- Polymeric based thermal accelerometer microsensor 2012
- 3 axis polymeric accelerometer and method of production 2012
- Characterization of microinjection moulded composites of polyamide 6 and carbon nanotubes 2012
- Micromoulding : engineering challenges and opportunities 2012
- Integração de tecnologia, materiais e produtos. O Molde. 2011
- Melhoria da previsão de fluxo em moldação por injecção : efeito da pressão na viscosidade [Improving the flow simulation in injection moulding : the effect of pressure on viscosity] 2011
- Design of a polymer 3D-thermal accelerometer 2011
- Aligned carbon nanotubes composites for flexible pressure sensors 2011
- 3 axis polymeric accelerometer and method of production 2011
- Functionalized carbon nanotubes-polyamide composites produced by microinjection moulding 2011
- High shearing during processing of montmorillonite reinforced polypropylene nanocomposites 2011
- Microestructura y desempeño de compuestos de PP/nanoarcilla producidos por técnicas de inyección no convencionales 2011
- Characterization of micro-mouldings at different processing conditions: microstructure and mechanical properties 2010
- Micromisturador polimérico descartável e sua aplicação em microsistemas laboratoriais 2009
- O eco-design nas PMEs de base industrial : desenvolvimento de uma nova metodologia 2009
- Moldação por injecção de polímeros incompatíveis 2008
- Setting of the Operative Processing Window in Injection Moulding Using a Multi-Optimization Approach: Experimental Assessment 2008
- eSeSME : serviços electrónicos para PME’s do sector dos plásticos 2006
- Hibridmolde: a project towards the new mould generation 2005
- Frutos da formação PLEE 2004
- Multi-Objective Optimization of Gate Location and Processing Conditions in Injection Molding Using MOEAs: Experimental Assessment 2015
- A study on shrinkage and warpage of rotational moulded polyethylene 2013
- Assessment of the shrinkage and ejection forces of reinforced polypropylene based on nanoclays and short glass fibre 2013
- Improving post-EVAR surveillance with a smart stent-graft 2012