publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Development and Optimization of a SPME-GC-FID Method for Ethanol Detection. Processes. 2024
- Hybrid approaches to optimization and machine learning methods: a systematic literature review. Machine Learning. 2024
- A Multi-objective Clustering Approach Based on Different Clustering Measures Combinations. Computational & Applied Mathematics Journal. 2024
- Multi-objective Clustering Algorithm Applied to the MathE Categorization Problem. Information Systems Frontiers. 2024
- Urban Traffic Simulation Using Mobility Patterns Synthesized from Real Sensors. Electronics. 2023
- 3D Printing of Flexible Conductive Polymers on Textiles for Sensing and Electrical Connection - ALGILAMA VE ELEKTRIK BAGLANTISI IÇIN TEKSTIL ÜZERINE ESNEK ILETKEN POLIMERLERIN 3D BASKISI. Tekstil ve Mühendis. 2022
- A PRESCRIPTIVE COST MODEL FOR DEMAND SHAPING: AN APPLICATION FOR TARGET COSTING. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Project Evaluation (Icopev 2016). 2016
artigo de conferência
- A Systematic Literature Review on Home Health Care Management 2023
- An Exploratory Two-Phase Heuristic DIRECT for Bound Constrained Global Optimization 2023
- Hybrid Approaches to Optimization and Machine Learning Methods 2023
- Resource Dispatch Optimization for Firefighting Based on Genetic Algorithm 2023
- Sequential Adding Clustering Algorithm 2023
- A Penalty Scheme for the Tchebycheff scalarization method to otimize the single screw extrusion 2022
- Multi-objective polymer single screw extruder optimization 2022
- Sequential Adding Clustering Algorithm 2021
- Automatic Nurse Allocation based on a Population Algorithm for Home Health Care 2020
- Polymer single screw extruder optimization using tchebycheff scalarization method and simulated annealing algorithm 2020
- A Multi-objective Approach to the Optimization of Home Care Visits Scheduling 2019
- A multiple shooting descent-based filter method for optimal control 2019
- A stochastic coordinate descent for bound constrained global optimization. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2019
- A two-phase heuristic coupled DIRECT method for bound constrained global optimization 2019
- Exploring a multi-objective approach for optimal control problems via a direct multiple shooting method 2019
- On optimizing the build orientation problem using genetic algorithm. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2019
- Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem in a Health Unit 2019
- Comparative mechano-morphological studies on polyamide 6 based single polymer laminate composites prepared by different reactive processing techniques 2018
- Textile-based pressure sensors for step detection: A preliminary assessment. Biomedical Materials. 2018
- Extension of the firefly algorithm and preference rules for solving MINLP problems. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2017
- Borehole plan optimization in rock masses using geostatistical simulation 2016
- Comparing immune-tumor growth models with drug therapy using optimal control. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2016
- Comparison of penalty functions on a penalty approach to mixed-integer optimization. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2016
- Solving MINLP Problems by a Penalty Framework 2016
- A firefly dynamic penalty approach for solving engineering design problems. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2015
- Analysing students' attitudes towards the learning of specialized software 2014
- Desenvolvimento de uma solução de processamento de imagem em ambiente industrial 2014
- Two-Swarm Cooperative Artificial Fish Algorithm for Bound Constrained Global Optimization 2014
- A simplified binary artificial fish swarm algorithm for uncapacitated facility location problems. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. 2013
- Desenvolvimento de um modelo explicativo do sucesso da aprendizagem matemática em estudantes de engenharia 2013
- Distribution based artificial fish swarm in continuous global optimization 2013
- Engineering students and the application of mathematical knowledge : how to explain the difficulties experienced? 2013
- Hooke and Jeeves based multilevel coordinate search to globally solving nonsmooth problems. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2013
- Multistart Hooke and Jeeves filter method for mixed variable optimization. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2013
- Processamento de imagem digital com MatLab : uma aplicação em ambiente industrial 2013
- Structural dynamic updating using a global optimization methodology 2013
- AFSFilter: Artificial Fish Swarm Filter-Based Algorithm for Global Optimization 2012
- An adaptive penalty method for DIRECT algorithm in engineering optimization. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2012
- Engineering students and mathematics achievement: A Portuguese case study. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. 2012
- Mathematics achievement in engineering : an exploratory study with MIEGI students 2012
- Mathematics achievement in engineering: an exploratory study with MIEGI students 2012
- On a hyperbolic augmented lagrangian artificial fish swarm based method: convergence issues 2012
- Estudio de aprovechamiento energético en las viviendas mediante energía solar 2011
- Embedding the DIRECT algorithm in a penalty approach for solving engineering design problems 2011
- Multiobjective optimization of a quadruped robot locomotion using a genetic algorithm 2011
- Mutation-based artificial fish swarm algorithm for bound constrained global optimization. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2011
- Solución de problemas no lineales con restricciones usando DIRECT y una función Lagrangeana aumentada 2011
- A Global optimization stochastic algorithm for head motion stabilization during quadruped robot locomotion 2010
- A stochastic augmented Lagrangian equality constrained-based algorithm for global optimization. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2010
- Embedding a competitive ranking method in the artificial fish swarm algorithm for global optimization 2010
- Locomotion gait optimization for a quadruped robot 2010
- Nonlinear continuous global optimization by modified differential evolution. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2010
- Combining central pattern generators with the electromagnetism-like algorithm for head motion stabilization during quadruped robot locomotion 2009
- Head motion stabilization during quadruped robot locomotion: combining dynamical systems and a genetic algorithm. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. 2009
- Fish swarm intelligent algorithm for bound constrained global optimization 2009
- Self-adaptive penalties in the electromagnetism-like algorithm for constrained global optimization problems 2009
- Cancro do colo do útero: que rastreio? 2008
- Hybrid optimization coupling electromagnetism and descent search for engineering problems 2008
- Implementation of the electromagnetism-like algorithm with a constraint-handling technique for engineering optimization problems 2008
- On charge effects to the electromagnetism-like algorithm 2008
- Performance Profile Assessment of Electromagnetism-like Algorithms for Global Optimization. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2008
- A new electromagnetism-like algorithm with a population shrinking strategy 2007
- A First-order e-approximation algorithm for linear programs and a second-order implementation. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2005
- A first-order ε-approximation algorithm for linear programs and a second-order implementation. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2005
artigo de revista
- Thermoelectric Properties of Cotton Fabrics Dip-Coated in Pyrolytically Stripped Pyrograf® III Carbon Nanofiber Based Aqueous Inks. Materials. 2023
- Electronic Features of Cotton Fabric e-Textiles Prepared with Aqueous Carbon Nanofiber Inks. ACS Applied Engineering Materials. 2023
- Capacitated Waste Collection Problem Solution Using an Open-Source Tool. Computers. 2023
- The Sustainable Home Health Care Process Based on Multi-Criteria Decision-Support. Biomedicines. 2023
- Thermoelectric Properties of N-Type Poly (Ether Ether Ketone)/Carbon Nanofiber Melt-Processed Composites. E-Polymers. 2022
- A Statistical Comparison of Metaheuristics for Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling Problems with Setup Times. Biomedicines. 2022
- A Review on Flexible Electrochemical Biosensors to Monitor Alcohol in Sweat. Biosensors. 2022
- Nonlinear Thermopower Behaviour of N-Type Carbon Nanofibres and Their Melt Mixed Polypropylene Composites. E-Polymers. 2022
- Prediction of Friction Degradation in Highways with Linear Mixed Models. Coatings. 2021
- Many-objective optimization of build part orientation in additive manufacturing. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2021
- Filter-based stochastic algorithm for global optimization. Journal of Global Optimization. 2020
- Development and characterization of single polymer composites prepared by compression molding of polyamide 6 empty microcapsules and novel woven textile structures. Amino Acids. 2020
- Improving additive manufacturing performance by build orientation optimization. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2020
- 2´OMethylRNA EFG1 antisense oligomer to control Candida albicans filamentation. Antibiotics. 2020
- Influence of transcrystalline layer on finite element mesoscale modeling of polyamide 6 based single polymer laminate composites. Composite Structures. 2020
- A Loose-Coupled Fusion of Inertial and UWB Assisted by a Decision-Making Algorithm for Localization of Emergency Responders. Electronics. 2019
- Mechano-morphological studies of polyamide 6 based single polymer laminate composites prepared by different reactive processing techniques. Materials Letters. 2019
- Micromechanical finite element parametric study of polyamide 6 based single polymer composites reinforced by woven textile structures. Composite Structures. 2019
- Comparative Structural and Mechanical Studies on Polyamide 6 Knitted-Reinforced Single Polymer Composites Prepared by Different Reactive Processing Techniques. E-Polymers. 2019
- A human centered hybrid MAS and meta-heuristics based system for simultaneously supporting scheduling and plant layout adjustment. FME Transactions. 2019
- Microstructural-mechanical properties relationship in single polymer laminate composites based on polyamide 6. Composite Structures. 2018
- Single polymer laminate composites by compression molding of knitted textiles and microparticles of polyamide 6: Preparation and structure-properties relationship. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2018
- On Metaheuristics for Solving the Parameter Estimation Problem in Dynamic Systems: A Comparative Study. Journal of Optimization. 2018
- Effects of base fabric parameters on the electro-mechanical behavior of piezoresistive knitted sensors. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2018
- Filter-based DIRECT method for constrained global optimization. Journal of Global Optimization. 2018
- Finding multiple roots of systems of nonlinear equations by a hybrid harmony search-based multistart method. Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences. 2018
- On a multiobjective optimal control of a tumor growth model with immune response and drug therapies. Energy Policy. 2018
- On a smoothed penalty-based algorithm for global optimization. Journal of Global Optimization. 2017
- Theoretical and Practical Convergence of a Self-Adaptive Penalty Algorithm for Constrained Global Optimization. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 2017
- Boreholes plans optimization methodology combining geostatistical simulation and simulated annealing. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2017
- Firefly penalty-based algorithm for bound constrained mixed-integer nonlinear programming. Optimization. 2016
- A shifted hyperbolic augmented Lagrangian-based artificial fish two-swarm algorithm with guaranteed convergence for constrained global optimization. Engineering Optimization. 2016
- Fatores que influenciam a aprendizagem de conceitos matemáticos em cursos de engenharia: Um estudo exploratório com estudantes da Universidade do Minho. Educação & Sociedade. 2016
- Self-efficacy, mathematics’ anxiety and perceived importance: an empirical study with Portuguese engineering students. European Journal of Engineering Education. 2016
- Solving Large 0–1 Multidimensional Knapsack Problems by a New Simplified Binary Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms in Operations Research. 2015
- Testing Nelder-Mead based repulsion algorithms for multiple roots of nonlinear systems via a two-level factorial design of experiments. Antibiotics. 2015
- A filter-based artificial fish swarm algorithm for constrained global optimization: theoretical and practical issues. Journal of Global Optimization. 2014
- A simplified binary artificial fish swarm algorithm for 0-1 quadratic knapsack problems. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2014
- An artificial fish swarm algorithm based hyperbolic augmented Lagrangian method. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2014
- Heuristic-based firefly algorithm for bound constrained nonlinear binary optimization. Advances in Operations Research. 2014
- Improved binary artificial fish swarm algorithm for the 0-1 multidimensional knapsack problems. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation. 2014
- Multiple solutions of mixed variable optimization by multistart Hooke and Jeeves filter method. Applied Mathematical Sciences. 2014
- Head motion stabilization during quadruped robot locomotion: combining CPGs and stochastic optimization methods 2011
- An augmented Lagrangian fish swarm based method for global optimization. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2011
- Numerical study of augmented Lagrangian algorithms for constrained global optimization. Optimization. 2011
- Hybridizing the electromagnetism-like algorithm with descent search for solving engineering design problems. International Journal of Computer Mathematics. 2009
- Modified movement force vector in an electromagnetism-like mechanism for global optimization. Optimization Methods & Software. 2009
- Numerical experiments with a population shrinking strategy within an electromagnetism-like algorithm. International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 2007
- Aplicação do algoritmo volumétrico à resolução aproximada e exacta do problema do caixeiro viajante assimétrico 2005
capítulo de livro
- A Collaborative Multi-objective Approach for Clustering Task Based on Distance Measures and Clustering Validity Indices 2024
- A Multi-objective Clustering Algorithm Integrating Intra-clustering and Inter-clustering Measures 2024
- Comparison between single and multi-objective clustering algorithms: Mathe case study 2024
- Resource Dispatch Optimization for Firefighting Using a Differential Evolution Algorithm 2024
- An Integer Programming Approach for Sensor Location in a Forest Fire Monitoring System. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 2023
- Build orientation optimization of car hoodvent with additive manufacturing 2023
- A penalty scheme for the Tchebycheff scalarization method to optimize the single screw extrusion 2022
- Analyzing the MathE Platform Through Clustering Algorithms. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2022
- Multi-objective polymer single screw extruder optimization 2022
- Solving a Capacitated Waste Collection Problem Using an Open-Source Tool. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2022
- A Clustering Algorithm Based on Fitness Probability Scores for Cluster Centers Optimization. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2021
- A Multiple Shooting Descent-Based Filter Method for Optimal Control Problems. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2021
- A Simple Clustering Algorithm Based on Weighted Expected Distances. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2021
- A Two-Phase Heuristic Coupled DIRECT Method for Bound Constrained Global Optimization. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2021
- Cluster Analysis for Breast Cancer Patterns Identification. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2021
- Multi-agent System Architecture for Distributed Home Health Care Information Systems. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 2021
- Multi-objective Optimization in the Build Orientation of a 3D CAD Model. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2021
- On Local Convergence of Stochastic Global Optimization Algorithms. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2021
- Optimal Control by Multiple Shooting and Weighted Tchebycheff Penalty-Based Scalarization. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2021
- Solving a Logistics System for Vehicle Routing Problem Using an Open-Source Tool 2021
- A Population-Based Stochastic Coordinate Descent Method. AI Communications. 2020
- Objective and Violation Upper Bounds on a DIRECT-Filter Method for Global Optimization. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2020
- Penalty-Based Heuristic DIRECT Method for Constrained Global Optimization. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2020
- Polymer Single Screw Extruder Optmization using Tchebycheff Scalarization Method and Simulated Anneling Algorithm 2020
- Simplified Tabu Search with Random-Based Searches for Bound Constrained Global Optimization. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2020
- Single Screw Extrusion Optimization Using the Tchebycheff Scalarization Method. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2020
- Distributed Scheduling based on Multi-agent Systems and Optimization Methods. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2019
- On Trajectory Optimization of an Electric Vehicle. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2019
- A Penalty Approach for Solving Nonsmooth and Nonconvex MINLP Problems. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 2018
- Build Orientation Optimization Problem in Additive Manufacturing. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2018
- Parameter estimation of the kinetic ? -pinene isomerization model using the MCSfilter algorithm. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2018
- Combining Filter Method and Dynamically Dimensioned Search for Constrained Global Optimization. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2017
- Continuous Relaxation of MINLP Problems by Penalty Functions: A Practical Comparison. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2017
- Direct Sequential Based Firefly Algorithm for the $$\alpha $$ -Pinene Isomerization Problem. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2016
- Extensions of Firefly Algorithm for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Constrained Optimization Problems. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2016
- Improving Efficiency of a Multistart with Interrupted Hooke-and-Jeeves Filter Search for Solving MINLP Problems. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2016
- A new competitive implementation of the electromagnetism-like algorithm for global optimization. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2015
- Combining Non-dominance, Objective-order and Spread Metric to Extend Firefly Algorithm to Multi-objective Optimization. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2015
- A global optimization approach applied to structural dynamic updating. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2014
- Degradation prediction model for friction in highways. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2014
- Experiments with Firefly Algorithm. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2014
- IMRT beam angle optimization using electromagnetism-like algorithm. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2014
- Multiple roots of systems of equations by repulsion merit functions. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2014
- A computational study on different penalty functions with DIRECT algorithm. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2013
- On Solving the Profit Maximization of Small Cogeneration Systems. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2012
- An Artificial Fish Swarm Filter-Based Method for Constrained Global Optimization. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2012
- Solving multidimensional 0-1 knapsack problem with an artificial fish swarm algorithm. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2012
- Electromagnetism-like augmented Lagrangian algorithm for global optimization 2011
- Novel fish swarm heuristics for bound constrained global optimization problems. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2011
- A Modified Electromagnetism-Like Algorithm Based on a Pattern Search Method. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2009
- Head Motion Stabilization During Quadruped Robot Locomotion: Combining Dynamical Systems and a Genetic Algorithm 2009
- Feasibility and dominance rules in the electromagnetism-like algorithm for constrained global optimization. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2008
- A first-order e-approximation algorithm for linear programs and a second-order implementation 2005
- On the reliability of electrically conductive textiles prepared through screen-printing of industrial-grade conductive ink 2023
- Nature-inspired intelligence methods and applications. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2022
- A DIRECT Exploratory-based Hyper-rectangle Evaluation for Bound Constrained Global Optimization Problems 2022
- A penalty strategy embedded in the Tchebycheff scalarization method for multi-objective optimization problems 2022
- Study of clustering measures for optimization 2022
- Preface. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2020
- Practical convergence of metaheuristics in the context of a smoothed penalty 2018
- Preface [to Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10960]. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2018
- Preface [to Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10961]. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2018
- Preface [to Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10962]. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2018
- Preface [to Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10963]. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2018
- Preface [to Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10964]. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2018
- Preface to the Special Issue "GOW'16". Journal of Global Optimization. 2018
- Preface. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2017
- Solving constrained global optimization problems by DIRECT and the filter method 2017
- Proceedings of the XIII Global Optimization Workshop 2016
- A filter-based dynamically dimensioned search algorithm for constrained global optimization 2015
- A firefly multi-objective approach to the phylogenetic tree reconstruction 2015
- A self adaptive penalty firefly algorithm for constrained global optimization 2015
- Computational science and its applications – ICCSA 2015: 15th international conference banff, AB, Canada, june 22–25, 2015 proceedings, Part I 2015
- Firefly Penalty-based Algorithm for Bound Constrained Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming 2015
- On a smoothed penalty-based artificial fish swarm algorithm for global optimization 2015
- Theoretical and practical convergence of a self-adaptive penalty firefly algorithm for constrained global optimization 2015
- Desenvolvimento de uma solução de processamento de imagem em ambiente industrial 2014
- A global optimization method to solve engineering design problems 2013
- Desenvolvimento de um modelo explicativo do sucesso da aprendizagem matemática em estudantes de engenharia 2013
- Processamento de imagem digital com MatLab : uma aplicação em ambiente industrial 2013
- On a hyperbolic augmented lagrangian artificial fish swarm based method: convergence issues 2012
- Solving 0–1 quadratic knapsack problems with a population-based artificial fish swarm algorithm 2012
- On solving mixed-integer nonlinear programming problems by a firefly algorithm 2012
- Resolução de problemas de optimização global através da função Lagrangeana aumentada 2011
- Evaluating Student Behaviour on the MathE Platform-Clustering Algorithms Approaches 2023
- 20th AUTEX World Textile Conference - Unfolding the Future 2022
- A Bibliometric Review and Analysis of Traffic Lights Optimization 2022
- A Genetic Algorithm for Forest Firefighting Optimization 2022
- A Hybrid Approach to Operational Planning in Home Health Care 2022
- A Kernel Clustering Algorithm Based on Diameters 2022
- Degradation of Friction Performance Indicator Over the Time in Highways Using Linear Mixed Models 2022
- Multi-agent System Specification for Distributed Scheduling in Home Health Care 2022
- On Tuning the Particle Swarm Optimization for Solving the Traffic Light Problem 2022
- Production and Application of Textile Materials 2022
- Textile Materials 2022
- Traffic Light Optimization of an Intersection: A Portuguese Case Study 2022
- Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2021 2021
- Feature Selection Optimization for Breast Cancer Diagnosis 2021
- Implementation of Robust Multi-objective Optimization in the Build Orientation Problem 2021
- Application of the Simulated Annealing Algorithm to Minimize the makespan on the Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem with Setup Times 2020
- Path Generation, Control, and Monitoring 2020
- A Multi-objective Approach to Solve the Build Orientation Problem in Additive Manufacturing 2019
- Head Motion Stabilization During Quadruped Robot Locomotion 2014
- On Challenging Techniques for Constrained Global Optimization 2013
- Applying an Elitist Electromagnetism-Like Algorithm to Head Robot Stabilization 2011
- Multiobjective Optimization of a Quadruped Robot Locomotion Using a Genetic Algorithm 2011