publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Benefits on Sales Generated by Innovation. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management. 2021
- Indicators used to measure service innovation and manufacturing innovation. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge. 2021
- When times get tough, gold is golden. European Journal of Finance. 2015
- Fast trees for options with discrete dividends. Journal of Derivatives. 2013
- Tests of the correlation between portfolio performance measures. Journal of Financial Transformation. 2012
- On the dangers of a simplistic American option simulation valuation method. European Journal of Finance. 2010
- The performance of European socially responsible funds. Journal of Business Ethics. 2009
- On improving the least squares Monte Carlo option valuation method. Review of Derivatives Research. 2008
- The long-horizon returns behaviour of the Portuguese stock market1. The European Journal of Finance. 2002
- The Realized Volatility of FTSE-100 Futures Prices. Journal of Futures Markets. 2002
- Testes paramétricos e não-paramétricos de reversão para a média da rendibilidade de índices do mercado accionista. Revista de Administração Contemporânea. 1999
artigo de conferência
- Automatic creation of stock market lexicons for sentiment analysis using stocktwits data 2014
- Some experiments on modeling stock market behavior using investor sentiment analysis and posting volume from twitter 2013
- Blackboard vs. Moodle: Students' perception of alternative Learning Management Systems 2009
artigo de revista
- Does the choice of fund performance measure matter?. Investment Analysts Journal. 2020
- The impact of microblogging data for stock market prediction: Using Twitter to predict returns, volatility, trading volume and survey sentiment indices. Expert Systems with Applications. 2017
- Great Places to Work®: Resilience in Times of Crisis. Human Resource Management. 2016
- Stock market sentiment lexicon acquisition using microblogging data and statistical measures. Decision Support Systems. 2016
- Discrete dividends and the FTSE-100 index options valuation. Quantitative Finance. 2014
- The conditional performance of US mutual funds over different market regimes: Do different types of ethical screens matter?. Financial Markets and Portfolio Management. 2013
- Socially responsible investing in the global market: The performance of US and European funds. International Journal of Finance & Economics. 2012
- Students perceptions of Blackboard and Moodle in a Portuguese university. British Journal of Educational Technology. 2011
- Evaluating student allocation in the Portuguese public higher education system. Higher Education. 2008
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