publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Experimental validation and numerical assessment of a temperature-controlled thermoelectric generator concept aimed at maximizing performance under highly variable thermal load driving cycles. Energy. 2023
- Combustion Instability and Ash Agglomeration in Wood Pellets Boiler. Energies. 2023
- Turpentine as an Additive for Diesel Engines: Experimental Study on Pollutant Emissions and Engine Performance. Energies. 2023
- Interaction of fuel spray and air swirl on the combustion of residue oils. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2023
- Direct water injection and combustion time in SI engines. Energy Reports. 2021
- Water injection as a way for pollution control. Energy Reports. 2021
- Water injection in spark ignition engines—Impact on engine cycle. Energy Reports. 2021
- Analysis of Thermoelectric Generator Incorporating n-magnesium silicide and p-tetrahedrite Materials. Energy Conversion and Management. 2021
- Performance of binary and ternary blends of gasoline, pyrogasoline and ethanol in spark ignition engines. Progress in Industrial Ecology. 2021
- Tribological solutions for engine piston ring surfaces: an overview on the materials and manufacturing. Materials and Manufacturing Processes. 2020
- A New Rotary Valve for 2-Stroke Engines Enabling Over-Expansion. SAE Technical Papers. 2016
- Accident Reconstruction Using Data Retrieval from Crash-Test Video Images. SAE Technical Papers. 2016
- Analysis of a Temperature-Controlled Exhaust Thermoelectric Generator During a Driving Cycle. Journal of Electronic Materials. 2016
- Desenvolvimento de um motor BMW para funcionamento como Range Extender. Indústria e Ambiente. 2016
- O Diário: Uma Representação Polifónica do Eu. Reflexões Sobre a Obra O Diário, de Anne Frank.. Acta Scientiarum. Human and Social Sciences. 2016
- O que leem os jovens portugueses (8-14 anos) nos tempos livres? Um estudo de caso 2016
- Porque leem os jovens literatura de autoajuda? Reflexões sobre O céu existe mesmo, de T. Burpo e L. Vincent”. Acta Scientiarum. Human and Social Sciences. 2016
- Thermoelectric Exhaust Heat Recovery with Heat Pipe-Based Thermal Control. Journal of Electronic Materials. 2015
- Vanadium redox flow batteries: A technology review. International Journal of Energy Research. 2015
- Performance and emissions analysis of additional ethanol injection on a diesel engine powered with A blend of diesel-biodiesel. Energy for Sustainable Development. 2013
- The use of biodiesel on the performance and emission characteristics of diesel engined vehicles. SAE Technical Papers. 2013
- Car Driving Integrated Auxiliary Equipment Design. SHO 2012: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE. 2012
- Temperature Controlled Exhaust Heat Thermoelectric Generation. SAE Technical Papers. 2012
- Formar leitores no Ensino Básico: a mais-valia da implementação de um Clube de Leitura. Da Investigação Às Práticas - Estudos de Natureza Educacional. 2011
- Analysis of the energetic/environmental performances of gas turbine plant - effect of thermal barrier coatings and mass of cooling air. Thermal Science. 2009
- Bibliotecas escolares e formação de leitores. À Beira. 2008
- Direct comparison of an engine working under Otto, Miller and diesel cycles: Thermodynamic analysis and real engine performance. SAE Technical Papers. 2007
- Generation of entropy in spark ignition engines. International Journal of Applied Thermodynamics. 2007
- Otto and VCR miller engine performance during the European driving cycle. SAE Technical Papers. 2006
- Characterization of thermal barrier coatings with a gradient in porosity. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2005
- FRICTORQ, A Novel Fabric Surface Tester: A Progress Report. Journal of Textile Engineering. 2005
- Frictorq, accessing fabric friction with a novel fabric surface tester. Autex Research Journal. 2005
- Surface analysis of nanocomposite ceramic coatings. Surface and Interface Analysis. 2003
- The development of gas (CNG, LPG and H2) engines for buses and trucks and their emission and cycle variability characteristics. SAE Technical Papers. 2001
- Valve motion modelation for use in airflow engine simulation. SAE Technical Papers. 2001
- Design of a fuel efficient uniflow two stroke semi-direct injection engine. SAE Technical Papers. 1997
- A computer model for the assessment of engine control system parameters. SAE Technical Papers. 1994
- Fuel preparation in port-injected engines. SAE Technical Papers. 1992
- Heat transfer to air-ethanol and air-methanol sprays flowing in heated ducts and across heated intake valves. SAE Technical Papers. 1990
- A model for predicting engine torque response during rapid throttle transients in port-injected spark-ignition engines. SAE Technical Papers. 1989
artigo de conferência
- High Power Density Thermoelectric Generator Concept for Industrial Applications 2020
- Performance and emissions associated with natural gas injection in Diesel engine operating under dual fuel mode 2019
- Evolutionary study of the use of biodiesel and its socioeconomic-environmental impact 2018
- Exploratory research analysis on emissions generated in internal combustion engines 2018
- In-vehicle auxiliary driving equipment systems-A user interaction for safety review 2016
- Using Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries for the Electricity Storage towards the Electric Vehicles Fast Chargin 2015
- Methodology for the energy characterization of type-approval and realworld driving cycles for passenger vehicles 2015
- EDUCÁVADO: Projeto de Formação-Ação para a (re) Estruturação da Função Educação nos Municípios da NUT III Cávado. 2013
- Vibration analysis of integrated systems to electric vehicles 2013
- Modeling a Stirling Engine for Cogeneration Applications 2012
- Modelling of thermoelectric generator with heat pipe assist for range extender application. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2011
- Heat-pipe assisted thermoelectric generators for exhaust gas applications 2010
- Regenerative braking potential and energy simulations fora plug-in hybrid electric vehicle under real driving conditions 2010
- Use of fluent for the development of a di-si engine 2010
- Design of an inlet track of a small I.C. engine for swirl enhancement 2009
- Miniaturised cylinder head production by rapid prototyping 2009
- Regenerative braking potencial and energy simulations for a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle under real driving conditions 2009
- Frictorq, fabric friction tester: a comparartive study eith kes 2009
- Biblioteca Escolar/ Centro de Recursos Educativos: Um conceito emergente no século XXI 2009
- Frictorq, fabric friction tester : a comparartive study eith kes 2009
- In-cylinder swirl analysis of different strategies on over-expanded cyclies 2009
- Elementos para o desenho de estruturas de armazenagem e movimentação de GPL : uma abordagem sob o ponto de vista ATEX 2008
- Uso da prototipagem rápida no projecto e produção de motores de combustão interna 2007
- Desenvolvimento do conceito de motor sobre-expandido : análise teórica, numérica e experimental 2007
- Engine design using rapid prototyping techniques 2005
- Frictorq, tribómetro para avaliação objectiva de superfícies texteis 2005
- Miller cycle analysis using EGM 2005
- Optimization of an Effervescent Atomizer to the Combustion of Residue Oils 2005
- FRICTORQ, a novel fabric surface tester: a progress report 2004
- FRICTORQ, fabric friction tester based on torque evaluation: a mechatronic concept 2000
artigo de revista
- Assessment of an Exhaust Thermoelectric Generator Incorporating Thermal Control Applied to a Heavy Duty Vehicle. Energies. 2022
- Experimental Studies on Wood Pellets Combustion in a Fixed Bed Combustor Using Taguchi Method. Fuels. 2021
- Analysis and Design of a Silicide-Tetrahedrite Thermoelectric Generator Concept Suitable for Large-Scale Industrial Waste Heat Recovery. Energies. 2021
- Experimental Assessment of the Performance and Emissions of a Spark-Ignition Engine Using Waste-Derived Biofuels as Additives. Energies. 2021
- Fischer-Tropsch Diesel and Biofuels Exergy and Energy Analysis for Low Emissions Vehicles. Applied Sciences. 2021
- A Comparative Study of Biofuels and Fischer–Tropsch Diesel Blends on the Engine Combustion Performance for Reducing Exhaust Gaseous and Particulate Emissions. Energies. 2021
- Performance and Emissions of a Spark Ignition Engine Operated with Gasoline Supplemented with Pyrogasoline and Ethanol. Energies. 2020
- Alternative Fuels for Internal Combustion Engines. Energies. 2020
- Effects of Diethyl Ether Introduction in Emissions and Performance of a Diesel Engine Fueled with Biodiesel-Ethanol Blends. Energies. 2020
- Development and Assessment of an Over-Expanded Engine to be Used as an Efficiency-Oriented Range Extender for Electric Vehicles. Energies. 2020
- Compact automotive thermoelectric generator with embedded heat pipes for thermal control. Energy. 2020
- Analysis of a New VVT Trapezoidal Rotary Valve 2019
- Improvement of Engine Performance through Intake Port Modifications Including Dimpling. SAE Technical Papers. 2019
- Native Over-Expanded Engine Based on a Planetary Crankshaft with Enhanced Balancing. SAE Technical Papers. 2019
- The effect of ambient pressure on the heat transfer of a water spray. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2019
- Efficiency improvement of vehicles using temperature controlled exhaust thermoelectric generators. Energy Conversion and Management. 2018
- Development of stable current collectors for large area dye-sensitized solar cells. Applied Surface Science. 2017
- Analysis of the Effect of Module Thickness Reduction on Thermoelectric Generator Output. Journal of Electronic Materials. 2016
- Assessment of the use of vanadium redox flow batteries for energy storage and fast charging of electric vehicles in gas stations. Energy. 2016
- O que leem os jovens portugueses (8-14 anos) nos tempos livres? Um estudo de caso. Caderno Seminal. 2015
- Influence of heat pipe operating temperature on exhaust heat thermoelectric generation. SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars: Mechanical Systems. 2013
- Analysis of four-stroke, Wankel, and microturbine based range extenders for electric vehicles. Energy Conversion and Management. 2012
- Temperature Controlled Exhaust Heat Thermoelectric Generation. SAE Technical Papers. 2012
- Thermoelectric exhaust energy recovery with temperature control through heat pipes. SAE Technical Papers. 2011
- A Survey on Electric/Hybrid Vehicles. SAE Technical Papers. 2010
- O projeto DACHOR: Dinâmica multicorpo e controlo de ortóteses híbridas activas 2009
- Thermodynamic analysis of Spark Ignition engines using the Entropy Generation Minimisation method. International Journal of Exergy. 2009
- Generation of entropy in spark ignition engines. International Journal of Applied Thermodynamics. 2007
- Frictorq, accessing fabric friction with a novel fabric surface tester. Autex Research Journal. 2005
- Frictorq, a novel fabric surface tester: a progress report. Journal of Textile Engineering. 2005
- Thermodynamic analysis of an over-expanded engine. SAE Technical Papers. 2004
capítulo de livro
- Binary and Ternary Mixtures for SI Engines: A Review 2023
- Crises e movimentos migratórios presentes na obra, Quando Hitler Roubou o coelho cor-de-rosa, de Judith Kerr: um paralelismo contemporâneo 2018
- Educação literária e mediadores 2016
- In-vehicle auxiliary driving equipment systems-a user interaction for safety review 2016
- Hypo-Cycloidal Crank Mechanism to Produce an Over-Expanded Cycle Engine 2015
- A contribuição da literacia multimodal na formação do leitor infanto-juvenil: a música, o cinema e a dramatização 2013
- Real-Life Comparison between Diesel and Electric Car Energy Consumption 2013
- Real-Life Comparison between Diesel and Electric Car Energy Consumption 2013
- Direct comparasion of an engine working under Otto, Miller end Diesel cycles : thermodynamic analysis and real engine performance 2007
- Acidentes e Conflitos em Veículos Automóveis e sua Avaliação (e-book) 2021
- Optimization of the thermal regime of thermoelectric generators in waste heat recovery applications 2020
- Motores de Combustão Interna 2020
- Motores de Combustão Interna 2016
- Carros Elétricos 2011
- Motores de Combustão Interna 2011
- Social Cartography As A Participative Research Tool: The Case Of Miragaia (Porto, Portugal) 2010
- Motores de Combustão Interna 2006
- FRICTORQ, A Novel Fabric Surface Tester: A Progress Report 2004