publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Hospital operations management – characterising patients’ process flows in emergency departments. Business Process Management Journal. 2024
- Redesigning tax debt collection process in Brazil: process automation & nudging for tax compliance. Dirección y Organización. 2024
- Mapping the implementation of active learning approaches in a school of engineering – the positive effect of teacher training. European Journal of Engineering Education. 2024
- Project management practices to direct and control the project planning and execution in R&D units. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management. 2024
- Analysis of Teachers’ Competences for Industry 4.0 Subjects: A Case of Thai Higher Education Institutions. Applied Science and Engineering Progress. 2023
- Quality management practices to direct and control the accomplishment of project objectives in R&D units. Procedia Computer Science. 2023
- Learning calculus through PBL in an industrial engineering and management program-a seven-year study. Advances in Engineering Education. 2019
- Active Learning in Engineering Education: a (re)introduction. European Journal of Engineering Education. 2017
- The learner in engineering education. International Journal of Engineering Education. 2017
- A construção de um currículo de project-based learning: o currículo ideal e o currículo formal. COBENGE 2015 - XLIII Congresso Brasileiro de Educação em Engenharia. 2015
- Sustainability: An Introduction View from ICIEOM. Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management. 2012
artigo de conferência
- Generic XR game-based approach for industrial training 2022
- A Maturity Model Proposal with Readiness Level Assessment for Organizational Processes Improvement. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2022
- Analysis and prioritization of quality 4.0 dimensions and companies' readiness to adapt to industry 4.0 evolutions through Bayesian Best - Worst method 2022
- Development and Validation of Scenarios for the assessment of Project Management People Competences 2022
- Key Performance Indicators: A Perspective on Developing and Implementing Performance Indicators in a Textile Company Warehouse. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 2022
- Evaluation Methods and Practices Used by University Technology Transfer Offices. Proceedings of the European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 2021
- Development process of a rubric for assessment of leadership competences in project management scenarios 2021
- A Preliminary Analysis of the Use of Valuation Methods by Technology Transfer Offices 2021
- Characterization of the operators training process in an industrial company 2021
- Design of a Decision Support System for Vegetarian Food Flavoring by Using Deep Learning for the Ageing Society 2021
- Industrial training qualitative evaluation with fuzzy logic and an experience classification method 2021
- Setbacks of the development of a concept inventory for Scrum: Contributions from item response theory 2021
- Optimization model for waiting list management and service continuous improvement 2020
- An overview of assessment of competences based on publications in journals 2020
- An overview of organizational approaches for teacher professional development in europe. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference. 2020
- Apoio institucional a projetos de inovação: criando cenários de aproximação ao ‘Scholarship of Teaching and Learning’ 2020
- Application of Scrum and PM Canvas in a Project-based Learning Approach 2020
- Application of bloom's taxonomy for competence gap analysis in curriculum development. INTED Proceedings. 2020
- Class dissatisfaction and intelligibility of PBL 2020
- Communication tools used by distributed teams in a BIM learning project 2020
- Evaluation of a pilot course of project management for industry 4.0 2020
- Lean Demand Management: Application in a National Health Department. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 2020
- Lean Office in the Monitoring of Public Building Works. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 2020
- Measuring the Effectiveness of a Scrum Training Session Using Psychological States of Flow. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 2020
- What can be recommended to engineering teachers from the analysis of 16 European teaching and learning best practices? 2020
- Course design and development: Focus on student learning experience 2019
- Curriculum analysis process: Analysing fourteen industrial engineering programs 2019
- Development and assessment of engineering project management competences in the context of Project-Based Learning (PBL) 2019
- Lean healthcare project leader: A framework based on functions and competencies. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 2019
- Learning experience from teaching and learning methods in engineering education: instructors' viewpoint. INTED Proceedings. 2019
- Peer and team assessment: Strategies and applications in engineering courses 2019
- Productivity increase in a cellular battery line using lean kaizen and tools. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 2019
- Roles of MSIE graduates to support Thailand sustainable smart industry. Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering. 2019
- Students' first-hand experience on the development of competences: Solving interdisciplinary industry problems 2019
- Teachers' and students' perspectives about curriculum development in engineering education: Implications for academic work 2019
- Team-based learning in an engineering course: An experience in Brazil 2019
- Agile project management approach for engineering education: Eduscrum™ workshop 2018
- Application of the eduscrum methodology to a higher education institution in the Amazon 2018
- Assessment models in two project based learning (PBL) approaches: An exploratory study 2018
- Designing and implementing interdisciplinary projects in a systems engineering master programme 2018
- Engineering education (Research) in european countries - An overview based on publications in journals. International Conference of the Portuguese SocIETy for Engineering Education. 2018
- Engineering education (Research) in higher education institutions 2018
- Engineering students can use the words “calculus” and “love” in the same sentence: using active learning the impossible can happen 2018
- Making PBL teams more effective with Scrum 2018
- The construction of the project evaluation concept in a team of teachers 2018
- The gamification as a tool to increase employee skills through interactives work instructions training. Procedia Computer Science. 2018
- Active learning in higher education: developing projects in partnership with industry. INTED Proceedings. 2017
- Five Years of Project-Based Learning Training Experiences in Higher Education Institutions in Brazil 2017
- Implementation of industrial engineering and management projects in interaction with companies 2017
- Implementation of industrial engineering and management projects in interaction with companies,Implementação de projetos de engenharia e gestão industrial em interação com empresas 2017
- Learning based on interdisciplinary projects with students from several engineering courses: Case study on energy sustainability 2017
- The project-based learning experience of a new engineering campus from the perspective of the students 2016
- Analysis and diagnosis of a hand tools production system 2016
- Engineering teachers can learn to be effective in their teaching practice 2016
- The perceptions of faculty engaged in a curricular change to project based learning in an engineering school at Brazil 2016
- A construção de um currículo de project-based learning: o currículo ideal e o currículo formal 2015
- Avaliação do processo de implementação de PBL num curso de engenharia informática em Moçambique: as percepções dos estudantes 2015
- Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE2015) 2015
- The role of project-based learning in engineering curriculum: the case of the industrial engineering and management program at the University of Minho 2015
- A Influência da Avaliação Peer na Dinâmica de Trabalho de Equipas em Projetos PBL 2014
- Análise do Impacto da Implantação de um Sistema Integrado de Gestão nos Objetivos de Desempenho Operacional em uma Metalúrgica com Linhas de Produtos Diferenciados: Caso Gravia 2014
- Análise do impacto da implantação de um sistema integrado de gestão nos objetivos de desempenho operacional em uma metalúrgica com linhas de produtos diferenciados : caso Gravia 2014
- Final year Lean projects: advantages for companies, students and academia 2014
- Proceedings of the sixth International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE’2014) 2014
- Project approaches in interaction with industry for the development of professional competences 2014
- Projects with the Industry for the Development of Professional Competences in Industrial Engineering and Management 2014
- The importance of teamwork in the case of an interdisciplinary team of teachers from the first year of an engineering course 2014
- The influence of peer assessment to the teamwork dynamics in Project-Based Learning 2014
- Waste Identification Diagrams with OEE data 2014
- Developing professional competencies through projects in interaction with companies : a study in Industrial Engineering and Management Master Degree 2013
- Avaliação do processo de implementação de PBL num curso de engenharia informática em Moçambique: as percepções dos estudantes 2013
- Fatores Críticos num Processo de Aprendizagem Baseada em Projetos: Percepções de Estudantes de 1o. Ano de Engenharia 2013
- Fatores Críticos num Processo de Aprendizagem Baseada em Projetos: Perceções de Estudantes de 1º Ano de Engenharia 2013
- Fatores críticos num processo de Aprendizagem Baseada em Projetos : perceções de estudantes de 1º ano de Engenharia 2013
- IEM@ProjectNetworking: bringing first year students closer to professional practice 2013
- Implantação da Estratégia P2BL na FE/UFJF : relato, análise e avaliação 2013
- Interdisciplinary programs evaluation methods: a review of literature and a model proposal for intensive projects involving academia and industry 2013
- Proceedings of the fifth International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE’2013) 2013
- Professionals’ demands for production engineering: analysing areas of professional practice and transversal competences 2013
- Project Based Learning in First Year, First Semester of Industrial Engineering and Management: some results 2013
- Projetos Interdisciplinares no Ensino Superior: Análise do Ensino e Aprendizagem do Cálculo no 1º semestre do 1º ano 2013
- Projetos interdisciplinares no ensino superior : análise do ensino e aprendizagem do Cálculo no 1º semestre do 1º ano 2013
- Aprendizagem ativa na disciplina Eficiência Energética: um experimento metodológico 2012
- Aprendizagem baseada em projetos interdisciplinares no ensino superior: implicações ao nível do trabalho docente 2012
- Identification and assessment of behavioural competences in multidisciplinary teams within design projects 2012
- Generic referencing: Methodology of parts characterization 2011
- Project management guide for student project teams 2011
- Contributos para uma análise dos planos curriculares de formação no ensino superior. O caso da engenharia e gestão industrial em Portugal 2011
- Benefits of lean management : results from some industrial cases in Portugal 2011
- Benefits of lean management: results from some industrial cases in Portugal 2011
- Benefícios e desafios da customização em massa 2011
- Referenciação genérica: metodologia de caracterização de artigos 2011
- Mini Fábrica de Software para Aprendizagem baseada em Projectos 2010
- Project management : integrating architecture and structural engineering design processes 2010
- A first year and first semester Project-Led Engineering Education approach 2009
- A first year and first semester Project-Led Engineering Education approach 2009
- An Academic Results Analysis of a First Year Interdisciplinary Project Approach to Industrial and Management Engineering Education 2009
- An Industrial Application of Resource Constrained Scheduling for Quick Changeover. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2009
- Analysis of generic product information representation models. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2009
- Management of Interdisciplinary Project Approaches in Engineering Education: a case study 2009
- Management of Interdisciplinary Project Approaches in Engineering Education: a case study 2009
- Project-Led Engineering Education: assessment model and rounding errors analysis 2009
- Project-led Engineering Education : assessment model and rounding errors analysis 2009
- Projectos para a Aprendizagem na Engenharia e Gestão Industrial 2009
- Teachers' workload in a project-led engineering education approach 2009
- Teachers' workload in a project-led engineering education approach 2009
- Agent based prototype for interoperation of production planning and control and manufacturing automation. IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA. 2007
- Aprendizagem Baseada em Projectos Interdisciplinares num Curso de Engenharia: uma leitura dos resultados académicos 2007
- Project-led education in engineering: Monitoring and assessing the learning process 2007
- Avaliação pelos pares com recurso a um grupo Web 2005
- Descrição de um Processo de Ensino/Aprendizagem Baseado em Projecto 2005
- Distributed production planning and control agent based system 2005
- Ensino/aprendizagem por projecto : balanço de uma experiência na Universidade do Minho 2005
- Anatomia de Especialização dos Alunos de Produção da Universidade do Minho 1998
artigo de revista
- KPI tree - a hierarchical relationship structure of key performance indicators for value streams. Production Engineering Archives. 2023
- Improving the Performance of a SME in the Cutlery Sector Using Lean Thinking and Digital Transformation. Sustainability (MDPI). 2023
- Characterising project management of lean initiatives in industrial companies - crossing perspectives based on case studies. Engineering Management in Production and Services. 2023
- Organizational culture and Industry 4.0 design principles: an empirical study on their relationship. Production Planning and Control. 2023
- Hybrid project management solutions with multi-geographical teams. International Journal of Learning and Change. 2023
- Rubric’s Development Process for Assessment of Project Management Competences. Education Sciences. 2022
- SPC-based model for evaluation of training processes in industrial context. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management. 2022
- Managing R&D and Innovation Projects: An Integrated Conceptual Model for Technology Transfer. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management. 2022
- Restructuring picking and restocking processes on a hypermarket. Production Engineering Archives. 2022
- A systematized approach for reduction of medical appointment waiting list. Produção. 2022
- Lean and resilience in the healthcare supply chain – a scoping review. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma. 2022
- The effectiveness of an activity to practise communication competencies: A case study across five European engineering universities. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education. 2021
- Modeling, Assessment and Design of an Emergency Department of a Public Hospital through Discrete-Event Simulation. Applied Sciences. 2021
- Active learning strategies to develop research competences in engineering education. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education. 2021
- Business Processess Reconfiguration through the Implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning System. Journal of Applied Engineering Science/istrazivanja I Projektovanja Za Privredu. 2021
- Implementation of a Pull System-A Case Study of a Polymeric Production System for the Automotive Industry. Management Systems in Production Engineering. 2021
- Implementation of lean in health care environments: an update of systematic reviews. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma. 2021
- Improving hospital operations management to reduce ineffective medical appointments. Cogent Engineering. 2021
- Lean practices to improve the learning process and production document control: A case study. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management. 2021
- PSCPF: planning, scheduling and control of patient flow. Produção. 2021
- Teacher competences for active learning in engineering education. Sustainability (Switzerland). 2021
- An Adaptation of SERVQUAL for Events Evaluation: An Environmental Sustainability Addon. Sustainability (MDPI). 2020
- Literature Search of Key Factors for the Development of Generic and Specific Maturity Models for Industry 4.0. Applied Sciences. 2020
- Operating room effectiveness: a lean health-care performance indicator. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma. 2020
- Changing an engineering curriculum through a co-construction process: A case study. International Journal of Engineering Education. 2019
- Collaborative PBL to teach calculus to engineering students: The important role of collaborative professors. International Journal of Engineering Education. 2019
- Learning calculus through PBL in an industrial engineering and management program-a seven-year study 2019
- Curriculum development in higher education: Challenges for university teaching. Revista Ibero-Americana de Educação. 2018
- Payment types included on technology licensing agreements and earnings distribution among Portuguese universities. Tékhne. 2017
- Defining the Industrial and Engineering Management Professional Profile: a longitudinal study based on job advertisements. Produção. 2017
- Development of competences while solving real industrial interdisciplinary problems: A successful cooperation with industry. Produção. 2017
- A contribution for the analysis of pedagogical training for teaching in electrical engineering. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning. 2016
- Industrial engineering and management curriculum profile: Developing a framework of competences. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management. 2015
- Engaging students in learning: Findings from a study of project-led education. European Journal of Engineering Education. 2014
- An integrated project of entrepreneurship and innovation in engineering education. Mechatronics. 2013
- Industrial engineering and operations management – special issue. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management. 2013
- Project Cell: Cellular Organization of the Building Design Process. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 2013
- Coordination of student teams focused on project management processes. International Journal of Engineering Education. 2012
- An analysis of knowledge areas in industrial engineering and management curriculum. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management. 2012
- Project-Based Learning Course Design: a Service Design Approach. International Journal of Services and Operations Management. 2012
- Students' views of assessment in project-led engineering education: Findings from a case study in Portugal. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. 2012
- Sustainability: An Introduction View from ICIEOM. Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management. 2012
- Brazilian students and working capital : an analysis of their decisions when using virtual market business games. International Journal of Engineering Education. 2011
- A aprendizagem baseada em projectos interdisciplinares: avaliação do impacto de uma experiência no ensino de engenharia. Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior. 2010
- Measurement Rounding Errors in an Assessment Model of Project Led Engineering Education. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference. 2009
- Measurement Rounding Errors in an Assessment Model of Project Led Engineering Education. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference. 2009
- A case study on project led education in engineering: students' and teachers' perceptions. European Journal of Engineering Education. 2007
- Distributed production planning and control agent-based system. International Journal of Production Research. 2006
- Sistemas de produção orientados ao produto : integrando células e pessoas. Revista de Inovação Organizacional. 2003
capítulo de livro
- Adopting Industry 4.0 and Lean Practices in Heavy Metalworking: Impact of Human Factors on Productivity 2024
- Industrial Management for Industry 4.0 – Simulation System to Support Learning of Opportunities and Challenges of Dealing with Real-Time Data 2023
- Project Management in Hospital Environments: A 5-Year Systematic Literature Review 2023
- Redesign of the Internal Logistics System of a Textile Supplier for the Automotive Industry. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 2023
- Application of Heijunka for Surgical Production Leveling. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 2022
- Prioritizing Internal Production on MRI Waiting List Management: An Optimization Model. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 2022
- Reducing Waiting Time for Orthopaedic Consultation Through a Continuous Improvement Approach. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 2022
- Data Modelling and Validation of An Emergency Department Simulation Model—A Lean Healthcare Approach. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 2021
- Hospital Operations Management: An Exploratory Study from Brazil and Portugal. Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering. 2020
- Definition of a Project Performance Indicators Model: Contribution of Collaborative Engineering Practices on Project Management. Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering. 2018
- Project-Based Learning as a Bridge to the Industrial Practice. Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering. 2018
- Waste types in people processing services 2017
- O contributo da formação pedagógica docente para a inovação do Ensino Superior 2016
- Construção e validação de toolbox para o desenvolvimento curricular no ensino superior 2015
- Aprendizagem baseada em projetos interdisciplinares: análise da implementação em duas estruturas curriculares distintas 2014
- Aprendizagem baseada em projetos interdisciplinares: análise da implementação em duas estruturas curriculares distintas. 2014
- A Avaliação dos Alunos no Contexto de um Projeto Interdisciplinar 2011
- Ensino e aprendizagem vivencial em engenharia : simuladores, jogos, projetos interdisciplinares e ambientes de aprendizagem a distância 2011
- Estrutura de Gestão para Planejamento e Execução de Projetos Interdisciplinares de Aprendizagem em Engenharia 2011
- Estrutura de Gestão para Planejamento e Execução de Projetos Interdisciplinares de Aprendizagem em Engenharia 2011
- A formação como ponto de partida para a implementação de práticas inovadoras no Ensino Superior: follow-up das Semanas de Desenvolvimento do Ensino e da Aprendizagem do Centro IDEA-UMinho 2019
- Students' first-hand experience on the development of competences: Solving interdisciplinary industry problems 2019
- A formação como ponto de partida para a implementação de práticas inovadoras no Ensino Superior: a experiência inicial do Centro IDEA-UMinho/Training as a starting point for the implementation of innovative practices in Higher Education: the initial experience of the IDEA-UMinho Center 2018
- A formação como ponto de partida para a implementação de práticas inovadoras no Ensino Superior: a experiência inicial do Centro IDEA-UMinho 2018
- The learner in engineering education. International Journal of Engineering Education. 2017
- Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE’2015), integrated in the International Joint Conference on the Learner in Engineering Education (IJCLEE’2015) 2015
- Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Project Approaches (PAEE2014) 2014
- Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE’2014) 2014
- Interdisciplinary programs evaluation methods: a review of literature and a model proposal for intensive projects involving academia and industry 2013
- Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE’2013) 2013
- Aprendizagem ativa na disciplina Eficiência Energética: um experimento metodológico 2012
- Analyzing curriculum structure in Industrial and Management Engineering Courses: implications for teaching and learning 2011
- Teaching and learning in project-based education: a case study in engineering education 2011
- Project-Led Engineering Education: assessment model and rounding errors analysis 2009
- Projectos para a Aprendizagem na Engenharia e Gestão Industrial 2009
- Aprendizagem baseada em projectos interdisciplinares: um caso de engenharia na Universidade do Minho 2006
- Descrição de um processo de ensino/aprendizagem baseado em projecto 2005
- Reflexão sobre o ensino de Engenharia 1997
- Project-Based Learning: implementação no primeiro ano de um curso de Engenharia 2021
- Ten Years of Project-Based Learning (PBL) in Industrial Engineering and Management at the University of Minho 2017
- O contributo da formação pedagógica docente para a inovação do Ensino Superior 2016
- Proceedings of the PAEE/ALE’2016, 8th International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE) and 14th Active Learning in Engineering Education Workshop (ALE) 2016
- A Project Management Framework for Planning and Executing Interdisciplinary Learning Projects in Engineering Education 2012
- Model of a game for improving integrated decisions in production management 2012
- Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE'2012) 2012
- Proceedings of the XVIII international conference on industrial engineering and operations management 2012
- Student assessment in project based learning 2012
- Livro de Actas do Encontro Nacional de Engenharia e Gestão Industrial 2011 (ENEGI 2011) 2011
- Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE'2011): Aligning Engineering Education with Engineering Challenges 2011
- Formal grammars for product data management on distributed manufacturing systems 2009
- Integrating production planning and control business processes 2009
- Object oriented modelling of product oriented manufacturing systems 1998