publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- A Systematic Literature Review and Conceptual Framework of Construction Industrialization. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 2023
- Supply chain quality management impact on organization performance: results from an international survey. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2022
- Home health care logistics planning: a review and framework. Procedia Manufacturing. 2017
- Improving visibility using RFID – the case of a company in the automotive sector. Procedia Manufacturing. 2017
- Processes improvement applying Lean Office tools in a logistic department of a car multimedia components company. Procedia Manufacturing. 2017
artigo de conferência
- A Composite Indicator for Supply Chain Performance Measurement: A Case Study in a Manufacturing Company. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2019
- Improving Inventory Management in an Automotive Supply Chain: A Multi-objective Optimization Approach Using a Genetic Algorithm. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 2019
- Bus fleet management optimization using the augmented weighted Tchebycheff method. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 2018
- Improving project management practice: An engineering and construction case study. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2018
- Scheduling of nonconforming devices: The case of a company in the automotive sector. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 2018
- The impact of industry 4.0 to the environment in the cement industry supply chain 2018
- Towards an approach to assess Supply Chain Quality Management maturity. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2018
- A constructive heuristic for the multi-compartment vehicle routing problem: an approach for a fuel distribution company 2017
- Savings in internal logistics using a RFID-based software system in a lean context 2017
- Savings in internal logistics using a RFID-based software system in a lean context 2017
- Using discrete simulation to support internal logistics process design 2017
- An automated warehouse design validation using discrete simulation 2016
- Automatic simulation models generation of warehouses with milk runs and pickers 2016
- Improving Safety and Health in a Lean Logistic project: a case study in an automotive electronic components company 2016
- Incorporating economic issues in the design of sustainable DRT systems: Insights from the case of a Portuguese municipality 2016
- Supply chain quality management: A theoretical framework for integration measurement 2016
- iFloW: An integrated logistics software system for inbound supply chain traceability. Proceedings of the I-ESA Conferences. 2016
- The reasonant influence of supply chain management practices on organizational performance 2015
- 3D microsimulation of milkruns and pickers in warehouses using SIMIO 2014
- An extensive structural model for supply chain quality management and firm performance 2014
- Green supply chain design with multi-objective optimization 2014
- Literature review of QM and SCM: a perspective of integration 2014
- Quality management and supply chain management integration: a conceptual model 2014
- Supply chain practices and firms’ operational performance: an empirical study of Vietnam garment industry 2014
- Tecnologias de preparação de pedidos em armazéns: um modelo conceptual para análise e seleção 2013
- Implementation of a logistics process improvement system : a case study. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. 2013
- Modelo de gestão da distribuição na indústria do calçado : estudo de caso 2013
- Ship to line na Bosch Car Multimedia Portugal S.A. 2013
- Integrating simulation and business intelligence analyses for tactical and strategic decisions in transportation systems 2012
- Simulation approach for an integrated decision support system for demand responsive transport planning and operation 2012
- Warehouse design and product assignment and allocation: A mathematical programming model 2012
- An integrated approach for warehouse design and planning 2011
- Simulation in the warehouse design and management context : a survey 2011
- Especificação de uma aplicação informática para a melhoria da função compras e procurement das unidades de negócio da EFACEC 2011
- Economic evaluation of a demand responsive transport in rural areas 2011
- A business intelligence solution for public transportation sector 2011
- A decision support system for a flexible transport system 2011
- A simulation approach to support the design of flexible transport systems 2011
artigo de revista
- An innovative maturity model to assess supply chain quality management. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2021
- Advancing Logistics 4.0 with the Implementation of a Big Data Warehouse: A Demonstration Case for the Automotive Industry. Electronics. 2021
- A systematic literature review about dimensioning safety stock under uncertainties and risks in the procurement process. Operations Research Perspectives. 2021
- A multivariate approach for multi-step demand forecasting in assembly industries: Empirical evidence from an automotive supply chain. Decision Support Systems. 2021
- K-means clustering combined with principal component analysis for material profiling in automotive supply chains. European Journal of Industrial Engineering. 2021
- Operations research models and methods for safety stock determination: A review. Operations Research Perspectives. 2020
- Multiobjective optimization of transit bus fleets with alternative fuel options: The case of Joinville, Brazil. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. 2020
- Using simulation to model the logistic operations of a company of the cement industry. FME Transactions. 2019
- Simulation model generation for warehouse management: Case study to test different storage strategies. International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling. 2018
- Analysing critical success factors for supporting online shopping. International Journal of Web Portals. 2017
- Green supply chain design: A mathematical modeling approach based on a multi-objective optimization model. International Journal of Production Economics. 2017
- Supply chain management and quality management integration: A conceptual model proposal. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2017
- Supply chain management practices and firms’ operational performance. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2017
- An extensive structural model of supply chain quality management and firm performance. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2016
- Definition of a collaborative working model to the logistics area using design for Six Sigma. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2016
- Business sustainability through employees involvement: A case study. FME Transactions. 2015
- Definition of a collaborative working model to the logistics area. Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics. 2015
- Using simio to automatically create 3d warehouses and compare different storage strategies. FME Transactions. 2015
- New mixed integer-programming model for the pickup-and-delivery problem with transshipment. European Journal of Operational Research. 2014
capítulo de livro
- Redesign of the Internal Logistics System of a Textile Supplier for the Automotive Industry. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 2023
- Defining the Supply Chain Quality Management concept 2022
- Towards an Integrated Framework for Aerospace Supply Chain Sustainability. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 2019
- A Two-Stage Heuristic for a Real Multi-compartment and Multi-trip Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows 2021
- Integer programming model for ship loading management: A case study from cement industry 2019
- Implementation of multiple criteria decision analysis approaches in the supplier selection process: A case study 2016
- Multiple case study of the supplier selection decision process 2016
- Using scrum together with UML models: A collaborative university-industry R&D software project 2016
- An Integrated Decision Support System to Assess the Sustainability of Demand Responsive Transport Systems 2015
- Characterization of the Portuguese SSS into the Europe: A contribution 2015
- An integrated simulation and business intelligence framework for designing and planning demand responsive transport systems 2013
- Design of wood biomass supply chains 2012
- Warehouse design and planning: A mathematical programming approach 2012