publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Installation and Use of a Pavement Monitoring System Based on Fibre Bragg Grating Optical Sensors. Infrastructures. 2023
- Advances in Environmentally Friendly Techniques and Circular Economy Approaches for Insect Infestation Management in Stored Rice Grains. Antibiotics. 2023
- Are health information systems ready for the digital transformation in Portugal? Challenges and future perspectives. Healthcare. 2023
- Development of tools to support the production planning in a textile company. Procedia Computer Science. 2023
- MicroRNA-30a-5pme: a novel diagnostic and prognostic biomarker for clear cell renal cell carcinoma in tissue and urine samples. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research. 2020
- Evolution of self-care dependent individuals admitted to the National Network for Integrated Continuous Care. Revista de Enfermagem Referência. 2017
- COST MANAGEMENT IN NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: INSIGHTS FOR ITS CONCEPTUALIZATION AND APPLICATION. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Project Evaluation (Icopev 2016). 2016
- Formal support after NNICC clinical discharge. Atención Primaria. 2016, 48 (Espec Cong 1) . 2016
- Health positive outcomes promoted by NNICC: an integrative overview. Atención Primaria. 2016, 48 (Espec Cong 1) . 2016
- Caraterização dos dependentes internados em unidades de longa duração e manutenção. Evidências (I Suplemento). 2015
- Condição de saúde dos dependentes: estudo exploratório numa unidade de média duração e reabilitação. Evidências (I Suplemento). 2015
- Urothelial bladder cancer progression: lessons learned from the bench. Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment. 2015
- Prevenção de Úlceras de Pressão na posição de sentado: indicações práticas. Revista Nursing.. 2010
artigo de conferência
- Use of fibre-optic sensors in pavement condition monitoring 2023
- Desenvolvimento de um sistema de monitorização para avaliar o desempenho de pavimentos rodoviários durante o seu ciclo de vida - APP PAV 4.0 LC 2022
- Desenvolvimento de um sistema de monitorização para avaliar o desempenho de pavimentos rodoviários durante o seu ciclo de vida – APP PAV 4.0 LC 2022
- Thoughts of a Post-Pandemic Higher Education in Information Systems and Technologies 2022
- Machine Learning Algorithms and Techniques for Sentiment Analysis in Scientific Paper Reviews: A Systematic Literature Review. Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2019
- Geração de negócios nas PMEs através da transformação digital com arranjo produtivo local em tecnologias da informação 2019
- Minimizar stocks no retalho automóvel: análise preliminar de dados. Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2019
- Performance Evaluation in IST Projects: A Case Study. Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation. 2019
- Quebra-cabeças Machine Learning: Como selecionar Use Cases, Algoritmos e Tecnologias? . Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2018
- Avaliação do desempenho em projetos de TSI: Estudo de caso em contexto académico. Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2018
- Maturidade de Data Governance em Portugal: elaboração de um instrumento de avaliação. Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2018
- Information Visualization: Conceptualizing New Paths For Filtering and Navigate in Scientific Knowledge Objects 2017
- Conceção e modelação de um esquema híbrido de base de dados: transacional e analítico. Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2017
- Data analytics for data variety,Data Analytics para Variedade de Dados 2017
- Impactos da IoT na gestão de projetos de tecnologias e sistemas de informação. Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2017
- Modelação geofísica aplicada à prospecção de águas subterrâneas em terrenos graníticos 2017
- Who can assess HR performance in IT/IS projects: A review. AI Communications. 2017
- Cost Management in New Product Development: Dimension and Trend 2016
- Instalação e capacitação de um Centro de Suporte de Serviços TI. Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2016
- Internet-of-Things: Strategic research agenda evolution,Internet-of-Things: Evolução das Agendas Estratégicas de Investigação. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2016
- Process-based Information Systems: Technological Infrastructure and Development Issues. Procedia Computer Science. 2016
- The development of process-based information systems: Methodological requirements 2016
- Análise comparativa do sistema nacional de colocação de professores em Portugal 2015
- Brain Tumour Segmentation based on Extremely Randomized Forest with high-level features. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2015
- Sparse high order potentials for extending multi-surface segmentation of OCT images with drusen. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2015
- A method for requirements elicitation of a data warehouse : an example. Recent Advances in Computer Engineering. 2014
- A modern data architecture: A test case,Uma arquitetura moderna de dados: Um caso de teste. Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2014
- A Multi-Driven Approach to Requirements Analysis of Data Warehouse Schema: A Case Study 2012
- Abordagem multivariada à trilogia solo-vinha-vinho: caso da casta vinhão 2011
- Estudo estatístico de variáveis de uma vinha num solo granítico 2011
- Estudo estatístico de variáveis de uma vinha num solo granítico 2011
- Information systems development course: Integrating business, IT and IS competencies 2010
- Widening the LAMA2 mutation spectrum in MDC1A patients: new mutations including gross deletions 2007
artigo de revista
- Geothermal resources research in a granitic basement - the Braga area case study (NW Portugal). European Geologist Journal. 2022
- Anxiety and Depression in Patients with Prostate Cancer, at Cancer Diagnosis and after a One-Year Follow-Up. Healthcare. 2022
- Prevalence of Cognitive Impairment before Prostate Cancer Treatment. Cancers. 2022
- Biometrics and quality of life of lymphoma patients: A longitudinal mixed-model approach. Electronics. 2021
- Sirtuins' Deregulation in Bladder Cancer: SIRT7 Is Implicated in Tumor Progression through Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition Promotion. Cancers. 2020
- Stress among Portuguese Medical Students: the EuStress Solution. Journal of Medical Systems. 2020
- Internet of Things evolution: A European Perspective. FME Transactions. 2019
- SETDB2 and RIOX2 are differentially expressed among renal cell tumor subtypes, associating with prognosis and metastization. Epigenetics. 2017
- A Big Data system supporting Bosch Braga Industry 4.0 strategy. International Journal of Information Management. 2017
- Internet of Things: An Evolution of Development and Research area topics. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems. 2017
- Process-based information systems development: Taking advantage of a component-based infrastructure. Business Systems Research. 2017
- Process-driven Data Analytics supported by a Data Warehouse Model. International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining. 2017
- Histone methyltransferase PRMT6 plays an oncogenic role of in prostate cancer. Oncotarget. 2016
- Automatic brain tissue segmentation in MR images using Random Forests and Conditional Random Fields. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 2016
- Definition of a collaborative working model to the logistics area using design for Six Sigma. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2016
- Sistema de colocação de professores em Portugal: problemas e soluções. Fronteiras. 2015
- Expression of histone methyltransferases as novel biomarkers for renal cell tumor diagnosis and prognostication. Epigenetics. 2015
- MicroRNA-375 plays a dual role in prostate carcinogenesis. Clinical Epigenetics. 2015
- A multi-driven approach to requirements analysis of data warehouse model: A case study. International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems. 2013
- Acetylation genotype and the genetic susceptibility to postate cancer in a Southern European population. Prostate. 2005
capítulo de livro
- Interfaces for Science: Conceptualizing an Interactive Graphical Interface. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2019
- New Product Development in the Context of Industry 4.0: Insights from the Automotive Components Industry. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 2019
- A data warehouse model for business processes data analytics. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2016
- Úlceras de Pressão 2014
- Data warehouse methodology: a process driven approach. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2004
- Use of fibre optic sensors in pavement condition monitoring 2023
- Prevenção de infestações e contaminações microbiológicas no armazenamento do arroz 2022
- 6.849,32 New Scientific Journal Articles Everyday: Visualize or Perish! - IViSSEM 2020
- Modelação geofísica aplicada à prospecção de águas subterrâneas em terrenos graníticos 2017
- Metodologia estatística para a avaliação de um recurso natural (Minho e Galiza) 2014
- Structural and paragenetic analysis of swarms of bubble like pegmatites in a miarolitic granite from Assunção South – Viseu – Central Portugal 2013
- Abordagem multivariada à trilogia solo-vinha-vinho: caso da casta vinhão 2011
- Up relacionadas com dispositivos médicos 2011
- Automatic Classifier of Scientific Contents 2021
- Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing in Domain Classification of Scientific Knowledge Objects: A Review 2021
- How to Measure Influence in Social Networks? 2020
- An approach to assess quality of life through biometric monitoring in cancer patients 2019
- Information system for monitoring and assessing stress among medical students 2019
- User Behaviour Analysis and Personalized TV Content Recommendation 2019
- Exploring data analytics of data variety 2018
- A Big Data Analytics Architecture for Industry 4.0 2017
- A Big Data Analytics Architecture for Industry 4.0 2017
- Baby steps in E-health: Internet of things in a doctor’s office 2017
- Towards a Common Data Framework for Analytical Environments 2016
- Recommendations for a new Portuguese teacher placement system 2016
- Big data in cloud: A data architecture 2015
- Organizational memory: The role of business intelligence to leverage the application of collective knowledge 2014
poster de conferência