publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Internet of Things Systems and Applications for Smart Buildings. Energies. 2023
- Academic Performance and Perceptions of Undergraduate Medical Students in Case-Based Learning Compared to Other Teaching Strategies: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis. Education Sciences. 2023
- Bidirectional Power Converters for EV Battery Chargers. Energies. 2023
- Contributo para o estudo da sociabilidade protestante no Portugal contemporâneo: as Ligas de Esforço Cristão. Lusitania Sacra, 46 (julho-dezembro), 15-33. 2022
- Skeletal Muscle–Adipose Tissue–Tumor Axis: Molecular Mechanisms Linking Exercise Training in Prostate Cancer. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021
- Wireless Body Area Network for Cycling Posture Monitoring. Transactions on Engineering Technologies. 2016
- ZigBee-based Remote Patient Monitoring. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2012
- The Need for Standardized Tests to Evaluate the Reliability of Data Transport in Wireless Medical Systems. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2012
- Experimental Evaluation of IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee for Multi-patient ECG Monitoring. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2011
- Design and implementation of multi-user wireless body sensor networks. International Journal on Advances in Networks and Services. 2010
- Evaluation of the Impact of the Topology and Hidden Nodes in the Performance of a ZigBee Network. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2010
- HM4All: A vital signs monitoring system based in spatially distributed ZigBee networks. 2010 4th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, Pervasive Health 2010. 2010
- Performance evaluation of a ZigBee-based medical sensor network. 2009 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare - Pervasive Health 2009, PCTHealth 2009. 2009
- Performance evaluation of a ZigBee-based medical sensor network. 2009 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare - Pervasive Health 2009, PCTHealth 2009. 2009
- 2.4 GHz wireless sensor network for smart electronic shirts. 2007 Ieee International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Proceedings, Vols 1-8. 2007
- Design and implementation of a real-time wireless sensor network. 2007 International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications, SENSORCOMM 2007, Proceedings. 2007
- Wireless hydrotherapy smart-suit network for posture monitoring. 2007 Ieee International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Proceedings, Vols 1-8. 2007
- MAC protocol for low-power real-time wireless sensing and actuation. 2006 13th Ieee International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Vols 1-3. 2006
artigo de conferência
- Portable and Low-Cost Fluorometer for Phytoplankton Monitoring 2023
- A hybrid MPPT algorithm based on DE-IC for photovoltaic systems under partial shading conditions 2022
- Continuous Control Set Model Predictive Control of a Bridgeless-Boost Three-Level Active Rectifier. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2021
- Efficiency Comparison of Different DC-DC Converter Architectures for a Power Supply of a LiDAR System 2020
- Markerless Gait Analysis Vision System for Real-time Gait Monitoring. IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions. 2020
- The Electric Vehicle in Smart Homes: A Review and Future Perspectives. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2019
- A Proposed Single-Phase Five-Level PFC Rectifier for Smart Grid Applications: An Experimental Evaluation. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2019
- A Proposed Single-Phase Five-Level PFC Rectifier for Smart Grid Applications: An Experimental Evaluation. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2019
- Experimental Validation of a Bidirectional Three-Level dc-dc Converter for On-Board or Off-Board EV Battery Chargers. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2019
- Home energy monitoring system towards smart control of energy consumption. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2019
- An intra-vehicular wireless sensor network based on Android mobile devices and bluetooth low energy 2018
- A novel fixed switching frequency control strategy applied to an improved five-level active rectifier 2018
- Cooperação arquivística entre o município de Gaia e a Igreja Lusitana: um exemplo de partilha integrada de interesse público 2018
- Development of an IoT system with smart charging current control for electric vehicles. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2018
- Innovative Off-Board EV Home Charging Station as a Smart Home Enabler: Present and Proposed Perspectives. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (Indin). 2018
- Innovative Off-Board EV Home Charging Station as a Smart Home Enabler: Present and Proposed Perspectives. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (Indin). 2018
- Selective Harmonic Measurement and Compensation Using Smart Inverters in a Microgrid with Distributed Generation. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (Indin). 2018
- Selective Harmonic Measurement and Compensation Using Smart Inverters in a Microgrid with Distributed Generation. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (Indin). 2018
- Memórias dos anos de formação de uma professora portuense na década de 1920 2017
- Walk Distance Estimation Using an Ankle-mounted Inertial Measurement Unit. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. 2017
- An android-based personalized public transportation advisor. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. 2017
- Development and test of an intra-vehicular network based on bluetooth low energy. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. 2017
- Development of a monitoring system for electrical energy consumption and power quality analysis. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. 2017
- IoT System for Anytime/Anywhere Monitoring and Control of Vehicles' Parameters 2017
- IoT System for Anytime/Anywhere Monitoring and Control of Vehicles' Parameters 2017
- Mobile device sensing system for urban goods distribution logistics 2017
- Rail power conditioner based on indirect AC/DC/AC modular multilevel converter using a three-phase V/V power transformer. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. 2017
- Unified architecture of single-phase active power filter with battery interface for UPS operation. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. 2017
- A Low-Cost ZigBee-based Wireless Industrial Automation System 2016
- A personalized rehabilitation system based on wireless motion capture sensors 2015
- Automatic control of cycling effort using electric bicycles and mobile devices. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. 2015
- Mobile sensing system for georeferenced performance monitoring in cycling. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. 2015
- Os manuais e a reforma do ensino liceal de 1936 em Portugal. Um prólogo para a história do manual único 2015
- Wireless cycling posture monitoring based on smartphones and bluetooth low energy. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. 2015
- Wireless monitoring and management of energy consumption and power quality events. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. 2015
- Experimental Performance Comparison of Indoor Positioning Algorithms Based on Received Signal Strength. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. 2014
- A telerehabilitation system based on wireless motion capture sensors 2014
- Impressões sobre a instrução protestante no universo de língua portuguesa constantes na biblioteca do padre Odilon Alves Pedrosa (1888-1932) 2014
- Performance evaluation of ZigBee protocol for high data rate body sensor networks. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. 2013
- IT-REHAB : Integral Telerehabilitation System 2012
- Experimental evaluation of ZigBee and IEEE 802.15.4 for data-intensive body sensor networks 2012
- Sistema Distribuído de Monitorização de Consumos e de Qualidade de Energia Elétrica 2012
- Sistema de sensorização móvel e controlo baseado em ZigBee para bicicletas elétricas 2012
- Sistema para classificação de Distúrbios de Qualidade de Energia Elétrica baseado em SVM one class 2012
- De aluno a professor : reconstrução da memória da Escola do Magistério Primário de Braga (1897-1987) e criação de uma sala-museu no Instituto de Educação da Universidade do Minho 2012
- Na génese do ensino primário público em Portugal. Crónicas do período da descentralização (1880-1890) 2011
- Design and implementation of a wireless sensor network applied to motion capture 2011
- Vital signs monitoring and management using mobile devices 2011
- Trade-off analysis of a MAC protocol for wireless e-Emergency systems. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2010
- Simulation analysis of IEEE 802.15.4 for wireless networked control systems. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2009
- An improved MAC protocol with a reconfiguration scheme for wireless e-health systems requiring quality of service 2009
- Extended health visibility in the hospital environment 2009
- Quality of service support in wireless sensor networks for emergency health care services. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2008
- Wireless sensor networks with QoS for e-health and e-emergency applications 2008
- A Flexible Framework for Data Exchange and Presentation between Wireless Sensor Networks and Personal Devices 2007
- A Flexible Framework for Data Exchange and Presentation between Wireless Sensor Networks and Personal Devices 2007
- Study on pulsed DC-sputtering of iridium oxide for implantable electrodes 2007
- Distributed sensing and actuation over bluetooth for unmanned air vehicles 2006
- A Fly-By-Wireless UAV Platform Based on a Flexible and Distributed System Architecture 2006
- A bluetooth-based wireless distributed data acquisition and control system 2006
- Autonomous platform for distributed sensing and actuation over bluetooth 2006
- Fast retransmission of real-time traffic in HIPERLAN/2 systems 2005
- Scheduling of real-time traffic in IEEE 802.11 networks 2004
- Programa para a Estimativa do Custo e Produção de Energia Eléctrica para uma Residência 2004
- Performance simulation of HIPERLAN/2 with low debit traffic for real time data acquisition and control applications 2003
- Server selection on the internet using passive probing 1997
artigo de revista
- Wireless Device with Energy Management for Closed-Loop Deep Brain Stimulation (CLDBS). Electronics. 2023
- Contributo para o estudo da sociabilidade protestante no Portugal contemporâneo: as ligas de esforço Cristão. Lusitania Sacra. 2023
- Low-cost/high-precision smart power supply for data loggers 2022
- Blockchain and Internet of Things for Electrical Energy Decentralization: A Review and System Architecture. Energies. 2021
- Blockchain and Internet of Things for Electrical Energy Decentralization: A Review and System Architecture. Energies. 2021
- Smart home power management system for electric vehicle battery charger and electrical appliance control. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems. 2021
- Smart home power management system for electric vehicle battery charger and electrical appliance control. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems. 2021
- Design and Experimental Validation of a Compact Low-Cost Weather Station for Solar Photovoltaic Applications. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web. 2021
- Development and Evaluation of Smart Home IoT Systems applied to HVAC Monitoring and Control. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web. 2021
- The Role of the Electric Vehicle in Smart Homes: Assessment and Future Perspectives. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web. 2021
- Wireless Communication and Management System for E-Bike Dynamic Inductive Power Transfer Lanes. Electronics. 2020
- Wireless Communication and Management System for E-Bike Dynamic Inductive Power Transfer Lanes. Electronics. 2020
- Design of an Intrinsically Safe Series-Series Compensation WPT System for Automotive LiDAR. Electronics. 2020
- Escola e festa cívica - Aproximações num contexto rural português (Avintes, Vila Nova de Gaia) entre 1890 e 1920 2020
- Smart home energy management system based on a hybrid wireless network architecture. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web. 2020
- IoT and Blockchain Paradigms for EV Charging System. Energies. 2019
- IoT and Blockchain Paradigms for EV Charging System. Energies. 2019
- Modernidade e minorias religiosas. Os arquivos da Igreja Lusitana (séculos XIX-XX) 2019
- Vehicle Electrification: New Challenges and Opportunities for Smart Grids. Energies. 2018
- Context aware advisor for public transportation. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science. 2018
- An energy management platform for public buildings. Electronics. 2018
- Compromisso com a paz: propostas educativas dos protestantes portugueses no post I Guerra Mundial 2018
- Educação popular dos movimentos protestantes portugueses - na monarquia constitucional e na 1ª República. Relicário: Revista do MAS. 2018
- Leituras higienizadas: análise dos manuais adotados nas Escolas de Aprendizes Artífices (1909-1937) 2018
- Body Attenuation and Path Loss Exponent Estimation for RSS-Based Positioning in WSN. Wireless Personal Communications. 2017
- Performance Evaluation of Bluetooth Low Energy for High Data Rate Body Area Networks. Wireless Personal Communications. 2016
- A wireless posture monitoring system for personalized home-based rehabilitation. Sensors & Transducers. 2015
- A descoberta da criança rural em Portugal nos anos 30 do século XX. Notas para debate sobre as interferências entre o ideológico e o científico. Revista de Portugal. 2015
- Educação, religião e progresso em Teófilo Braga: uma releitura do Sistema sociológico (1884). Aula. 2015
- Imagens e representações: o nordeste brasileiro representado entre os finais do século XIX e as primeiras décadas do século XX. Revista de História da Ueg. 2015
- Mobile Cockpit System for Enhanced Electric Bicycle Use. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 2015
- Improving the communication reliability of body sensor networks based on the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol. Telemedicine and e-Health. 2014
- A diferença em primeiro plano: um pequeno passo rumo à inclusão (parte I). Revista Profissão Docente. 2014
- Assistência e ensino no quadro da separação em ambiente evangélicos. Vértice. 2014
- História da educação em Portugal : objectos y epistemologias 2014
- Movimentos pela educação pública laica em Portugal e no Brasil monárquicos. Estudos do Século xx. 2014
- Remote Patient Monitoring Based on ZigBee: Lessons from a Real-World Deployment. Telemedicine and e-Health. 2014
- Simulação e ofensiva : movimentações católicas e reivindicação do ensino da religião no curso liceal (Portugal, década de 1890). Cadernos de História da Educação. 2014
- [Resenha a] Escola da ordem e do progresso: grupos escolares em Sergipe e no Rio Grande do Norte. Educação em Foco. 2014
- A escola pública laica em Portugal: a República e os republicanos - um inquérito aos programas dos partidos republicanos (1910-1926). Educação e Filosofia. 2013
- Towards the design of efficient nonbeacon-enabled ZigBee networks. Computer Networks. 2012
- Educação e cultura protestante na transição do século XIX: circulação de impressos e diálogos luso-brasileiros 2012
- Os professores primários e a Escola da República: o sindicato dos professores primários de Portugal e o 1º congresso pedagógico (1914). O Professor. 2011
- An Enhanced Reservation-Based MAC Protocol for IEEE 802.15.4 Networks. Bioengineering. 2011
- Trindade Coelho e os protestantes: liberalismo, republicanismo ou pluralismo religioso?. Revista de Portugal. 2011
- Design and implementation of multi-user wireless body sensor networks. International Journal on Advances in Networks and Services. 2010
- QoS deployment in wireless e-health and e-emergency : main issues and a case-study 2008
- The AIVA fly-by-wireless UAV platform. Aerospace Testing International. 2006
capítulo de livro
- A Machine Learning Approach for Near-Fall Detection Based on Inertial and Force Data While Using a Conventional Rollator. Biosystems and Biorobotics. 2022
- As escolas rurais em Portugal (1926-1960). Notas para uma reflexão sócio histórica 2021
- Notícia de uma escola protestante em Lisboa na década de 1860 - um subsídio para a biografia de Helena Rought (1802-1883) 2021
- Development of a Compact and Low-Cost Weather Station for Renewable Energy Applications. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2020
- Development of a Compact and Low-Cost Weather Station for Renewable Energy Applications. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2020
- Development of an Internet of Things System for Smart Home HVAC Monitoring and Control. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2020
- Development of an Internet of Things System for Smart Home HVAC Monitoring and Control. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2020
- The Role of Off-Board EV Battery Chargers in Smart Homes and Smart Grids: Operation with Renewables and Energy Storage Systems 2020
- Comprehensive Study for a Rail Power Conditioner Based on a Single–Phase Full–Bridge Back–to–Back Indirect Modular Multilevel Converter 2019
- Vehicle Electrification: Technologies, Challenges, and a Global Perspective for Smart Grids 2019
- Vehicle Electrification: Technologies, Challenges, and a Global Perspective for Smart Grids 2019
- A Escola do Magistério Primário de Braga (1879-1987): reflexões sobre os arquivos 2018
- Comprehensive Study for a Rail Power Conditioner Based on a Single–Phase Full–Bridge Back–to–Back Indirect Modular Multilevel Converter 2018
- A low-cost ZigBee-based wireless industrial automation system. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2017
- Mobile Sensing System for Cycling Power Output Control. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2017
- Mobile Sensing System for Cycling Power Output Control. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2017
- Model Predictive Current Control of a Slow Battery Charger for Electric Mobility Applications. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2017
- Model Predictive Current Control of a Slow Battery Charger for Electric Mobility Applications. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2017
- Methodology for Knowledge Extraction from Mobility Big Data. AI Communications. 2016
- A smartphone-based multi-sensor wireless platform for cycling performance monitoring 2016
- Tracking Users Mobility Patterns Towards CO2 Footprint. AI Communications. 2016
- A Escola do Torne (Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal, 1883-1922): as festas como práticas educativas 2015
- Automatic Control of Cycling Effort Using Electric Bicycles and Mobile Devices 2015
- Experimental study on RSS based indoor positioning algorithms 2015
- An experimental study of ZigBee for body sensor networks 2014
- As representações da infância e da juventude na imprensa infanto-juvenil protestante portuguesa na transição do séc. XIX: uma leitura do Amigo da Infância (1874-1940) 2014
- Paróquia de cristo e colégio evangélico lusitano : um século de testemunho cristão em Oliveira do Douro 2013
- Da escola mista distrital de habilitação para o magistério primário à escola do magistério primário de Braga 2012
- Escolas protestantes: dispositivos de inserção e de regeneração: uma reflexão sobre a realidade portuguesa de meados do século XIX até às primeiras décadas do século XX 2012
- Hierarchical wireless networks of body sensor networks for healthcare applications 2010
- Design and Development of a Fly-by-Wireless UAV Platform 2009
- Fernando Morais - as palavras nómadas. Revista de Portugal. 2020
- Leituras higienizadas: análise dos manuais adotados nas Escolas de Aprendizes Artífices (1909-1937) 2018
- Imagens e representações: o nordeste brasileiro representado entre os finais do século XIX e as primeiras décadas do século XX 2015
- A diferença em primeiro plano : um pequeno passo rumo à inclusão (parte I) 2014
- Movimentos pela educação pública laica em Portugal e no Brasil monárquicos 2014
- [Recensão a] Paulo da Costa Domingos (coordenação editorial e concepção gráfica), &etc. Uma editora no subterrâneo. Revista de Portugal. 2014
- [Recensão à obra] CARVALHO, Luciana Beatriz de Oliveira Bar de; CARVALHO, Carlos Henriques de "O lugar da Educação na Modernidade luso-brasileira no final do século XIX e início do século XX". Campinas, SP: Editora Alínea, 2012. Educação & Sociedade. 2014
- Educação e cultura protestante na transição do século XIX: circulação de impressos e diálogos luso-brasileiros 2012
- Trindade Coelho e os protestantes: liberalismo, republicanismo ou pluralismo religioso? 2011
- Valdozende: origem de uma minoria protestante (em Terras do Gêres). Revista de Portugal. 2011
- QoS deployment in wireless e-health and e-emergency : main issues and a case-study 2008
- A educação especial em Portugal: Uma memória do movimento associativo dos pais de cidadãos deficientes: as Cooperativas de Educação e Reabilitação (CERCIS) 2005
- Maximization of Solar Power Extraction from Photovoltaic Modules Using Energy Harvesting Solutions for Smart Cities 2022
- Efficiency Comparison of Different DC-DC Converter Architectures for a Power Supply of a LiDAR System 2021
- A Escola do Magistério Primário de Braga (1879-1987): reflexões sobre os arquivos 2018
- Digital Control of a Novel Single-Phase Three-Port Bidirectional Converter to Interface Renewables and Electric Vehicles with the Power Grid 2016
- Digital Control of a Novel Single-Phase Three-Port Bidirectional Converter to Interface Renewables and Electric Vehicles with the Power Grid 2016
- A Igreja e Escola do Prado: cento e quinze anos de instrução e testemunho cristão em Coimbrões, Vila Nova de Gaia 2016
- A Escola do Torne (Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal, 1883-1922): as festas como práticas educativas 2015
- Paróquia de cristo e colégio evangélico lusitano : um século de testemunho cristão em Oliveira do Douro 2013
- Da escola mista distrital de habilitação para o magistério primário à escola do magistério primário de Braga 2012
- Contributo para o estudo da axiologia educacional de Manuel Ferreira Patrício 2011
- Protestantismo e educação : história de um projecto pedagógico em Portugal na transição do séc. XIX 2007
- Acesso local sem fios em redes de comunicação: escalonamento de tráfego de tempo real em sistemas de aquisição de dados e controlo 2004
- Estimativa de parâmetros de qualidade de serviço no acesso a recursos da Internet 1996