publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Using social media and citizen science to assess cultural ecosystem services along riverine landscapes. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2024
- Using social media andcitizen science to assess cultural ecosystem services alongriverine landscapes. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2024
- Climate change adaptation for drinking water and ecological flows through sustainable agricultural practices. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 2024
- Land Cover Implications on Ecosystem Service Delivery: a Multi-Scenario Study of Trade-offs and Synergies in River Basins. Environmental Management. 2024
- Current trends and mismatches on fungicide use and assessment of the ecological effects in freshwater ecosystems. Environmental Pollution. 2024
- Mitigating water pollution in a Portuguese river basin under climate change through agricultural sustainable practices. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. 2024
- Diagnóstico das principais pressões humanas e boas práticas de gestão aplicadas aos ecossistemas de água doce: visão geral e perspetivas para as bacias na Região do Minho, Portugal. Recursos Hídricos. 2024
- Non-interactive effects drive multiple stressor impacts on the taxonomic and functional diversity of atlantic stream macroinvertebrates. Environmental Research. 2023
- Eco-physiological Responses of Aquatic Fungi to Three Global Change Stressors Highlight the Importance of Intraspecific Trait Variability. Microbial Ecology. 2023
- Hydropower Contribution to the Renewable Energy Transition Under Climate Change. Water Resources Management. 2023
- Can microplastics from personal care products affect stream microbial decomposers in the presence of silver nanoparticles?. Heredity. 2022
- Evidence of micro and macroplastic toxicity along a stream detrital food-chain. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2022
- Combined per-capita and abundance effects of an invasive species on native invertebrate diversity and a key ecosystem process. Freshwater Biology. 2022
- Hydrobiology: A New Open Access Journal for the Rapid Dissemination of the Latest Discoveries on Aquatic Biodiversity and Ecosystems. Hydrobiology. 2022
- Elevated temperature may reduce functional but not taxonomic diversity of fungal assemblages on decomposing leaf litter in streams. Global Change Biology. 2022
- Importance of exposure route in determining nanosilver impacts on a stream detrital processing chain. Environmental Pollution. 2021
- Individual and mixed effects of anticancer drugs on freshwater rotifers: A multigenerational approach. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2021
- Priority effects of stream eutrophication and assembly history on beta diversity across aquatic consumers, decomposers and producers. Heredity. 2021
- Fungal Biodiversity Mediates the Effects of Drying on Freshwater Ecosystem Functioning. Ecosystems. 2021
- Reply to the "Letter to the editor, Proteomic responses to silver nanoparticles vary with the fungal ecotype" by Huang et al.. Heredity. 2020
- Physiological responses to nanoCuO in fungi from non-polluted and metal-polluted streams. Heredity. 2014
- Polyhydroxyfullerene Binds Cadmium Ions and Alleviates Metal-Induced Oxidative Stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2014
- Effects of retention site on breakdown of organic matter in a mountain stream. Freshwater Biology. 2013
- Assemblage and diversity of fungi on wood and seaweed litter of seven northwest portuguese beaches. Progress in Molecular and Subcellular Biology. 2012
- Assessing the Contribution of Micro-Organisms and Macrofauna to Biodiversity-Ecosystem Functioning Relationships in Freshwater Microcosms. Advances in Ecological Research. 2010
- DNA barcoding of fungi: A case study using ITS sequences for identifying aquatic hyphomycete species. Fungal Diversity. 2010
- Realized Fungal Diversity Increases Functional Stability of Leaf Litter Decomposition Under Zinc Stress. Microbial Ecology. 2010
- When microscopic organisms inform general ecological theory. Advances in Ecological Research. 2010
- Diversity and activity of aquatic fungi under low oxygen conditions. Freshwater Biology. 2009
- Assessing effects of eutrophication in streams based on breakdown of eucalypt leaves. Fundamental and Applied Limnology. 2007
- Effects of heavy metals on the production of thiol compounds by the aquatic fungi Fontanospora fusiramosa and Flagellospora curta. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2007
- Anthropogenic stress may affect aquatic hyphomycete diversity more than leaf decomposition in a low-order stream. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie. 2005
- Aquatic hyphomycete diversity in streams of Northwest Portugal. Fungal Diversity. 2005
- Role of fungi, bacteria, and invertebrates in leaf litter breakdown in a polluted river. Journal of the North American Benthological SocIETy. 2005
- New and rare hyphomycetes from streams of northwest Portugal. Part I. Cryptogamie Mycologie. 2003
artigo de conferência
- Responses of Riparian Vegetation NDVI to changes in water availability in heterogenous ecosystems 2020
- Remote sensing in post-fire impact assessment and vegetation recovery monitoring 2019
- Effects of riparian plant diversity loss on detritus food webs become more pronounced at longer times 2013
- An ubiquitous perspective of the intraspecific diversity of the aquatic fungus articulospora tetracladia 2012
- Biogeography of aquatic fungi: preliminary conclusions 2012
- Does the riparian stand and age affect ecosystem functioning in streams? 2012
- Effects of nano CuO on aquatic decomposers: from community to cellular responses 2012
- Effects of riparian plant diversity on leaf-litter decomposition along an eutrophication gradient 2012
- Humic acids and nanoparticle size change the toxicity of nano CuO to freshwater microbes and invertebrates 2012
- Intraspecific diversity of A. tetracladia affects plant-litter decomposition in freshwaters 2012
- Long-term effects of riparian-plant diversity loss on a stream invertebrate shredder 2012
- Plant-litter decomposition by microbes increases with temperature and nutrient load in streams 2012
- Polyhydroxyl fullerene can mitigate toxicity effects of cadmium on yeasts 2012
- Responses of freshwater microbial decomposers to copper oxide nanoparticles 2012
- Structural and functional measures of invertebrate and fungal communities as predictors of eutrophication 2012
- Copper oxide nanoparticles induce oxidative stress, DNA strand breaks and laccase activity in aquatic fungi 2011
- Effects of nutrient enrichment and riparian vegetation on litter decomposition in streams 2011
- Eutrophication alters non-additive effects of plant-litter diversity in streams 2011
- Long-term effects of riparian vegetation diversity on stream-dwelling microbes and litter decomposition 2011
- Nano copper oxide is a threat to an endemic shredder of the Iberian Peninsula 2011
- Temperature changes interspecific relationships among aquatic hyphomycetes 2011
- Copper and zinc stress in aquatic fungi: the role of cellular antioxidant defences 2004
- Effects of aquatic hyphomycete species richness and identity on leaf mass loss, fungal biomass and conidium production 2004
- The role of invertebrates and aquatic fungi on the decomposition of eucalyptus leaves in streams 2004
artigo de revista
- Modeling the Effectiveness of Sustainable Agricultural Practices in Reducing Sediments and Nutrient Export from a River Basin. Water. 2022
- Temperature and interspecific competition alter the impacts of two invasive crayfish species on a key ecosystem process. Biological Invasions. 2022
- Functional Diversity and Primary Production Predict Future Patterns of Periphyton Productivity after Species Extinction. Hydrobiology. 2022
- ITS rDNA Barcodes Clarify Molecular Diversity of Aquatic Hyphomycetes. Antibiotics. 2022
- Aquatic Hyphomycete Taxonomic Relatedness Translates into Lower Genetic Divergence of the Nitrate Reductase Gene. Journal of Fungi. 2021
- Remote sensing depicts riparian vegetation responses to water stress in a humid Atlantic region. Heredity. 2021
- Can photocatalytic and magnetic nanoparticles be a threat to aquatic detrital food webs?. Heredity. 2021
- Transcriptomics reveals the action mechanisms and cellular targets of citrate-coated silver nanoparticles in a ubiquitous aquatic fungus. Environmental Pollution. 2021
- Biochemical and functional responses of stream invertebrate shredders to post-wildfire contamination. Environmental Pollution. 2020
- Effects of metal nanoparticles on freshwater rotifers may persist across generations. Aquatic Toxicology. 2020
- Fungistatic effect of agrochemical and pharmaceutical fungicides on non-target aquatic decomposers does not translate into decreased fungi- or invertebrate-mediated decomposition. Heredity. 2020
- Legacy of Summer Drought on Autumnal Leaf Litter Processing in a Temporary Mediterranean Stream. Ecosystems. 2020
- The Increase in Temperature Overwhelms Silver Nanoparticle Effects on the Aquatic Invertebrate Limnephilus sp.. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 2020
- Proteomic responses to silver nanoparticles vary with the fungal ecotype. Heredity. 2020
- Nanosilver impacts on aquatic microbial decomposers and litter decomposition assessed as pollution-induced community tolerance (PICT). Environmental Science-Nano. 2020
- Nanosilver impacts on aquatic microbial decomposers and litter decomposition assessed as pollution-induced community tolerance (PICT). Environmental Science-Nano. 2020
- Riparian land use and stream habitat regulate water quality. Limnologica. 2020
- Wildfire impacts on freshwater detrital food webs depend on runoff load, exposure time and burnt forest type. Heredity. 2019
- Intraspecific diversity affects stress response and the ecological performance of a cosmopolitan aquatic fungus. Fungal Ecology. 2019
- Proteomics and antioxidant enzymes reveal different mechanisms of toxicity induced by ionic and nanoparticulate silver in bacteria. Environmental Science-Nano. 2019
- Effects of intrapopulation phenotypic traits of invasive crayfish on leaf litter processing. Hydrobiologia. 2018
- Microbial decomposition is highly sensitive to leaf litter emersion in a permanent temperate stream. Heredity. 2018
- Temperature modulates AgNP impacts on microbial decomposer activity. Heredity. 2017
- Responses of microbial decomposers to drought in streams may depend on the environmental context. Environmental Microbiology Reports. 2017
- Taxa-area relationship of aquatic fungi on deciduous leaves. Antibiotics. 2017
- New climatic targets against global warming: Will the maximum 2 °c temperature rise affect estuarine benthic communities. Acta Cytologica. 2017
- Does the developmental stage and composition of riparian forest stand affect ecosystem functioning in streams?. Heredity. 2017
- Effects of invasive aquatic carrion on soil chemistry and terrestrial microbial communities. Biological Invasions. 2017
- Effects of invasive clam (Corbicula fluminea) die-offs on the structure and functioning of freshwater ecosystems. Freshwater Biology. 2017
- Environmental drivers are more important for structuring fungal decomposer communities than the geographic distance between streams. Limnetica. 2017
- How do physicochemical properties influence the toxicity of silver nanoparticles on freshwater decomposers of plant litter in streams?. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2017
- Spring stimulates leaf decomposition in moderately eutrophic streams. Aquatic Sciences. 2017
- Enzymatic biomarkers can portray nanoCuO-induced oxidative and neuronal stress in freshwater shredders. Aquatic Toxicology. 2016
- Ethanol and phenanthrene increase the biomass of fungal assemblages and decrease plant litter decomposition in streams. Heredity. 2016
- Humic acid can mitigate the toxicity of small copper oxide nanoparticles to microbial decomposers and leaf decomposition in streams. Freshwater Biology. 2016
- Differences in the sensitivity of fungi and bacteria to season and invertebrates affect leaf litter decomposition in a Mediterranean stream. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 2016
- Seasonal Variability May Affect Microbial Decomposers and Leaf Decomposition More Than Warming in Streams. Microbial Ecology. 2016
- Copper and zinc affect the activity of plasma membrane H+-ATPase and thiol content in aquatic fungi. Microbiology. 2016
- Does nutrient enrichment compensate fungicide effects on litter decomposition and decomposer communities in streams?. Aquatic Toxicology. 2016
- Biogeography of aquatic hyphomycetes: Current knowledge and future perspectives. Fungal Ecology. 2016
- Direct and indirect effects of an invasive omnivore crayfish on leaf litter decomposition. Heredity. 2016
- Effects of inter and intraspecific diversity and genetic divergence of aquatic fungal communities on leaf litter decomposition-a microcosm experiment. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 2016
- Effects of the invasive clam Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) on an estuarine microbial community. Heredity. 2016
- Pollution-induced community tolerance (PICT): towards an ecologically relevant risk assessment of chemicals in aquatic systems. Freshwater Biology. 2016
- Structural and functional measures of leaf-associated invertebrates and fungi as predictors of stream eutrophication. Ecological Indicators. 2016
- Microscopy- or DNA-based analyses: Which methodology gives a truer picture of stream-dwelling decomposer fungal diversity?. Fungal Ecology. 2015
- Natural organic matter alters size-dependent effects of nanoCuO on the feeding behaviour of freshwater invertebrate shredders. Heredity. 2015
- Fungi from metal-polluted streams may have high ability to cope with the oxidative stress induced by copper oxide nanoparticles. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 2015
- Eutrophication modulates plant-litter diversity effects on litter decomposition in streams. Freshwater Science. 2015
- Facilitation in the low intertidal: Effects of an invasive species on the structure of an estuarine macrozoobenthic assemblage. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2015
- From water to land: How an invasive clam may function as a resource pulse to terrestrial invertebrates. Heredity. 2015
- Plant litter diversity affects invertebrate shredder activity and the quality of fine particulate organic matter in streams. Marine and Freshwater Research. 2015
- Responses of primary production, leaf litter decomposition and associated communities to stream eutrophication. Environmental Pollution. 2015
- Some new DNA barcodes of aquatic hyphomycete species. Mycoscience. 2015
- Stream-dwelling fungal decomposer communities along a gradient of eutrophication unraveled by 454 pyrosequencing. Fungal Diversity. 2015
- Elevated temperature may intensify the positive effects of nutrients on microbial decomposition in streams. Freshwater Biology. 2014
- Current status of DNA barcoding of aquatic hyphomycetes. Sydowia. 2014
- Effects of Riparian Plant Diversity Loss on Aquatic Microbial Decomposers Become More Pronounced with Increasing Time. Microbial Ecology. 2013
- Temperature alters interspecific relationships among aquatic fungi. Fungal Ecology. 2013
- A decade's perspective on the impact of DNA sequencing on aquatic hyphomycete research. Fungal Biology Reviews. 2013
- Copper oxide nanoparticles can induce toxicity to the freshwater shredder Allogamus ligonifer. Chemosphere. 2012
- Preliminary Insights into the Phylogeography of Six Aquatic Hyphomycete Species. Antibiotics. 2012
- Higher temperature reduces the effects of litter quality on decomposition by aquatic fungi. Freshwater Biology. 2012
- Intraspecific Variation of the Aquatic Fungus Articulospora tetracladia: An Ubiquitous Perspective. Antibiotics. 2012
- Effects of increased temperature and aquatic fungal diversity on litter decomposition. Fungal Ecology. 2012
- Impacts of warming on aquatic decomposers along a gradient of cadmium stress. Environmental Pollution. 2012
- The role of the freshwater shrimp Atyaephyra desmarestii in leaf litter breakdown in streams. Hydrobiologia. 2012
- Can Metal Nanoparticles Be a Threat to Microbial Decomposers of Plant Litter in Streams?. Microbial Ecology. 2011
- Intraspecific traits change biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning under metal stress. Oecologia. 2011
- Effects of Cadmium and Phenanthrene Mixtures on Aquatic Fungi and Microbially Mediated Leaf Litter Decomposition. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2011
- Assessing the dynamic of microbial communities during leaf decomposition in a low-order stream by microscopic and molecular techniques. Microbiological Research. 2010
- Effects of Zn, Fe and Mn on Leaf Litter Breakdown by Aquatic Fungi: a Microcosm Study. International Review of Hydrobiology. 2010
- Functional stability of stream-dwelling microbial decomposers exposed to copper and zinc stress. Freshwater Biology. 2009
- Responses of Aquatic Fungal Communities on Leaf Litter to Temperature-Change Events. International Review of Hydrobiology. 2009
- The Role of Early Fungal Colonizers in Leaf-Litter Decomposition in Portuguese Streams Impacted by Agricultural Runoff. International Review of Hydrobiology. 2009
- Microbial Decomposer Communities Are Mainly Structured by Trophic Status in Circumneutral and Alkaline Streams. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2009
- Mixtures of zinc and phosphate affect leaf litter decomposition by aquatic fungi in streams. Heredity. 2009
- High Diversity of Fungi may Mitigate the Impact of Pollution on Plant Litter Decomposition in Streams. Microbial Ecology. 2008
- Copper and zinc mixtures induce shifts in microbial communities and reduce leaf litter decomposition in streams. Freshwater Biology. 2008
- Responses of antioxidant defenses to Cu and Zn stress in two aquatic fungi. Heredity. 2007
- Aquatic hyphomycete diversity and identity affect leaf litter decomposition in microcosms. Oecologia. 2006
- Effects of Zinc on Leaf Decomposition by Fungi in Streams: Studies in Microcosms. Microbial Ecology. 2004
- Contribution of fungi and bacteria to leaf litter decomposition in a polluted river. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2004
- Assessing structural and functional ecosystem condition using leaf breakdown : studies on a polluted river. 1. Leaf breakdown rates of Alnus glutinosa were determined and the structure of decomposer assemblages associated with leaves were analysed to assess the effect of pollution on the ecological condition of the Ave River (Northwest Portugal). 2. Increase in organic and inorganic nutrients was associated with an increase in density and a decrease in richness of macroinvertebrates, a dramatic decline . 2003
- Leaf breakdown rates : a measure of water quality?. International Review of Hydrobiology. 2001
capítulo de livro
- Linking microbial decomposer diversity to plant litter decomposition and associated processes in streams 2021
- Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) in microbial ecology: insights from freshwaters 2012
- Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) in Microbial Ecology - Insights from Freshwaters 2012
- The Use of Attached Microbial Communities to Assess Ecological Risks of Pollutants in River Ecosystems: The Role of Heterotrophs 2012
- When Microscopic Organisms Inform General Ecological Theory 2010
- Forest-based solutions increase ecosystem services provision in the Cávado River Basin (NW Portugal) 2023
- Aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem services: from biophysical survey to citizen´s perception 2023
- The Ocean Decade Molecular and Environmental Biology Center (CBMA) - River2Ocean Project. 2023
- Management and conservation of aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem services: from citizen´s perception to watershed governance 2022
- Evidence of Micro- and Macroplastic Toxicity Along a Stream Detrital Food-Chain 2022
- Management and conservation of aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem services: from citizen's perception to watershed governance 2022
- Can Microplastics from Personal Care Products Affect Microbial Decomposition of Plant Litter in Streams? An Insight to the Mixed Effects of Microplastics and Silver Nanoparticles 2021
- Ecophysiological responses of aquatic hyphomycetes to climate change related stressors 2020
- Are aquatic fungi able to evaluate microplastic impacts on leaf litter decomposition process? 2020
- Is plastic a real threat to freshwater detrital ecosystem? A trophic approach 2020
- Responses of Riparian Vegetation NDVI to changes in water availability in heterogenous ecosystems 2020
- Temperature and inter-specific competition alter the impacts of an invasive crayfish on a key ecological process 2020
- Omics reveal distinct mechanisms of toxicity of nanoparticulate and ionic silver in microbes 2019
- Remote sensing in post-fire impact assessment and vegetation recovery monitoring 2019
- The CLIMALERT project: Climate alert smart system for sustainable water and agriculture 2019
- Direct and indirect effects of the invasive crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus on leaf decomposition and invertebrate communitites 2018
- Drought effects on freshwater macroinvertebrate community in the Mediterranean: ecological network analysis as an innovative tool for bioassessment 2018
- Freshwater fungal diversity along an anthropogenic gradient in Hawaiian streams 2018
- Proteomic responses to nanoparticulate and ionic silver in freshwater microbes with different background 2018
- Proteomic responses to nanoparticulate and ionic silver in fungi from metal-polluted and non-polluted streams 2017
- Effects of nutrient enrichment and multitrophic species diversity on detrital food webs 2016
- Proteomic analysis of aquatic microbial responses to nanoparticulate and ionic silver 2016
- Proteomic responses to nanoparticulate and ionic silver in aquatic fungi 2016
- Effects of nutrient enrichment and litter quality on leaf-litter associated fungi in streams 2015
- Responses of antioxidant enzymes to nanoparticulate and ionic silver in aquatic microbes 2015
- Eutrophication alters responses of stream-dwelling microbial decomposers to drought 2014
- Nutrient enrichment affects microbial decomposition and invertebrate feeding activity more than fungal diversity 2014
- A case of using traditional and molecular approaches to assess the effects of season and eutrophication on fungal communities on plant litter decomposing in streams 2014
- Seasonal variability overwhelms effects of global warming on microbial decomposers in streams 2013
- Can summer drought affect leaf decomposition when the water flow returns to the stream? 2013
- Is intraspecific diversity of aquatic hyphomycetes on decomposing leaves in streams related to season? 2013
- New DNA barcodes for 8 aquatic hyphomycete species 2013
- Effects of riparian plant diversity loss on detritus food webs become more pronounced at longer times 2013
- Science from 3 to 11 - Experimental activities in Biology and Environment 2013
- Preliminary Insights into the phylogeography of six aquatic hyphomycete species 2012
- An ubiquitous perspective of the intraspecific diversity of the aquatic fungus Articulospora tetracladia 2012
- Intraspecific diversity affects plant-litter decomposition in freshwaters 2012
- Intraspecific diversity of A. tetracladia affects plant-litter decomposition in freshwaters 2012
- Biogeography of aquatic fungi: preliminary conclusions 2012
- Humic acids and nanoparticle size change the toxicity of nano CuO to freshwater microbes and invertebrates 2012
- Long-term effects of riparian-plant diversity loss on a stream invertebrate shredder 2012
- Does the riparian stand and age affect ecosystem functioning in streams? 2012
- Effects of riparian plant diversity on leaf-litter decomposition along an eutrophication gradient 2012
- Effects of nano CuO on aquatic decomposers: from community to cellular responses 2012
- Intraspecific variation of the aquatic fungus Articulospora tetracladia : an ubiquitous perspective 2012
- Plant-litter decomposition by microbes increases with temperature and nutrient load in streams 2012
- Polyhydroxyl fullerene can mitigate toxicity effects of cadmium on yeasts 2012
- Responses of freshwater microbial decomposers to copper oxide nanoparticles 2012
- Structural and functional measures of invertebrate and fungal communities as predictors of eutrophication 2012
- Temperature changes interspecific relationships among aquatic hyphomycetes 2011
- Effects of nutrient enrichment and riparian vegetation on litter decomposition in streams 2011
- Copper oxide nanoparticles induce oxidative stress, DNA strand breaks and laccase activity in aquatic fungi 2011
- Effects of ethanol and phenanthrene on litter decomposition by aquatic fungal assemblages 2011
- Eutrophication alters non-additive effects of plant-litter diversity in streams 2011
- Impacts of CuO nanoparticles on aquatic detritus foodwebs 2011
- Long-term effects of riparian vegetation diversity on stream-dwelling microbes and litter decomposition 2011
- Nano copper oxide is a threat to an endemic shredder of the Iberian Peninsula 2011
- ITS barcodes as unambiguous discriminators of strains of Articulospora tetracladia 2010
- Can microbial decomposers of plant litter be used as bioindicators of anthropogenic stress in streams? 2009
- Fungal communities in sediments from streams with contrasting water chemistry 2009
- Responses of aquatic microbial decomposers to inorganic nutrients in a warming scenario 2009
- High diversity of fungi may mitigate the impact of pollution on plant litter decomposition in streams 2009
- The role of early colonizers in leaf-litter decomposition in streams 2008
- Effects of heavy metals on leaf litter breakdown by aquatic fungi: a microcosm study 2007
- Mixtures of zinc and phosphate affect leaf litter decomposition by aquatic fungi 2007
- Assessment of fungal biomass based on Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis band intensities 2006
- Diversity and activity of fungi and bacteria on decomposing leaves in a low-order stream 2006
- Effects of copper and zinc mixtures on leaf decomposition by freshwater fungi and bacteria 2006
- Fungal diversity may be more sensitive to pollution than fungal biomass and leaf decomposition in streams 2006
- Copper and zinc stress in aquatic fungi: the role of cellular antioxidant defences 2004
- Effects of aquatic hyphomycete species richness and identity on leaf mass loss, fungal biomass and conidium production 2004
- Contribution of fungi and bacteria to leaf litter decomposition in a polluted river 2004
- Effects of zinc on leaf decomposition by fungi in streams : studies in microcosms 2004
- The role of invertebrates and aquatic fungi on the decomposition of eucalyptus leaves in streams 2004
- Aquatic Hyphomycete Taxonomic Relatedness Translates into Lower Genetic Divergence of the Nitrate Reductase Gene (GenBank Accession numbers: OK605570-OK605582; OK037615-OK037621; MZ812093-MZ812109))
- DNA barcodes of aquatic hyphomycete species (GenBank Accession numbers: KF952606-KF952741)
- Fungal Identity Mediates the Impacts of Multiple Stressors on Freshwater Ecosystems
- GenBank Accession numbers: JX089461-JX089572 (111 ITS sequences), under the project "Preliminary insights into the phylogeography of six aquatic hyphomycete species"
- GenBank Accession numbers: KF730795-KF730849 (55 ITS sequences), under the project "New DNA barcodes for 9 aquatic hyphomycete species"
- GenBank Accession numbers: KF730795-KF730849 (55 ITS sequences), under the project "New DNA barcodes for 9 aquatic hyphomycete species"
- GenBank Accession numbers: JF895397-JF895437 (41 ITS sequences), under the project "Intraspecific variation of the aquatic fungus Articulospora tetracladia: an ubiquitous perspective"
- GenBank Accession numbers: KF952606-KF952741 (136 ITS sequences), under the project "DNA barcoding of aquatic fungi"
- GenBank Accession numbers: KF952606-KF952741 (136 ITS sequences), under the project "DNA barcoding of aquatic fungi"
- Intraspecific traits change biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning under metal stress (Genbank accession GU938614-GU938617)
- Melhores práticas para a gestão das bacias dos Rios Minho, Lima e Cávado
- Melhores práticas para a gestão das bacias dos Rios Minho, Lima e Cávado
- Melhores práticas para a gestão das bacias dos Rios Minho, Lima e Cávado
- New ITS rDNA barcodes clarify phylogenetic relationships and biogeography of aquatic hyphomycetes
poster de conferência