publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Changing Conditions: Global Warming-related Hazards and Vulnerable Rural Populations in Mediterranean Europe. Urban Science. 2024
- Influence of conditioning of clay bricks over shear strength of brick masonry. Journal of Building Engineering. 2024
- An ICT-Enhanced Methodology for the Characterization of Vernacular Built Heritage at a Regional Scale. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2024
- Exploring portable ultrasonic pulse velocity avails in the conservation assessment of plaster sculptures in museum environment. Estudos De Conservação E Restauro. 2024
- Influence of air entrainers on the properties of hydrated lime mortars. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2023
- Comparison of different numerical modelling approaches for the assessment of the out-of-plane behaviour of two-leaf stone masonry walls. Engineering Structures. 2023
- Structural behavior of steel tie connections in masonry veneer walls: Proposal of a simplified approach for practice. Infrastructures. 2023
- Experimental quasi-static out-of-plane test of a U-shaped brick masonry wall. Engineering Structures. 2023
- Out-of-Plane Strengthening of Masonry Infills Using Textile Reinforced Mortar (TRM) Technique. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2023
- Morphological and Geometrical Characterization of Historical Churches of Yucatan, Mexico. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2022
- Damage index model and hysteretic viscous damping of masonry infill walls subjected to out-of-plane loadings. Journal of Building Engineering. 2022
- Numerical Simulation of the Tension-Compression Behavior of Tie Connections in Brick Masonry Walls. CivilEng. 2022
- Numerical Modeling of The tension-compression behavior of tie connections in brick masonry walls. Mecânica Experimental. 2022
- Out-of-plane behavior of brick masonry walls: Influence of tie spacing. Mecânica Experimental. 2022
- Physical-mechanical characterization of limestones from Yucatan churches, Mexico. Journal of Building Engineering. 2021
- Thermal effect of high temperatures on the physical and mechanical properties of a granite used in UNESCO World Heritage sites in north Portugal. Journal of Building Engineering. 2021
- Innovative systems for earthquake-resistant masonry infill walls: Characterization of materials and masonry assemblages. Journal of Building Engineering. 2021
- Updating mechanical properties of two-leaf stone masonry walls through experimental data and Bayesian inference. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2021
- Brick masonry veneer walls: An overview. Journal of Building Engineering. 2017
- Experimental assessment of the mechanical behaviour of ties on brick veneers anchored to brick masonry infills. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2017
- Análise comparada do desempenho acústico e térmico da solução de divisória interior em Alvenaria de Tijolo Cerâmico com soluções de alvenaria alternativas. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2015
- Análise comparada dos aspetos funcionais associados com a montagem entre a solução de divisória interior em alvenaria de tijolo cerâmico com soluções de alvenaria alternativas. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2015
- Seismic-resistant building practices resulting from local seismic culture. Seismic Retrofitting: Learning from Vernacular Architecture . 2015
- Material compósito à base de gesso reforçado com fibras : caracterização mecânica 2014
- Mechanical behavior of gypsum and cork based composite material. Key Engineering Materials. 2013
- Proposal of a design model for masonry walls subjected to in-plane loading. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2013
- Seismic behaviour and retrofitting of timber frame walls. Advanced Materials Research. 2013
- Caracterização de materiais compósitos à base de gesso FGD 2012
- Nondestructive evaluation of granite building stones and relation with key mechanical parameters. Harmonising Rock Engineering and the Environment - Proceedings of the 12th ISRM International Congress on Rock Mechanics. 2012
- Relation between tensile and compressive engineering properties of granites. Harmonising Rock Engineering and the Environment - Proceedings of the 12th ISRM International Congress on Rock Mechanics. 2012
- Assessment of the flexural behavior of concrete block masonry beams. Key Engineering Materials. 2011
- Influence of the geometry of units and of the filling of vertical joints in the compressive and tensile strength of masonry. Key Engineering Materials. 2010
- Experimental shear behavior of stone masonry joints. Structural Analysis of Historic Construction: Preserving Safety and Significance - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historic Construction, SAHC08. 2008
artigo de conferência
- Experimental analysis of unreinforced masonry buildings through the quasi-static test: a half-scale two-story modern masonry building 2023
- A comparative analysis of sustainable management strategies for the conservation vernacular settlements 2023
- Experimental investigation on the salt influence on the hygric performance of granites 2023
- Influencia de los tratados históricos de la construcción en las proporciones geométricas de los edificios históricos religiosos de México 2023
- Numerical simulation of the salt decay in masonry: evaluation of the potential influencing factors 2023
- Physical-mechanical properties of a granite used in the UNESCO World Heritage of the north of Portugal after high-temperature pretreatment 2023
- Territorios ante el cambio: Despoblamento rural en la region mediterrânea Europea 2023
- The 19th and 20th century interventions on the dormitory wing of the Jerónimos monastery in Lisbon: an account with focus on the constructive aspects 2023
- The Revival of Unreinforced Masonry Constructions: Structural Seismic Analysis Through Quasi-Static Test 2023
- Experimental analysis of the out-of-plane behaviour of a brick masonry wall: preliminary results 2022
- A cost-effective method to measure delayed deformations of building materials 2022
- A database of mechanical properties for two-leaf stone masonry walls updated by means of Bayesian inference 2022
- Comparison of different modelling approaches for the assessment of the out-of-plane behaviour of two-leaf stone masonry walls 2022
- Cost-Effective Method to Measure Delayed Deformations of Building Materials 2022
- Influencia del acondicionamiento de ladrillos de arcilla sobre la resistencia a la adherencia por corte de la albañilería 2022
- .Quasi-static test on a half-scale two-story urm building: mechanical characterization of materials 2021
- Advanced numerical prediction of unreinforced U-shaped masonry walls loaded out-of-plane 2021
- Experimental evaluation of weathering of the brick masonry to freeze and thaw cycle 2021
- Inspection, Diagnosis and Modelling of Azurara Church in the North of Portugal 2021
- Out-of-plane lateral capacity of unreinforced masonry walls: a predictive analysis before experimentation 2021
- Experimental analysis of brick masonry veneers walls under out-of-plane loading 2020
- Seismic response of an unreinforced masonry building with structural irregularity; blind prediction by means of pushover analysis 2020
- Physical and chemical characterization of historical masonry materials from Yucatan churches, Mexico 2019
- Modelling strategies for earthquake resisting techniques enhancing Wall-to-wall connections 2019
- Modelling strategies for traditional earthquake resistant solutions enhancing wall-to-wall connections 2019
- Nonlinear static analysis of an asymmetric unreinforced masonry building using macro-element modelling approach 2019
- Prior in-plane damage on the out-of-plane response of masonry infills 2019
- Seismic performance of Portuguese masonry infill walls: From traditional systems to new solutions. COMPDYN Proceedings. 2019
- Out-of-plane behaviour of stone masonry walls built with earthquake resistant techniques: experimental characterization 2019
- Out-of-plane behaviour of stone masonry walls built with earthquake resistant techniques: numerical modelling 2019
- Geometrical characterization of Yucatan churches 2019
- In-Plane Strengthening of Masonry Infills using TRM Technique 2018
- Seismic vulnerability assessment method for vernacular architecture 2018
- Numerical modelling of the cyclic behaviour of timber-framed structures using OpenSees 2017
- Survey to architects: challenges to inspection and diagnosis in historical residential buildings 2017
- Assessment of the seismic vulnerability of traditional Bhutanese buildings 2016
- Avaliação experimental de um sistema construtivo de paredes de enchimento em alvenaria para resistir à ação sísmica 2016
- Avaliação experimental do comportamento de ligadores metálicos ao corte 2016
- Caracterização de paredes de pedra de junta seca a ações para fora do plano 2016
- Caracterização experimental do comportamento de ligadores em paredes de tijolo face à vista à tração e à compressão 2016
- Experimental evaluation of a constructive system for earthquake resisting masonry enclosure walls 2016
- Experimental study on the mechanical performance of steel ties for brick masonry veneers 2016
- Influence of the salt crystallization in the durability of granites used in vernacular masonry buildings 2016
- Modelação numérica do comportamento de ligadores metálicos à tração em paredes de tijolo face à vista 2016
- Out-of-plane response of masonry infilled RC frames: Effect of workmanship and opening 2016
- Performance of textile reinforced mortar as strengthening solution of masonry infill walls to seismic action 2016
- Seismic behavior of an old masonry building in Vila Real de Santo António, Portugal 2016
- Sistemas inovadores de paredes de enchimento em alvenaria para resistir à ação sísmica – validação experimental de um sistema construtivo na Universidade do Minho 2016
- Case study: Assessment of the seismic resilience of traditional Bhutanese buildings 2015
- Evaluation of seismic vulnerability assessment parameters for Portuguese vernacular constructions with nonlinear numerical analysis 2015
- Experimental analysis of the cyclic response of traditional timber joints and their influence on the seismic capacity of timber frame structures 2015
- In-plane and out-of plane experimental characterization of rc masonry infilled frames 2015
- Out-of-plane behavior of masonry infill walls 2015
- Paredes de alvenaria de enchimento e a ação sísmica: reabilitação e inovação 2015
- Seismic behaviour analysis and retrofitting of a row building 2015
- Seismic behaviour assessment of vernacular isolated buildings 2015
- Seismic behaviour of portuguese rammed earth buildings 2015
- Seismic behaviour of vernacular architecture 2015
- Seismic vulnerability of vernacular buildings in urban centres: the case of Vila Real de Santo António 2015
- Seismic vulnerability of vernacular buildings in urban centres—the case of Vila Real de Santo António 2015
- Seismic-resistant building practices resulting from local seismic culture 2015
- Structural conservation and vernacular construction 2015
- Timber frames as an earthquake resisting system in Portugal 2015
- Mechanical characterization of traditional timber connections: experimental results 2014
- The confining effect of masonry infill on the seismic behaviour of traditional timber frame walls 2014
- An overview of seismic strengthening techniques traditionally applied in vernacular architecture 2014
- Análise do contributo dos sistemas construtivos em alvenaria estrutural para a sustentabilidade dos edifícios 2014
- Architectural heritage of the north eastern Portugal : history, construction and valorisation 2014
- Caracterização experimental do comportamento de aderência de varões compósitos têxteis 2014
- Comportamento sísmico de edifícios assimétricos de alvenaria estrutural : ensaios na mesa sísmica 2014
- Comportamento sísmico de paredes de alvenaria de fachada : uma breve revisão 2014
- Deterioration of the granitic stone at Misericórdia chapel in Murça (northern Portugal) 2014
- Edifícios pombalinos : comportamento e reforço 2014
- Edifícios pombalinos: comportamento e reforço 2014
- Experimental analysis on the functional properties of rendering mortars with superficial addition of TiO2 nanoparticles 2014
- Experimental and numerical analysis of the seismic performance of concrete block masonry buildings 2014
- Experimental characterization of gypsum-cork composite material reinforced with textile fibers 2014
- In-situ testing of stone masonry : a review of the state of the art 2014
- Influence of the freeze and thaw in the durability of granites used in vernacular masonry buildings 2014
- Mechanical characterization of traditional timber connections : experimental results 2014
- Numerical modelling of masonry-infilled reinforced concrete frames : model calibration and parametric study 2014
- Prediction of the mechanical compressive behavior of granite using intelligent tools 2014
- Seismic-V : vernacular seismic culture in Portugal 2014
- Strenhgtening of masonry infill walls under out-of-plane loading with textile reinforced mortar (TRM) 2014
- Study of the behaviour of reinforced masonry wallets subjected to diagonal compression through numerical modelling 2014
- The performance of ultrasonic pulse velocity on the prediction of tensile granite behaviour : a study based on artificial neural networks 2014
- Development of braided fibrous materials for retrofitting masonry infil walls 2013
- Development of new braided fibrous materials for retrofitting of masonry walls 2013
- An overview on the seismic behaviour of timber frame structures 2013
- Development and experimental validation of building systems for masonry housing in seismic areas 2013
- Development of a new test for determination of tensile strength of concrete blocks 2013
- Flexural behaviour of brick masonry retrofitted with braided textile meshes 2013
- Influence of infill on the cyclic behaviour of traditional half-timbered walls 2013
- Modal identification and stiffness degradation of concrete block masonry buildings 2013
- Modern masonry structures and earthquakes : reinforced or unreinforced? 2013
- Seismic performance of traditional half-timbered walls : experimental results 2013
- Use of textile fibres in the reinforcement of a gypsum-cork based composite material 2013
- Development of braided fibrous materials for retrofitting non-loadbearing masonry walls 2012
- Retrofitting masonry infill walls with novel fibrous structures 2012
- Assessment of the seismic behaviour of unreinforced : traditional half-timbered walls 2012
- Assessment of the seismic behaviour of unreinforced: traditional half-timbered walls 2012
- Experimental investigation on the seismic behaviour of new concrete block masonry buildings 2012
- Implementação de uma solução em alvenaria estrutural de blocos de betão 2012
- Influence of distinct reinforcing schemes on the shear ressistance of masonry 2012
- Nondestructive evaluation of granite building stones and relation with key mechanical parameters 2012
- Overview of different strengthening techniques applied on walls used in historical structures 2012
- Pushover analysis of a modern aggregate of masonry buildings through macro-element modelling 2012
- Relation between tensile and compressive engineering properties of granites 2012
- Retrofitting masonry infill walls with textile reinforced mortar 2012
- Seismic behaviour of traditional half-timbered walls : cyclic tests and strengthening solutions 2012
- Seismic response analysis of concrete block masonry buildings : an experimental study using shaking table 2012
- Seismic response analysis of concrete block masonry buildings: An experimental study using shaking table 2012
- The engineering design of the Tua rail track : evidence from the archives 2012
- Validação experimental de uma solução eco-eficiente de paredes divisórias 2012
- A brief overview on the retrofitting possibilities of masonry infill walls 2011
- Analysis of weathering and internal texture on the engineering properties of granites 2011
- As paredes divisórias num sistema integrado de alvenaria estrutural em BTC 2011
- In-plane shear behaviour of traditional timber walls 2011
- Paredes divisórias, passado, presente e futuro 2011
- Proposta de uma solução inovadora e eco-eficiente para paredes divisórias 2011
- Caracterização de materiais compósitos à base de gesso FGD 2010
- Caracterização do comportamento diferido do betão de barragens. Aplicação à barragem de Alqueva 2010
- FGD gypsum based composite for non-structural applications in construction 2010
- Innovative masonry blocks for partition walls 2010
- Desenvolvimento de um bloco cerâmico para a construção sustentável 2008
- Evaluation of wood density by means of distinct NDT 2008
- Experimental shear behavior of stone masonry joints 2008
- Innovative solutions for masonry structures : conception, testing and application 2008
- Monastery of Salzedas (Portugal): Intervention in the cloister and information management 2008
- Validation of masonry systems for in-plane lateral loading using truss reinforcement 2008
- Alvenaria armada : soluções inovadoras em Portugal 2007
- Analysis of weathering and internal texture on the engineering properties of granites 2007
- Composition study of a mortar appropriate for masonry cavities and joints 2007
- Cylic behavior of truss type reinforced concrete masonry walls 2007
- Prediction of the mechanical properties of granites by ultrasonic pulse velocity and Schmidt hammer hardness 2007
- Soluções construtivas em alvenaria 2007
- Analytical modeling of dry stone masonry wall under monotonic and reversed cyclic loading 2006
- Assessment of the in-plane shear strength of stone masonry walls by simplified models 2006
- Characterization of the fracture surfaces obtained in direct tensile tests 2006
- Current experimental investigations on modern masonry at University of Minho 2006
- Developing innovative systems for reinforced masonry walls 2006
- Experimental investigations on dry stone masonry walls 2006
- Numerical modelling of deformation behaviour of dry-stack stone masonry 2006
- Evaluation of the in-plane seismic performance of stone masonry walls 2005
- Improving the seismic resistance of cultural heritage buildings 2005
- Análise experimental do comportamento de paredes de alvenaria de pedra não reforçada sob acções cíclicas no plano 2004
- Experimental properties of granites 2004
- On the cyclic behaviour of stone dry masonry joints 2004
artigo de revista
- Numerical Simulation of the Tension–Compression Behavior of Tie Connections in Brick Masonry Walls. CivilEng. 2022
- Overview on the Nonlinear Static Procedures and Performance-Based Approach on Modern Unreinforced Masonry Buildings with Structural Irregularity. Bioengineering. 2021
- Selection of Core Indicators for the Sustainable Conservation of Built Heritage. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2021
- Pushover analysis of unreinforced irregular masonry buildings: Lessons from different modeling approaches. Engineering Structures. 2020
- Seismic Vulnerability and Loss Assessment of Vila Real de Santo António, Portugal: Application of a Novel Method. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2020
- Development of a Numerical Tool for the Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Vernacular Architecture. Journal of Earthquake Engineering. 2019
- Comportamento fora do plano de paredes de alvenaria de pedra: análise experimental e numérica. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2019
- Effects of extreme environmental exposure conditions on the mechanical behaviour of traditional carpentry joints. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- A vulnerability index formulation for the seismic vulnerability assessment of vernacular architecture. Engineering Structures. 2019
- Assessment of earthquake resistant techniques in the out-of-plane behaviour of stone masonry walls. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2019
- Influence of traditional earthquake-resistant techniques on the out-of-plane behaviour of stone masonry walls: Experimental and numerical assessment. Engineering Structures. 2019
- Macro-modelling approach for assessment of out-of-plane behavior of brick masonry infill walls. Engineering Structures. 2019
- Use of post-earthquake damage data to calibrate, validate and compare two seismic vulnerability assessment methods for vernacular architecture. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2019
- Out-of-plane behavior of stone masonry walls: Experimental and numerical analysis. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2018
- Numerical modelling of the cyclic behavior of timber-framed structures. Engineering Structures. 2018
- Assessment of the efficiency of traditional earthquake resistant techniques for vernacular architecture. Engineering Structures. 2018
- Assessment of the influence of horizontal diaphragms on the seismic performance of vernacular buildings. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 2018
- Experimental Out-Of-Plane Behavior of Brick Masonry Infilled Frames. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2018
- Experimental seismic performance assessment of asymmetric masonry buildings. Engineering Structures. 2018
- In-plane behavior of cavity masonry infills and strengthening with textile reinforced mortar. Engineering Structures. 2018
- Multi-criteria analysis of rehabilitation techniques for traditional timber frame walls in Pombalino buildings (Lisbon). Journal of Building Engineering. 2018
- Prediction of the mechanical properties of granites under tension using DM techniques. Geomechanics and Engineering. 2018
- Traditional earthquake resistant techniques for vernacular architecture and local seismic cultures: A literature review. Journal of Cultural Heritage. 2017
- Influence of the freeze-thaw cycles on the physical and mechanical properties of granites. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2016
- Lessons learned from the testing of RC frames with masonry infills and proposals for new solutions. Mauerwerk. 2016
- Numerically based proposals for the stiffness and strength of masonry infills with openings in reinforced concrete frames. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 2016
- Performance evaluation of traditional timber joints under cyclic loading and their influence on the seismic response of timber frame structures. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2016
- Análise comparada do desempenho acústico e térmico da solução de divisória interior em alvenaria de tijolo cerâmico com soluções de alvenaria alternativas. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2015
- Análise comparada dos aspetos funcionais associados com a montagem entre a solução de divisória interior em alvenaria de tijolo cerâmico com soluções de alvenaria alternativas. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2015
- Application of near surface mounted (NSM) strengthening technique to traditional timber frame walls. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- Evaluation of the performance of recycled textile fibres in the mechanical behaviour of a gypsum and cork composite material. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- Experimental assessment of an innovative strengthening material for brick masonry infills. Composite Structures. 2015
- Seismic behaviour of traditional timber frame walls: experimental results on unreinforced walls. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 2015
- Material compósito à base de gesso reforçado com fibras : caracterização mecânica. Engenharia Civil. 2014
- Assessment of compressive behavior of concrete masonry prisms partially filled by general mortar. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2014
- Excellent bonding behaviour of novel surface-tailored fibre composite rods with cementitious matrix. Bulletin of Materials Science. 2014
- Full-Scale Experimental Testing of Retrofitting Techniques in Portuguese “Pombalino” Traditional Timber Frame Walls. Journal of Earthquake Engineering. 2014
The evaluation of the thermal behaviour of a mortar based brick masonry wall coated with TiO
2 nanoparticles: An experimental assessment towards energy efficient buildings. Energy and Buildings. 2014 - Proposal of an innovative solution for partition walls : mechanical, thermal and acoustic validation. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Experimental investigation on the seismic performance of masonry buildings using shaking table testing. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 2013
- In-plane shear behaviour of traditional timber walls. Engineering Structures. 2013
- Numerical modelling of non-confined and confined masonry walls. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Proposal of a design model for masonry walls subjected to in-plane loading. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2013
- In-plane shear behaviour of traditional timber walls. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2012
- Caracterização de materiais compósitos à base de gesso FGD. Mecânica Experimental. 2012
- Experimental analysis of reinforced concrete block masonry spandrels using pre-fabricated planar trussed bars. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2012
- Modelling the compressive mechanical behaviour of granite and sandstone historical building stones. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2012
- Influence of aggregates grading and water/cement ratio in workability and hardened properties of mortars. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2011
- Numerical analysis of concrete block masonry beams under three point bending. Engineering Structures. 2011
- Parametrical study of masonry walls subjected to in-plane loading through numerical modeling. Engineering Structures. 2011
- Experimental analysis of reinforced concrete block masonry walls subjected to in-plane cyclic loading. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2010
- Vertically perforated clay brick masonry for loadbearing and non-loadbearing masonry walls. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2010
- Compressive behavior of granite: Experimental approach. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2009
- Experimental characterization of stone masonry in shear and compression. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2009
- In-plane experimental behavior of stone masonry walls under cyclic loading. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2009
- Experimental characterization of the tensile behaviour of granites. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2008
- Mode I fracture surface of granite: Measurements and correlations with mechanical properties. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2008
- Ultrasonic evaluation of the physical and mechanical properties of granites. Ultrasonics. 2008
- Comportamento sísmico de paredes de alvenaria de pedra 2006
capítulo de livro
- 3D internal reconstruction of the case -study: Laboratory investigations 2021
- Reinforcement of Traditional Timber Frame Walls. RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports. 2021
- Experimental Characterization of the Deterioration of Masonry Materials Due to Wet and Dry and Salt Crystallization Cycles. RILEM Bookseries. 2019
- Inspection and Analysis of Ancient Monastery of “São Romão de Neiva”, Portugal. RILEM Bookseries. 2019
- Applications of braided structures in civil Engineering 2018
- Applications of braided structures in civil engineering 2016
- Local seismic cultures: The use of timber frame structures in the south of Portugal. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2016
- Numerical Approaches for the Analysis of Timber Frame Walls. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2016
- Paredes de alvenaria de fachada: Soluções e sugestões de melhoria de desempenho 2016
- An Overview on the Seismic Behaviour of Timber Frame Structures 2015
- Applications of Braided Structures in Civil Engineering 2015
- Paredes de alvenaria de enchimento e a ação sísmica: reabilitação e inovação 2015
- Traditional Timber Frame Walls 2015
- Masonry components 2014
- Prediction of the mechanical compressive behavior of granite using intelligent tools 2014
- The design and performance of high-performance perforated fired masonry bricks 2014
- As paredes divisórias num sistema integrado de alvenaria estrutural em BTC 2011
- Nondestructive evaluation of granite building stones and relation with key mechanical parameters 2011
- Proposta de uma solução inovadora e eco-eficiente para paredes divisórias 2011
- Monastery of Salzedas (Portugal) : intervention in the cloister 2008
- Influence of Air Entrainers on the Properties of Hydrated Lime Mortars 2023
- Nonlinear Static Analysis of an Asymmetric Unreinforced Masonry Building Using Macro-Element Modelling Approach 2019
- Physical and chemical characterization of historical masonry materials from Yucatan churches, Mexico 2019
- Seismic vulnerability assessment method for vernacular architecture 2018
- Survey to architects: challenges to inspection and diagnosis in historical residential buildings 2017
- Seminário Reabilitação de Fachadas 2016
- Paredes 2015: Paredes de Alvenaria: Reabilitação e Inovação 2015
- 9th International Masonry Conference 2014
- Análise do contributo dos sistemas construtivos em alvenaria estrutural para a sustentabilidade dos edifícios 2014
- Material compósito à base de gesso reforçado com fibras : caracterização mecânica 2014
- Validação experimental de uma solução eco-eficiente de paredes divisórias 2012
- Paredes divisórias, passado, presente e futuro 2011
- Paredes 2011 - Paredes divisórias: Inovação e Possibilidades Actuais 2011
- 10º Congresso Nacional de Mecânica Experimental 2010
- 8º Congresso Nacional de Mecânica Experimental 2010 2010
- Paredes 2007 - Seminário Paredes de Alvenaria – Inovação e Possibilidades Actuais 2007
- Quasi-static out-of-plane one-way test of a U-shaped unreinforced brick masonry wall
- Cultura sísmica em Portugal 2015
- Preface 2015
- Architectural heritage of the north eastern Portugal: History, construction and valorisation 2014
- The design and mechanical performance of high-performance perforated fired masonry bricks 2014
- Monastery of Salzedas (Portugal) : intervention in the cloister 2008
- Nondestructive testing of wood 2008
- cBloco : manual de dimensionamento estrutural : elementos de apoio ao projecto e execução de elementos de alvernaria estrutural e não estrutural com unidades cBloco 2008