publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- A multi-channel in vitro electrical stimulator for neuroscience 2024
- Valorization of brewer's spent grain using biological treatments and its application in feeds for European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 2022
- UM departamento com ESTATÍSTICA 2020
- Non-invasive fetal RhD genotyping – economic impact on antenatal Rh isoimunization prophylaxis 2015
artigo de conferência
- Contributions for modeling characterization of heavy-tail time series 2019
- On the Hill estimator: a comparison of methods 2015
- A heuristic procedure to estimate the tail index 2014
- Contribuições adicionais para a estimação do índice extremal 2013
- Dependência extremal: risco de contágio de valores extremos 2013
- The extreme value Birnbaum-Saunders model in athletics 2013
- Tail dependence of a pareto process 2012
- Blink 2011
- A method for fitting a pRARMAX model : an application to financial data. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. 2010
- Distribuição estacionária e comportamento extremal de um processo RARMAXp 2008
- Comportamento extremal de um modelo max-autorregressivo e dos respectivos níveis que persistem durante um período de tempo fixo 2006
- Contributos para o estudo da ocorrência prolongada no tempo de níveis extremos 2006
artigo de revista
- Solid-State Fermentation as Green Technology to Improve the Use of Plant Feedstuffs as Ingredients in Diets for European Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) Juveniles. Animals. 2023
- Clustering of extreme values: estimation and application. Asta-Advances in Statistical Analysis. 2023
- The stopped clock model. Dependence Modeling. 2022
- Recent advances in production of lignocellulolytic enzymes by solid-state fermentation of agro-industrial wastes. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry. 2021
- Polyunsaturated fatty acids production by solid-state fermentation on polyurethane foam by Mortierella alpina. Biotechnology Progress. 2021
- Oxidation of pollutants via an electro-Fenton-like process in aqueous media using iron–zeolite modified electrodes. New Journal of Chemistry. 2021
- Tail dependence and smoothness of time series. TEST. 2021
- Bio-enrichment of oilseed cakes by Mortierella alpina under solid-state fermentation. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2020
- UM departamento com ESTATÍSTICA. Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística. 2020
- Dissecting the multivariate extremal index and tail dependence. REVSTAT: Statistical Journal. 2020
- Electrochemical oxidation of amoxicillin on carbon nanotubes and carbon nanotube supported metal modified electrodes. Catalysis Today. 2020
- Multivariate medial correlation with applications. Dependence Modeling. 2020
- Tail dependence under sample failures. Theory of Probability and Its Applications. 2020
- Discussion of “Birnbaum-Saunders distribution: A review of models, analysis, and applications” and a novel financial extreme value data analytics from natural disasters. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry. 2019
- Asymptotic dependence of bivariate maxima. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. 2019
- Study of the Electroreactivity of Amoxicillin on Carbon Nanotube-Supported Metal Electrodes. Chemcatchem. 2018
- Analysis of estimation methods for the extremal index. Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis. 2018
- Estimating the extremal index through local dependence. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. B, Probabilités et Statistiques. 2018
- Heuristic tools for the estimation of the extremal index: a comparison of methods. REVSTAT: Statistical Journal. 2018
- Multidimensional extremal dependence coefficients. Statistics and Probability Letters. 2018
- A new estimator for the Pickands dependence function. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods. 2017
- Analyzing the Gaver-Lewis Pareto process under an extremal perspective. Risks. 2017
- The Lawrence-Lewis Pareto process : an extremal approach. Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis. 2016
- A study of the Jackknife method in the estimation of the extremal index. South African Statistical Journal. 2016
- Estimating multivariate extremal dependence: a new proposal. Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics. 2016
- Estimating the coefficient of asymptotic tail independence: a comparison of methods. Metodoloski Zvezki. 2016
- Extreme value Birnbaum-Saunders regression models applied to environmental data. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA). 2016
- Estimating the extremal index through the tail dependence concept. Discussiones Mathematicae: Probability and Statistics. 2015
- Estimating the tail index: another algorithmic method. Probstat Forum. 2015
- Extremes of scale mixtures of multivariate time series. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 2015
- Extremal behavior of pMAX processes. Statistics and Probability Letters. 2014
- An analysis of a heuristic procedure to evaluate tail (in)dependence. Journal of Probability and Statistics. 2014
- A study of exponential-type tails applied to Birnbaum-Saunders models. Chilean J. Statist.. 2013
- Extremal (in)dependence of a maximum autoregressive process. Discussiones Mathematicae: Probability and Statistics. 2013
- Extremes of multivariate ARMAX processes. TEST. 2013
- Nonparametric estimation of the tail-dependence coefficient. REVSTAT: Statistical Journal. 2013
- On the tail index estimation of an autoregressive Pareto process. Discussiones Mathematicae: Probability and Statistics. 2013
- Parameter estimation and dependence characterization of the MAR(1) process. Probstat Forum. 2012
- On extremal dependence of block vectors. Kybernetika. 2012
- On an extreme value version of the Birnbaum-Saunders distribution. REVSTAT: Statistical Journal. 2012
- Fragility index of block tailed vectors. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 2012
- On extremal dependence : some contributions. TEST. 2012
- On the extremal behavior of a Pareto process : an alternative for ARMAX modeling. Kybernetika. 2012
- Tail dependence between order statistics. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 2012
- The extreme value Birnbaum-Saunders model, its moments and an application in biometry. Biometrical Letters. 2012
- On tail dependence : a characterization for first-order max-autoregressive processes.. Mathematical Notes. 2011
- Estimation of the parameter of a pARMAX model. REVSTAT: Statistical Journal. 2010
- Asymptotic and pre-asymptotic tail behavior of a power max-autoregressive model. Probstat Forum. 2010
- Modeling rare events through a pRARMAX process. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 2010
- Um método de ajustamento do modelo pRARMAX 2009
- Tail and dependence behaviour of levels that persist for a fixed period of time. Extremes. 2008
capítulo de livro
- Estimating the extremal coefficient: a comparison of methods 2018
- Tail dependence of a pareto process. Studies in Theoretical and Applied Statistics. Selected Papers of the Statistical SocIETies. 2014
- Effect of solid-state fermentation on polyunsaturated fatty acid production by Mortierella alpine 2019
- Effect of solid-state fermentation on polyunsaturated fatty acid production by Mortierella alpina 2019
- Hyperthermia produced by magnetic nanoparticles as an alternative method to control a major foodborne pathogen 2017
- Probabilidades e Estatística II 2014
- Análise de sobrevivência 2012