publicações selecionadas
artigo de conferência
- Entry deregulation, firm organization, and wage inequality 2021
- Human capital, career progress and the business cycle 2021
- The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on labour markets around the world: The case of Portugal 2021
- Financing constraints, executive pay and gender inequality 2019
- Product market competition and gender discrimination 2018
- Workers, firms, mobility and wages[: econometric analyses using linked employer-employee data] 2017
- Demand shocks or mismatch: what’s behind labour mobility? 2011
- Demand shocks or mismatch: what's behind labour mobility? 2010
- The sources of interindustry wage differentials 2010
- The relative importance of demand shifts and match heterogeneity in driving within and between industry job mobility 2009
artigo de revista
- The Relationship Between Gender and Promotion Over the Business Cycle: Does Firm Size Matter?. British Journal of Management. 2022
- Executives’ gender pay gap and financing constraints. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 2021
- Ageing (un)equally and (un)healthily: On the health status of Portuguese people aged 50+. Portuguese Journal of Social Science. 2021
- Entry Deregulation, Firm Organization, and Wage Inequality. International Journal of Industrial Organization. 2021
- Market competition and executive pay: increased competition affects the pay incentives firms provide to their managers and may also affect overall pay structures 2019
- Product market competition and gender discrimination. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 2019
- The effect of competition on executive compensation and incentives: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment. Journal of Human Resources. 2018
- Firm Shutdown During the Financial and the Sovereign Debt Crises: Empirical Evidence from Portugal. International Journal of the Economics of Business. 2017
- Financing constraints and fixed-term employment: Evidence from the 2008-9 financial crisis. European Economic Review. 2017
- Market competition and executive pay. IZA World of Labor . 2015
- Firm entry deregulation, competition and returns to education and skill. European Economic Review. 2014
- Measuring match quality using subjective data. Economics Letters. 2011
- The dynamics of job creation and destruction for university graduates: Why a rising unemployment rate can be misleading. Applied Economics. 2009
- Perfil do trabalhador e da empresa de baixos salários em Portugal 2000
capítulo de livro
- As time goes by: survival analysis as a method to study topics in entrepreneurship 2020
- Employment, turnover and career progress 2016
- Residential mobility, mobility preferences and psychological health 2008
- Promoção no interior das empresas em Portugal : quais os postos de trabalho com maior propensão para a promoção? 2007
- Salário médio em Portugal: retrato atual e evolução recente 2021
- Human capital, career progress and the business cycle 2021
- Entry deregulation, firm organization, and wage inequality 2021
- The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on labour markets around the world: The case of Portugal 2021
- IZA COVID-19 crisis response monitoring: short-run labor market impacts of COVID-19, initial policy measures and beyond 2020
- IZA COVID-19 crisis response monitoring: Portugal (June 2020) 2020
- Entry deregulation, firm organization and wage inequality 2020
- Financing constraints, executive pay and gender inequality 2019
- Product market competition and gender discrimination 2018
- Growing old, unhealthy and unequal: an exploratory study on the health of Portuguese individuals aged 50+ 2017
- Workers, firms, mobility and wages[: econometric analyses using linked employer-employee data] 2017
- Firm shutdown during the financial and sovereign debt crises: empirical evidence from Portugal 2016
- Financing constraints and fixed-term employment contracts: evidence from the 2008-09 financial crisis 2015
- The effect of competition on manager's compensation : evidence from a quasi-natural experiment 2014
- The effect of competition on managers’ compensation : evidence from a quasi-natural experiment 2014
- Firm entry deregulation, competition and returns to education and skill 2013
- Demand shocks or mismatch: what’s behind labour mobility? 2011
- Firms and workers : who fails in times of crisis? 2011
- Demand shocks or mismatch: what's behind labour mobility? 2010
- Measuring match quality using subjective data 2010
- The sources of interindustry wage differentials 2010
- Returns to job mobility : the role of observed and unobserved factors 2009
- The determinants of promotions and firm separations 2009
- The relative importance of demand shifts and match heterogeneity in driving within and between industry job mobility 2009
- The sources of interindustry wage differentials 2009
- Workers, firms, mobility, and wages : econometric anaylsis using matched employer-employee data 2009
- The dynamics of job creation and destruction for University graduates : why a rising unemployment rate can be misleading 2002
- The dynamics of job creation and destruction for University graduates : why a rising unemployment rate can be misleading 2001
- Perfil do trabalhador e da empresa de baixos salários em Portugal 2000
- O salário Médio em Portugal: retrato atual e evolução recente — mensagens principais 2021
- Salário Médio em Portugal: Retrato atual e evolução recente - Sumário executivo 2021
- IZA COVID-19 Crisis response monitoring: The second phase of the crisis 2021
- IZA COVID-19 Crisis response monitoring: Portugal (November 2020) 2020
- IZA COVID-19 Crisis Response Monitoring: Portugal 2020
- Educação e mercado de trabalho em Portugal: retornos e transições 2014
- As principais determinantes do endividamento das PME’s no setor da Primeira Infância em Portugal 2023
- Ciclos económicos: análise de 3 motores da Zona Euro: Alemanha, França e Itália 2021
- Determinantes na transição desemprego - emprego: uma análise baseada no inquérito ao emprego 2021
- O consumo ostentatório e desigualdades de rendimento e seu impacto sobre o crédito ao consumo 2021
- Management practices, manager's characteristics and firm performance 2020
- Crise financeira e decisões de investimento das empresas 2013
- Promoção no interior das empresas em Portugal : quais os postos de trabalho com maior propensão para a promoção? 2003