publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Heterologous expression and structure prediction of a xylanase identified from a compost metagenomic library. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2024
- The influence of the tear film on the intraocular pressure and the corneal biomechanical properties analyzed with the Ocular Response Analyzer. Journal of Optometry. 2024
- A colour Vision Test – Comparing results between computer screens. Acta Ophthalmologica. 2024
- A colour vision test assisted by neural networks. Acta Ophthalmologica. 2024
- Cross-cultural validation into Portuguese of a questionnaire to assess computer vision syndrome in workers exposed to digital devices. Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia. 2024
- Test station to characterize the emission of a LiDAR. Applied Optics. 2024
- Discrimination of natural colors in anomalous trichromacy and the effects of EnChroma and Vino filters. Optics Express. 2023
- Coloured filters can simulate colour deficiency in normal vision but cannot compensate for congenital colour vision deficiency. Acta Cytologica. 2022
- Discrimination of natural colors in anomalous trichromacy is good and does not improve with EnChroma® or Vino™ filters. Optics Express. 2022
- Variações cromáticas em pinturas de Adriano de Sousa Lopes após a remoção de verniz oxidado. Conservar Património. 2020
- Breaking illuminant metamerism using directional spectral variation in natural environments: dichromats might benefit more than trichromats. Journal of Vision. 2019
- Chromatic differences between colours retrieved from RGB and hyperspectral images. Journal of Vision. 2018
- Color statistics underlying preference judgement for art paintings. Journal of Vision. 2018
- Exploring barriers to physical activity faced by people with vision loss. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2018
- Digital Techniques for Documenting and Preserving Cultural Heritage. Proceedings of SPIE. 2017
- Implicit knowledge of the colours of natural scenes matches real colours. Perception. 2016
- Assessing the effects of dynamic luminance contrast noise masking on a colour discrimination task on normal and deuteranomalous observers. Journal of Vision. 2015
- Predicting hue scaling for abnormal color vision with perceptual models of color deficient vision. Perception. 2015
- Robust color constancy with natural scenes in red-green dichromacy. Journal of Vision. 2015
- Testing perceptual models of dichromacy and anomalous trichromacy with a computer-based color-vision test. Journal of Vision. 2015
- The preferred chromatic composition of unfamiliar paintings is similar to original. Perception. 2015
- Psychophysical estimation of the best lighting for commercial counters of fruits and vegetables. 6th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision 2012, CGIV 2012. 2012
- Color diversity index: The effect of chromatic adaptation. Proceedings of SPIE. 2011
- Lighting spectra for the maximum colorfulness. Proceedings of SPIE. 2011
- Chromatic diversity index - An approach based on natural scenes. 5th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision and 12th International Symposium on Multispectral Colour Science 2010, CGIV 2010/MCS'10. 2010
- Chromatic diversity of art paintings under light-emitting diodes. Perception. 2008
- Illuminant spectrum maximizing the number of perceived colors in art paintings. Society for Imaging Science and Technology - 4th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision and 10th International Symposium on Multispectral Colour Science, CGIV 2008/MCS'08. 2008
- The distribution of discernible colours in natural scenes. Perception. 2008
- The number of colors perceived by dichromats when appreciating art paintings under standard illuminants. Society for Imaging Science and Technology - 4th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision and 10th International Symposium on Multispectral Colour Science, CGIV 2008/MCS'08. 2008
- The number of discernible colours perceived by protanomalous and deuteranomalous in natural scenes. Perception. 2008
- Color perception of artistic paintings.. The Spanish Journal of Psychology. 2007
- The colour of the best illumination for appreciation of art paintings is bluish-white. Perception. 2007
- Detecting natural departures from exponential luminance frequency distributions in natural scenes. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2005
- Estimating the best illuminant for art paintings by computing chromatic diversity. Perception. 2005
- Perception of natural images with exponential luminance frequency distributions. Perception. 2005
- Viewing natural scenes through colored filters. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2005
- Chromatic diversity of natural scenes. Perception. 2004
artigo de conferência
- Image processing tool for the detection and quantification of xylanase activity in a metagenomic study 2022
- Chromatic properties of Japanese paintings are similar to that of European paintings 2019
- Compensation effect between corneal and internal ocular aberrations during a computer task. Proceedings of SPIE. 2019
- Visual and psychological outcomes in patients with and without low vision diagnosed with similar eye diseases - initial results 2018
- Effect of blur in colour discrimination 2017
- Implicit knowledge of the colours of natural scenes matches real colours 2016
- The preferred chromatic composition of unfamiliar paintings is similar to original 2015
- Livro de resumos CIOCV'2014 2014
- Chromatic Maps of Portuguese Roman Mosaics Obtained by Hyperspectral Imaging 2013
- Psychophysical estimation of the best lighting for commercial counters of fruits and vegetables 2012
- Chromatic diversity index : an approach based on natural scenes 2010
- Chromatic diversity of art paintings under light-emitting diodes 2008
- Illuminant spectrum maximizing the number of perceived colors in art paintings 2008
- The distribution of discernible colours in natural scenes 2008
- The number of colors perceived by dichromats when appreciating art paintings under standard illuminants 2008
- The number of discernible colours perceived by protanomalous and deuteranomalous in natural scenes 2008
- The colour of the best illumination for appreciation of art paintings is bluish-white 2007
- Enhancing the chromatic diversity of natural scenes with optimized coloured filters 2005
- Estimating the best illuminants for appreciation of art paintings 2005
- Características cromáticas de vinhos verdes tintos 2005
- Características cromáticas de vinhos Verdes tintos 2005
- Estimating the best illuminant for art paintings by computing chromatic diversity 2005
- Perception of natural images with exponential luminance frequency distributions 2005
artigo de revista
- Universality and superiority in preference for chromatic composition of art paintings. Acta Cytologica. 2022
- Chromatic reintegration in contemporary monochromatic unvarnished paintings: a case study based on artwork from Jorge Martins. Ge-Conservación. 2020
- How Good Are RGB Cameras Retrieving Colors of Natural Scenes and Paintings? A Study Based on Hyperspectral Imaging. Bioengineering. 2020
- Near perfect visual compensation for atmospheric color distortions. Color Research and Application. 2020
- Chromatic changes in paintings of Adriano de Sousa Lopes after the removal of aged varnish. Conservar Património. 2020
- Processamento de imagem digital (PID) como meio de análise, documentação e monitorização da corrosão do aço de carbono aplicado na escultura de Gonçalo Jardim. Ge-Conservación. 2020
- The Best CCT for Appreciation of Paintings under Daylight Illuminants is Different for Occidental and Oriental Viewers. LEUKOS - Journal of Illuminating Engineering SocIETy of North America. 2020
- Cost-effectiveness of basic vision rehabilitation (The basic VRS-effect study): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2020
- Hyperspectral environmental illumination maps: characterizing directional spectral variation in natural environments. Optics Express. 2019
- The colors of natural scenes benefit dichromats. Vision Research. 2019
- Describing natural colors with Munsell and NCS color systems. Color Research and Application. 2019
- Color constancy of color reproductions in art paintings. Journal of the Optical SocIETy of America A: Optics and Image Science. 2018
- Supporting history of art with colorimetry: The paintings of Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso. Color Research and Application. 2018
- Assessment of multispectral and hyperspectral imaging systems for digitisation of a Russian icon. Heritage Science. 2017
- Robust colour constancy in red-green dichromats. Antibiotics. 2017
- The colors of paintings and viewers' preferences. Vision Research. 2017
- Assessing the effects of dynamic luminance contrast noise masking on a color discrimination task. Journal of the Optical SocIETy of America A: Optics and Image Science. 2016
- Statistics of colors in paintings and natural scenes. Journal of the Optical SocIETy of America A: Optics and Image Science. 2016
- Effects of high-color-discrimination capability spectra on color-deficient vision. Journal of the Optical SocIETy of America A: Optics and Image Science. 2013
- Radiometric characterization of a novel LED array system for visual assessment. Journal of Modern Optics. 2013
- A chromatic diversity index based on complex scenes. Journal of the Optical SocIETy of America A: Optics and Image Science. 2012
- Chromatic effects of metamers of D65 on art paintings. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2010
- Colour rendering of indoor lighting with CIE illuminants and white LEDs for normal and colour deficient observers. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2010
- Number of discernible colors for color-deficient observers estimated from the MacAdam limits. Journal of the Optical SocIETy of America A: Optics and Image Science. 2010
- Color rendering of art paintings under CIE illuminants for normal and color deficient observers. Journal of the Optical SocIETy of America A: Optics and Image Science. 2009
- Correlated color temperature preferred by observers for illumination of artistic paintings. Journal of the Optical SocIETy of America A: Optics and Image Science. 2008
- Effect of sport-tinted contact lenses for contrast enhancement on retinal straylight measurements. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2008
- The number of discernible colors in natural scenes. Journal of the Optical SocIETy of America A: Optics and Image Science. 2008
- The number of discernible colors perceived by dichromats in natural scenes and the effects of colored lenses. Visual Neuroscience. 2008
- Psychophysical estimation of the best illumination for appreciation of Renaissance paintings. Visual Neuroscience. 2006
- Visual sensitivity to color errors in images of natural scenes. Visual Neuroscience. 2006
capítulo de livro
- Correlaciones entre las propiedades biomecánicas de la córnea, la presión intraocular y los síntomas del ojo seco: Un análisis basado en el sexo 2024
- Uncovering novel carbohydrate-degrading enzymes from composting units through metagenomic strategies 2024
- Impact of refractive error compensation methods on the gazing area and response times while using a webcam eye tracking system. 2023
- Identification of lignocellulose-degrading enzymes using metagenomic approaches 2023
- Impact of different refractive error compensation on eye movement acquired with an external camera 2023
- Myopia prevalence in Portuguese schoolchildren’s aged between 3 and 10 years 2022
- Refractive and ocular characterization of a school population 2022
- Structure of Meibomian Glands Evaluation 2022
- Image processing tool for the detection and quantification of xylanase activity in a metagenomic study 2022
- Master's Thesis: Changes in the colours of a painting detected by varnich 2020
- Estimation of the best daylight illumination for optimal viewing of human skin 2019
- Performing a color discrimination test with Variantor lenses 2019
- A corrosão atmosférica nas esculturas de Gonçalo Jardim 2018
- Caracterização da influência do verniz nas obras académicas de Adriano de Sousa Lopes 2018
- Chromatic Variations of Matcha Granola Assessed by Hyperspectral Imaging 2018
- Atmospheric Disturbances in the Chromatic Perception of the Complex Natural Scenes: Comparison between Urban and Rural Scenes 2018
- Contactologia Básica 2018
- Exploring barriers to physical activity faced by people with vision loss. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2018
- Visual and psychological outcomes in patients with and without low vision diagnosed with similar eye diseases - initial results. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2018
- Empirical Compensation of Chromatic Atmospheric Changes 2017
- Contactologia 2017
- Procedimentos clínicos em Optometria 2017
- Procedimentos clínicos em Optometria (protocolos aulas práticas) 2017
- Using watercolour markers in chromatic reintegration: a case study 2017
- Livro de resumos CIOCV'2016 2016
- The preferred chromatic composition of unfamiliar paintings is similar to original 2016
- Predicting hue scaling for abnormal color vision with perceptual models of color deficient vision. Perception. 2015
- The preferred chromatic composition of unfamiliar paintings is similar to original. Perception. 2015
- Livro de resumos CIOCV'2015 2015
- Livro de resumos CIOCV'2014 2014
- Livro de Abstracts CIOCV- UM2010 2010
- Chromatic diversity of art paintings under light-emitting diodes. Perception. 2008
- The distribution of discernible colours in natural scenes. Perception. 2008
- The number of discernible colours perceived by protanomalous and deuteranomalous in natural scenes. Perception. 2008
- Sebenta do Curso de Técnicos de Óptica em Moçambique 2008
- The colour of the best illumination for appreciation of art paintings is bluish-white. Perception. 2007
- Color perception of artistic paintings. The Spanish Journal of Psychology. 2007
- Estimating the best illuminant for art paintings by computing chromatic diversity. Perception. 2005
- Perception of natural images with exponential luminance frequency distributions. Perception. 2005
- Detecting Natural Departures From Exponential Luminance Frequency Distributions in Natural Scenes 2005
- Chromatic diversity of natural scenes. Perception. 2004
- Adriano de Sousa Lopes : conservação e restauro das obras académicas pertencentes ao espólio da Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa 2018
- A study of spectral imaging acquisition and processing for cultural heritage 2016
- Estimating the colors of paintings 2015
- The display gamut available to simulate colors perceived by anomalous trichromats 2015
- Visual search for normal color and dichromatic observers using a unique distracter color 2015
poster de conferência
- Efeito de filtros à luz azul no sistema visual 2023
- Análise comparativa da visão das cores periférica 2022
- Avaliação da estrutura das glândulas de meibomio 2022
- Efeito da iluminância na acomodação ocular 2022
- Efeito da radiação UVC em materiais óticos 2022
- Influência das operações pós-fermentativas na cor de vinhos 2022
- Avaliação da resposta acomodativa para iluminação de diferentes comprimentos de onda 2021
- O efeito da capsulotomia no erro refrativo e na pressão intraocular 2021
- Padronização da cor de vinhos verdes rosés - estudo da sua evolução 2021
- Alterações nas cores de uma pintura causada pelo verniz 2020
- A influência da iluminação colorida na visão binocular 2019
- A influência de iluminação colorida nos parâmetros acomodativos oculares 2019
- Influência da iluminação colorida nos parâmetros acomodativos em sujeitos com disfunções acomodativas 2019
- Influência dos meios oculares na perceção do teste de visão das cores de Ishihara 2019
- A influência dos meios oculares na perceção do teste de visão das cores de Ishihara 2018
- Chromatic filters for color vision deficiencies 2018
- Optometry in an ophtalmology environment 2018
- Perturbações atmosféricas na perceção cromática de cenários naturais complexos 2018
- Myopia and Colour Vision, a Case Study 2017
- Utilização do teste de MARS na medição da sensibilidade visual ao contraste em crianças 2017
- Influência de filtros de ruído dinâmico na perceção das cores utilizando um novo teste de visão das cores 2016
- Diversidade cromática de cenários complexos digitalizados com imagiografia hiperespectral 2011