publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Solar Radiation Measurement Tools and Their Impact on In Situ Testing—A Portuguese Case Study. Bioengineering. 2024
- Are Low Emission Zones Truly Embraced by the Public?. Environments. 2024
- A Nature-Inspired Green–Blue Solution: Incorporating a Fog Harvesting Technique into Urban Green Wall Design. Sustainability (MDPI). 2024
- Contribution of an environmental monitoring system to evaluate the potential effect of urban air pollution. Procedia Structural Integrity. 2020
- Deviation Prediction and Correction on Low-Cost Atmospheric Pressure Sensors using a Machine-Learning Algorithm. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SENSOR NETWORKS (SENSORNETS). 2020
- Data Quality Issues in Environmental Sensing with Smartphones. Sensornets: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Sensor Networks. 2017
- Saúde e bem-estar em meio urbano: das políticas à prática 2013
- How urban noise can influence the learning-teaching process. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation 2011
- The influence of urban form on facades noise levels. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems. 2011
- Industrial contribution to the air quality of one mid-sized portuguese city. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems. 2010
- Urban air dispersion model of a mid-sized city. Validation methodology. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems. 2010
- An urban environmental monitoring and information system. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment. 2009
- Contribution to atmospheric benzene concentrations of the petrol stations in a mid-sized city. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment. 2009
- Evaluating conflict zones of air pollution in a mid-sized city. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment. 2007
- Determinação do índice de qualidade do ar numa cidade de média dimensão. Engenharia Civil. 2006
artigo de conferência
- The framework of health and safety in rehabilitation and maintenance of buildings with condominium management 2021
- Transições urbanas, um contributo à descarbonização 2021
- Deviation prediction and correction on low-cost atmospheric pressure sensors using a machine-learning algorithm 2020
- Assessment of footpaths design on renovation of city centres 2019
- Fog harvesting meshes physical, economic and environmental characterization. ICEE International Conference on Energy & Environment. 2019
- Footpaths design on renovation of city centres - A model of assessment. Procedia Structural Integrity. 2019
- Methodology for individual air pollution exposure estimation based on data from air pollution concentration maps, daily routes and activities 2019
- Proposta metodológica para avaliação dos impactes não-auditivos do ruído de baixa frequência no sistema auditivo humano 2019
- Quantifying the carbon dioxide emissions resulting from awareness-raising actions of sustainable mobility. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2019
- Study of historical value mortars. Procedia Structural Integrity. 2019
- Study of the dust produced in rehabilitation works. Procedia Structural Integrity. 2019
- Green walls an efficient solution for hygrothermal, noise and air pollution control in the buildings 2017
- Impacto do ruído na saúde e qualidade de vida das pessoas: O caso da cidade de Guimarães 2017
- Os impactes dos postes e linhas de alta tensão no ambiente construído: estudo de caso no município de Guimarães 2017
- Integração de um sistema de monotorização ambiental urbano numa smart city 2016
- Proposta Metodológica para Avaliação Audiométrica e da Incomodidade ao Ruído de Baixa Frequência (Methodological Proposal for Audiometric and Low Frequency Noise Discomfort Assessment) 2016
- Proposta metodológica para avaliação audiométrica e da incomodidade do ruído de baixa frequência 2016
- The Influence of Urban Form on Environmental Quality within a Medium-sized City. Procedia Engineering. 2016
- ¿Como um som de noite e um faiscar de dia¿: os impactes da poluição sonora de baixa frequência em áreas residenciais no município de Guimarães, Portugal 2016
- “Como um som de noite e um faiscar de dia”: os impactes da poluição sonora de baixa frequência em áreas residenciais no município de Guimarães, Portugal 2016
- Marketing socioambiental: o estudo de caso da participação popular em áreas de alta densidade de postes e linhas de alta tensão em Portugal 2015
- Marketing socioambiental: o estudo de caso da participação popular em áreas de alta densidade de postes e linhas de alta tensão em Portugal (Socio-environmental marketing: the case study of popular participation in areas of high density of power poles and power lines in Portugal) 2015
- Saúde e Ambiente – estudo de caso dos impactes da exposição ao ruído de baixa frequência no bem-estar da população de Serzedelo (Guimarães) 2015
- Saúde e ambiente – estudo de caso dos impactes da exposição ao ruído de baixa frequência no bem-estar da população de Serzedelo, Guimarães (Health and environment - case study of the impacts of exposure to low frequency noise on the well-being of the population of Serzedelo, Guimarães) 2015
- Medidas de redução de ruído: Implementação de uma zona de baixa velocidade no centro histórico de uma cidade de médio porte 2013
- Medidas de redução do ruído : implementação de uma zona de baixa velocidade numa cidade de médio porte 2013
- Healthand well-being in urban areas : the WHO Healthy Cities project 2012
- Noise reduction measures implementation of an area of low speed in the historic center of a medium-sized city 2012
- Observatórios urbanos, ferramentas para monitorização das cidades 2012
- Urban form as environmental noise indicators 2012
- Urban observatories, tools for monitoring cities 2012
- A proposed methodology for understanding urban growth pattern : a case study in Siem Reap, Cambodia 2011
- Electric vehicle and conventional vehicle. Urban air pollution assessment 2011
- Modeling urban growth pattern for sustainable archaeological sites : a case study in Siem Reap, Cambodia 2011
- A influência da forma urbana na propagação do ruído urbano 2010
- Avaliação do ruído num bairro residencial em Bauru : SP : situação de pico de tráfego 2010
- How urban noise can be influenced by the urban form 2010
- Impacto do ruído no processo de ensino-aprendizagem na Escola do 1º Ciclo de Ensino Básico (1ºCEB) de Prozela - Maia 2010
- The noise impact in the learning-teaching process in an elementary school 2010
- Atmospheric emissions of one pulp and paper mill. Contribution to the air quality of Viana do Castelo 2009
- CityAIR : a new air quality index for cities 2008
- Validation study of urban air dispersion model of Viana do Castelo 2008
- Determinação do índice de qualidade do ar numa cidade de média dimensão 2006
- Indicadores de alteração global do clima acústico, uma metodologia de análise para a monitorização do ruído urbano 2006
- Monitorização do ruído ambiente na zona de Intervenção POLIS da cidade de Viana do Castelo 2005
- Avaliação de zonas de criticidade acústica: aplicação das potencialidades de um SIG na avaliação do ruído de uma cidade de média dimensão 2004
- Evaluating critical noise disturbance zones in a mid-sized city. Sustainable World. 2003
- Tráfego rodoviário e ruído ambiental: o caso dum parque urbano 2002
artigo de revista
- Calibration Assessment of Low-Cost Carbon Dioxide Sensors Using the Extremely Randomized Trees Algorithm. Bioengineering. 2023
- Shading Calculation Methods and Regulation Simplifications—The Portuguese Case. Bioengineering. 2023
- Health and Well-Being Benefits of Outdoor and Indoor Vertical Greening Systems: A Review. Sustainability (MDPI). 2023
- Impacts of low-frequency noise from industrial sources in residential areas. Applied Acoustics. 2021
- Evaluation of Low-Cost Sensors for Weather and Carbon Dioxide Monitoring in Internet of Things Context. IoT. 2020
- Low-Frequency Noise and Its Main Effects on Human Health—A Review of the Literature between 2016 and 2019. Applied Sciences. 2020
- Selecting fog harvesting meshes for environmental conditioning structures. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development. 2020
- How Can Low-Frequency Noise Exposure Interact with the Well-Being of a Population? Some Results from a Portuguese Municipality. Applied Sciences. 2019
- The Influence of Pavement Degradation on Population Exposure to Road Traffic Noise. Coatings. 2019
- SAUS: A tool for preserving urban green areas from air pollution. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 2019
- Impacts of low frequency noise exposure on well-being: A case-study from Portugal. Noise & Health. 2018
- Assessing the influence of urban geometry on noise propagation by using the sky view factor. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 2018
- Assessing the influence of urban geometry on noise propagation by using the sky view factor. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 2018
- The impact of urban noise on primary schools. Perceptive evaluation and objective assessment. Applied Acoustics. 2016
- A Mobile Environmental Monitoring Station For Sustainable Cities. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning. 2016
- The Influence of Low-Frequency Noise Pollution on the Quality of Life and Place in Sustainable Cities: A Case Study from Northern Portugal. Sustainability (MDPI). 2015
- Environmental quality health index for cities. Habitat International. 2015
- Traffic air pollution monitoring based on an air–water pollutants deposition device 2014
- Urban form indicators as proxy on the noise exposure of buildings. Applied Acoustics. 2014
- Health and well-being in urban environment: From policies to pratice | Saúde e bem-estar em meio urbano: das políticas à prática. Revista Portuguesa de Saude Publica. 2013
- City Noise-Air: An environmental quality index for cities. Sustainable Cities and SocIETy. 2012
- The influence of urban form on facades noise levels. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems. 2011
- How urban noise can influence the learning-teaching process. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation. International Journal of Energy and Environment. 2011
- Assessment of energy efficiency in street lighting design. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment. 2010
- Industrial contribution to the air quality of one mid-sized portuguese city. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems. 2010
- Urban air dispersion model of a mid-sized city. Validation methodology. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems. 2010
- Determinação do índice de qualidade do ar numa cidade de média dimensão. Engenharia Civil. 2006
capítulo de livro
- Evaluating the Potential of Vegetation to Capture Pollutants in Urban Environment. Environmental Science and Engineering. 2022
- How the Environment Affects the Residential Property Values?. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. 2020
- Occupational Health and Safety-Sustainable Development and the Changes in Organizations. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. 2020
- Safety of Containment of Facades in Urban Rehabilitation Works. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. 2020
- Functional conditioning systems for urban environments: regarding hygrothermal comfort, air and noise pollution 2019
- The Impacts of Exposure to Low Frequencies in the Human Auditory System—A Methodological Proposal. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2019
- Novas abordagens da Geografia da Saúde Portuguesa (New approaches of the Portuguese Geography of Health) 2017
- Novas abordagens na geografia da saúde portuguesa 2017
- Electromagnetic fields and enviromental noise: human health impacts in Serzedelo, Guimarães (Portugal) 2014
- A relação entre o fator de visão do céu e a concentração de PM10 em espaços urbanos. O recurso a medições em pontos da cidade de Braga, Portugal 2013
- A new air quality index for cities 2011
- Avaliação do ruído e poluição atmosférica resultante do tráfego em Viana do Castelo 2010
- Avaliação do ruído e poluição atmosférica resultantes do tráfego em Viana do Castelo 2010
- Sistema de informação e monitorização do ar e ruído - SmarBraga 2010
- Avaliação de zonas de criticidade acústica numa cidade de média dimensão 2004
- Special Issue "Functional Rehabilitation of Built Environment". International Journal of Environmental Science and Development. 2020
- Study on historical value mortars 2019
- Portuguese popular participation in movements of areas of high density of power lines 2015