publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Self-regulated learning processes across different physiotherapy clinical procedural skills and time intervals: A SRL microanalysis study. Medical Teacher. 2023
- Partners in academic endeavour: Characterising student engagement across internationally excellent medical schools. Medical Teacher. 2023
- An Objective Structured Laboratory Animal Science Examination (OSLASE) to ensure researchers’ professional competence in laboratory animal science. Laboratory Animals. 2022
- On pandemics and pivots: a COVID-19 reflection on envisioning the future of medical education. Korean Journal of Medical Education. 2021
- Highlights of the IUBMB education session at the 20th IUPAB congress, 45th Annual SBBf Meeting, and 50th Annual SBBq Meeting. Biophysical Reviews. 2021
- Innovative, integrative, and interactive in-class activity on metabolic regulation: Evaluating educational impacts. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 2021
- Communication skills preparedness for practice: Is there a key ingredient in undergraduate curricula design?. Patient Education and Counseling. 2021
- Virtual protein quantification laboratory enhancing online teaching. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 2020
- Comment on: Does empathy change during undergraduate medical education?–A meta-analysis. Medical Teacher. 2019
- 2018 Consensus framework for good assessment. Medical Teacher. 2018
- Twelve tips for enhancing student engagement. Medical Teacher. 2018
- Nurturing empathy and compassion: What might the neurosciences have to offer?. Medical Education. 2016
- Do personality differences between students from different schools generalize across countries?. Med Teach. 2014
- Do personality differences between students from different schools generalize across countries?. Med Teach. 2014
- A experiência de transição para a fase clínica de alunos de medicina detentores de grau prévio : um estudo de caso 2014
- A versão portuguesa do NEO-FFI: Caracterização em função da idade, género e escolaridade. Psicologia: Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia. 2014
- Drawings as snapshots of student cellular anatomy understanding. Medical Education. 2013
- Biochemical visual literacy with constructive alignment: Outcomes, assessment, and activities. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 2013
- Commentary: What does "student-centered" mean and how can it be implemented? A systematic perspective. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 2013
- Response to "are personality traits really weak/moderate predictors of empathy?". Medical Teacher. 2013
- A role for student centered education in promoting academic and scientific integrity. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 2011
- Feasible levels of curricular integration. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 2011
- Commentary: Why abandoning undergraduate laboratories is not an option. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 2010
- Biochemistry and molecular biology education in Latin America and Iberia. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 2009
- Jefferson scale of physician lifelong learning: translation and adaptation for the portuguese medical population.. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2009
- Mismatches between the conceptual level of tests and faculty beliefs. Faseb Journal. 2009
- What should the student-centered teacher of biochemistry and molecular biology be aware of?. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 2009
artigo de conferência
- Apoio institucional a projetos de inovação: criando cenários de aproximação ao ‘Scholarship of Teaching and Learning’ 2020
- A aplicação de dispositivos móveis na sala de aula - uma comunidade de prática 2018
artigo de revista
- Faster, higher, stronger - together? A bibliometric analysis of author distribution in top medical education journals 2023
- Rubric’s Development Process for Assessment of Project Management Competences. Education Sciences. 2022
- A pipeline for the reconstruction and evaluation of context-specific human metabolic models at a large-scale. BMC Bioinformatics. 2021
- A pipeline for the reconstruction and evaluation of context-specific human metabolic models at a large-scale. BMC Bioinformatics. 2021
- Guidelines: The dos, don’ts and don’t knows of remediation in medical education. Perspectives on Medical Education. 2019
- Investigating the relation between self-assessment and patients’ assessments of physicians-in-training empathy: a multicentric, observational, cross-sectional study in three teaching hospitals in Brazil. BMJ Open. 2019
- Medical students’ empathy and attitudes towards professionalism: Relationship with personality, specialty preference and medical programme. Antibiotics. 2019
- Effect of changes to the formal curriculum on medical students’ motivation towards learning: a prospective cohort study. São Paulo Medical Journal. 2019
- Aprendizaje autorregulado: una estrategia para enseñar a aprender en ciencias de la salud. FEM: Revista de la Fundación Educación Médica. 2019
- Early identification of first-year students at risk of dropping out of high-school entry medical school: the usefulness of teachers’ ratings of class participation. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2019
- Twelve tips for enhancing student engagement. Medical Teacher. 2019
- Understanding the bricks to build better surgical oncology unit at Maputo Central Hospital: prevalent surgical cancers and residents knowledge. Pan African Medical Journal. 2019
- The Portuguese versions of the This Is ME Questionnaire and the Patient Dignity Question: tools for understanding and supporting personhood in clinical care. Annals of Palliative Medicine. 2018
- Physicians' self-assessed empathy levels do not correlate with patients' assessments. Antibiotics. 2018
- Video-Based Surgical Learning: Improving Trainee Education and Preparation for Surgery. Journal of Surgical Education. 2018
- Depression in medical students: Insights from a longitudinal study. BMC Medical Education. 2017
- Clarifying changes in student empathy throughout medical school: a scoping review. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2017
- Measuring Medical Students' Empathy: Exploring the Underlying Constructs of and Associations Between Two Widely Used Self-Report Instruments in Five Countries.. Academic Medicine. 2017
- Motivation in mechanics of materials classes: An experimental approach. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education. 2017
- Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy: Making sense of the total score through a second order confirmatory factor analysis. BMC Medical Education. 2016
- Desarrollar investigación en educación médica internacional que sea útil para el contexto iberoamericano: ¿quién está por la labor?. FEM: Revista de la Fundación Educación Médica. 2015
- Longitudinal evaluation, acceptability and long-term retention of knowledge on a horizontally integrated organic and functional systems course. Perspectives on Medical Education. 2015
- Comunicação de más notícias pelos médicos no primeiro ano de internato: um estudo exploratório. FEM: Revista de la Fundación Educación Médica. 2015
- Trabalho em pequenos grupos: dos mitos à realidade. Medicina. 2014
- An exploratory study on the contribution of graduate entry students personality to the diversity of medical student populations. Perspect Med Educ. 2014
- Associations between Medical Student Empathy and Personality: A Multi-Institutional Study. Antibiotics. 2014
- Associations between Medical Student Empathy and Personality: A Multi-Institutional Study. Antibiotics. 2014
- A experiência de transição para a fase clínica de alunos de medicina detentores de grau prévio : um estudo de caso. FEM: Revista de la Fundación Educación Médica. 2014
- NEO-FFI : psychometric properties of a short personality inventory in a Portuguese context. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica. 2014
- NEO-FFI: Psychometric properties of a short personality inventory in Portuguese context. Psicol. Reflex. Crit.. 2014
- Self-organized learning environments and the future of student-centered education. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 2014
- The evaluation of student-centredness of teaching and learning: a new mixed-methods approach. International Journal of Medical Education. 2014
- A latent growth model suggests that empathy of medical students does not decline over time. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2013
- The remediation challenge: Theoretical and methodological insights from a systematic review. Medical Education. 2013
- What does “student-centered” mean and how can it be implemented? A systematic perspective. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 2013
- Which are our next questions?. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 2013
- Bologna in Medicine Anno 2012: Experiences of European medical schools that implemented a Bologna two-cycle curriculum - An AMEE-MEDINE2 survey. Medical Teacher. 2012
- Empathy of medical students and personality: Evidence from the Five-Factor Model. Medical Teacher. 2012
- Individual characteristics and student's engagement in scientific research : a cross-sectional study. BMC Medical Education. 2012
- Self-regulation: An unexplored learning model in biochemistry and molecular biology. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 2012
- Criteria for good assessment: Consensus statement and recommendations from the Ottawa 2010 conference. Medical Teacher. 2011
- Empathy in senior year and first year medical students: A cross-sectional study. BMC Medical Education. 2011
- Teaching the extracellular matrix and introducing online databases within a multidisciplinary course with i-cell-MATRIX. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 2010
- Aprendizagem ao longo da vida do médico. Tradução e adaptação da escala de Jefferson. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2009
- Gathering evidence of external validity for the foundations of medicine examination: A collaboration between the national board of medical examiners and the university of Minho. Academic Medicine. 2009
- A concept inventory for molecular life sciences : how will it help your teaching practice?. Australian Biochemist. 2008
- O curso de Medicina da Universidade do Minho como modelo de inovação no Ensino Superior 2008
- A quick guide for computer-assisted instruction in computational biology and bioinformatics. PLoS Computational Biology. 2008
- Blackboard electrophoresis: an inexpensive exercise on the principles of DNA restriction analysis. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 2007
- CARBOHYDECK: A card game to teach the stereochemistry of carbohydrates. Journal of Chemical Education. 2007
- Hormone-mediated gene regulation and bioinformatics: Learning one from the other. Antibiotics. 2007
capítulo de livro
- O apoio institucional à migração massiva do ensino para o espaço digital em resposta à COVID-19 2020
- O papel do Centro IDEA-UMinho na transição para o ensino online durante a pandemia COVID-19: enfrentar desafios e criar oportunidades 2020
- [Scale of Physician Empathy - Students (JSE-spv)] 2017
- O Centro de Competências Laboratoriais: Um novo modelo para aprendizagem de competências laboratoriais. 2013
- Introdução [a] "Perspectivas e estratégias de formação de docentes do Ensino Superior" 2007
- A formação como ponto de partida para a implementação de práticas inovadoras no Ensino Superior: follow-up das Semanas de Desenvolvimento do Ensino e da Aprendizagem do Centro IDEA-UMinho 2019
- Apoio institucional a projetos de inovação: criando cenários de aproximação ao 'Scholarship of Teaching and Learning'/Institutional support for innovation projects: creating scenarios of approximation to the 'Scholarship of Teaching and Learning' 2019
- Apoio institucional a projetos de inovação: criando cenários de aproximação ao ‘Scholarship of Teaching and Learning’/Institutional support for innovation projects: creating scenarios of approximation to the ‘Scholarship of Teaching and Learning’ 2019
- A formação como ponto de partida para a implementação de práticas inovadoras no Ensino Superior: a experiência inicial do Centro IDEA-UMinho/Training as a starting point for the implementation of innovative practices in Higher Education: the initial experience of the IDEA-UMinho Center 2018
- A aplicação de dispositivos móveis na sala de aula - uma comunidade de prática 2018
- A aplicação de dispositivos móveis na sala de aula - uma comunidade de prática/The application of mobile devices in the classroom - a community of practice 2018
- A formação como ponto de partida para a implementação de práticas inovadoras no Ensino Superior: a experiência inicial do Centro IDEA-UMinho 2018
- Tensions between global trends and local challenges in medical education 2016
- Student success and perception of subject knowledge of an integrated course on the essentials of disease and treatment 2016
- An integrated course on the essential concepts of disease and treatment: longitudinal findings on acceptability and retention of disciplinary knowledge 2016
- Learning bacterial identification in infectious disease using a laboratory guided discovery approach 2015
- The power of interactive teaching. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 2009