publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
artigo de conferência
- Removal of paracetamol by an activated sludge bioreactor 2017
- Acumulação de polihidroxialcanoatos por culturas microbianas mistas do tratamento do efluente urbano 2016
- Remoção de ibuprofeno por um sistema aeróbio de lamas ativadas 2016
- Novel method to quantify intracellular accumulation of polyphosphate in EBPR systems 2013
- Desenvolvimento de metodologias de análise de imagem para quantificar PHA, polifosfatos e glicogénio intracelular em estações de tratamento de águas residuais 2012
- Distinção de fenómenos de bulking em lamas activadas por técnicas de análise de imagem 2010
- Estudo da aclimatação de lodo ativado com efluente “in natura” da industria de pescado 2009
- Correlation between sludge settleability and image analysis information using Partial Least Squares 2008
- SBR performance for synthetic and fishery wastewater treatment 2008
- Bright field versus phase contrast microscopy in activated sludge image acquisition methodologies 2008
- Dilution effects on aggregates and filaments contents in automated image analysis methodologies 2008
- Evaluation of activated sludge systems by image analysis procedures 2008
- Relationship between sludge volume index and biomass structure within activated sludge systems 2008
- Efeito do sal no desempenho de um reator batelada sequencial 2006
artigo de revista
- Monitoring biotechnological processes through quantitative image analysis: Application to 2-phenylethanol production by Yarrowia lipolytica. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2023
- Exploring the correlations between epi indicators of COVID-19 and the concentration of pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater treatment plants in Northern Portugal. Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances. 2023
- Effects of desloratadine on activated sludge: Behaviour of EPS and sludge properties. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2022
- Negative impacts of cleaning agent DEPTAL MCL® on activated sludge wastewater treatment system. Heredity. 2022
- The Role of Extracellular Polymeric Substances in Micropollutant Removal. Frontiers in Chemical Engineering. 2022
- Prediction of sludge settleability, density and suspended solids of aerobic granular sludge in the presence of pharmaceutically active compounds by quantitative image analysis and chemometric tools. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2022
- Treatment of saline wastewater amended with endocrine disruptors by aerobic granular sludge: Assessing performance and microbial community dynamics. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2022
- Quantitative image analysis as a robust tool to assess effluent quality from an aerobic granular sludge system treating industrial wastewater. Chemosphere. 2022
- Monitoring morphological changes from activated sludge to aerobic granular sludge under distinct organic loading rates and increasing minimal imposed sludge settling velocities through quantitative image analysis. Chemosphere. 2022
- Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA) Production from Wastewaters with High Salinity - Influence of pH, Salinity and Reactor Configuration. Fermentation. 2021
- High Carbon Load in Food Processing Industrial Wastewater is a Driver for Metabolic Competition in Aerobic Granular Sludge. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2021
- Effect of ibuprofen on extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) production and composition, and assessment of microbial structure by quantitative image analysis. Journal of Environmental Management. 2021
- Validation of a quantitative image analysis methodology for the assessment of the morphology and structure of aerobic granular sludge in the presence of pharmaceutically active compounds. Environmental Technology and Innovation. 2021
- Assessment of an aerobic granular sludge system in the presence of pharmaceutically active compounds by quantitative image analysis and chemometric techniques. Journal of Environmental Management. 2021
- Increased extracellular polymeric substances production contributes for the robustness of aerobic granular sludge during long-term intermittent exposure to 2-fluorophenol in saline wastewater. Journal of Water Process Engineering. 2021
- Long-term stability of a non-adapted aerobic granular sludge process treating fish canning wastewater associated to EPS producers in the core microbiome. Heredity. 2021
- Environmentally-friendly technology for rapid identification and quantification of emerging pollutants from wastewater using infrared spectroscopy. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. 2020
- Variability in the composition of extracellular polymeric substances from a full-scale aerobic granular sludge reactor treating urban wastewater. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2020
- Environmental impact and biological removal processes of pharmaceutically active compounds: The particular case of sulfonamides, anticonvulsants and steroid estrogens. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 2020
- Sludge volume index and suspended solids estimation of mature aerobic granular sludge by quantitative image analysis and chemometric tools. Separation and Purification Technology. 2020
- Degradation of widespread pharmaceuticals by activated sludge: Kinetic study, toxicity assessment, and comparison with adsorption processes. Journal of Water Process Engineering. 2020
- NIR spectroscopy applied to the determination of 2-phenylethanol and L-phenylalanine concentrations in culture medium of Yarrowia lipolytica (1st author). Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology. 2019
- Quantification of pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater samples by near infrared spectroscopy (NIR). Talanta. 2019
- New PLS analysis approach to wine volatile compounds characterization by near infrared spectroscopy (NIR). Food Chemistry. 2018
- Monitoring biological wastewater treatment processes: recent advances in spectroscopy applications. Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio-Technology. 2017
- Simultaneous partial nitrification and 2-fluorophenol biodegradation with aerobic granular biomass: Reactor performance and microbial communities. Bioresource Technology. 2017
- Quantitative image analysis of polyhydroxyalkanoates inclusions from microbial mixed cultures under different SBR operation strategies. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2017
- Estimation of effluent quality parameters from an activated sludge system using quantitative image analysis. Antibiotics. 2016
- Quantitative image analysis as a tool for Yarrowia lipolytica dimorphic growth evaluation in different culture media. Antibiotics. 2016
- Near-infrared spectroscopy for the detection and quantification of bacterial contaminations in pharmaceutical products. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics. 2015
- Polyhydroxyalkanoate granules quantification in mixed microbial cultures using image analysis: Sudan Black B versus Nile Blue A staining. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2015
- Aroma production by Yarrowia lipolytica in airlift and stirred tank bioreactors: Differences in yeast metabolism and morphology. Antibiotics. 2015
- Monitoring intracellular polyphosphate accumulation in enhanced biological phosphorus removal systems by quantitative image analysis. Water Science and Technology. 2014
- Activated sludge characterization through microscopy: A review on quantitative image analysis and chemometric techniques. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2013
- Quantitative image analysis for the characterization of microbial aggregates in biological wastewater treatment: A review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2013
- Automatic identification of activated sludge disturbances and assessment of operational parameters. Chemosphere. 2013
- Prediction of intracellular storage polymers using quantitative image analysis in enhanced biological phosphorus removal systems. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2013
- Characterization of activated sludge abnormalities by image analysis and chemometric techniques. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2011
- Identifying different types of bulking in an activated sludge system through quantitative image analysis. Chemosphere. 2011
- Image analysis application for the study of activated sludge floc size during the treatment of synthetic and real fishery wastewaters. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2011
- Dilution and Magnification Effects on Image Analysis Applications in Activated Sludge Characterization. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 2010
- A Comparison between Bright Field and Phase-Contrast Image Analysis Techniques in Activated Sludge Morphological Characterization. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 2010
- Correlation between sludge settling ability and image analysis information using partial least squares. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2009
- Study of saline wastewater influence on activated sludge flocs through automated image analysis. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 2009
- Estudo da aclimatação da flora microbiana a concentrações crescentes de efluente “in natura” da indústria de pescado em reator batelada sequencial 2009
- Monitoring of activated sludge settling ability through image analysis: validation on full-scale wastewater treatment plants. Bioprocess Engineering. 2009
capítulo de livro
- Assessing the influence of long-chain fatty acids on aerobic granular sludge stability in a sequencing batch reactor 2023
- EPS and aggregates changes on activated sludge under atrazine exposure 2023
- The effect of oleate in the biological nitrogen removal 2023
- Monitoring morphological changes of suspended sludge during aerobic granulation process 2019
- Toxicity assessment of ibuprofen on activated sludge by respirometric technique 2019
- Impact of industrial wastewater on aerobic granules morphology and nitrification process in bioreactors 2019
- Rapid method for the quantification and identification of emerging compounds in wastewater based in nir spectroscopy and chemometrics 2019
- Optimization of lipase production by Yarrowia divulgata 2018
- Impact of professional cleaning agent used in fish-canning industry in wastewater treatment 2018
- Density and sludge volume index estimation in mature aerobic granular sludge by quantitative image analysis and chemometrics tools 2018
- Quantification of pharmaceuticals contaminants in wastewaters by NIR spectroscopy 2018
- Characterization of the effects of pharmaceuticals in activated sludge using quantitative image analysis 2017
- Extraction and characterization of extracellular polymeric substances from aerobic granular sludge from a full-scale sequencing batch reactor in Portugal 2017
- Wine chemical characterization by near infrared spectroscopy and chemometric analysis 2017
- Application of near infrared spectroscopy as a process analytical technology 2017
- Quantitative Image Analysis: a monitoring tool in wastewater treatment 2017
- Evaluation of dimorphic Yarrowia lipolytica strains growth in different culture media by quantitative image analysis 2015
- Near-infrared spectroscopy for the detection and quantification of bacterial contaminations in pharmaceutical products 2015
- Polyhydroxyalkanoate granules quantification in mixed microbial cultures: Sudan Black B versus Nile Blue A staining 2014
- Image processing on animal cell cultures: a refined technique 2014
- Development of an image analysis methodology for animal cell cultures characterization 2014
- Intracellular poly-P assessment by DAPI staining and image analysis 2013
- Study of chemical oxygen demand and ammonia removal efficiencies by image analysis and multivariate statistics tools 2013
- Biopolymer monitoring using quantitative image analysis techniques 2013
- Development of image analysis methodologies to quantify intracellular PHA, polyphosphate and glycogen within wastewater treatment plants 2013
- Prediction of intracellular storage polymers using quantitative image analysis in enhanced biological phosphorus removal systems 2012
- Polyphosphates and poly-β-hydroxybutyrate granules identification through quantitative image analysis in enhanced biological phosphorus removal systems 2011
- Distinção de fenómenos de bulking em lamas activadas por técnicas de análise de imagem. Águas & Resíduos. 2011
- Quantitative image analysis for sludge volume index and total suspended solids prediction in activated sludge system disturbances 2011
- Disturbances detection in activated sludge systems 2010
- Predicting SVI from activated sludge systems in different operating conditions through quantitative image analysis 2010
- Monitoring filamentous bulking and pin-point flocs in a lab-scale activated sludge system using image analysis 2010
- Characterisation of activated sludge abnormalities by image analysis and multivariate statistics 2010
- Surveying activated sludge changes during acclimation with artificial wastewater 2009
- Surveying a wastewater treatment process through image analysis and partial least squares 2009
- Improved image analysis procedures for monitoring activated sludge systems with filamentous bulking 2009
- Inconvéniants de l’usage d’eau usée synthétique 2009
- Multivariate monitoring of an activated sludge process for biological treatment of a synthetic wastewater effluent 2008
- Monitoring an activated sludge reactor using IR spectroscopy 2008
- Monitoring activated sludge systems from wastewater treatment plants : automated image analysis procedures and their relation with operating parameters 2007
- Monitorização de lamas activadas por análise de imagem 2006