publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Correction: Cabral et al. Railway Bridge Geometry Assessment Supported by Cutting-Edge Reality Capture Technologies and 3D As-Designed Models. Infrastructures 2023, 8, 114. Infrastructures. 2024
- Influence of conditioning of clay bricks over shear strength of brick masonry. Journal of Building Engineering. 2024
- Experimental analysis of carbonation, humidity fields and the evolution of elastic modulus in air lime mortar. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2024
- A theta projection model for compressive creep behaviour of refractories at high temperature: application to alumina-spinel. Meccanica. 2023
- Influence of air entrainers on the properties of hydrated lime mortars. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2023
- Influence of Lime on Strength of Structural Unreinforced Masonry: Toward Improved Sustainability in Masonry Mortars. Sustainability (MDPI). 2023
- Influence of Temperature in the Early-age Elastic Modulus Evolution of Cement Pastes and Concrete. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology. 2023
- A review on the effects of cracking and crack width on corrosion of reinforcement in concrete. Structural Concrete. 2023
- Railway Bridge Geometry Assessment Supported by Cutting-Edge Reality Capture Technologies and 3D As-Designed Models. Infrastructures. 2023
- Integrating HBIM and Sustainability Certification: A Pilot Study Using GBC Historic Building Certification. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2023
- Standardized models for cracking due to restraint of imposed strains—The state of the art. Structural Concrete. 2023
- Framework for (semi) automatised construction specification and quantity takeoff in the context of small and medium architectural design offices. Architecture, Structures and Construction. 2022
- Towards efficient BIM use of geotechnical data from geotechnical investigations. Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction. 2022
- Integrating HBIM and Sustainability Certification: A Pilot Study Using GBC Historic Building Certification. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2022
- Recommendations of RILEM TC 287-CCS: thermo-chemo-mechanical modelling of massive concrete structures towards cracking risk assessment. Materials and Structures. 2021
- Automatic Detection of Surface Damage in Round Brick Chimneys by Finite Plane Modelling from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Clouds. Case Study of Bragança Dukes’ Palace, Guimarães, Portugal. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2021
- Development and Demonstration of an HBIM Framework for the Preventive Conservation of Cultural Heritage. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2021
- Ageing and air leakage assessment of a nuclear reactor containment mock-up: VERCORS 2nd benchmark. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 2021
- Early age cracking risk in a massive concrete foundation slab: Comparison of analytical and numerical prediction models with on-site measurements. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2021
- Evolução do Processo de Carbonatação em Argamassas de Cal Aérea. Materials. 2021
- Experiences and analysis of the construction process of mass foundation slabs aimed at reducing the risk of early age cracks. Journal of Building Engineering. 2021
- Experimental analysis of lime putty and pozzolan-based mortar for interventions in archaeological sites. Materials and Structures. 2021
- Modelling macroscopic shrinkage of hardened cement paste considering C-S-H densification. Advances in Cement Research. 2021
- Thermo-chemo-hygro-mechanical simulation of the restrained shrinkage ring test for cement-based materials under distinct drying conditions. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2021
- A multi-physics modelling based on coupled diffusion equations to simulate the carbonation process. Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais. 2020
- Alkali-silica reaction in concrete: Mechanisms, mitigation and test methods. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- A new test setup for measuring early age coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Estudo experimental do fluxo de umidade em argamassas de cal aérea. Materials. 2019
- Thermo-hygro-mechanical simulation of cracking in thick restrained RC members: Application to a 50 cm thick slab. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology. 2019
- Assessing Viscoelastic Properties of Concrete during its Early Ages through Forced Dynamic Excitation of Test Beams. Key Engineering Materials. 2016
- A Retrospective View of EMM-ARM: Application to Quality Control in Soil-improvement and Complementary Developments. Procedia Engineering. 2016
- Phase Change Materials as Smart Nanomaterials for Thermal Energy Storage in Buildings. Intelligent Nanomaterials. 2016
- Polymer and cement-based fiber-reinforced composite materials for sandwich slabs. BFT International. 2014
- Continuous stiffness monitoring of cemented sand through resonant frequency. American Society of Civil Engineers - Geotechnical Special (EI Indexed). Emerging Technologies for Material, Design, Rehabilitation, and Inspection of Roadway Pavements (GSP 218). 2011
- Identification of early-age concrete temperatures and strains: Monitoring and numerical simulation. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2009
- Temperatures and stresses due to cement hydration on the R/C foundation of a wind tower—A case study. Engineering Structures. 2008
- Drying induced moisture losses from mortar to the environment. Part I: experimental research. Materials and Structures. 2007
- Drying induced moisture losses from mortar to the environment. Part II: numerical implementation. Materials and Structures. 2007
- Modelling of concrete at early ages: Application to an externally restrained slab. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2006
- Thermo-mechanical analysis of young concrete - Application to a restrained slab. Measuring, Monitoring and Modeling Concrete Properties. 2006
artigo de conferência
- From meso to macro: homogenization of hygro-thermal properties in masonry systems 2024
- OpenBIM approach for integrated design and construction of modular construction: the R2U project 2024
- Homogenization of thermal properties for brick masonry walls 2024
- RecycleBIM: a framework for the circularity of construction materials through digital modelling 2023
- AR-enhanced collaborative environment for Facility Management supported by OpenBIM 2023
- Contribution to the Revision of the Portuguese Rules of Measurement Towards a Standardized BIM-Based Industry 2023
- Efficient data management in a BIM-based framework for circularity of products and materials 2023
- Railway bridge condition assessment based on state-of-the-art reality capture technologies: application to a case study 2023
- Early-Age to Long-Term Numerical Simulation of Concrete Members Tested in Adjustable Restraining Frames 2023
- Towards Standardization of Data for Structural Concrete: Product Data Templates 2023
- Development of a Sag Resistance Test for Plasters and Renders 2023
- RecycleBIM Approach Towards Integrated Data Management for Circularity: Proof of Concept in a RC Building 2023
- A cost-effective method to measure delayed deformations of building materials 2022
- Comparação de três equipamentos distintos baseados em lidar para levantamento de edifícios existentes 2022
- Desafios de interoperabilidade entre BIM e BEM 2022
- Desenvolvimento de Requisitos de Informação para o gerenciamento de instalações de uma cantina universitária 2022
- Automatização parcial da verificação regulamentar de projetos de edificação para efeitos de licenciamento municipal urbanístico: proposta, implementação e aplicação piloto 2022
- Modelação da informação e ferramenta digital orientadas à produção automática do MTQ no contexto da disciplina de Arquitectura 2022
- Os desafios da interoperabilidade entre BIM e BEM 2022
- A low-cost maturity method implementation based on open-source developments 2022
- A integração do BIM na reabilitação de «agregados» em alvenaria 2022
- Aplicação da metodologia BIM na monitorização da segurança de barragens de aterro 2022
- Automatização parcial da verificação regulamentar de projetos de edificação para efeitos de licenciamento urbanístico: proposta, implementação e aplicação piloto 2022
- BIM‑based seismic analysis of existing reinforced concrete buildings 2022
- Cost-Effective Method to Measure Delayed Deformations of Building Materials 2022
- Desenvolvimento de requisitos de informação para o facility management de uma cantina 2022
- Industrialização de instalações de edifícios – BIM e pré‑construção modular 2022
- Influencia del acondicionamiento de ladrillos de arcilla sobre la resistencia a la adherencia por corte de la albañilería 2022
- Metodologia BIM para a avaliação do desempenho em serviço de estruturas de betão armado com análise não‑linear 2022
- Metodologia para interoperabilidade BIM‑FM baseada em base de dados relacional 2022
- Modelação da informação e ferramenta digital orientadas à produção automática do MQT no contexto da disciplina de arquitetura 2022
- Projeto SECCLASS – o desenvolvimento de um sistema de classificação da construção com componente de sustentabilidade adaptado ao BIM 2022
- Revisão sistemática de guias BIM internacionais com vista à sua aplicação numa organização 2022
- Rumo à definição de ‘Product Data Templates’ nacionais para aplicação generalizada em contexto BIM: esforços da CT197 2022
- Seismic performance assessment of existing URM-RC buildings: a BIM-based methodology 2022
- Effect of Expansive Additives on the Early Age Elastic Modulus Development of Cement Paste by Ambient Response Method (ARM) 2021
- Long-Term Experimental Campaign on RC Shrinkage Cracking: Conceptualization, Planning and Experimental Procedures. 2021
- Concept for process towards automated building permits in Portugal 2021
- Apoio à verificação de projeto de estruturas em BA com base em análise não linear simplificada 2021
- Rumo à modelação eficiente de parâmetros geotécnicos em BIM 2020
- Performance requirements, challenges and existing solutions of PCM in massive concrete for temperature control 2020
- BIM-based methodology for the seismic performance assessment of existing buildings 2020
- Communication tools used by distributed teams in a BIM learning project 2020
- Ensaios virtuais à rotura em estruturas de betão armado com base em modelos BIM 2020
- Implementação BIM ao nível do licenciamento municipal: verificação automatizada do RGEU 2020
- Monitorização e conservação preventiva de património histórico com BIM: o projeto HeritageCare 2020
- O Mestrado Europeu BIM A+ 2020
- Reinforcement design for the combined effect of restrained shrinkage and applied loads in slabs: a design challenge 2020
- Controlling crack formation since early ages: contributions of COST Action TU1404 and research project IntegraCrete 2019
- Finite element based micro modelling of masonry structures subjected to fire 2019
- Consideration of soil temperature in the modelling of early-age mass concrete slab. Biomedical Materials. 2019
- BIM as a tool for setting and infrastructure management 2019
- A proactive approach to the conservation of historic and cultural Heritage: The HeritageCare methodology 2019
- Desafios e direções de investigação na identificação e caracterização de tipologias de edifícios de alvenaria intervencionados com recurso e betão armado 2019
- Impact of moisture curing conditions on mechanical properties of lime-cement mortars in early ages 2019
- Mechanical characterization of lime cement mortars: e-modulus and fracture energy 2019
- Medição do coeficiente de dilatação térmica do betão nas primeiras idades: Um novo método experimental baseado no aquecimento/arrefecimento interno 2019
- Método experimental para o estudo do efeito combinado de cargas aplicadas e retração impedida em lajes de betão. 2018
- A 3D printer of cement mortars based on initial deposition of dry materials 2018
- A 3D printer of cement mortars based on initial deposition of dry materials 2018
- A 3D printer of cement mortars based on initial deposition of dry materials 2018
- Building information model na gestão eficiente de infraestruturas hidráulicas: um caso de estudo 2018
- Performance of RC slabs under the combined effect of applied loads and restrained shrinkage 2018
- Volume stability of cement-based materials: round robin testing within COST Action TU1404 2018
- Microstructure-based 3d modelling of diffusivity in sound and cracked cement paste 2018
- BIM na pormenorização de estruturas de betão armado pre-esforçado 2018
- The challenges of adopting BIM for setting and infrastructure management of University of Minho 2018
- Thermal performance of fly ash geopolymeric mortars containing phase change materials 2018
- A systematic study of the effects of lime-cement ratio in the mechanical properties of blended mortars 2018
- Building Information Modelling (BIM) no contexto dos edifícios antigos 2018
- Building Information Modelling no contexto dos edifícios antigos 2018
- Curso BIM: uma abordagem eficiente através de aprendizagem orientada por projetos, dirigida para a indústria da AEC 2018
- Desenvolvimento de painel sanduíche multifuncional para a reabilitação sustentável de edifícios porticados de betão armado: caracterização de componentes 2018
- Desenvolvimento de painel sanduíche multifuncional para reabilitação sustentável de edifícios porticados de betão armado: caracterização de componentes 2018
- Desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para a simulação do efeito das serpentinas de refrigeração: aplicação a uma barragem abóbada durante a construção 2018
- Digitalização da construção no dstgroup: implementação da metodologia BIM 2018
- Estudo paramétrico da armadura mínima requerida para controlo da fissuração, em elementos de BA espessos restringidos, baseada em análises termo-higro-mecânicas 2018
- Flexural behaviour of an innovative connection for structural sandwich panels 2018
- HeritageCARE: Preventive conservation of built cultural heritage in the south-west Europe. Reflections on Cultural Heritage Theories and Practices. 2018
- Implementação BIM no contexto de inspeção e gestão da manutenção de obras de arte em betão armado: proposta de metodologia e aplicação piloto 2018
- Microstructural analysis of cement paste: experimental and numerical investigation 2018
- Método experimental para o estudo do efeito combinado de cargas aplicadas e retração impedida em lajes de betão 2018
- Proposta de um mapa de processos para o projeto de edifícios adequado à realidade portuguesa 2018
- Assessing the mechanical behaviour of concrete before and during setting with a resonance based technique: preliminary prototypes and results 2017
- COST Action TU1404: recent advances of the Extended Round Robin Test RRT+ 2017
- Microstructure-based modelling prediction of elasticity in hydrating cement paste 2017
- Microstructure-based modelling prediction of elasticity in hydrating cement paste. 2017
- NDT testing of stiffness evolution of UHPFRC since casting 2017
- Progress on testing of mechanical properties of cement-based materials - Extended Round Robin Test of COST Action TU1404 2017
- Thermo-hygro-mechanical modelling of concrete structures in service life: a multi-scale approach in the IntegraCrete project 2017
- Thermo-mechanical analysis of an arch dam monolith during construction 2017
- Current developments of RILEM TC 254-CMS ‘Thermal Cracking of Massive Concrete Structures 2017
- Further works on concrete at early age coordinated within COST TU1404 European Project 2017
- Bond durability, quality control and design of NSM CFRP-Concrete Systems 2017
- Current developments of RILEM TC 254-CMS ‘Thermal Cracking of Massive Concrete Structures’ 2017
- Monitorização e conservação preventiva do património histórico: o projeto HeritageCARE 2017
- Numerical Study on Restraints Effects in Massive Foundation Slabs. Procedia Engineering. 2017
- Experimental investigation of RC slabs strengthened with NSM CFRP system subjected to elevated temperatures up to 80 ºC 2016
- BIM no projeto de estruturas de obras hidroelétricas 2016
- Exploração dos benefícios mútuos entre BIM e jogos de simulação 2016
- Ferramenta baseada no método das diferenças finitas 2D para cálculos térmicos expeditos de faseamento construtivo de estruturas de betão em massa 2016
- Implementação BIM nos projetos de ensino do Departamento de Engenharia Civil da UMinho 2016
- Investigação experimental de lajes reforçadas com sistemas NSM CFRP submetidas a temperaturas até 80 °C 2016
- Modelo integrado para a simulação do faseamento construtivo de barragens 2016
- Participação Portuguesa no programa inter-laboratorial Europeu RRT+ da ação COST TU1404: Fase de ensaios preliminares 2016
- Multiscale modeling of hydration, elasticity and creep of VeRCoRs concrete. Focus on creep characteristic times 2016
- Bender-extender elements for characterization of cement paste at early ages 2016
- Bender-extender elements for characterization of cement paste at early ages. 2016
- Extended Round Robin Testing program of COST Action TU1404 – lessons learned from the initial experimental phase 2016
- Monitoring and simulating humidity profiles in concrete elements during drying 2016
- Monitoring and simulating humidity profiles in concrete elements during drying. 2016
- Numerical simulation of humidity fields in concrete considering the model code formulation 2016
- Assessment of the Small Strain Stiffness of a Sand-Cement Mixture by Cyclic and Dynamic Test Methods. Geotechnical Special Publication. 2016
- Bond on NSM CFRP systems: Recent contributions of UMinho on durability, quality control and design 2016
- Combined bender elements and accelerometers system: Measurement and interpretation 2016
- Energy saving potential of cement-based mortar containing hybrid phase change materials applied in building envelopes. Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies. 2016
- Estudo da evolução da carbonatação em argamassas de cal aérea 2016
- Experimental investigation of RC slabs strengthened with NSM CFRP system subjected to elevated temperatures up to 80 °C 2016
- New experimental insights for better parameter estimation and modelling of concrete at early ages 2015
- Efeitos da fluência num adesivo epóxi: investigação experimental 2015
- Experimental investigation on creep behaviour of an epoxy adhesive 2015
- Effects of curing temperature on pull-out behavior and stiffness evolution of epoxy adhesives for NSM-FRP applications 2015
- Affordable Prefabricated Modular Houses using cement and polymer based materials and advanced design tools 2015
- Avaliação experimental de compósitos de agregados leves impregnados com PCM, para aplicação em pavimentos rodoviários 2015
- Caracterização da fluência em tração em betões autocompactáveis, com restrição da retração de secagem 2015
- Characterization of concrete properties at early ages: Case studies of the University of Minho 2015
- Continuous Monitoring of Concrete Mechanical Properties since an Early Age to Support Construction Phasing 2015
- EMM-ARM Retrospective and current developments 2015
- Experience of the team of FEUP/UMinho in the CONCRACK benchmarking program 2015
- Innovative Method for the Continuous Monitoring of Concrete Viscoelastic Properties since Early Ages: Concept and Pilot Experiments 2015
- Simulação numérica do comportamento termomecânico do envolvimento em betão da espiral de uma turbina hidroelétrica 2015
- Thermo-mechanical behaviour of concrete structures: material characterization, in - situ monitoring and numerical simulation 2015
- Comportamento termo-higro-mecânico de elementos em betão: análise experimental e simulação numérica 2014
- Estudo experimental da viabilidade de utilização de sub-produtos do biodiesel como aditivos para materiais cimentícios 2014
- Metodologia para medição contínua do coeficiente de dilatação térmica do betão desde as primeiras idades 2014
- Monitorização contínua das propriedades mecânicas do betão nas primeiras idades para apoio ao faseamento construtivo 2014
- Monitorização contínua das propriedades viscoelásticas do betão desde as primeiras idades: um novo método baseado em ações dinâmicas 2014
- Nova metodologia para o controlo de qualidade de sistemas NSM CFRP durante a cura do adesivo 2014
- Maturity testing through continuous measurement of E-Modulus: an inter-laboratory and inter-technique study 2014
- A new methodology for assisting quality control of NSM-CFRP systems since very early ages 2014
- Alteração do faseamento construtivo de um pilar do descarregador de uma barragem gravidade por meio de arrefecimento artificial 2014
- An experimental framework for the support of multi-physics simulation models of aerial lime for historic masonry structures 2014
- Aplicação de algoritmos generativos e estratégias de otimização de formas na conceção estrutural 2014
- Aplicação de metodologias BIM no contexto da construção da nova ponte sobre a foz do Rio Dão 2014
- Assessment of the thermal performance of plastering mortars within controlled test cells 2014
- BIM execution plan strategy for collaborative project implementation 2014
- Behaviour of concrete elements strengthened with near surface mounted CFRP strips under thermal cycles 2014
- Behaviour of concrete elements strengthened with near surface mounted CFRP strips under thermal cycles 2014
- Bond and flexural behaviour of a NSM CFRP strengthening system under fatigue loading 2014
- Campanha experimental de caracterização da fluência do betão em tração sob impedimento da retração de secagem 2014
- Comportamento termo-higro-mecânico de elementos em betão : análise experimental e simulação numérica 2014
- Comportamento à fadiga de elementos de betão reforçados através de sistemas NSM CFRP 2014
- Creep behavior and durability of concrete elements strengthened with NSM CFRP strips 2014
- Creep behavior and durability of concrete elements strengthened with NSM CFRP strips 2014
- Desenvolvimentos da metodologia EMM-ARM para avaliação contínua da rigidez de solos estabilizados : adaptações ao molde para amostragem in-situ 2014
- Dispositivo experimental para caracterização do comportamento viscoelástico do betão sob a ação da retração restringida 2014
- Efeito de ciclos térmicos e de ciclos gelo/degelo no comportamento estrutural de elementos de betão reforçados com laminados de CFRP pela técnica NSM 2014
- Estudo experimental da viabilidade de utilização de sub-produtos do biodiesel como adjuvantes para materiais cimentícios 2014
- Fluência e durabilidade de elementos de betão armado reforçados com laminados de cfrp pela técnica NSM 2014
- Mechanical properties of resins: tensile strength and E-modulus since early ages 2014
- Monitorização contínua da deformabilidade de solos estabilizados com cimento desde as primeiras idades em amostras recolhidas diretamente de uma camada piloto 2014
- Numerical analysis of cracking of massive concrete structures : key topics studied in RILEM Technical Committee TC-CMS 2014
- Um plano de execução BIM de apoio ao projeto colaborativo entre o engenheiro de estruturas e o arquiteto 2014
- Modelação do comportamento pós-fendilhado do betão sob condições de retração restringida 2013
- Monitoring of elastic properties of concrete since very early age by means of cyclic loadings, ultrasonic measurements, natural resonant frequency of composite beam (EMM-ARM) and with smart aggregates 2013
- Creep behavior of RC slabs strengthened NSM CFRP laminate strips under different environmental conditions 2013
- Creep behavior of concrete elements strengthened with NSM CFRP laminate strips under different environmental conditions 2013
- Experimental analysis of the thermal performance of plastering mortars comprising hybrid phase change materials for increased energy efficiency in buildings 2013
- Failure modes in filled hole GFRP laminates for connections between FRP and concrete 2013
- Flexural and shear behaviour of precast sandwich slabs comprising thin walled steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete 2013
- Monitoring elastic properties of concrete since very early age by means of cyclic loadings, ultrasonic measurements, natural resonant frequency of composite beam (EMM-ARM) and with smart aggregates 2013
- Abordagem multi-física ao comportamento em serviço das estruturas de betão: monitorização dos campos internos de humidade 2012
- Avaliação experimental do módulo de elasticidade de materiais cimentícios desde as primeiras idades: aplicação laboratorial e in situ 2012
- Caracterização ao corte da ligação entre conector de GFRP e betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço 2012
- Tube-jack testing for irregular masonry: preliminary testing 2012
- Abordagem multi-física ao comportamento em serviço das estruturas de betão: monitorização dos campos intermos de humidade 2012
- An innovative approach for continuous measurement of cemented sand stiffness immediately after layer compaction 2012
- Análise da fendilhação em elementos de betão armado induzida por restrições a deformações impostas 2012
- Aplicação de sistema baseado em bainhas de pré-esforço ventiladas para redução do risco de fissuração de origem térmica do betão nas primeiras idades 2012
- Bio-inspiração aplicada a estruturas de betão: desafios e possibilidades associados às técnicas de impressão 3D 2012
- Conception of sandwich structural panels comprising thin walled steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete (SFRSCC) and fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) connectors 2012
- Construction phasing of a dam spillway : thermo-mechanical simulation 2012
- Desenvolvimento de painéis sandwich estruturais constituídos por camadas nervuradas de betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço e conetores de compósito polimérico reforçado com fibras de vidro 2012
- Ensaio de restrição axial controlada para caraterização do betão tracionado devido à retração 2012
- Estudo térmico nas primeiras idades do envolvimento em betão da espiral de uma turbina 2012
- Fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) connectors for Steel Fibre Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete (SFRSCC) sandwich panels 2012
- Integração da metodologia BIM na engenharia de estruturas 2012
- Issues on monitoring and simulating the thermo-mechanical behaviour of concrete since early ages 2012
- Monitoring and 3D thermal modeling of the spiral casing of Batalha Hydroeletric power plant since its early ages 2012
- Monitorização contínua da rigidez de areia estabilizada com cimento através da frequência de ressonância 2012
- Otimização do faseamento construtivo de estruturas constituídas por grandes volumes de betão : estudo do canal do descarregador de cheias de uma barragem 2012
- The use of continuous system identification for evaluation of concrete E-modulus evolution: Laboratory and field applications. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. 2012
- Use of FEM to assess shrinkage cracking in restrained concrete structures 2012
- Automatic system identification algorithm for processing ambient vibration data 2011
- Composite coating based on the incorporation of PCM into cement based rendering motars 2011
- Continuous monitoring of cement paste E-modulus since casting : a method based on modal identification 2011
- Continuous monitoring of cement paste E-modulus since casting: A method based on modal identification 2011
- Fendilhação do betão nas primeiras idades : modelos de análise e previsão 2011
- Metodologia EMM-ARM para caracterização do endurecimento do betão nas primeiras idades 2011
- Nonlinear modelling of shrinkage-induced deformations on RC retaining walls 2011
- Numerical simulation of the structural behaviour of concrete tetrapods subject to imposed deformations and applied loads 2011
- Smart PCM-Based coating for enhanced thermal confort in buildings 2011
- A termografia no apoio à modelação do betão na fase da hidratação do cimento 2010
- Concepção de sistemas de restrição passiva à retracção para avaliação das tensões associadas à deformação impedida 2010
- New method for continous monitoring of concrets E-modulus since casting using an output-only modal identification techenique 2010
- New method for continuous monitoring of concrete E-modulus since casting 2010
- New method for continuous monitoring of concrete E-modulus since casting using an output-only modal identification technique 2010
- Potencialidades de aplicação de ferramentas “Building Information Modelling” no apoio à transmissão de conhecimento relativo a estruturas de betão armado 2010
- Sistemas de solo compósito-betão : caracterização da interface geocompósito-betão 2010
- Sistemas de solo compósito-betão : caracterização da interface geocompósito-solo 2010
- Um novo método para medição contínua do módulo de elasticidade de materiais cimentícios desde a betonagem 2010
- Hygro-mechanical simulation of drying shrinkage in concrete elements 2009
- Simulação higro-mecânica da retracção de secagem em elementos de betão 2009
- Numerical analysis of a RC slab considering the combined effect of self induced stresses and external loads 2008
- Parametric study of the influence of heat curing methods in residual stresses of precast bridge beams 2008
- Influence of monisture losses at early ages on concrete cover quality: A numerical aproach 2007
- Numerical simulation of the restrained concrete shrinkage in thr ring test 2007
- Numerical simulation of concrete strutural behavior at early ages 2006
- Thermo-mechanical analysys of young concrete. Application to a restrained slab 2006
- Restrained concrete Ring test: Experimental campaign and numerical simulation 2005
- Risk of concrete craking at early ages 2004
artigo de revista
- Continuous Monitoring of Elastic Modulus of Mortars Using a Single-Board Computer and Cost-Effective Components. Bioengineering. 2023
- Hardening characterisation of a non-proprietary and more eco-friendly UHPC. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2023
- Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of Mass Concrete Foundation Slabs at Early Age—Essential Aspects and Experiences from the FE Modelling. Materials. 2022
- A cal nas argamassas para alvenaria: colaborações com a EuLA. Pedra & Cal. 2022
- Numerical simulations of derived URM-RC buildings: Assessment of strengthening interventions with RC. Journal of Building Engineering. 2021
- Seismic behaviour of precast sandwich wall panels of steel fibre reinforced concrete layers and fibre reinforced polymer connectors. Engineering Structures. 2021
- Enhanced massivity index based on evidence from case studies: Towards a robust pre-design assessment of early-age thermal cracking risk and practical recommendations. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2021
- Organic-inorganic hybrid sol-gel materials doped with a fluorescent triarylimidazole derivative. Nanoscale. 2021
- A new test setup for simulation of the combined effect of bending and axial restraint in slab-like specimens. Engineering Structures. 2020
- Analytical assessment of restraint forces and crack widths in end-restrained building slabs. Engineering Structures. 2020
- Internal curing of alkali-activated slag-fly ash paste with superabsorbent polymers. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2020
- An innovative approach for temperature control of massive concrete structures at early ages based on post-cooling: Proof of concept. Journal of Building Engineering. 2020
- Internal curing by superabsorbent polymers in alkali-activated slag. Cement and Concrete Research. 2020
- A meso-scale discrete element method framework to simulate thermo-mechanical failure of concrete subjected to elevated temperatures. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2020
- 3D numerical simulation of the cracking behaviour of a RC one-way slab under the combined effect of thermal, shrinkage and external loads. Engineering Structures. 2020
- Finite element based micro modelling of masonry walls subjected to fire exposure: Framework validation and structural implications. Engineering Structures. 2020
- Practice on creating a common reference concrete for Round Robin Testing programmes based on the experience from COST Action TU1404. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2020
- FEM Applied to Building Physics: Modeling Solar Radiation and Heat Transfer of PCM Enhanced Test Cells. Energies. 2020
- Microstructural simulation and measurement of elastic modulus evolution of hydrating cement pastes. Cement and Concrete Research. 2020
- PDMS Based Hybrid Sol-Gel Materials for Sensing Applications in Alkaline Environments: Synthesis and Characterization. E-Polymers. 2020
- A new method based on equivalent surfaces for simulation of the post-cooling in concrete arch dams during construction. Engineering Structures. 2020
- Displacement-based seismic performance evaluation and vulnerability assessment of buildings: The N2 method revisited. Infrastructures. 2020
- Experiences on early age cracking of wall-on-slab concrete structures. Infrastructures. 2020
- Longitudinal restraining devices for the evaluation of structural behaviour of cement-based materials: the past, present and prospective trends. Strain. 2020
- Hygro-mechanical modeling of restrained ring test: COST TU1404 benchmark. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Quantification of impact of lime on mechanical behaviour of lime cement blended mortars for bedding joints in masonry systems. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Estudo experimental do fluxo de umidade em argamassas de cal aérea. Materials. 2019
- Influence of the incorporation of phase change materials on temperature development in mortar at early ages: Experiments and numerical simulation. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Intervened URM buildings with RC elements: typological characterisation and associated challenges. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 2019
- Stiffness evolution of natural hydraulic lime mortars at early ages measured through EMM-ARM. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Assessment of behaviour and cracking susceptibility of cementitious systems under restrained conditions through ring tests: A critical review. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Mechanical properties of lime–cement masonry mortars in their early ages. Materials and Structures. 2019
- Prediction of hardening temperature and thermal stresses in a sluice foundation,Przewidywanie temperatury twardnienia i naprezen termicznych w fundamencie sluzy. Cement Wapno Beton. 2019
- Concrete with fine and coarse recycled aggregates: E-modulus evolution, compressive strength and non-destructive testing at early ages. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2018
- Two-staged kinetics of moduli evolution with time of a lime treated soil under different curing temperatures. Transportation Geotechnics. 2018
- An integrated framework for multi-criteria optimization of thin concrete shells at early design stages. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 2018
- An integrated framework for multi-criteria optimization of thin concrete shells at early design stages. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 2018
- COST TU1404 benchmark on macroscopic modelling of concrete and concrete structures at early age: Proof-of-concept stage. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2018
- Energy benefits of cement-based plaster containing hybrid phase-change material. Construction Materials: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. 2018
- Microstructure-Based Prediction of the Elastic Behaviour of Hydrating Cement Pastes. Applied Sciences. 2018
- A systematic review of Prefabricated Enclosure Wall Panel Systems: Focus on technology driven for performance requirements. Sustainable Cities and SocIETy. 2018
- Pull-out behaviour of Glass-Fibre Reinforced Polymer perforated plate connectors embedded in concrete. Part I: Experimental program. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2018
- Pull-out behaviour of Glass-Fibre Reinforced Polymer perforated plate connectors embedded in concrete. Part I: Experimental program. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2018
- Thermal performance of resource-efficient geopolymeric mortars containing phase change materials. Open Construction and Building Technology Journal. 2018
- Experimental analysis of the carbonation and humidity diffusion processes in aerial lime mortar. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2017
- Experimental validation of a framework for hygro-mechanical simulation of self-induced stresses in concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2017
- Towards a robust and versatile method for monitoring E-modulus of concrete since casting: Enhancements and extensions of EMM-ARM. Strain. 2017
- Viscoelastic response of an epoxy adhesive for construction since its early ages: Experiments and modelling. Composite Structures. 2017
- A formulation to reduce mesh dependency in FE analyses of RC structures under imposed deformations. Engineering Structures. 2017
- A structural experimental technique to characterize the viscoelastic behavior of concrete under restrained deformations. Strain. 2017
- Addition of biomass ash in concrete: Effects on E-Modulus, electrical conductivity at early ages and their correlation. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2017
- Analysis of the effect of shoring on the behaviour of reinforced concrete slabs. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2017
- Glycerol resulting from biodiesel production as an admixture for cement-based materials: an experimental study. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering. 2017
- Numerical benchmark campaign of COST Action TU1404 – microstructural modelling. RILEM Technical Letters. 2017
- O betão estrutural e os desafios do BIM 2017
- Influence of temperature on the curing of an epoxy adhesive and its influence on bond behaviour of NSM-CFRP systems. Composite Structures. 2016
- Optimal behavior of responsive residential demand considering hybrid phase change materials. Applied Energy. 2016
- Experimental and numerical studies of hybrid PCM embedded in plastering mortar for enhanced thermal behaviour of buildings. Energy. 2016
- Influence of temperature in the evolution of compressive strength and in its correlations with UPV in eco-concretes with recycled materials. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2016
- Testing Concrete E-modulus at Very Early Ages Through Several Techniques: An Inter-laboratory Comparison. Strain. 2016
- Assessing the feasibility of impregnating phase change materials in lightweight aggregate for development of thermal energy storage systems. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- Dispositivo experimental para caraterização do comportamento viscoelástico do betão sob a ação da retração restringida. Mecânica Experimental. 2015
- Influence of casting condition on the anisotropy of the fracture properties of Steel Fibre Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete (SFRSCC). Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- Monitoring the early stiffness development in epoxy adhesives for structural strengthening. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 2015
- Quality control and monitoring of NSM CFRP systems: E-modulus evolution of epoxy adhesive and its relation to the pull-out force. Composite Structures. 2015
- Simulation of humidity fields in concrete: Experimental validation and parameter estimation. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology. 2015
- Thermal behavior of cement based plastering mortar containing hybrid microencapsulated phase change materials. Energy and Buildings. 2014
- Polymer and cement-based fiber-reinforced composite materials for sandwich slabs. BFT International. 2014
- Application of air cooled pipes for reduction of early age cracking risk in a massive RC wall. Engineering Structures. 2014
- Comparison between different experimental techniques for stiffness monitoring of cement pastes. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology. 2014
- Continuous monitoring of sand-cement stiffness starting from layer compaction with a resonant frequency-based method: Issues on mould geometry and sampling. Soils and Foundations. 2014
- Early-age behaviour of the concrete surrounding a turbine spiral case: Monitoring and thermo-mechanical modelling. Engineering Structures. 2014
- Estimation of the specific enthalpy–temperature functions for plastering mortars containing hybrid mixes of phase change materials. International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering. 2014
- Hygrometric assessment of internal relative humidity in concrete : practical application issues. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology. 2014
- Continuous stiffness assessment of cement-stabilised soils from early age. Geotechnique. 2013
- Development of sandwich panels combining fibre reinforced concrete layers and fibre reinforced polymer connectors. Part I: Conception and pull-out tests. Composite Structures. 2013
- Development of sandwich panels combining fibre reinforced concrete layers and fibre reinforced polymer connectors. Part I: Conception and pull-out tests. Composite Structures. 2013
- Development of sandwich panels combining fibre reinforced concrete layers and fibre reinforced polymer connectors. Part I: Conception and pull-out tests. Composite Structures. 2013
- Modelling of cement hydration in concrete structures with hybrid finite elements. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 2013
- Tube jack testing for irregular masonry walls: prototype development and testing. Ndt & e International. 2013
- Continuous monitoring of concrete E-modulus since casting based on modal identification: A case study for in situ application. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2012
- E-modulus evolution and its relation to solids formation of pastes from commercial cements. Cement and Concrete Research. 2012
- Identification of the percolation threshold in cementitious pastes by monitoring the E modulus evolution. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2012
- Influence of shrinkage reducing admixtures on distinct SCC mix compositions. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2012
- Thermal enhancement of plastering mortars with Phase Change Materials: experimental and numerical approach. Energy and Buildings. 2012
- Influence of the cementitious paste composition on the E-modulus and heat of hydration evolutions. Cement and Concrete Research. 2011
- Measurement of the E-modulus of cement pastes and mortars since casting, using a vibration based technique. Materials and Structures. 2011
- Thermography as a technique for monitoring early age temperatures of hardening concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2011
- Thermo–hygro–mechanical modelling of self-induced stresses during the service life of RC structures. Engineering Structures. 2011
- Measurement of concrete E-modulus evolution since casting: A novel method based on ambient vibration. Cement and Concrete Research. 2010
- Identification of early-age concrete temperatures and strains : monitoring and numerical simulation. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2009
capítulo de livro
- Improving Regulations for Automated Design Checking Through Decision Analysis Good Practices: A Conceptual Application to the Construction Sector 2024
- A Cost-Effective Micro-controller Based System for EMM-ARM Tests in Cement Paste 2023
- A New Sustainable System for Piped Water Cooling of Mass Concrete Structures. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2023
- Development of a BIM Model for Facility Management with Virtual/Augmented Reality Interaction 2023
- Linked Data for the Categorization of Failures Mechanisms in Existing Unreinforced Masonry Buildings 2023
- 3D Thermo-Hygro-Mechanical Simulation of a RC Slab Under Restrained Shrinkage and Applied Loads: Influence of the Reinforcement Ratio on Service Life Behaviour 2022
- Compression-only precast block construction system using BIM and custom interoperability tools for collaboration between engineers and architects 2022
- Early Age Temperature Control in Mass Concrete Through Incorporation of Dispersed Phase Change Materials (PCMs). RILEM Bookseries. 2021
- Effect of Expansive Additives on the Early Age Elastic Modulus Development of Cement Paste by Ambient Response Method (ARM) 2021
- Long-Term Experimental Campaign on RC Shrinkage Cracking: Conceptualization, Planning and Experimental Procedures 2021
- Performance Requirements, Challenges and Existing Solutions of PCM in Massive Concrete for Temperature Control. RILEM Bookseries. 2021
- Towards the Understanding the Role of the Mix Design Method in the Mechanical Behaviour of Recycled Aggregate Concrete at Early Ages 2021
- Validation of Thermo-hygro-Mechanical FEM Analysis of Thick Restrained RC Members by Comparison with Experiments 2021
- Elastic Modulus Measurement Through Ambient Response Method 2020
- Introduction 2019
- On-site monitoring of mass concrete 2019
- Study of Early Age Stiffness Development in Lime–Cement Blended Mortars. RILEM Bookseries. 2019
- Temperature control 2019
- Thermal properties 2019
- Hygrometry 2018
- Design challenge for reinforcement in a highly restrained slab 2017
- From LiDAR data towards HBIM for energy analysis 2017
- Overview of difficulties in design associated to concrete shrinkage 2017
- Regulatory framework and recommendations for RC design considering the effects of shrinkage 2017
- Sustainable Development of Piped Water Cooling of Mass Concrete Structures 2022
- Initial Developments towards a Unified Protocol of Mortar Preparation for Testing within The SUBLime MSCA Doctoral Network 2022
- Effectiveness of incorporation of pristine phase change materials on cement-based mortar 2022
- A cal nas argamassas para alvenaria: colaborações com a EuLA 2022
- Trends on Construction in the Digital Era, Proceedings of ISIC International Conference - Trends on Construction in the Post-Digital Era (ISIC2022) 2022
- O impacto do BIM na agilização do licenciamento urbano 2021
- 3D Thermo-hygro-mechanical approach for simulation of the cracking behaviour of a RC slab under the combined effects of applied loads and restrained shrinkage 2019
- Creep modelling for refractory materials used in furnace linings 2019
- Experimental validation of constitutive models for assessment of the cracking risk at the early ages 2019
- Finite element based micro modelling of masonry structures subjected to fire 2019
- Numerical study of arch dams under the construction and operation scenarios 2019
- Thermal simulation of concrete dams during construction: effect of the heat exchange mechanisms 2019
- BIM as a tool for setting and infrastructure management 2019
- Design of reinforced concrete structures subjected to external loads and restrained deformations 2019
- BIM na pormenorização de estruturas de betão armado pré-esforçado 2018
- NDT testing of stiffness evolution of UHPFRC since casting 2017
- Análise estrutural de um edifício em betão armado com recurso a software comercial 2016
- Implementação BIM nos projetos de ensino do Departamento de Engenharia Civil da UMinho 2016
- Modelo integrado para a simulação do faseamento construtivo de barragens 2016
- Service life of cement-based materials and structures: DTU-COST-RILEM Doctoral Course 2016
- Aplicação de metodologias BIM no contexto da construção da nova ponte sobre a foz do Rio Dão 2014
- BIM execution plan strategy for collaborative project implementation 2014
- Polymer and cement-based fiber-reinforced composite materials for sandwich slabs | Polymer- und zementbasierte, faserbewehrte Verbundwerkstoffe für Sandwichelemente 2014
- Um plano de execução BIM de apoio ao projeto colaborativo entre o engenheiro de estruturas e o arquiteto 2014
- Modelac¸a~o do Comportamento Po´s-Fendilhado do Beta~o sob Condic¸o~es de Retrac¸a~o Restringida 2013
- Abordagem multi-física ao comportamento em serviço das estruturas de betão: monitorização dos campos internos de humidade 2012
- Análise da fendilhação em elementos de betão armado induzida por restrições a deformações impostas 2012
- Aplicação de sistema baseado em baínhas de pré esforço ventiladas para redução do risco de fissuração de origem térmica do betão nas primeiras idades 2012
- Avaliação experimental do módulo de elasticidade de materiais cimentícios desde as primeiras idades: aplicação laboratorial e in situ 2012
- Caracterização ao corte da ligação entre conector de GFRP e betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço 2012
- Construction phasing of a dam spillway: thermo-mechanical simulation 2012
- Ensaio de restrição axial controlada para caraterização do betão tracionado devido à retração 2012
- Estudo térmico nas primeiras idades do envolvimento em betão da espiral de uma turbina 2012
- Experimentation and 3D Thermo-mechanical Modeling of Early-Age Concrete used in the Spiral Casing of Hydroeletric Power Plant Batalha, considering thermo-viscoelasticity with aging 2012
- Integração da metodologia BIM na engenharia de estruturas 2012
- Issues on monitoring and simulating the thermo-mechanical behaviour of concrete since early ages 2012
- Monitorização contínua da rigidez de areia estabilizada com cimento através da frequência de ressonância 2012
- Optimization of mass concrete construction phasing: Case study of the channel of a dam spillway (In Portuguese) 2012
- Use of FEM to assess shrinkage cracking in restrained concrete structures 2012
- Concrete cracking at early ages: Models for analysis and prediction (in Portuguese) 2011
- EMM-ARM methodology for characterization of concrete hardening since early ages 2011
- Nonlinear modelling of shrinkage-induced deformations on RC retaining walls 2011
- Concepção de sistemas de restrição passiva à retracção para avaliação das tensões associadas à deformação impedida 2010
- Sistemas de solo compósito-betão : caracterização da interface geocompósito-betão 2010
- Sistemas de solo compósito-betão : caracterização da interface geocompósito-solo 2010
- Unveiling the Actual Progress of Digital Building Permit: Getting Awareness through a Critical State of the Art Review
- 5º Congresso Português de Building Information Modelling Volume 1: ptBIM 2024
- 5º Congresso Português de Building Information Modelling Volume 2 2024
- 3rd BIM A+ International Conference in Building Information Modelling 2023
- International RILEM Conference on Synergising Expertise towards Sustainability and Robustness of Cement-based Materials and Concrete Structures 2023
- Manual de inovação e sustentabilidade: os desafios e as soluções na reabilitação urbana 4.0: materiais, tecnologias, recursos humanos e segurança 2023
- Trends on Construction in the Digital Era 2023
- Advanced Techniques for Testing of Cement-Based Materials 2020
- BIM nas autarquias - Guia Compreensivo para a Implementação do BIM 2020
- BIM nas autarquias: guia compreensivo para a implementação do BIM 2020
- Design of reinforced concrete structures subjected to external loads and restrained deformations. 2019
- Preface 2019
- Reinforcement design for the combined effect of restrained shrinkage and applied loads in slabs: a design challenge 2019
- Thermal Cracking of Massive Concrete Structures 2019
- Curso BIM: uma abordagem eficiente através de aprendizagem orientada por projetos, dirigida para a indústria da AEC 2018
- fib Commission 5: Seminar on Durability of Concrete Structures 2014
- Elasticity modulus monitoring through an ambient vibration response method - application to cement based pastes 2012
- Elasticity modulus monitoring through an ambient vibration response method - application to cement based pastes 2012
- Comportamento das ligações entre conectores de compósito de polímero reforçado com fibras de vidro e betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço (BACRFA) : ensaios de arranque (pull-out tests) 2010
- Comportamento térmico de painéis sanduíche constituídos por lâminas em betão e conectores de compósito de polímero reforçado com fibras 2010
- A platform based on open-BIM towards digital building permits in Portugal 2023
- AR-enhanced collaborative environment for Facility Management supported by OpenBIM 2023
- Contribution to the revision of the Portuguese Rules of Measurement towards a standardized BIM-based industry 2023
- Appointing parties and OpenBIM in the context of ISO 19650 2022
- Automatização do cálculo de vigas de betão armado com auxílio de programação orientada a objetos 2022
- BIM as a Smart Facility Management Tool of University Facilities 2022
- Implementation of ISO19650 based framework for asset management in logistics centres for a major food retailer 2022
- Industrialization in building MEP instalations: modular preconstruction based on BIM 2022
- Integrated Planning and Recording Circularity of Construction Materials through Digital Modelling 2022
- Laboratório BIM de realidade virtual para a Indústria da Arquitetura, Engenharia e Construção 2022
- A multi scale approach to the study of lime-cement mortars in masonry 2021
- Análise da implementação do BIM na indústria AECO em Angola 2021
- BIM for information management in structural safety control of embankment dams 2021
- Collaborative BIM-based workflows for a new sustainable compression-only structural block construction system 2021
- Proposal of a company BIM guide in alignment with ISO 19650 2021
- Upgrading BIM processes in a structural design office 2021
- A framework for BIM-based assessment of seismic performance of existing RC buildings 2020
- Coordinated specification and quantity take-off through digital modelling 2020
- Interoperability framework for BIM-FM based on a relational database 2020
- Relatório do estágio feito no Serviço de Geriatria do Hospital Erasme em Bruxelas de Outubro a Dezembro de 2019 2020
- Towards efficient BIM use of underground geotechnical data 2020
- Metodologias ‘Building Information Modelling’ aplicadas à gestão eficiente de infraestruturas hidráulicas: um caso de estudo 2018
- Textile hybrid kinetic adaptive structures: a case study 2018
- Continuous monitoring of deformability of stabilized soils based on modalidentification 2017
- Implementação BIM no contexto de inspeção e gestão da manutenção de obras de arte em betão armado: proposta de metodologia e aplicação piloto 2017
- Time-dependent behaviour and durability of RC slabs strengthened with NSM CFRP strips 2017
- A multi–physics approach applied to masonry structures with non–hydraulic lime mortars 2016
- BIM no projeto e construção de estruturas metálicas: estabelecimento de manual de implementação e execução 2016
- Continuous characterization of stiffness of cement-based materials: experimental analysis and micro-mechanics modelling 2016
- Desenvolvimento de um adesivo de base aquosa 2016
- Incorporation of hybrid phase change materials in plastering mortars for increased energy efficiency in buildings 2016
- Método inovador para a monitorização in-situ do endurecimento de materiais cimentícios com base na caraterização do comportamento dinâmico 2016
- Sandwich structural panels comprising thin-walled SFRSCC and GFRP connectors: from material features to structural behaviour 2016
- An integrated model for simulation of construction phasing of arch concrete dams 2015
- Aplicação de metodologias BIM no contexto da construção da nova ponte sobre o Rio Dão 2015
- Fluência no betão desde as primeiras idades: um estudo experimental 2015
- Implementação de metodologias BIM na Direção de Engenharia de Barragens da EDP: casos de estudo de projeto de estruturas em obras hidroelétricas 2015
- Interação entre arquiteto e engenheiro de estruturas em fases preliminares da conceção estrutural: oportunidades e desafios das metodologias BIM 2015
- Upgrade of an industrial building: BIM model of the as-built situation and evaluation of modifications 2015
- Continuous evaluation of the stiffness of stabilized soils since compaction: enhancements to the EMM-ARM methodology 2014
- Desenvolvimento de técnica de impressão 3D para produção de peças de matriz cimentícia 2014
- Ensinar estruturas através de um laboratório pedagógico 2014
- Parametrical studies of the behavior of aerial lime mortars 2014
- Use of generative algorithms and shape optimization strategies in structural design 2014
- A metodologia Building Information Modeling aplicada ao projeto de estruturas 2013
- BIM as a tool to support the collaborative project between the structural engineer and the architect: BIM execution plan, education and promotional initiatives 2013
- Biodiesel by-product as an admixture for cement-based materials : an experimental study 2013
- Comportamento mecânico do betão nas primeiras idades : propriedades e monitorização de deformações 2013
- Criação e implementação de um laboratório pedagógico de estruturas na Universidade do Minho 2013
- Desenvolvimento de sistemas experimentais para estudo do comportamento do betão sob condições de retração restringida 2013
- Influência dos parâmetros da formulação na rigidez de solos estabilizados : estudo experimental 2013
- Aplicação de técnicas BIM à construção modular com Painéis Sandwich 2012
- Bio-inspiração aplicada a estruturas de betão : desafios e possibilidades associados às técnicas de impressão 3D 2012
- Measurement of internal moisture distribution in concrete with relative humidity sensors 2012
- Numerical simulation of the structural behaviour of concrete since its early ages 2009
- Comportamento do betão nas primeiras idades : fenomenologia e análise termo-mecânica 2004