publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Hyperbolic phonon-plasmon polaritons in a hBN-graphene van der Waals structure. Journal of the Optical SocIETy of America B: Optical Physics. 2024
- Investigation of edge plasmon modes in graphene-black phosphorus double layer strip waveguides. Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures. 2023
- Topological photonic Tamm states and the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model. Physical Review A. 2020
- Linear superpositions of gap solitons in periodic Kerr media. Optics Letters. 2011
- Linear superpositions of nonlinear matter waves in optical lattices. Epl. 2011
- Dynamics of inhomogeneous condensates in contact with a surface. Physical Review A. 2010
- Matter waves and quantum tunneling engineered by time-dependent interactions. Physical Review A. 2010
- Mechanism for graphene-based optoelectronic switches by tuning surface plasmon-polaritons in monolayer graphene. Epl. 2010
- Nonlinear patterns in Bose-Einstein condensates in dissipative optical lattices. Physical Review A. 2010
- Thresholdless surface solitons. Optics Letters. 2010
- Vector rogue waves in binary mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensates. European Physical Journal: Special Topics. 2010
- Dynamical localization of gap-solitons by time periodic forces. Epl. 2009
- Long-lived matter wave Bloch oscillations and dynamical localization by time-dependent nonlinearity management. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics. 2009
- Matter rogue waves. Physical Review A. 2009
- Rabi oscillations of matter-wave solitons in optical lattices. Physical Review A. 2009
- Rogue waves as spatial energy concentrators in arrays of nonlinear waveguides. Optics Letters. 2009
- Generalized neighbor-interaction models induced by nonlinear lattices. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2008
- Long-living bloch oscillations of matter waves in periodic potentials. Physical Review Letters. 2008
- Surface solitons in three dimensions. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2008
- Acceleration and localization of matter in a ring trap. Physical Review A. 2007
- Delocalizing transition in one-dimensional condensates in optical lattices due to inhomogeneous interactions. Physical Review A. 2007
- Surface modes and breathers in finite arrays of nonlinear waveguides. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2007
- Intrasubband plasmons in a finite array of quantum ires, which contains a defect. Telecommunications and Radio Engineering (english Translation of Elektrosvyaz and Radiotekhnika). 2006
- Localized modes in arrays of boson-fermion mixtures. Physical Review A. 2006
- Matter waves of Bose-Fermi mixtures in one-dimensional optical lattices. Physical Review A. 2006
- Metal mirror influence on forced whispering gallery oscillations in a hemispherical dielectric resonator. Telecommunications and Radio Engineering (english Translation of Elektrosvyaz and Radiotekhnika). 2006
- Edge Magnetoplasmons in a finite array of two-dimensional electron gas strips. Telecommunications and Radio Engineering (english Translation of Elektrosvyaz and Radiotekhnika). 2005
Propagation of the H
10 mode in a rectangular waveguide with a dielectric discontinuity. Technical Physics. 2005 - Resonance Optical Transmission through Periodically Modulated Metal Films. Telecommunications and Radio Engineering (english Translation of Elektrosvyaz and Radiotekhnika). 2005
- Whispering-gallery modes in a barrel-shaped dielectric resonator. Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics. 2005
- Intrasubband plasmons in a weakly disordered array of quantum wires. Low Temperature Physics. 2003
- Nonlinear surface polaritons in 2D electron system in high magnetic field. European Physical Journal B. 2002
- Nonlinear surface polaritons in a two-dimension electron system plased in an external quantizing magnetic field. Telecommunications and Radio Engineering (english Translation of Elektrosvyaz and Radiotekhnika). 2002
- Nonlinear surface polaritons in a two-dimensional electron system placed into a quantizing magnetic field. Telecommunications and Radio Engineering (english Translation of Elektrosvyaz and Radiotekhnika). 2002
- Surface polaritons in a finite superlattice with a displaced layer in a quantizing magnetic field. Low Temperature Physics. 2000
- Quantization of group velocity of surface polaritons in a finite superlattice in a high magnetic field. Telecommunications and Radio Engineering (english Translation of Elektrosvyaz and Radiotekhnika). 1999
- Surface Polaritons in the Finite Weakly Disordered Superlattice in the Quantizing Magnetic Field. Telecommunications and Radio Engineering (english Translation of Elektrosvyaz and Radiotekhnika). 1999
artigo de conferência
- Graphene and polarisable nanoparticles: Looking good together?. International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON). 2016
- Graphene-based nanostructures: Plasmonics in the THz range. International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON). 2015
artigo de revista
- Localized polariton states in a photonic crystal intercalated by a transition metal dichalcogenide monolayer. Journal of the Optical SocIETy of America B: Optical Physics. 2021
- Topological Graphene Plasmons in a Plasmonic Realization of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Model. ACS Photonics. 2021
- Topological photonic Tamm states and the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model. Physical Review A. 2020
- Excitation of localized graphene plasmons by a metallic slit. Physical Review B. 2020
- Hybrid plasmon-magnon polaritons in graphene-antiferromagnet heterostructures. 2D Materials. 2019
- Surface plasmon-polaritons in graphene, embedded into medium with gain and losses. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 2019
- Scattering of graphene plasmons at abrupt interfaces: An analytic and numeric study. Physical Review B. 2018
- Magnetic field assisted transmission of THz waves through a graphene layer combined with a periodically perforated metallic film. Physical Review B. 2018
- Probing nonlocal effects in metals with graphene plasmons. Physical Review B. 2018
- Escape of a vector matter-wave soliton from a parabolic trap. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics. 2017
- Modeling the excitation of graphene plasmons in periodic grids of graphene ribbons: An analytical approach. Physical Review B. 2016
- Scattering of surface plasmon polaritons in a graphene multilayer photonic crystal with inhomogeneous doping. Physical Review B. 2016
- Discrete solitons in graphene metamaterials. Physical Review B. 2015
- Terahertz response of patterned epitaxial graphene. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields. 2015
- Nonlinear TE-polarized surface polaritons on graphene. Physical Review B. 2014
- Optical bistability of graphene in the terahertz range. Physical Review B. 2014
- Optical conductivity of ABA stacked graphene trilayer: Mid-IR resonance due to band nesting. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 2014
- PT -symmetric coupler with a coupling defect: Soliton interaction with exceptional point. Optics Letters. 2014
- Renormalization of nanoparticle polarizability in the vicinity of a graphene-covered interface. Physical Review B. 2014
- A primer on surface plasmon-polaritons in graphene. International Journal of Modern Physics B. 2013
- Enhancing the absorption of graphene in the terahertz range. Epl. 2013
- Exact solution for square-wave grating covered with graphene: Surface plasmon-polaritons in the terahertz range. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 2013
- Instabilities, solitons and rogue waves in PT -coupled nonlinear waveguides. Journal of Optics. 2013
- Stable dark solitons in PT-symmetric dual-core waveguides. Physical Review A. 2013
- Superfluidity breakdown of periodic matter waves in quasi-one-dimensional annular traps via resonant scattering with moving defects. Physical Review A. 2013
- Unusual reflection of electromagnetic radiation from a stack of graphene layers at oblique incidence. Journal of Optics. 2013
- Graphene-based polaritonic crystal. Physical Review B. 2012
- Light scattering by a medium with a spatially modulated optical conductivity: The case of graphene. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 2012
- Resonant excitation of confined excitons in nanocrystal quantum dots using surface plasmon-polaritons. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2012
- Tunable graphene-based polarizer. Journal of Applied Physics. 2012
- Faraday effect in graphene enclosed in an optical cavity and the equation of motion method for the study of magneto-optical transport in solids. Physical Review B. 2011
- Superfluidity of Bose-Einstein condensates in toroidal traps with nonlinear lattices. Physical Review A. 2011