publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- A Review on Key Innovation Challenges for Smart City Initiatives. Smart Cities. 2024
- The Hidden Value of Brand Communities for Strategic Communication: A Qualitative Study of Motorcycle Companies in Portugal. International Journal of Strategic Communication. 2022
- The JuxtaLearn Process in the learning of Maths’ Tricky Topics: practices, results and teacher’s perceptions. CSEDU 2017 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education. 2017
- A video competition to promote informal engagement with pedagogical topics in a school community. CSEDU 2015 - 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Proceedings. 2015
- A video competition to promote informal engagement with pedagogical topics in a school community. CSEDU 2015 - 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Proceedings. 2015
- Web-based applications for open display networks: Developers' perspective. Computer Systems Science and Engineering. 2015
- Adoption concerns for the deployment of interactive public displays at schools. Journal EAI Endorsed Transactions on e-Learning. 2014
- Adoption concerns for the deployment of interactive public displays at schools.. EAI Endorsed Transactions on e-Learning. 2014
- Special Issue on Ambient Interaction. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 2014
- Design considerations for application selection and control in multi-user public displays. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 2013
- Engaging participants for collaborative sensing of human mobility. UBICOMP: PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING. 2012
- Social Interactions Around Public Transportation. Information Systems and Technologies. 2012
- Ambient intelligence: Beyond the inspiring vision. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 2010
- Timely and keyword-based dynamic content selection for public displays. CISIS 2010 - The 4th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems. 2010
- Providing multiple external views on directory user interfaces. Computer Networks. 1996
artigo de conferência
- The gap between cycling practices and mapping services for smart cycling 2022
- A new paradigm for smart cycling applications in urban mobility 2022
- Future scenarios as a tool for citizen engagement in Smart Cities 2022
- Design de Serviços e o desenvolvimento de competências de inovação e empreendedorismo em estudantes de Tecnologias de Informação 2018
- Exploring networked message signs as a new medium for urban communication 2018
- I am in here: Implicit assumptions about proximate selection of nearby places. AI Communications. 2018
- Moderation techniques for user-generated content in place-based communication. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2017
- Multi-purpose place-based display systems: Implications from current practices with non-digital displays 2017
- The JuxtaLearn process in the learning of Maths' tricky topics: Practices, results and teacher's perceptions 2017
- Emerging media practices with the Displr platform for place-based engagement 2016
- Media sharing in an open network of place-based displays 2016
- Understanding media situatedness and publication practices in place-based digital displays 2016
- An application framework for place-based displays with mobile interaction 2015
- Design sensitivities from public expression practices with non-digital displays 2015
- Formulação de um curso de Mestrado focado no Empreendedorismo TIC: Desafios e oportunidades 2015
- Application diversity in open display networks 2014
- PD-Apps'14: The first workshop on developing applications for pervasive display networks, 2014 - Welcome and committees 2014
- Práticas educativas com a edição de vídeo: Motivar com criatividade 2014
- Práticas educativas com a edição de vídeo: motivar com criatividade. 2014
- Public Interactive Displays In Schools: Involving Teachers In The Design And Assessment Of Innovative Technologies 2014
- Public Interactive Displays In Schools: Involving Teachers In The Design And Assessment Of Innovative Technologies. 2014
- Public interactive displays in schools : involving teachers in the design and assessment of innovative technologies. 2014
- Understanding the use of web technologies for applications in open display networks. International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications. 2014
- Situatedness for global display web apps 2013
- A practical framework for ethics - The PD-net approach to supporting ethics compliance in public display studies 2013
- Evaluation of a programming toolkit for interactive public display applications 2013
- Key challenges in application and content scheduling for Open Pervasive Display Networks 2013
- Mobile applications for open display networks: Common design considerations 2013
- Selection and control of applications in pervasive displays. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2012
- Filtros de precedência : agregação anónima de dados de trânsito bluetooth 2012
- Beyond interaction : tools and practices for situated publication in display networks 2012
- Beyond interaction: Tools and practices for situated publication in display networks 2012
- Creating web-based interactive public display applications with the PuReWidgets toolkit 2012
- Engaging participants for collaborative sensing of human mobility 2012
- Leveraging media repertoires to create new social ties 2012
- New directions for system support in Pervasive Computing 2012
- PuReWidgets: A programming toolkit for interactive public display applications 2012
- Social interactions around public transportation. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2012
- SPOTSENSING a platform for social web sensing 2011
- ITV services for socializing in public places. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2011
- Spotsensing 2011
- Tag clouds for situated interaction and place profiling 2011
- Time-shifted positioning for location-based logging in mobile devices 2011
- A system for coarse-grained location-based synchronisation 2010
- Aplicação de personagens virtuais como guias de visita 2010
- Autonomous and context-aware scheduling for public displays using place-based tag clouds 2010
- Bluetooth hotspots for smart spaces interaction 2010
- Displaybook - Bringing online identity to situated displays 2010
- Place-aware content selection from dynamic web sources for public displays 2010
- Towards new advertising models for situated displays 2010
- Considering the inclusion of worth and values in the design of interactive artifacts 2009
- From Bluetooth naming to crowd interaction 2009
- Timeliness for dynamic source selection in situated displays 2009
- Timeliness for dynamic source selection in situated public displays 2009
- Wiinteraction: a study on smart spaces interaction using the Wiimote 2009
- 2D visual codes: why are they not everywhere? 2008
- Presence management and bluetooth naming on situated displays 2008
- Proactive scheduling for situated displays 2007
- An interaction model and infrastructure for localized activities in pervasive computing environments 2007
- Display-centred applications in ubiquitous computing 2006
- Escalonamento sensível ao contexto para ecrãs públicos 2006
- Beyond application-led research in pervasive display systems 2006
- Activity-centered ubiquitous computing support to localized activities 2006
- ActivitySpot: engaging, activity-centered experiences for occasional visitors 2005
- Integrated context management for multi-domain pervasive environments. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2005
- Situated web portal for local awareness and transient interaction 2004
- Integrating local services and applications into external user home environments 2004
- A Web portal for situated Interaction 2004
- Os Sistemas de Informação Geográfica no suporte a Serviços Móveis para o Cidadão 2004
- User-centered support to localized activities in ubiquitous computing environments 2004
- Aplicações móveis de valor acrescentado: um caso prático 2003
- An expandable location-based portal for mobile users 2003
- Hypergeo: context-aware access to geographic information for mobile users 2003
- Using a private UDDI for publishing location-based information to mobile users 2003
- Utilização do UDDI no suporte à descoberta de serviços baseados na localização 2003
- System support for integrated ubiquitous computing environments 2003
- Visitor: um sistema de informação dependente da localização 2001
- An open architecture for developing mobile location-based applications over the Internet. Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications. 2001
- How do I design a location-dependent application?. Proceedings of SPIE. 2001
- Building an integrated communication environment 1996
- Providing multiple external views on directory user interfaces 1995
artigo de revista
- Understanding public displays as a medium for place-based communication: implications from current practices with non-digital displays. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 2020
- Discovering the right place to check-in using web-based proximate selection. Annals of Telecommunications. 2019
- A Risk Management Framework for User-Generated Content on Public Display Systems. Advances in Human-Computer Interaction. 2019
- User expectations for media sharing practices in open display networks. Bioengineering. 2015
- Web-based applications for open display networks : developers’ perspective. Computer Systems Science and Engineering. 2015
- Dimensions of situatedness for digital public displays. Advances in Human-Computer Interaction. 2014
- Interaction tasks and controls for public display applications. Advances in Human-Computer Interaction. 2014
- Mobipag: Integrated mobile payment, ticketing and couponing solution based on NFC. Bioengineering. 2014
- System implications of context-driven interaction in smart environments. Interacting With Computers. 2014
- Design considerations for application selection and control in multi-user public displays. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 2013
- Pins and posters: Paradigms for content publication on situated displays. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. 2013
- Smart content selection for public displays in ambient intelligence environments. International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence. 2013
- Open display networks: A communications medium for the 21st century. Computer. 2012
- Ambient Intelligence : beyond the Inspiring vision. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 2010
- Worth and human values at the centre of designing situated digital public displays. International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. 2009
- Instant places: Using bluetooth for situated interaction in public displays. IEEE Pervasive Computing. 2008
- An activity-centered ubiquitous computing framework for public spaces 2007
- Aplicações móveis de valor acrescentado : um caso prático. Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2005
- Pervasive location-based systems: The fundamental challenges between vision and reality. International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications. 2005
- The AROUND Architecture for Dynamic Location-Based Services. Mobile Networks & Applications. 2003
- Providing multiple external views on directory user interfaces. Computer Networks. 1996
capítulo de livro
- An Industry-Academia, Multidisciplinary and Expertise-Heterogeneous Design Approach: A Case Study on Designing for Mobility 2022
- An Ecosystem Approach to the Design of Sensing Systems for Bicycles. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2021
- Enhancing the Motorcycling Experience with Social Applications: A Study of User Needs 2021
- The Perspective of Cyclists on Current Practices with Digital Tools and Envisioned Services for Urban Cycling 2021
- A Low-Cost Video-Based Solution for City-Wide Bicycle Counting in Starter Cities. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2020
- Challenges and Limitations for the Systematic Collection of Cycling Data from Bike Sensors. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2020
- They are looking... why not interacting? Understanding interaction around the public display of community sourced videos. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2014
- Media sharing across public display networks. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2014
- Opportunities and challenges of interactive public displays as an advertising medium 2011
- Considering worth and human values in the design of digital public displays 2011
- An industry-academia, multidisciplinary and expertise-heterogeneous design approach: a case study on designing for mobility 2021
- Enhancing the motorcycling experience with social applications: A study of user needs 2021
- The perspective of cyclists on current practices with digital tools and envisioned services for urban cycling 2021
- 3rd EAI International Conference on IoT in Urban Space. EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing. 2020
- Preface. EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing. 2020
- Preface urb-IoT 2019. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2020
- Formulação de um curso de Mestrado focado no Empreendedorismo TIC: Desafios e oportunidades 2015
- Adoption concerns for the deployment of interactive public displays at schools 2014
- Práticas educativas com a edição de vídeo: Motivar com criatividade 2014
- Public interactive displays in schools : involving teachers in the design and assessment of innovative technologies. 2014
- Promoting secondary school learners' curiosity towards science through digital public displays 2013
- Scalability of pervasive displays networks 2012
- Software Infrastructures for smart spaces : bridging the gap between global computing and situated devices 2007
- Adoption concerns for the deployment of interactive public displays at schools
- Adoption concerns for the deployment of interactive public displays at schools
- Design Principles for Platform-Based Innovation in Smart Cities 2023
- Growing Knowledge Across Boundaries: Lessons from a Multi-Actor Design Project 2023
- Cycling Analytics for Urban Environments: From Vertical Models to Horizontal Innovation 2022
- Exploring New Digital Affordances of City Life 2020
- Preface 2020
- Preface urb-IoT 2019 2020
- Ubiquitous systems as a learning context to promote innovation skills in ICT students 2018
- Risk elicitation for user-generated content in situated interaction 2016
- Collaborative and privacy-aware sensing for observing urban movement patterns 2014
- Evaluation of an integrated mobile payment, ticketing and couponing solution based on NFC 2014
- Media sharing across public display networks 2014
- Pedagogical and organizational concerns for the deployment of interactive public displays at schools 2014
- Pedagogical and organizational concerns for the deployment of interactive public displays at schools 2014
- Smart displays in ambient intelligence environments 2014
- They are looking… why not interacting? Understanding interaction around the public display of community sourced videos 2014
- An empirical study on immersive prototyping dimensions 2013
- Design lessons from deploying NFC mobile payments 2013
- Development challenges in web apps for public displays 2013
- Exploring the design space of mobile payment systems 2013
- Lessons Learned from creating a general purpose tool for experience sampling methods 2013
- Media sharing in situated displays: Service design lessons from existing practices with paper leaflets 2013
- Delay-tolerant positioning for location-based logging with mobile devices 2012
- Evaluating a Crowdsourced system development model for ambient intelligence 2012
- Interactive public digital displays: Investigating its use in a high school context 2012
- Selection and control of applications in pervasive displays 2012
- An application framework for open application development and distribution in pervasive display networks (short paper) 2011
- An interactive content service for photo frames in the home 2011
- Assessing feedback for indirect shared interaction with public displays 2011
- Privacy preserving gate counting with collaborative bluetooth scanners 2011
- Autonomous and context-aware scheduling for public displays using place-based tag clouds 2010
- Combining explicit and implicit interaction modes with virtual characters in public spaces 2010
- A framework for context-aware adaptation in public displays 2009
- Extended bluetooth naming for empowered presence and situated interaction with public displays 2009
- Scalable and flexible location-based services for ubiquitous information access 1999