publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Are There Any Differences in Road Traffic Injury Outcomes between Older and Younger Adults? Setting the Grounds for Posttraumatic Senior Personal Injury Assessment Guidelines. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023
- Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (MTLE) Drug-Refractoriness Is Associated With P2X7 Receptors Overexpression in the Human Hippocampus and Temporal Neocortex and May Be Predicted by Low Circulating Levels of miR-22. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 2022
- Epilepsy progression is associated with cumulative DNA methylation changes in inflammatory genes. Elife. 2022
- Post-mortem genetic investigation in sudden cardiac death victims: complete exon sequencing of forty genes using next-generation sequencing. International Journal of Legal Medicine. 2022
- Reference values for trace element levels in the human brain: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology. 2021
- Iodine levels in different regions of the human brain. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology. 2020
- Reuse of clinical records for scientific research: Legal issues related to the authorization of the holders and anonymisation,Reutilização de registos clínicos para investigação científica: Questões jurídicas relacionadas com a autorização dos titulares e a anonimização. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2018
- Brain expression of inflammatory mediators in Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy patients. Journal of Neuroimmunology. 2017
- Metals transfer from tobacco to cigarette smoke: Evidences in smokers’ lung tissue. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2017
- Reutilization of clinical data for research: The footprint scientific model of the hospital center of São João,Reutilização de informação clínica para investigação: O modelo da pegada científica do centro hospitalar de São João. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2017
- Adenosine A2A receptor and ecto-5'-nucleotidase/CD73 are upregulated in hippocampal astrocytes of human patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE). Purinergic Signalling. 2016
- A FT-NIR spectroscopy methodology to estimate firing distance based on the direct analysis of the bullet impact surface.. Analyst. 2016
- Alkali metals levels in the human brain tissue: Anatomical region differences and age-related changes. 2016
- Contribution to the determination of the place of death by drowning - A study of diatoms' biodiversity in Douro river estuary. 2016
- Deaths resulting from the use of firearms by police against motor vehicles: Study of cases in Porto, Portugal. 2016
- Up-regulation of P2X7 receptor-mediated inhibition of GABA uptake by nerve terminals of the human epileptic neocortex. 2016
- Detailed characterization of incretin cell distribution along the human small intestine. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases. 2015
- Police shootings against civilians in Portugal: Contextual, forensic medical and judicial characterization. 2015
- Clinical and forensic signs related to chemical burns: A mechanistic approach. Burns. 2015
- Necromechanics: Death-induced changes in the mechanical properties of human tissues. 2015
- Child suicide in the north of Portugal. 2015
- Anatomical regional differences in selenium levels in the human brain. 2015
- Firing distance estimation based on the analysis of GSR distribution on the target surface using ICP-MS--an experimental study with a 7.65 mm × 17 mm Browning pistol (.32 ACP). 2015
- Teaching forensic medicine in the University of Porto. 2014
- Human identification using dental techniques: A case report. 2014
- Sudden Cardiac Death in Young Adult. 2014
- Parricide: a forensic approach. 2014
- Clinical and Forensic Signs Related to Ethanol Abuse: A Mechanistic Approach. 2013
- Forensic medicine: a forgotten world of opportunities and challenges for research. 2013
- Strength of round and uterosacral ligaments: a biomechanical study. 2013
- Sudden death secondary to acute aortic syndromes in the North of Portugal: medico-legal study,Morte súbita secundária a síndromes aórticos agudos no norte de Portugal: estudo médico-legal. Revista Portuguesa de Cirurgia Cardio-toracica e Vascular : Orgao Oficial da Sociedade Portuguesa de Cirurgia Cardio-Toracica e Vascular. 2013
- The influence of regional profiles and senescence on the biomechanical properties of the temporalis muscle. Journal of Biomechanics. 2013
- [Sudden death secondary to acute aortic syndromes in the North of Portugal: medico-legal study]. 2013
- Clinical and Forensic Signs Related to Opioids Abuse. Current Drug Abuse Reviews. 2012
- Is the length of the sternum reliable for estimating adult stature? A pilot study using fresh sterna and a test of two methods using dry sterna.. Forensic Science International. 2012
- "Foam Cone" exuding from the mouth and nostrils following heroin overdose. 2012
- The value of radiocarbon analysis in determining the forensic interest of human skeletal remains found in unusual circumstances. 2012
- Clinical and forensic signs related to cocaine abuse. Current Drug Abuse Reviews. 2012
- Experimental study of the influence of senescence in the biomechanical properties of the temporal tendon and deep temporal fascia based on uniaxial tension tests. Journal of Biomechanics. 2012
- Mechanical characterization and constitutive modelling of the damage process in rectus sheath 2012
- Uniaxial mechanical behavior of the human female bladder. 2011
- Non-fatal gunshot wounds in the context of intimate partner violence. The importance of a multidisciplinary approach: a case report. 2011
- Elder homicide in the north of Portugal. 2010
- Suicide by hanging under the influence of ketamine and ethanol. 2010
- Postmortem changes in carbon monoxide poisoning. 2010
- Collection of biological samples in forensic toxicology. Burns. 2010
- Establishing a minimum postmortem interval of human remains in an advanced state of skeletonization using the growth rate of bryophytes and plant roots.. International Journal of Legal Medicine. 2010
- Ethical, technical and legal procedures of the medical doctor responsibility: To accomplish the road enforcement law about driving under the influence of alcohol and psychotropic substances,Procedimentos técnicos, éticos e legais da competência do médico: No cumprimento da lei da fiscalização da condução rodoviária sob influência do álcool e substâncias psicotrópicas. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2010
- Sexual abuse of children. A comparative study of intra and extra-familial cases. 2009
- Genetics and criminal behaviour: recent accomplishments. 2009
- Three-dimensional reconstitution of bullet trajectory in gunshot wounds: a case report. 2009
- Estimation of postmortem interval by hypoxanthine and potassium evaluation in vitreous humor with a sequential injection system. 2009
- A cocaine body packer case report: clinical and forensic aspects. 2009
- GC determination of acetone, acetaldehyde, ethanol, and methanol in biological matrices and cell culture.. Journal of Chromatographic Science. 2009
- Suicide by sharp force injuries--a study in Oporto. 2009
- Mercury fatal intoxication: two case reports. 2009
- Firing distance estimation through the analysis of the gunshot residue deposit pattern around the bullet entrance hole by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry: an experimental study. 2007
- Biomechanical properties of vaginal tissue in women with pelvic organ prolapse.
- Idiopathic infantile arterial calcification: a rare cause of sudden unexpected death in childhood.
- Postmortem analyses unveil the poor efficacy of decontamination, anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive therapies in paraquat human intoxications.
- Vaginal tissue properties versus increased intra-abdominal pressure: a preliminary biomechanical study.
- [Ethical, technical and legal procedures of the medical doctor responsibility to accomplish the road enforcement law about driving under the influence of alcohol and psychotropic substances].
artigo de conferência
- Niveis urinarios de litio e a taxa de suicidio em Portugal 2022
- Association entre les niveaux de lithium dans l'eau et le taux de suicide: une étude écologique dans le nord du Portugal 2022
- Éléments traces dans l'eau potable et dans l'urine d'individus de deux régions avec des taux de suicide très différents 2022
- Mechanical properties of temporalis muscle: A preliminary study 2011
artigo de revista
- Region-specific control of microglia by adenosine A(2A) receptors: uncoupling anxiety and associated cognitive deficits in female rats. Glia. 2019
- Adenosine A 2A receptor regulation of microglia morphological remodeling-gender bias in physiology and in a model of chronic anxiety. Elife. 2017
- Anatomical Region Differences and Age-Related Changes in Copper, Zinc, and Manganese Levels in the Human Brain.. Biological Trace Element Research. 2014
- Pedestrian Fatalities Resulting from Train-Person Collisions.. Traffic Injury Prevention. 2014
- A post-mortem study of the anatomical region differences and age-related changes on Ca and Mg levels in the human brain. Microchemical Journal. 2014
- Iron levels in the human brain: A post-mortem study of anatomical region differences and age-related changes.. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology. 2013
- Implementação da deteção molecular de sars-cov-2 na Delegação do Norte do Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal e Ciências Forenses 2023
- Association between natural exposure to lithium and suicide rate: an ecological and human biomonitoring study in northern Portugal 2022
- Association entre les niveaux de lithium dans l'eau et le taux de suicide: une étude écologique au nord du Portugal 2022
- Association entre les niveaux urinaires de lithium et le taux de suicide - une étude pilote dans le nord du Portugal 2022
- Éléments traces dans l'eau potable et l'urine d'individus de deux régions avec des taux de suicide très différents 2022
- Lithium Urinary Levels and Suicide Mortality Rate In Portugal. 2022
- Lithium urinary levels and suicide mortality rate in Portugal 2022
- Spatial and temporal analysis of soil from shoes of human living volunteers 2018
- Forensic palynological analysis of different samples from living human volunteers 2017
- Forensic pollen: spatial and temporal analysis in biological tissues 2017