publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Academic expectations for engineering freshmen: Gender differences. AI Communications. 2017
- Academic expectations for engineering freshmen: Gender differences. AI Communications. 2017
- Behavioural Biometrics for Authentication and Stress Detection - A Case Study with Children. Global Security, Safety & Sustainability, CCIS, Springer. 2017
- Challenges and Reflections in Designing Cyber Security Curriculum. 2017 Ieee World Engineering Education Conference (Edunine). 2017
- Engineering Education: balancing generalist and specialist formation in technological carriers: a current challenge. 2017 Ieee World Engineering Education Conference (Edunine). 2017
- Self-Oriented Learning based on Intelligent Systems into the Workplace. 2017 Ieee World Engineering Education Conference (Edunine). 2017
- Challenges in Information Security Protection. Proceedings of the European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (eccws-). 2014
- Conceptual Model for Specialized Learning Systems within Organizations. International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering. 2014
- Enrolment time as a requirement for biometric fingerprint recognition. International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics. 2014
- Feasibility Study of a Multimodal Biometric Authentication Solution Based on Pointer Dynamics and Skin Conductivity. Cyberforensics Perspectives. 2013
- Requisitos para um Sistema Inteligente de Gestão/Análise de Eventos de Segurançada Informação. Proceedings of World Congress on Systems Engineering and Information Technology. 2013
- User Perception for Biometrics and Secret Management. Proceedings of World Congress on Systems Engineering and Information Technology. 2013
- An Ontological Approach to Information Security Management. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Warfare and Security. 2012
- Biometric Graphical Authentication - a Patent Review. Issues in Cybercrime, Security and Digital Forensics. 2012
- Description of a Practical Application of an Information Security Audit Framework. Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Warfare and Security. 2011
- A Security Audit Framework to Manage Information System Security. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2010
- Another Global City: Historical Explorations into the Transnational Municipal Moment, 1850-2000. ANOTHER GLOBAL CITY: HISTORICAL EXPLORATIONS INTO THE TRANSNATIONAL MUNICIPAL MOMENT, 1850-2000. 2010
- An Ontology Based Approach to Information Security. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2009
- An Ontology Based Approach to Data Surveillance. Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Warfare and Security. 2008
- Previsão de Eventos Anormais em Sistemas de Vídeo-Vigilância. Actas do Simpósio Doutoral em Inteligência Artificial. 2007
- Data mining a prostate cancer dataset using rough sets. IEEE Intelligent Systems. 2006
- Modeling industrial embedded systems with UML. Hardware/Software Codesign - Proceedings of the International Workshop. 2000
artigo de conferência
- The Emergence of a Process Tokenisation Model for the Public Sector: A Position Paper 2023
- Roadmap of Security threats between IPv4/IPv6 2021
- Plenary: The Challenges of Education in Engineering, Computing and Technology without exclusions: Innovation in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. 2020
- EDGE4ALL - Edge Platform For Smart City 2019
- Promoting Creativity in Final Year Engineering Students' Project: A case study in the Smart Cities context 2019
- Study of the Means of Online Payment in the Portuguese Population 2019
- Trends in engineering education: A disruptive view for not so far future. International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training. 2019
- Online Smart City Simulator 2018
- Global experiences for engineering programs 2018
- Global Perspectives on Cybersecurity Education. Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE. 2018
- Global Perspectives on Cybersecurity Education. Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE. 2018
- The role of professional associations in contemporaneous engineer careers 2018
- Classical engineering education coping with engineering profession demands 2017
- Engineering course specially designed to face retention issue 2017
- Challenges and Reflections in Designing Cyber Security Curriculum 2017
- Engineering Education: Balancing generalist and specialist formation in technological carriers: A current challenge 2017
- Human skeleton detection from semi-constrained environment video 2017
- Pointer dynamics as cognitive biometrics 2017
- Self-Oriented Learning based on Intelligent Systems into the Workplace 2017
- Knowledge Security - An Empirical Use of IT – Child Abuse Monitor System Model 2017
- Intelligent data leak detection through behavioural analysis 2016
- Um modelo de Confiança para o ambiente de Computação em Nuvem 2015
- A trust model for cloud computing environment. Proceedings of the International Conference on Cloud Security Management. 2015
- Automatic human action recognition from video using Hidden Markov Model 2015
- Design of a case-based reasoner for information security in military organizations 2015
- Enrollment Time as a Requirement for Biometric Hand Recognition Systems. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Warfare and Security. 2015
- Enrolment Time as a Requirement for Face Recognition Biometric Systems 2014
- Management of internal control mechanisms in ERP for continuous monitoring purposes 2014
- A conceptual model for evaluating systems with continuous assurance services 2013
- Biometrics Acceptance in Arab Culture: an Exploratory Study 2013
- Feasibility study of a multimodal biometric authentication solution based on pointer dynamics and skin conductivity 2013
- Health Care Critical Knowledge Monitor System Model:Health Care Critical Knowledge Ontology Component 2013
- Critical Knowledge Monitor System Model: healthcare context. Proceedings of the European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 2012
- Avaliação de desempenho na segmentação e seguimento de objectos no sistema observer 2012
- Grid data mining by means of learning classifier systems and distributed model induction 2011
- História do ensino dos jogos desportivos colectivos: A escola dialéctica francesa 2011
- Supervised learning classifier system for grid data mining 2011
- Streaming contents and RSS feed in a pedagogical environment 2009
- Voice based authentication using the null frequencies 2008
- An ontology based approach to data surveillance 2008
- Structured textual data monitoring based on a rough set classifier 2008
- Previsão de eventos anormais em sistemas de vídeo-vigilância 2007
- Information technologies for the information agent 2007
- Prediction of abnormal behaviors for intelligent video surveillance systems 2007
- Streaming media in a different contexts : engineering and education graduation 2007
- The OBSERVER: an intelligent and automated video surveillance system. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2006
- An international governmental mailing system : a requirement to prevent web-enhanced terrorism 2006
- Authenticating computer access based on keystroke dynamics using a probabilistic neural network 2006
- Critical aspects In authentication graphic keys 2006
- Enhancing login security through the use of keystroke input dynamics. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2006
- N-ary trees classifier 2006
- Developing a keystroke dynamics based agent using rough sets 2005
- Wearable authentication device with biometrical intrusion prevention system 2005
- Wearable authentication device with biometrical intrusion prevention system 2005
- An improved statistical keystroke dynamics algorithm 2005
- Datamining keystroke based biometrics database using rough sets 2005
- Moving object detection unaffected by cast shadows, highlights and ghosts. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). 2005
- Password secured sites - Stepping forward with keystroke dynamics 2005
- Urban areas identification through clustering trials and the use of neural networks 2005
- Biometria e autenticação 2003
- An Object-Oriented Approach to the Co-Design of Industrial Control-Based Information Systems 2000
- Modeling industrial embedded systems with UML 2000
- A UML-based approach for modeling industrial control applications 1999
- An evolutionary approach to the use of Petri net based models: from parallel controllers to HW/SW co-design 1998
- A plataforma EDgAR na prototipagem rápida de sistemas digitais 1995
artigo de revista
- Cybersecurity in ICT Supply Chains: Key Challenges and a Relevant Architecture. Bioengineering. 2021
- Distributed Architecture to Enhance Systems Protection against Unauthorized Activity via USB Devices. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks. 2021
- Automatic human trajectory destination prediction from video. Expert Systems with Applications. 2018
- Comparison and evaluation of organizational transactions for continuous auditing and business compliance. International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design. 2018
- Automatic visual detection of human behavior: A review from 2000 to 2014. Expert Systems with Applications. 2015
- Monitoring organizational transactions in enterprise information systems with continuous assurance requirements. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems. 2015
- Grid learning classifiers : a Web based interface. International Journal of Computers. 2011
- A machine learning approach to keystroke dynamics based user authentication. International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics. 2007
- Generation of authentication strings from graphic keys. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. 2006
- Keystroke dynamics : stepping forward in authentication. Gests International Transaction on Computer Science and Engineering. 2006
- Supporting the model of ductile iron dendritic solidification. Advanced Engineering Materials. 2000
- Sistemas de informação industriais orientados ao controlo: perspectivas metodológicas para tecnologias reconfiguráveis. Ingenium. 2000
- Retrogression and re-ageing of 7075 aluminium alloy: microstructural characterization. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 1999
- A Heterogeneous Computer Vision Architecture: Implementation Issues. Computing Systems in Engineering. 1995
capítulo de livro
- Exploring Risk Analysis Methods in IoE Projects: A Smart Campus Use Case 2024
- Information Security Metrics: Challenges and Models in an All-Digital World 2024
- Blockchain and Sustainability in the Public Sector: A Risk Management Perspective 2023
- Blockchain in the Public Sector: An Umbrella Review of Literature 2023
- Virtual Lab Virtues in Distance Learning 2022
- Proposing an Architecture for IoT Based on WSN 2021
- EDGE4ALL: Edge Computing for Smart City. EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing. 2020
- Simulator for Smart City Environment 2020
- A Trust Model for Cloud Computing environment 2015
- Podcasts in higher education : students¿ and lecturers¿ perspectives. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 2009
- An Evolutionary Approach to the Use of Petri Net based Models: From Parallel Controllers to HW/SW Co-Design 2000
- An evolutionary approach to the use of petri net based models : from parallel controllers to Hw/Sw codesign 2000
- Preface S-cube 2019. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2020
- Preface smart city 360°. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2020
- Security metrics to evaluate organizational IT security 2014
- Engenharia da segurança de sistemas de informação: relatório da unidade curricular 2013
- Tecnologias biométricas: aplicação no controlo de acesso a sistemas de informação 2013
- Healthcare Critical Knowledge Monitor System Model : healthcare critical knowledge ontology component 2013
- Sistemas de informação industriais orientados ao controlo: perspectivas metodológicas para tecnologias reconfiguráveis 2000
- A plataforma EDgAR na prototipagem rápida de sistemas digitais 1995
- Work-in-Progress: Global Experiences for Engineering Programs 2019
- Proposing a Behavior-Based IDS Model for IoT Environment 2018
- An immunity based configuration for multilayer single featured biometric authentication algorithms 2015
- Child abuse monitor system model: A health care critical knowledge monitor system 2015
- Detection of dangerous situations using a smart internet of things system 2015
- Insider threats: The major challenge to security risk management 2015
- A Methodology for Complex Embedded Systems Design: Petri Nets within a UML Approach 2001
poster de conferência