publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
artigo de conferência
- Friction properties of polyoxymethylene (POM) materials in dry and lubricated conditions. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2019
- Dry and lubricated friction properties of Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT) against Polyamide 12 (PA12) 2017
- Tribologial Behavior of Geopolymer Mixtures including Fly Ash and various Industrial Wastes 2017
- Tribological properties of bacterial cellulose in reciprocating sliding against bovine articular cartilage 2010
- Influência da incorporação de partículas de SiC na microestrutura e no comportamento tribológico de compósitos Al/SiCp com gradiente funcional 2007
- In-situ friction monitoring of self-mated CVD diamond coatings using acoustic emission. Key Engineering Materials. 2006
- Comportamiento tribológico de materiales cerámicos de nitruro de silicio texturados 2005
- Revestimentos de diamante CVD em Si3N4: Atrito e desgaste no deslizamento de pares próprios sem lubrificação 2005
- Repassivation of commercially pure Ti in different saliva solutions under tribocorrosion conditions 2005
- Wear mechanisms in functionally graded aluminium matrix composites: Effect of the presence of an aqueous solution. Key Engineering Materials. 2005
- Tribocorrosion studies in centrifugally cast al-matrix siCp-reinforced functionally graded composites. Key Engineering Materials. 2004
- Atrito e desgaste de compósitos carbono-carbono em deslizamento como pares dissemelhantes 2003
artigo de revista
- Micro-scale abrasion and sliding wear of zirconium-lithium silicate glass-ceramic and polymer-infiltrated ceramic network used in dentistry. Wear. 2020
- Wear behavior of dental glass-ceramics: a scoping review on the damage of opposing tooth enamel surfaces. Biotribology. 2020
- Implant surface design for improved implant stability – A study on Ti6Al4V dense and cellular structures produced by Selective Laser Melting. Tribology International. 2019
- Electrically Conductive Polyetheretherketone Nanocomposite Filaments: From Production to Fused Deposition Modeling. E-Polymers. 2018
- Effect of sintering temperature on mechanical and wear behaviour of a ceramic composite. Tribology International. 2018
- Effect of HAp and ß-TCP incorporation on the tribological response of Ti6Al4V biocomposites for implant parts. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B. 2018
- Laser surface structuring of Ti6Al4V substrates for adhesion enhancement in Ti6Al4V-PEEK joints. Biomaterials Advances. 2017
- Bioactive materials driven primary stability on titanium biocomposites. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 2017
- Effect of relative humidity and temperature on the tribology of multilayer micro/nanocrystalline CVD diamond coatings. Diamond and Related Materials. 2017
- Tribological behavior of Ti6Al4V cellular structures produced by Selective Laser Melting 2017
- Effects of poly-ether-ether ketone (PEEK) veneer thickness on the reciprocating friction and wear behavior of PEEK/Ti6Al4V structures in artificial saliva. Wear. 2016
- Abrasive and sliding wear of resin composites for dental restorations. Tribology International. 2016
- Comparison between PEEK and Ti6Al4V concerning micro-scale abrasion wear on dental applications 2016
- Tribocorrosion behavior of veneering biomedical PEEK to Ti6Al4V structures 2016
- Tribological characterization of TiO2/Au decorative thin films obtained by PVD magnetron sputtering technology. Wear. 2015
- Improvement on Sliding Wear Behavior of Al/Cast Iron Tribopair by CNT’s Reinforcement of an Al Alloy. Tribology Transactions. 2015
- Dry sliding and tribocorrosion behaviour of hot pressed CoCrMo biomedical alloy as compared with the cast CoCrMo and Ti6Al4V alloys. Materials & Design. 2013
- Properties of tantalum oxynitride thin films produced by magnetron sputtering: The influence of processing parameters. Vacuum. 2013
- Self-mated tribological systems based on multilayer micro/nanocrystalline cvd diamond coatings. Wear. 2013
- Tribological characterization of biocompatible HAp-TiO2 coatings obtained by high velocity oxy-fuel spray. Wear. 2013
- Tribological characterization of polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel as substitute of articular cartilage. Wear. 2013
- A DLC/diamond bilayer approach for reducing the initial friction towards a high bearing capacity. Wear. 2012
- Friction and wear behaviour of bacterial cellulose against articular cartilage. Wear. 2011
- Tribological, rheological and mechanical characterization of polymer blends for ropes and nets. Tribology International. 2010
- Tribological behaviour of multilayered textile composites: the effect of reciprocating sliding frequency. Wear. 2009
- Tribological properties of the directionally oriented warp knit GFRP composites. Wear. 2007
- Tribological testing of self-mated nanocrystalline diamond coatings on Si3N4 ceramics. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2006
- Friction and wear performance of HFCVD nanocrystalline diamond coated silicon nitride ceramics. Diamond and Related Materials. 2006
- CVD diamond coated silicon nitride self-mated systems: tribological behaviour under high loads. Tribol Lett. 2006
- Tribocorrosion behaviour of ZrOxNy thin films for decorative applications. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2006
- Silicon-incorporated diamond-like coatings for Si3N4 mechanical seals. Thin Solid Films. 2005
- Functionality diagrams for hybrid mechanical seals with silicon nitride rings. Journal of the American Ceramic SocIETy. 2005
- Grain size effect on self-mated CVD diamond dry tribosystems. Wear. 2005
- Reciprocating wear tests of Al–Si/SiCp composites: a study of the effect of stroke length. Wear. 2005
- Utilização de materiais activos em argamassas. Arte & Construção. 2005
- Si3N4 and Si3N4/SiC composite rings for dynamic sealing of circulating fluids. Wear. 2003
- Tribological behaviour of Si3N4–BN ceramic materials for dry sliding applications. Wear. 2002
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of nanocomposite (Ti, Si, Al)N coatings. Thin Solid Films. 2001
- Sliding speed-temperature wear transition maps for Si3N4/iron alloy couples. Wear. 2001
- Tribooxidational effects on friction and wear behavior of silicon nitride/tool steel and silicon nitride/gray cast iron contacts. Journal of the American Ceramic SocIETy. 1999
- Tribological properties of AlN-CeO2-Si3N4 cutting materials in unlubricated sliding against tool steel and cast iron. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 1996
- The role of nitrogen in the intergranular glass phase of Si3N4 on high temperature aplications and wear. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 1993
- Resistance of Si3N4 ceramic tools to thermal and mechanical loading in cutting of iron alloys. Wear. 1991
capítulo de livro
- Dynamic aspects of oral processing of curcumin-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles yoghurts by rheology and soft tribology assessment 2022
- Effect of grooves and their geometry on the wear behavior of structured grinding wheels 2022
- Rheology and soft tribology characterization of yoghurt with curcumin-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles 2022
- Effect of distance between grooves on the wear of structured grinding wheels 2021
- T.08 - Engrenagens de parafuso sem-fim 2017
- Órgãos de máquinas II: exercícios de aplicação 2016
- Aspetos gerais sobre engrenagens 2015
- Cinemática e dinâmica de engrenagens - 4. Engrenagens cónicas 2015
- Cinemática e dinâmica de engrenagens - 5. Engrenagens de parafuso sem-fim 2015
- Cinemática e dinâmica de engrenagens - 6. Análise dinâmica de engrenagens 2015
- Engrenagens cilíndricas de dentes retos 2015
- Sistemas de transmissão de movimento 2015
- Cinemática e dinâmica de engrenagens - 3. Engrenagens cilíndricas de dentes inclinados 2014
- Cinemática e dinâmica de engrenagens. 2 - engrenagens cilíndricas de dentes retos 2014
- Tribological evaluation of hydrogels for artificial articular cartilage 2012
- Physical, chemical and topographic characterization of titanium surface oxide layers fabricated by anodic oxidation 2006
- Effect of silicon carbide particles on the microstructure and tribological behaviour of functional graded Al/SiCp composites 2006
- Wetting in Al composites reinforced with SiC particles 2006
- Influence of the structural, physical and chemical characteristics of titanium surface oxide layers on its tribocorrosion behaviour in contact with an artificial saliva solution 2005
- Estudos de molhabilidade em compósitos de Al reforçados com partículas de SiC 2005
- Tribocorrosion studies on commercially pure titanium for dental applications 2005