publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- University Public Ombudsman and their Challenges to Face Bullying at Work. AMERICAN RESEARCH JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT. 2023
- Legitimidade organizacional: uma conceitualização para a Ouvidoria Pública. Revista Administração em Diálogo - RAD. 2022
- The Nigerian Oil Industry: Assessing Community Development and Sustainability. International Journal of Business and Management. 2017
- Embodied women in the work context: The case of Portuguese businesswomen and their female subordinates. Women's Studies International Forum. 2016
- A Glimpse at the Portuguese Employees' Perceptions of Training and Development. International Journal of Applied Management Sciences and Engineering (ijamse). 2014
- Empenhamento(s) organizacional(is): Dois laços afectivos, dois instrumentais, um normativo e um de ausência 2004
- Justiça nas organizações: um modelo tetra-dimensional. Revista Psicologia Organizações e Trabalho. 2002
- Perceptions and attitudes towards sexual harassment: The case of a Portuguese university . Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão. 2001
artigo de conferência
- Sexual identity in the workplace: Reasons for (not) coming out 2023
- Female Brazilian Migrants Experiences in the Portuguese Labor Market 2022
- International mobility experiences of Portuguese women: A qualitative study 2018
- The Ombudsman Against Moral Harassment: The recognition of violence through the forum theatre 2018
- Gestão da idade e envelhecimento ativo: A realidade das associações de paralisia cerebral 2017
- Improving Geriatrics Professionals' Well-being using a Transformative Service Approach: Is Commitment the Key? 2014
- Innovation through Offset Agreements: An Empirical Study in the Brazilian Defense Industry 2013
- Measuring Employee Perceptions of the Training Process 2012
- What you get is what you see? Employee’s Perception of Training and Development in Portuguese Organizations 2012
- What you get is what you see? Employees' Percetion of Training and Development in Portuguese Organizations 2012
- (R)evolutionary road: A preliminary discussion upon changes in academia and its professionals 2011
- The Psychological Contract of Academics: commitment and trust in time of trouble 2009
- O assédio sexual nas instituições académicas: Uma revisão da literatura 1997
artigo de revista
- Organizational commitment: Toward a different understanding of the ways people feel attached to their organizations. Management Research : the Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management. 2004
- Justiça nas organizações : um modelo tetra-dimensional. Revista Psicologia: Organizações e Trabalho. 2002
capítulo de livro
- Practising Servant Leadership: Pastoral and Social Ministry in the Modern Age 2022
- Acolher e Integrar: do desenho à implementação de um programa formal de socialização 2020
- Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Avaliação de Desempenho: contribuições de um estudo de caso 2020
- Age Management in a Formal Caregiving Organization: An Exploration of Managers’ Perceptions 2019
- Gendered understandings of innovation in nursing and entrepreneurship: An exploratory study in the Portuguese context 2016
- The Gender of the Entrepreneur and the Politics of Entrepreneurship for Women: An Exploratory Study 2014
- Portuguese academic women's experiences of combining work and family: A focus on spousal sources of support 2013
- Portuguese academic womens' experiences of combining work and family: A focus on spousal sources of support 2013
- Struggling for Survival and Success: Can Brazil' Defense Industry Help Foster Innovation? 2013
- Gender Differences in Entrepreneurshio in the Health Sector: An Exploratory Study 2021
- Gender Discrimination in Football Refereeing: Portuguese Female Referees’ Perceptions and Experiences 2021
- Gender in the Portuguese football sport: The case of Portuguese female (assistant) referees 2021
- Gender and Emotional Work: The Case of Women Geriatric Social Workers 2019
- Atração e retenção nas organizações do terceiro setor: na senda de talentos “especiais” 2012
- Measuring employee perceptions of the training process 2012
- Try walking in my high heel shoes: (Un)supportive spouses of women in academia 2009