publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Social Stories for Promoting Social Communication with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Using a Humanoid Robot: Step-by-Step Study. Technology, Knowledge and Learning. 2023
- Emerging trends in upper-limb embedded devices: A qualitative research study. New Trends in Qualitative Research. 2023
- Mobile platform motion control system based on human gestures. International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics. 2017
- Using a humanoid robot as the promoter of interaction with children in the context of educational games. International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics. 2017
artigo de conferência
- Hybrid Approach to Promote Social Interaction with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder 2021
- Human action recognition using an image-based temporal and spatial representation. International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems & Workshops. 2020
- Towards a virtual coach for boccia: Developing a virtual augmented interaction based on a boccia simulator 2020
- A Supervised Autonomous Approach for Robot Intervention with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder 2019
- Ball detection for boccia game analysis. International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies. 2019
- An approach to behavioural distraction patterns detection and classification in a Human-Robot Interaction 2018
- Serious games assisted by playware as a way to improve socio-emotional skills in children with autism spectrum disorder 2018
- A wearable and non-wearable approach for gesture recognition-Initial results. International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems & Workshops. 2018
- Mirroring and recognizing emotions through facial expressions for a RoboKind platform 2017
- Thermal Modeling of an Implantable Brain Focal Cooling Device 2017
- iBoccia: Monitoring elderly while playing Boccia gameplay 2017
- Mirroring emotion system - on-line synthesizing facial expressions on a robot face. International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems & Workshops. 2016
- Real-time emotions recognition system. International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems & Workshops. 2016
- Controlling an equilibrist lego robot. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. 2015
artigo de revista
- Simulation Study of Vertical p-n Junction Photodiodes' Optical Performance According to CMOS Technology. Applied Sciences. 2022
- Fostering Emotion Recognition in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction. 2021
- Skeleton Driven Action Recognition Using an Image-Based Spatial-Temporal Representation and Convolution Neural Network. Bioengineering. 2021
- Socio-emotional development in high functioning children with Autism Spectrum Disorders using a humanoid robot. Interaction Studies. 2019
- Developing a framework for promoting physical activity in a Boccia game scenario. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering-Imaging and Visualization. 2018
- Developing a framework for promoting physical activity in a Boccia game scenario. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering-Imaging and Visualization. 2018
- Using a humanoid robot as the promoter of interaction with children in the context of educational games. International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics. 2017
- Mobile platform motion control system based on human gestures. International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics. 2017
capítulo de livro
- HiZeca: A Serious Game for Emotions Recognition 2022
- Adequacy of Game Scenarios for an Object with Playware Technology to Promote Emotion Recognition in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder 2020
- Building a Behaviour Architecture: An Approach for Promoting Human-Robot Interaction 2019
- Facial Virtual Tracking: A System to Mirror Emotions 2019
- PlayCube: Designing a Tangible Playware Module for Human-Robot Interaction 2019
- An Application to Promote Emotional Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders 2018
- Building a Hybrid Approach for a Game Scenario Using a Tangible Interface in Human Robot Interaction 2018
- iBoccia: A framework to monitor the Boccia gameplay in elderly 2018
- Happiness and Sadness Recognition System—Preliminary Results with an Intel RealSense 3D Sensor 2017
- Imitate me! - preliminary tests on an upper members gestures recognition system 2017