publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Virtual Learning Spaces Creation Based on the Systematic Population of an Ontology. Journal of Information Systems Engineering & Management (JISEM). 2018
- Building the Museum of the Person from RDF Triples and SPARQL. Communications and Innovations Gazette (ComInG). 2016
- Uma Ontologia CIDOC-CRM para o Museu Virtual da Emigração. Communications and Innovations Gazette (ComInG). 2016
artigo de conferência
- A Framework to Assess Melodic Effectiveness in Training Computational Thinking to Visually Impaired People 2022
- The Visual Programming Environment ROBI for Educational Robotics. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2022
- Value-Focused Investigation into Programming Languages Affinity. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2022
- Once Upon a Time: A Kit of Tools for Reading and Telling Stories 2021
- Melodic - Teaching computational thinking to visually impaired kids. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2021
- NetAC, An Automatic Classifier of Online Hate Speech Comments. AI Communications. 2021
- NetLangEd, a web editor to support online comment annotation. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2021
- Programmers' Affinity to Languages. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2021
- SHREWS: A game with augmented reality for training computational thinking. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2021
- Training the Computational Thinking with Augmented Reality 2020
- Improving Game-Based Learning Experience through Game Appropriation. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2020
- Learning Resources with Augmented Reality. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2020
- OntoJogo: An Ontology for Game Classification. IEEE International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health. 2020
- An Ontology based approach to teach Computational Thinking. International Symposium on Computers in Education. 2019
- Digital collection creator, visualizer and explorer. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2019
- Kiko, a Web System to enhance classes based on Lesson Plans 2019
- Micas, a Web Platform to Support Teachers of Computing at School 2019
- Scraping News Sites and Social Networks for Prejudice Term Analysis 2019
- Architectural approaches to build the museum of the person. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2016
capítulo de livro
- PathIt: Computational Thinking Training for Visually Impaired Individuals 2023
- Uma Plataforma para criar Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem a partir de um Repositório de Documentos XML: CaVa 2018
- Automatizing Ontology Population to drive the navigation on Virtual Learning Spaces. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2017
- Annotated documents and expanded CIDOC-CRM ontology in the automatic construction of a virtual museum 2018
- CaVa: An example of the automatic generation of virtual learning spaces 2018
- A reduced CRM-compatible form ontology for the virtual emigration museum 2016
- OntoMP, an ontology to build the museum of the person 2016