publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Use of Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms in Extrusion Scale-Up. Applications of Soft Computing. 2009
artigo de conferência
- Application of artificial intelligence techniques in the optimization of single screw polymer extrusion 2022
- Polymer single screw extruder optimization using tchebycheff scalarization method and simulated annealing algorithm 2020
- A neuroevolutionary approach to feature selection using multiobjective evolutionary algorithms 2019
- Combining artificial neural networks and evolution to solve multiobjective knapsack problems 2019
- Information to the Eye of the Beholder: Data Visualization for Many-Objective Optimization 2018
- Competitive coevolutionary algorithm for robust multi-objective optimization: The worst case minimization 2016
- Multiobjective optimization of polymer extrusion: decision making and robustness 2016
- Selection of solutions in multi-objective optimization: Decision making and robustness 2015
- An evolutionary algorithm based pattern search approach for constrained optimization 2013
- Incorporating tool deformation in the design of extrusion dies for complex hollow profiles 2012
- Flow dynamics and structure of solid pellets along the channel of a single screw extruder 2011
- Integration of interactive optimisation in the conceptual design stage of shading devices 2011
- Morphology development of immiscible polymer blends during melting in single-screw extruders : effect of composition and compatibilization 2011
- Assessment of an hybrid multi-objective pattern search filter method 2010
- Feature selection using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms : application to cardiac SPECT diagnosis 2010
- Financial distress model prediction using SVM+. IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). 2010
- Multi-objective optimization of injection molding 2010
- Métodos espectrais aplicados ao filme de fundido de um processo de extrusão de Polímeros 2009
- {Assessing the quality of the relation between scalarizing function parameters and solutions in multiobjective optimization} 2009
- Assessing the mixing performance of extruders: indices and scale-up 2008
- Melting of PP/PA6 polymer blends in single screw extruders: an experimental study. Key Engineering Materials. 2008
- Modelling of mixing in single screw extruders. Key Engineering Materials. 2006
- Modelling of the grafting of maleic anhydride onto polyethylene in an extruder. Key Engineering Materials. 2004
- RPSGAe - Reduced Pareto Set Genetic Algorithm : application to polymer extrusion 2004
artigo de revista
- Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization of Extrusion Barrier Screws: Data Mining and Decision Making. E-Polymers. 2023
- Machine learning-driven approach for large scale decision making with the analytic hierarchy process 2023
- Many-Objectives Optimization: A Machine Learning Approach for Reducing the Number of Objectives. Mathematical and Computational Applications. 2023
- Artificial intelligence in single screw polymer extrusion: Learning from computational data. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 2022
- Design and validation of an innovative 3D printer containing a co-rotating twin screw extrusion unit. Additive Manufacturing. 2022
- Regularization-free multicriteria optimization of polymer viscoelasticity model. Applied Soft Computing. 2022
- Optimization of Polymer Processing: A Review (Part II-Molding Technologies). Materials. 2022
- Optimization of Polymer Processing: A Review (Part I-Extrusion). Materials. 2022
- Multi-Objective Optimization of Plastics Thermoforming. Biology. 2021
- Scalable and customizable benchmark problems for many-objective optimization. Applied Soft Computing. 2020
- Neuroevolution for solving multiobjective knapsack problems. Expert Systems with Applications. 2019
- Optimization of injection stretch blow molding: Part I - Defining part thickness profile. International Polymer Processing. 2019
- Evaluation of suitability of wheat bran as a natural filler in polymer processing. Bioresources. 2018
- Modeling and Optimization of the Injection-Molding Process: A Review. Advances in Polymer Technology. 2018
- Using multiobjective optimization algorithms and decision making support to solve polymer extrusion problems. Polymer Engineering and Science. 2018
- Methodology to select solutions for multiobjective optimization problems: Weighted stress function method. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. 2017
- Multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based on vector angle neighborhood. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation. 2017
- Portfolio implementation risk management using evolutionary multiobjective optimization. Applied Sciences. 2017
- Influence of twin-screw configuration on the mechanical and morphological properties of polypropylene - Clay composites. International Journal of Materials & Product Technology. 2016
- Feedback-control operators for improved Pareto-set description: Application to a polymer extrusion process. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 2015
- Hybrid algorithms for the twin-screw extrusion configuration problem. Applied Soft Computing. 2014
- The influence of pellet-barrel friction on the granular transport in a single screw extruder. Powder Technology. 2014
- The Plasticating Sequence in Barrier Extrusion Screws Part II: Experimental Assessment. Polymer - Plastics Technology and Engineering. 2014
- An Engineering Scale-Up Approach using Multi-Objective Optimization. International Journal of Natural Computing Research. 2014
- An integrated approach to automated innovization for discovering useful design principles: Case studies from engineering. Applied Soft Computing. 2014
- Evolutionary robustness analysis for multi-objective optimization: Benchmark problems. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2014
- Modeling of Plasticating Injection Molding - Experimental Assessment. International Polymer Processing. 2014
- Self-adaptive MOEA feature selection for classification of bankruptcy prediction data. The Scientific World Journal. 2014
- The plasticating sequence in barrier extrusion screws part I: Modeling. Polymer Engineering and Science. 2014
- Extrusion and characterization of nanoclay filled polypropylene. Advances in Production Engineering and Management. 2013
- A Quantitative Approach to Assess the Mixing Ability of Single Screw Extruders for Polymer Extrusion. Journal of Polymer Engineering. 2012
- Laboratory modular instrumented single screw extruder for optimisation of polymer processing. Plastics Rubber and Composites Processing and Applications. 2012
- Multi-Objective Ant Colony Optimization for the Twin-Screw Configuration Problem. Engineering Optimization. 2012
- Rheological and Thermal Characteristics of Wheat Gluten Biopolymers Plasticized with Glycerol. Quimica Nova. 2012
- Modelling pellet flow in single extrusion with DEM. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part E-Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering. 2011
- Application of Evolutionary Algorithms to the Definition of the Optimal Twin-Screw Extruder Configuration for Starch Cationization. Polymer Engineering and Science. 2011
- Engineering an efficient two-phase local search algorithm for the co-rotating twin-screw extruder configuration problem. Energy Policy. 2011
- Multi-objective memetic algorithm: Comparing artificial neural networks and pattern search filter method approaches. Energy Policy. 2011
- Estimation of the Morphology Development of Immiscible Liquid-Liquid Systems during Single Screw Extrusion. Polymer Engineering and Science. 2010
- Dynamics of Filler Size and Spatial Distribution in a Plasticating Single Screw Extruder – Modeling and Experimental Observations. International Polymer Processing. 2010
- Melting of polymer blends in single-screw extrusion - an experimental study. International Journal of Material Forming. 2010
- Melting of polymer blends in single-screw extrusion - an experimental study. International Journal of Material Forming. 2010
- Extrusion Scale-up: An Optimization-based Methodology. International Polymer Processing. 2009
- Using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for optimization of the cooling system in polymer injection molding. International Polymer Processing. 2009
- Global Mixing Indices for Single Screw Extrusion. International Journal of Material Forming. 2008
- Design of calibrators for profile extrusion - Optimizing multi-step systems. International Polymer Processing. 2008
- Robustness in multi-objective optimization using evolutionary algorithms. Computational Optimization and Applications. 2008
- Tailored shear extrusion of carbon nanofibre/polyamide composites and its effect on electrical percolation threshold. Plastics Rubber and Composites Processing and Applications. 2006
- Continuous Production of Polycarbonate-Carbon Nanotube Composites. Journal of Polymer Engineering. 2005
- Using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms to Optimize Mechanical Properties of Injection Molded Parts. International Polymer Processing. 2005
- Optimization of Processing Conditions for Polymer Twin-Screw Extrusion. International Polymer Processing. 2002
- The Design of Extrusion Screws: An Optimization Approach. International Polymer Processing. 2001
capítulo de livro
- A concept for a novel polymer extruder part 1: active grooved feed section 2022
- A concept for a novel polymer extruder part 2: rotational barrel segment 2022
- A penalty scheme for the Tchebycheff scalarization method to optimize the single screw extrusion 2022
- A review on optimization in polymer processing 2022
- Data clustering procedures: a general review 2022
- Engenharia climática: poluir para despoluir 2022
- Multi-objective optimization of single screw polymer extrusion based on artificial intelligence 2022
- Multi-objective polymer single screw extruder optimization 2022
- Plastics cycle: a paradigm indicator of Anthropocene 2022
- Setting the optimal sheet thickness distribution for plastics thermoforming by multi-objective optimization 2022
- A Neuroevolutionary Approach to Feature Selection Using Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2021
- Incorporation of region of interest in a decomposition-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2021
- Multi-objective Robustness Analysis of the Polymer Extrusion Process 2021
- Neuroevolutionary multiobjective optimization of injection stretch blow molding process in the blowing phase. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2020
- Single Screw Extrusion Optimization Using the Tchebycheff Scalarization Method. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2020
- Modelling of flow and heat transfer, mixing and morphology development in plasticating single screw extrusion of polymer systems 2018
- Modelling the effect of grooved barrels on the performance of single screw extruders 2018
- Optimization of Single Screw Extrusion 2018
- Feature selection for bankruptcy prediction: a multi-objective optimization approach 2012
- Extending optimization algorithms to complex engineering problems 2011
- Introduction [to] "Optimization in polymer processing" 2011
- Polymer extrusion: setting the operating conditions and defining the screw geometry 2011
- Reactive extrusion : optimization of representative processes 2011
- On Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms. Applied Optimization. 2010
- Evolutionary multi-objective robust optimization 2008
- Selection of solutions in a multi-objective environment: polymer extrusion a case study 2007
- Aplicação de uma metodologia de optimização na extrusão de compósitos termoplásticos com nanofibras de carbono 2005
- Extrusoras de laboratório para actividades de I&D 2005
- Modelação da mistura de polímeros em extrusoras monofuso 2005
- Projecto assistido por computador de parafusos para extrusoras. 2005
- concepção e desenvolvimento de um sistema automático de modelação e optimização de extrusoras 2005
- The use of evolutionary algorithms to solve practical problems in polymer extrusion 2004
- Engenharia climática: poluir para despoluir 2022
- Use of data analysis techniques for multi-objective optimization of real problems: decision making 2022
- Preface [Advances in evolutionary and deterministic methods for design, optimization and control in engineering and sciences]. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2021
- Mecanismo de plasticização da extrusora monofuso 2019
- Study of solids conveying in single screw extruders based on flow dynamics and structure of solid pellets 2012
- A scaling-up methodology for co-rotating twin-screw extruders 2011
- Experimental evaluation of some preference parametrization schemes 2011
- A global modelling program for co-rotating twin-screw extruders 2010
- Melting of polymer blends and concomitant morphology development in single screw extruders 2010
- Application of pareto local search and multi-objective ant colony algorithms to the optimization of co-rotating twin screw extruders 2009
- Melting of immiscible physical and compatibilized polymer blends in single screw extruders 2009
- Melting of polymer blends in single-screw extrusion: an experimental study 2009
- Multi-objective memetic algorithm using pattern search filter methods memetic multi-objective algorithm 2009
- Global mixing indices for single screw extrusion 2008
- Numerical and experimental study of agglomerate dispersion in polymer extrusion 2008
- Re-visiting extrusion scale-up 2008
- Setting of the Operative Processing Window in Injection Moulding Using a Multi-Optimization Approach: Experimental Assessment 2008
- The use of global mixing indices to assess mixing efficiency in single screw extrusion 2008
- Evolutionary algorithms in engineering design optimization 2022
- Advances in evolutionary and deterministic methods for design, optimization and control in engineering and sciences 2021
- Technological and design aspects of the processing of composites and nanocomposites. Volume III 2020
- Evolving Neural Networks To Optimize Material Usage in Blow Molded Containers 2019
- Neuroevolutionary multiobjective methodology for the optimization of the injection blow molding process 2019
- Weighted stress function method for multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition 2017
- A model for a human decision-maker in a polymer extrusion process 2015
- Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization: 8th International Conference, EMO 2015 Guimarães, Portugal, March 29 - April 1, 2015 Proceedings, Part I 2015
- Multi-Objective Optimization of Gate Location and Processing Conditions in Injection Molding Using MOEAs: Experimental Assessment 2015
- Aesthetic design using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms 2011
- Feature selection for bankruptcy prediction: A multi-objective optimization approach 2010
- Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Feature Selection: Application in Bankruptcy Prediction 2010
- Optimization of Co-rotating Twin-Screw Extruders Using Pareto Local Search 2010