publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Ambivalence resolution in the Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders: An exploratory case study. Psychotherapy Research. 2022
- Marcadores narrativos da mudança em psicoterapia: Os momentos de inovação. Revista Psicologia para Psicólogos. 2021
- Cómo Lidiar con la Ambivalencia en Psicoterapia: Un Modelo Conceptual para la Formulación de Caso. Revista de Psicoterapia. 2016
artigo de conferência
- How therapists deal with resistance - A scoping review 2023
- Feedback Initiated Narrative Development (FIND) Protocol to elicite resources in psychotherapy: An exploratory study 2019
- Effects of cellulose nanofibrils on the structure and properties of poly(vinyl alcohol) electrospun nanofibers 2019
- Feedback Initiated Narrative Development (FIND) Protocol: Eliciting resources in psychotherapy 2019
artigo de revista
- Innovative moments in recovered cases treated with the unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders. Psychotherapy Research. 2022
- Ambivalence Resolution in Meaning Reconstruction Grief Therapy: An Exploratory Study. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying. 2021
- FIND: A Feedback Initiated Narrative Development Protocol to Elicit Resources in Psychotherapy. Journal of Constructivist Psychology. 2021
- Effects of cellulose nanofibrils on the structure and properties of maleic anhydride crosslinked poly(vinyl alcohol) electrospun nanofibers. SN Applied Sciences. 2019
- Ambivalence Predicts Symptomatology in Cognitive-Behavioral and Narrative Therapies: An Exploratory Study.. Frontiers in Physiology. 2019
- Ambivalence resolution in emotion-focused therapy: The successful case of Sarah. Psychotherapy Research. 2018
- Ambivalence resolution in brief psychotherapy for depression. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. 2018
- Three narrative-based coding systems: Innovative moments, ambivalence and ambivalence resolution. Psychotherapy Research. 2017
- Therapist interventions and client ambivalence in two cases of narrative therapy for depression. Psychotherapy Research. 2016
- Non-Suicidal Self Injury, Psychopathology and Attachment: A Study with University Students. The Spanish Journal of Psychology. 2014
capítulo de livro
- How therapists deal with resistance in psychotherapy: a scoping review 2023
- How therapists deal with resistance in psychotherapy - A scoping review 2023
- Starting Psychotherapy addressing functional aspects of the client ´s life: Feedback Initiate Narrative Development Protocol 2023
- Ambivalence Resolution in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: An exploratory case study 2022
- Predicting symptomatology changes in process research: A comparison between two narrative-based markers and a self-reported questionnaire 2019
- Ambivalence resolution in brief psychotherapy for depression 2017
- Ambivalence Resolution in Emotion-Focused Therapy: The successful case of Sarah 2015
- Ambivalence and Therapeutic Collaboration 2015
- Ambivalence resolution in obsessive-compulsive disorder: an exploratory case study 2021
- Ambivalência na perturbação obsessivo-compulsiva: um estudo exploratório da interação cliente-terapeuta 2021
- Medidas de observação e de autorrelato da ambivalência em psicoterapia: uma comparação entre métodos 2019
- Ambivalence Resolution in Psychotherapy 2017
- Ferimentos autoinfligidos, psicopatologia e vinculação : um estudo com estudantes universitários 2011