publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Standardizing Corneal Transplantation Records with openEHR: Case Study. Journal of Medical Informatics (JMI). 2024
- Revolutionising the Quality of Life: The Role of Real-Time Sensing in Smart Cities. Electronics. 2024
- Multimodal Image and Radar Object Detection. Logic Journal of the IGPL. 2024
- Urban Traffic Simulation Using Mobility Patterns Synthesized from Real Sensors. Electronics. 2023
- An Overview of Omnichannel Interaction in Health Care Services. Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Digital Health. 2023
- Drug-drug interaction extraction-based system: An natural language processing approach. Electronics. 2023
- Enhancing Clinical Management of Bariatric Surgery Using Business Intelligence. Procedia Computer Science. 2023
- Machine Learning Applied to Health Information Exchange. International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare. 2022
- Prediction of COVID-19 diagnosis based on openEHR artefacts. Acta Cytologica. 2022
- OpenEHR modelling applied to Complementary Diagnostics Requests. Procedia Computer Science. 2022
- Integrating a New Generation of Interoperability Agents into the AIDA Platform. Journal of Digital Science. 2021
- OpenEHR modeling: improving clinical records during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health and Technology. 2021
- Paper-Based Electronics for Brain-Machine Interface Home Supercomputer 2021
- A Proof of Concept of a Business Intelligence Platform to Support the Decision-Making Process of Health Professionals in Waiting Lists. International Journal of Privacy and Health Information Management. 2019
- A data mining approach to classify serum creatinine values in patients undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Wireless Networks. 2019
- Interoperability in Healthcare. Health Care Delivery and Clinical Science: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. 2018
- Comparison of two control programs of the VVER-1000 nuclear power unit using regression data mining models. Nuclear and Radiation Safety. 2017
- Knowledge Discovery from Surgical Waiting lists. Procedia Computer Science. 2017
- Clustering data mining models to identify patterns in weaning patient failures. International Journal of Biology and Biomedical Engineering. 2016
- A Multi-Agent Platform for Hospital Interoperability. AI Communications. 2014
- A Preventive Action Management Platform in Healthcare Information Systems. Int. J. Reliab. Qual. E-Healthc.. 2014
- A clustering approach for predicting readmissions in Intensive Medicine. Information Processing Letters. 2014
- A pervasive intelligent system for scoring MEWS and TISS-28 in intensive care. IFMBE Proceedings. 2014
- An Expert System for Supporting Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis and Treatment. Information Processing Letters. 2014
- Assessment of Technology Acceptance in Intensive Care Units. Ijssoe. 2014
- Business Intelligence and Nosocomial Infection Decision Making. Integration of Data Mining in Business Intelligence Systems. 2014
- Business intelligence in maternity care. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. 2014
- Hospital bed management support using regression data mining models. 2nd International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. 2014
- Intelligent Systems for Monitoring and Prevention in Healthcare Information Systems. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2014
- Plataforma de Monitorização e Suporte à Decisão de Doentes Críticos. I Congresso Internacional "A pessoa em situação crítica. 2014
- Preventing Patient Cardiac Arrhythmias by Using Data Mining Techniques. 2014 Ieee Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (Iecbes). 2014
- Real-Time Business Intelligence Platform to Maternity Care. 2014 Ieee Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (Iecbes). 2014
- ntelligent Systems for Monitoring and Preventing in Healthcare Information Systems 2014
- Adoption of Pervasive Intelligent Information Systems in Intensive Medicine. Information Processing Letters. 2013
- Implementing a pervasive real-time intelligent system for tracking critical events with intensive care patients. International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics. 2013
- Pervasive Information Systems to Intensive Care Medicine Technology Acceptance Model. Iceis: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Vol 1. 2013
- Step Towards m-Health in Pediatrics. Information Processing Letters. 2013
- The Impact of Mobile Platforms in Obstetrics. Information Processing Letters. 2013
- Intelligent and Real Time Data Acquisition and Evaluation to Determine Critical Events in Intensive Medicine. 4th Conference of Enterprise Information Systems - Aligning Technology, Organizations and People (Centeris 2012). 2012
- Multi-agent Systems for HL7 Interoperability Services. Information Processing Letters. 2012
- Information Modeling for Real-Time Decision Support in Intensive Medicine. Proceedings of the 8th Wseas International Conference on Applied Computer and Applied Computational Science. 2009
- Information architecture for intelligent decision support in intensive medicine. WSEAS Transactions on Computers. 2009
- Nursing Information Architecture for Situated Decision Support in Intensive Care Units. Aic '09: Proceedings of the 9th Wseas International Conference on Applied Informatics and Communications. 2009
- Wine Vinification prediction using Data Mining tools. Computing and Computational Intelligence, Proceedings. 2009
- Anthropopathy and its assessment in virtual entities. Innovations Through Information Technology, Vols 1 and 2. 2004
- A unified framework for data modeling on Medical Information Systems. Medical Informatics Europe '99. 1999
- A distributed web-based water quality diagnosis and simulation system in lakes and reservoirs. Ess'98 - Simulation Technology: Science and Art. 1998
- Extended Logic Programming applied to the specification of Multi-Agent Systems and their computing environments. 1997 Ieee International Conference on Intelligent Processing Systems, Vols 1 & 2. 1997
- A software agent distributed system for dynamic load balancing. Modelling and Simulation 1996. 1996
artigo de conferência
- A Data Acquisition and Consolidation System based on openEHR applied to Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2023
- A Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Improving the Generation of Telerehabilitation Activities of ABI Patients 2023
- AI-Based Medical Scribe to Support Clinical Consultations: A Proposed System Architecture 2023
- An Architecture Proposal for Noncommunicable Diseases Prevention 2023
- Breast Cancer Detection on Histopathology Images Using Pre-trained Computer Vision Models 2023
- COVID-19 Cases and Their Impact on Global Air Traffic 2023
- Clustering ABI Patients for a Customized Rehabilitation Process 2023
- Data Platforms for Real-time Insights in Healthcare: Systematic Review 2023
- Information Technology Monitoring in Healthcare: A Case Study 2023
- The Correlation of Headline News Sentiment and Stock Return during Dividend Period 2023
- Clustering of COVID-19 Vaccination Recipients in DKI Jakarta Using the K-Medoids Algorithm 2022
- OpenEHR based bariatric surgery follow-up 2022
- Pervasive Monitoring System for Services and Servers in Healthcare Environment 2022
- Rule-based Clinical Decision Support System using the OpenEHR Standard 2022
- Steps towards an Healthcare Information Model based on openEHR. Procedia Computer Science. 2021
- Development of FHIR based web applications for appointment management in healthcare. Procedia Computer Science. 2021
- Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Twitter with Case of Large Scale Social Restriction in Jakarta using Support Vector Machine Algorithm 2021
- Data mining to predict early stage chronic kidney disease 2020
- Management of a pandemic based on an openEHR approach 2020
- Prediction of mental illness associated with unemployment using data mining 2020
- Intelligent Nutrition in Healthcare and Continuous Care 2019
- A Comparative Study of Optical Character Recognition in Health Information System 2019
- A mobile health application to assist health professionals: A case study in a Portuguese nursing home 2019
- Prediction of mortality and occurrence of complications for gastric cancer patients 2019
- Smart mobile computing in pregnancy care 2019
- Predictive Data Mining in Nutrition Therapy 2018
- Cloud computing environments for simulation of adaptable standardized work and electronic work instructions in industry 4.0 2018
- Data mining in urgency department: Medical specialty discharge prediction 2018
- Iron value classification in patients undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis using data mining 2018
- Mobile computing in patient relationship management - A case study 2018
- Preface 2018
- Step towards progressive web development in obstetrics. Procedia Computer Science. 2018
- Business intelligence for cardiovascular disease assessment 2017
- Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis: Business intelligence applied to patient monitoring: CAPD study and statistics 2017
- Good practices in Local Government - A first overview of Portuguese reality 2017
- Improving maternity care with business intelligence 2017
- Improving nursing practice through interoperability and intelligence 2017
- Predicting the need of Neonatal Resuscitation using Data Mining. Procedia Computer Science. 2017
- Step Towards Prediction of Perineal Tear. Procedia Computer Science. 2017
- Understanding Stroke in Dialysis and Chronic Kidney Disease. Procedia Computer Science. 2017
- Conceptual design of a medical device for transference of bedridden people in domestic environments - preliminary studies 2016
- Intelligent Systems and Applications in Healthcare (ISAHealth 2016 ) Preface 2016
- Pervasive Business Intelligence: A New Trend in Critical Healthcare. Procedia Computer Science. 2016
- Regression Models of the Nuclear Power Unit VVER-1000 Using Data Mining Techniques. Procedia Computer Science. 2016
- Resurgery Clusters in Intensive Medicine. Procedia Computer Science. 2016
- Towards of a Business Intelligence Platform to Portuguese Misericórdias. Procedia Computer Science. 2016
- A case based approach to concrete deterioration assessment 2015
- An evaluation of parchments' degradation a hybrid approach 2015
- An evaluation of parchments{'} degradation a hybrid approach 2015
- Artificial neural networks in diabetes control 2015
- Clustering-based approach for categorizing pregnant women in obstetrics and maternity care 2015
- Improving quality of medical service with mobile health software. Procedia Computer Science. 2015
- Intelligent Decision Support to Predict Patient Barotrauma Risk in Intensive Care Units. Procedia Computer Science. 2015
- Predicting 2-way football results by means of data mining 2015
- Predicting Type of Delivery by Identification of Obstetric Risk Factors through Data Mining. Procedia Computer Science. 2015
- Predicting the risk associated to pregnancy using Data Mining 2015
- Step Towards a Patient Timeline in Intensive Care Units. Procedia Computer Science. 2015
- Step towards Multiplatform Framework for supporting Pediatric and Neonatology Care Unit decision process. Procedia Computer Science. 2015
- Thrombophilia screening: An artificial neural network approach 2015
- Towards an Ontology for Health Complaints Management 2015
- Using domain knowledge to improve intelligent decision support in intensive medicine - a study of bacteriological infections 2015
- Using domain knowledge to improve intelligent decision support in intensive medicine: A study of bacteriological infections 2015
- Intelligent systems for monitoring and preventing in healthcare information systems 2014
- An Artificial Neuronal Network approach to Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 2014
- An assessment on the length of hospital stay through Artificial Neural Networks 2014
- Extending a patient monitoring system with identification and localisation. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2014
- Extending the use of SNOMED concepts in electronic health records 2014
- Hospital bed management support using regression data mining models 2014
- Plataforma de monitorização e suporte à decisão de doentes críticos 2014
- Real-time data mining models for predicting length of stay in Intensive Care Units 2014
- Simulating a multi-level priority triage system for maternity emergency 2014
- Systematic coronary risk evaluation through artificial neural networks based systems 2014
- Adoption of pervasive intelligent information systems in intensive medicine 2013
- Data mining for real-time Intelligent Decision Support System in intensive care medicine 2013
- Agent based interoperability in hospital information systems 2012
- Intelligent decision support in Intensive Care : towards technology acceptance 2012
- Intelligent decision support in intensive care - Towards technology acceptance 2012
- Intelligent systems based in hospital database malfunction scenarios. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2012
- Monitoring intelligent system for the Intensive Care Unit using RFID and multi-agent systems. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2012
- Step towards fault forecasting in hospital information systems 2012
- Step towards simulation and monitoring of hospital waiting lists 2012
- Usability evaluation of Electronic Health Record. IEEE EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences. 2012
- Usability of an electronic health record. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2012
- Object trajectory simulation : an evolutionary approach 2011
- A moral decision support system in medicine 2011
- AASYS - Appointment Alert System: an open-source-based software to improve show rates in a health care unity 2011
- AASYS - Appointment alert system: An open-source-based software to improve show rates in a health care unit 2011
- An open source decision support system to improve healthcare show rates 2011
- Enabling real-time intelligent decision support in intensive care 2011
- Knowledge discovery for pervasive and real-time Intelligent Decision Support in intensive care medicine 2011
- Object trajectory simulation - An evolutionary approach 2011
- Partial models in formal verification of industrial automation discrete systems 2011
- Preface 2011
- Towards intelligent drug electronic prescription 2011
- Semantic interoperability and health records. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 2010
- AIDATrace : interoperation platform for active monitoring in healthcare environments 2010
- Interoperabilidade e o Processo Clínico Semântico 2010
- O processo ETL em sistemas data warehouse 2010
- Processo clínico electrónico visual 2010
- A step towards medical ethics modeling. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 2010
- Archetype-based semantic interoperability in healthcare 2010
- Data quality evaluation of electronic health records in the hospital admission process 2010
- Electronic health records in the emergency room 2010
- Handling incomplete information in an evolutionary environment 2010
- Integrating incomplete information into the relational data model. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. 2010
- Intelligent Decision Support in Intensive Care Units - Nursing Information Modeling 2010
- Interoperability in healthcare 2010
- Interoperability performance in a healthcare environment 2010
- Interoperabity in healthcare 2010
- Sistema inteligente de pesquisa de eventos em enfermagem 2010
- The inference process with quality evaluation in healthcare environments 2010
- Agent-based group decision support in medicine 2009
- An agent-based architecture for cancer staging 2009
- Information modeling for real-time decision support in intensive medicine. WSEAS Transactions on Computers. 2009
- Intelligent agents and medical moral dilemmas 2009
- Interoperability and healthcare 2009
- Nursing information architecture for situated decision support in intensive care units. Recent Advances in Computer Engineering. 2009
- Quality of service in transplantation via the electronic medical record 2009
- Vinification mining: a case study on wine production 2009
- Wine vinification prediction using data mining tools 2009
- A web-based system to reduce the nosocomial infection impact in healtcare units 2008
- Defects of the will in software agents contracting 2008
- Electronic Health Records - Organizational, Regional, National, or Worldwide? 2008
- Electronic health records : organizational, regional, national, or worldwide?. Recent Advances in Biology and Biomedicine. 2008
- Improving patient assistance and medical practices through intelligent agents 2008
- O processo clínico electrónico 2008
- Quality of service in healthcare units 2008
- Simulating and monitoring ambient assisted living 2008
- Ambient Intelligence in Emotion Based Ubiquitous Decision Making 2007
- Argumentation-based decision making in ambient intelligence environments. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2007
- Formal models in Web based contracting 2007
- Intelligent mixed reality for the creation of ambient assisted living. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2007
- Inter-organization cooperation for care of the elderly. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 2007
- Modelling group decision simulation through argumentation 2007
- The halt condition in genetic programming. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2007
- A web-based collaboration approach for teaching in medicine 2006
- Ambient intelligence in medicine 2006
- Ambition : ambient intelligence with emotional behaviour 2006
- An agent-based approach to group decision simulation using argumentation 2006
- Auditing agents in the context of a telemedical information society 2006
- Emotions on agent based simulators for group formation 2006
- Multiagent based problem solving in medical decision support systems 2006
- Legal security and credibility in agent based virtual enterprises. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 2005
- Agent based decision support systems in medicine 2005
- Agent driven diagnosis in medicine 2005
- Web-based simulation in medicine 2005
- Software agents as legal persons. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 2004
- Anthropopathy and its assessment in virtual entities 2004
- Anthropopaty and its assessment in virtual entities 2004
- Data warehousing through multi-agent systems in the medical arena 2004
- Health data management in the medical arena 2004
- Reputation and trust in the context of logic-based argumentation 2004
- Anthropapathic agents in e-Learning systems applied to the area of the medicine 2003
- A distributed web-based water quality diagnosis and simulation system in lakes and reservoirs 1998
- Extended logic programming applied to the specification of multi-agent systems and their computing environments 1998
- A multi-agent system for law enforcement simulation 1997
- Application of artificial intelligence to law enforcement 1997
- Distributed interactive simulation 1997
- The Application of artificial intelligence to law enforcement 1997
- A software agent distributed system for dynamic load balancing 1996
- An evolutionary artificial neural network time series forecasting system 1996
- Time series forecasting in a distributed environment 1996
- A neural network based time series forecasting system 1995
- Neural network based time series forecasting system 1995
artigo de revista
- A Framework for Representing, Building and Reusing Novel State-of-the-Art Three-Dimensional Object Detection Models in Point Clouds Targeting Self-Driving Applications. Bioengineering. 2023
- Global Resources Management: A Systematic Review and Framework Proposal for Collaborative Management of CPPS. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Intelligent Computer Vision System for Analysis and Characterization of Yarn Quality. Electronics. 2023
- Predicting the Survival of Primary Biliary Cholangitis Patients. Applied Sciences. 2022
- Human-Assisted vs. Deep Learning Feature Extraction: An Evaluation of ECG Features Extraction Methods for Arrhythmia Classification Using Machine Learning. Applied Sciences. 2022
- Weakness Evaluation on In-Vehicle Violence Detection: An Assessment of X3D, C2D and I3D against FGSM and PGD. Electronics. 2022
- Deep Learning for Activity Recognition Using Audio and Video. Electronics. 2022
- The development of a pervasive Web application to alert patients based on business intelligence clinical indicators: a case study in a health institution. Wireless Networks. 2022
- Quantum Field Theory Representation in Quantum Computation. Applied Sciences. 2021
- Hierarchical Temporal Memory Theory Approach to Stock Market Time Series Forecasting. Electronics. 2021
- Software Tools for Conducting Real-Time Information Processing and Visualization in Industry: An Up-to-Date Review. Applied Sciences. 2021
- Data Mining for Cardiovascular Disease Prediction. Journal of Medical Systems. 2021
- A Simple Strategy for Choosing Network Structures in a Object Detection Project with Transfer Learning. AI Communications. 2021
- Different Scenarios for the Prediction of Hospital Readmission of Diabetic Patients. Journal of Medical Systems. 2021
- Health information systems (HIS) privacy restrictions for GDPR: Assessing initial impacts perceived by patients and healthcare professionals. International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare. 2021
- Recommendation System Using Autoencoders. Applied Sciences. 2020
- Categorize Readmitted Patients in Intensive Medicine by Means of Clustering Data Mining. International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications. 2020
- The clinical informatization in Portugal an approach to the national health service certification. International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare. 2020
- Incremental Algorithm for Association Rule Mining under Dynamic Threshold. Applied Sciences. 2019
- Application of Data Mining for the Prediction of Mortality and Occurrence of Complications for Gastric Cancer Patients. Entropy. 2019
- A Proof of Concept of a Mobile Health Application to Support Professionals in a Portuguese Nursing Home. Bioengineering. 2019
- A Deep-Big Data Approach to Health Care in the AI Age. Mobile Networks & Applications. 2018
- A Data Mining Approach for Cardiovascular Diagnosis. Open Computer Science. 2017
- An online-processing critical patient monitoring system- an interoperability overview. Computer Science and Information Systems. 2017
- Blood type classification using computer vision and machine learning. Expert Systems with Applications. 2017
- Comparison of two control programs of the VVER-1000 nuclear power unit using regression data mining models. Nuclear and Radiation Safety. 2017
- Machine Learning in Nutritional Follow-up Research. Open Computer Science. 2017
- Patients' Admissions in Intensive Care Units A clustering overview. Conference on Business Informatics. 2017
- Real-time intelligent decision support and monitoring system of critical patients,Sistema inteligente de apoio à decisão e monitorização de doentes críticos em tempo-real. Portuguese Journal of Public Health. 2017
- A benchmarking analysis of open-source business intelligence tools in healthcare environments. Information. 2016
- Clustering data mining models to identify patterns in weaning patient failures 2016
- Improving Quality of Services in Maternity Care Triage System. Healthcare Ethics and Training: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. 2015
- A Soft Computing Approach to Kidney Diseases Evaluation. Journal of Medical Systems. 2015
- Abstract computation in schizophrenia detection through artificial neural network based systems. The Scientific World Journal. 2015
- Predict hourly patient discharge probability in intensive care units using Data Mining. Indian Journal of Science & Technology. 2015
- Assessment of technology acceptance in intensive care units. International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering (ijssoe). 2014
- Pervasive real-time intelligent system for tracking critical events with intensive care patients. International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics. 2014
- Predict hourly patient discharge probability in intensive care units using data mining. ScienceAsia. 2014
- Real-time predictive analytics for sepsis level and therapeutic plans in intensive care medicine. International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics. 2014
- The Next Generation of Interoperability Agents in Healthcare, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Healthcare. 2014
- Real-time decision support in intensive medicine: an intelligent approach for monitoring data quality. Journal of Medical and Bioengineering. 2013
- Evolutionary intelligence in asphalt pavement modeling and quality-of-information. Progress in AI. 2012
- Prediction of the quality of public water supply using artificial neural networks. Journal of Water Supply Research and Technology-Aqua. 2012
- Prediction of water quality parameters in a reservoir using artificial neural networks. International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics. 2012
- Water Quality Modelling using Artificial Intelligence based Tools. International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics. 2012
- Safe controllers design for industrial automation systems. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2011
- Quality of service in healthcare units. International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology. 2010
- Software agents and virtual organisations: Consent and trust. International Journal of Services and Operations Management. 2010
- Argument-based decision making in ambient intelligence environments. International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems. 2009
- Ensino-aprendizagem da matemática com recurso a software educativo : atitudes e rendimento académico dos alunos. Innovación Educativa. 2009
- Information architecture for intelligent decision support in intensive medicine. WSEAS Transactions on Computers. 2009
- Electronic health records and decision support local and global perspectives. WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine. 2008
- Ambient intelligence via multiagent systems in the medical arena. International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications. 2007
- Contracting agents: Legal personality and representation. Artificial Intelligence and Law. 2007
- Agent based decision support systems in medicine 2005
- Health data management in the medical arena. WSEAS Transactions on Computers. 2004
capítulo de livro
- Review for Augmented Reality Shopping Application for Mobile Systems 2024
- A Machine Learning Approach to Evaluating the Relationship Between Dental Extraction and Craniofacial Growth in Adolescents 2023
- A Step Towards Obtaining an Innovative Smartbath for Shower in Bed of Disabled and Elder¿s People 2023
- Big Data in Healthcare Institutions: An Architecture Proposal 2023
- How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations are Affecting Real Estate 2023
- Implementing a Software-as-a-Service Strategy in Healthcare Workflows 2023
- Intelligent Systems in Healthcare: An Architecture Proposal 2023
- Multi-agent System for Multimodal Machine Learning Object Detection 2023
- Prediction Models Applied to Lung Cancer Using Data Mining 2023
- Classification of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Based on Correlation Weight Using Machine Learning 2022
- Medical Recommendation System Based on Daily Clinical Reports: A Proposed NLP Approach for Emergency Departments 2022
- Contactless Human-Computer Interaction Using a Deep Neural Network Pipeline for Real-Time Video Interpretation and Classification. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2021
- Data Mining Approach to Understand the Association Between Mental Disorders and Unemployment 2021
- Data Mining for the Prediction of Fetal Malformation Through Cardiotocography Data 2021
- Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Data Mining Classification Techniques 2021
- Prediction Models for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Using Data Mining 2021
- Step Towards Interoperability in Nursing Practice 2020
- Length of Stay in Intensive Care Units - A Case Base Evaluation. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. 2016
- Towards of automatically detecting Brain Death patterns through Text Mining. Conference on Business Informatics. 2016
- Artificial Neural Networks in Stroke Predisposition Screening 2015
- An Artificial Neuronal Network Approach to Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 2014
- An Assessment on the Length of Hospital Stay through Artificial Neural Networks 2014
- An Intelligent Approach for Open Clinical Laboratory Results in Intensive Care Medicine. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2014
- An expert system for supporting Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis and treatment. Information Processing Letters. 2014
- Analysis of Cross-Platform Development Frameworks for a Smartphone Pediatric Application. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2014
- Healthcare Interoperability through Intelligent Agent Technology. Information Processing Letters. 2014
- Improving Quality of Electronic Health Records with SNOMED. Information Processing Letters. 2014
- Managing Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy using Data Mining. Information Processing Letters. 2014
- Stand-Alone Electronic Health Record. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2014
- ScheduleIT - Open-Source Preventive Actions Management Plataform in Healthcare Information Systems. Information Processing Letters. 2012
- Data Acquisition Process for an Intelligent Decision Support in Gynecology and Obstetrics Emergency Triage 2011
- Enabling a Pervasive Approach for Intelligent Decision Support in Critical Health Care 2011
- Ethical aspects in the design of medical devices 2011
- A formal approach to argumentation in group decision scenarios 2006
- Anthropopathy and its assessment in virtual entities 2004
- An Introduction of Omnichannel Interaction in Healthcare Services 2022
- Prediction of COVID-19 Diagnosis Based on OpenEHR Artefacts 2021
- Pervasive real-time intelligent system for tracking critical events in intensive care patients 2013
- Editorial [to] International Journal on Intelligent Based Reasoning Systems Vol. 1, Nº 3/4. International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems. 2009
- Ambient intelligence via multiagent systems in the medical arena 2007
- The halt condition in genetic programming 2007
- Agent based decision support systems in medicine 2005
- Data warehousing through multi-agent systems in the medical arena 2004
- E-learning in medical environments using intelligent tutoring systems 2004
- Standardizing Corneal Transplantation Records with openEHR: Case Study (Preprint)
- A Comprehensive Study on Personal and Medical Information to Predict Diabetes 2023
- Correction to: Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Special Sessions, 19th International Conference (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 10.1007/978-3-031-23210-7) 2023
- Preface 2023
- Recommendation of Medical Exams to Support Clinical Diagnosis Based on Patient’s Symptoms 2023
- Smart Cities Using Crowdsensing and Geoferenced Notifications 2023
- The Impact of Contingency Measures on the COVID-19 Reproduction Rate 2023
- A Bibliometric Review and Analysis of Traffic Lights Optimization 2022
- A Comparative Study of Data Mining Techniques Applied to Renal-Cell Carcinomas 2022
- A Comparison of Automated Time Series Forecasting Tools for Smart Cities 2022
- Classification of Dementia in Adults 2022
- Comparison of Different Deployment Approaches of FPGA-Based Hardware Accelerator for 3D Object Detection Models 2022
- Crowdsensing on Smart Cities: A Systematic Review 2022
- Detecting Autism Spectrum Disorder Using Data Mining 2022
- Evaluation of Transfer Learning to Improve Arrhythmia Classification for a Small ECG Database 2022
- Improving the Effectiveness of Heart Disease Diagnosis with Machine Learning 2022
- On Tuning the Particle Swarm Optimization for Solving the Traffic Light Problem 2022
- Predicting Diabetes Disease in the Female Adult Population, Using Data Mining 2022
- Prediction Models for Coronary Heart Disease 2022
- Preface 2022
- Survey for Big Data Platforms and Resources Management for Smart Cities 2022
- Sustainable and Social Energy on Smart Cities: Systematic Review 2022
- The Covid-19 Influence on the Desire to Stay at Home: A Big Data Architecture 2022
- Traffic Light Optimization of an Intersection: A Portuguese Case Study 2022
- A CRISP-DM Approach for Predicting Liver Failure Cases: An Indian Case Study 2021
- A proof of concept of a business intelligence platform to support the decision-making process of health professionals in waiting lists 2021
- Data Mining Approach to Classify Cases of Lung Cancer 2021
- Overcoming challenges in healthcare interoperability regulatory compliance 2021
- Step Towards Predicting Patient Length of Stay in Intensive Care Units 2021
- Anticipating Maintenance in Telecom Installation Processes 2020
- Applied pervasive patient timeline in intensive care units 2020
- Bridging the Gap of Neuroscience, Philosophy, and Evolutionary Biology to Propose an Approach to Machine Learning of Human-Like Ethics 2020
- Data quality and critical events in ventilation: An intensive care study 2020
- How to Assess the Acceptance of an Electronic Health Record System? 2020
- Improving Performance of Recommendation System Architecture 2020
- Integrating a Data Mining Engine into Recommender Systems 2020
- Intelligent support system for the provision of inpatient care 2020
- Prediction of Length of Stay for Stroke Patients Using Artificial Neural Networks 2020
- Step Towards Monitoring Intelligent Agents in Healthcare Information Systems 2020
- Step towards pervasive technology assessment in intensive medicine 2020
- The Development of a Business Intelligence Web Application to Support the Decision-Making Process Regarding Absenteeism in the Workplace 2020
- Adaptive business intelligence in healthcare - A platform for optimising surgeries 2019
- Application of data mining for the prediction of prophylactic measures in patients at risk of deep vein thrombosis 2019
- Improving healthcare delivery with new interactive visualization methods 2019
- Predicting Death and Morbidity in Perforated Peptic Ulcer 2019
- Predicting Postoperative Complications for Gastric Cancer Patients Using Data Mining 2019
- Predicting low birth weight babies through data mining 2019
- Predicting the Length of Hospital Stay After Surgery for Perforated Peptic Ulcer 2019
- Steps towards online monitoring systems and interoperability 2019
- Applied Business Intelligence in Surgery Waiting Lists Management 2018
- Business Intelligence for Nutrition Therapy 2018
- Data mining for prediction of length of stay of cardiovascular accident inpatients 2018
- Mobile collaborative augmented reality and business intelligence: A system to support elderly people’s self-care 2018
- New approach to an openEHR introduction in a portuguese healthcare facility 2018
- Pervasive business intelligence in misericordias – A Portuguese case study 2018
- Step towards a pervasive data system for intensive care medicine 2018
- Waiting Time Screening in Healthcare 2018
- A Pervasive Business Intelligence Solution to Manage Portuguese Misericordia 2017
- A case based methodology for problem solving aiming at knee osteoarthritis detection 2017
- A case-based approach to colorectal cancer detection 2017
- An agent-based rfid monitoring system for healthcare 2017
- An ontology for mapping cerebral death 2017
- Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis: Business Intelligence applied to patient monitoring CAPD study and statistics 2017
- Interoperability in healthcare 2017
- Magni - A framework for developing context-aware mobile applications 2017
- Pervasiveness in digital marketing – A global overview 2017
- Text mining models to predict brain deaths using X-Rays clinical notes 2017
- A Case Based Approach to Assess Waiting Time Prediction at an Intensive Care Unity 2016
- Applying business intelligence to clinical and healthcare organizations 2016
- Applying soft computing to clinical decision support 2016
- Clinical business intelligence to prevent stroke accidents 2016
- Critical events in mechanically ventilated patients 2016
- Length of hospital stay and quality of care 2016
- Optimization techniques to detect early ventilation extubation in intensive care units 2016
- Pervasive adaptive data acquisition gateway for critical healthcare 2016
- Pervasive patient timeline for intensive care units 2016
- Predicting pre-triage waiting time in a maternity emergency room through data mining 2016
- Predicting triage waiting time in maternity emergency care by means of data mining 2016
- Prediction of length of hospital stay in preterm infants a case-based reasoning view 2016
- Real-time models to predict the use of vasopressors in monitored patients 2016
- Screening a case base for stroke disease detection 2016
- Waiting Time Screening in Diagnostic Medical Imaging – A Case-Based View 2016
- A real-time intelligent system for tracking patient condition 2015
- An assessment of chronic kidney diseases 2015
- An overview of the quality of service in bluetooth communications in healthcare 2015
- Artificial neural networks in diagnosis of liver diseases 2015
- Big data for stock market by means of mining techniques 2015
- Clustering barotrauma patients in ICU–A data mining based approach using ventilator variables 2015
- Decision support in E-government – a pervasive business intelligence approach case study in a local government 2015
- Information systems assessment in pathologic anatomy service 2015
- Logic programming and artificial neural networks in breast cancer detection 2015
- Predicting nosocomial infection by using data mining technologies 2015
- Predicting plateau pressure in intensive medicine for ventilated patients 2015
- Predicting preterm birth in maternity care by means of data mining 2015
- Real-time decision support using data mining to predict blood pressure critical events in intensive medicine patients 2015
- Step towards of a homemade business intelligence solution - A case study in textile industry 2015
- Pervasive and intelligent decision support in intensive medicine - The complete picture 2014
- Pre-triage decision support improvement in maternity care by means of data mining 2014
- Predictive models for hospital bed management using data mining techniques 2014
- cImproving high availability and reliability of health interoperability systems 2014
- Grid data mining strategies for outcome prediction in distributed intensive care units 2013
- Healthcare interoperability through a JADE based multi-agent platform 2013
- Intelligent information system to tracking patients in intensive care units 2013
- Knowledge Acquisition Process for Intelligent Decision Support in Critical Health Care 2013
- Modeling intelligent agents to integrate a patient monitoring system 2013
- Pervasive Ensemble Data Mining Models to Predict Organ Failure and Patient Outcome in Intensive Medicine 2013
- Pervasive and intelligent decision support in critical health care using ensembles 2013
- Predict sepsis level in intensive medicine - Data mining approach 2013
- SWOT analysis of a Portuguese Electronic Health Record 2013
- Step towards paper free hospital through electronic health record 2013
- Tracking People and Equipment Simulation inside Healthcare Units 2013
- An intelligent patient monitoring system 2012
- Hospital database workload and fault forecasting 2012
- Intelligence in interoperability with AIDA 2012
- Intelligent data acquisition and scoring system for intensive medicine 2012
- Data acquisition process for an intelligent decision support in gynecology and obstetrics emergency triage 2011
- Electronic health record in dermatology service 2011
- Enabling a pervasive approach for intelligent decision support in critical health care 2011
- Evolutionary Intelligence in Agent Modeling and Interoperability 2011
- A step towards medical ethics modeling 2010
- AIDATrace - Interoperation Platform for Active Monitoring in Healthcare Environments 2010
- Agents, Trust and Contracts 2010
- Interoperability and semantic clinical process 2010
- Modelling intelligent behaviours in multi-agent based HL7 services 2010
- Morality in group decision support systems in medicine 2010
- Semantic interoperability and health records 2010
- A Memory Assistant for the Elderly 2009
- A group decision support system for staging of cancer 2009
- Ambient assisted living 2009
- Intelligent Agents and Medical Moral Dilemmas 2009
- Modeling Medical Ethics through Intelligent Agents 2009
- VirtualECare: Intelligent assisted living 2009
- An agent based approach to the selection dilemma in CBR 2008
- Group support in collaborative networks organizations for ambient assisted living 2008
- Quality of Knowledge in Virtual Entities 2008
- Software agents in virtual organizations: Good faith and trust 2008
- Ambient intelligence and simulation in health care virtual scenarios 2007
- Argumentation-based decision making in ambient intelligence environments 2007
- Intelligent contracting: Software agents, corporate bodies and Virtual Organizations 2007
- Intelligent mixed reality for the creation of ambient assisted living 2007
- Inter-organization cooperation for care of the elderly 2007
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics: Preface 2007
- The halt condition in genetic programming 2007
- Legal security and credibility in agent based virtual enterprises 2005
- Software agents as legal persons 2004
- Argumentative Procedures in e-Commerce Environments 2003