publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- An Anthropocentric and Enhanced Predictive Approach to Smart City Management. Smart Cities. 2021
- A Soft Context-Aware Traffic Management System for Smart Cities. Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. 2020
- Real Time Analytics for Characterizing the Computer User's State. Adcaij-Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal. 2016
- Behavior analysis environments e-learning. EDMETIC. 2015
- A inteligência artificial na resolução de conflitos em linha. Scientia Ivridica. 2010
- Enhancing the Role of Multi-agent Systems in the Development of Intelligent Environments. Trends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems. 2010
- Resolução de conflitos em linha: uma aplicação ao direito de consumo 2010
artigo de conferência
- Synthetic Dataset to Study Breaks in the Consumer's Water Consumption Patterns 2021
- An application to enrich the study of auditory emotion recognition. International Conference on Intelligent Environments. 2017
- Analysis of student's context in e-Learning 2014
- Improving conflict support environments with information regarding social relationships. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2014
- Making Justice more accessible 2014
- Behavioural and context analysis in an online dispute resolution environment 2012
- Context-aware environments for online dispute resolution 2012
- Towards Domain-Independent Conflict Resolution Tools 2011
- Retrieving information in online dispute resolution platforms: A hybrid method 2011
- An agent-based approach to consumer's law dispute resolution 2010
- An agent-based approach to consumer´s law dispute resolution 2010
- Artificial intelligence applications in ODR: online dispute resolution: the UMCourt project 2010
- Jogos de papéis e emoções em ambientes assistidos 2010
- Providing relevant knowledge in disputes: UMCourt project. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2010
- Sistema de resolução online de conflito para partilhas de bens : divórcios e heranças 2010
- Using mediation to solve disputes with avoiding parties 2010
- Simulating and monitoring ambient assisted living 2008
artigo de revista
- Predicting Model Training Time to Optimize Distributed Machine Learning Applications. Electronics. 2023
- A predictive and user-centric approach to Machine Learning in data streaming scenarios. Neurocomputing. 2022
- Knowledge-based decision intelligence in street lighting management. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. 2022
- Using meta-learning to predict performance metrics in machine learning problems. Electronics. 2021
- Meta-learning and the new challenges of machine learning. International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 2021
- Meta-learning and the new challenges of machine learning. International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 2021
- A Simple Strategy for Choosing Network Structures in a Object Detection Project with Transfer Learning. AI Communications. 2021
- A Simple Strategy for Choosing Network Structures in a Object Detection Project with Transfer Learning. AI Communications. 2021
- A Simple Strategy for Choosing Network Structures in a Object Detection Project with Transfer Learning. AI Communications. 2021
- A Simple Strategy for Choosing Network Structures in a Object Detection Project with Transfer Learning. AI Communications. 2021
- A Simple Strategy for Choosing Network Structures in a Object Detection Project with Transfer Learning. AI Communications. 2021
- Continuous authentication with a focus on explainability. Neurocomputing. 2020
- Using a Genetic Algorithm to optimize a stacking ensemble in data streaming scenarios. AI Communications. 2020
- New methods for stress assessment and monitoring at the workplace. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. 2019
- Using behavioral features in tablet-based auditory emotion recognition studies. Future Generation Computer Systems. 2018
- X3S: A multi-modal approach to monitor and assess stress through human-computer interaction. Computer Science and Information Systems. 2018
- Mouse dynamics correlates to student behaviour in computer-based exams. Logic Journal of the IGPL. 2017
- A multi-modal architecture for non-intrusive analysis of performance in the workplace. Neurocomputing. 2017
- Context acquisition in auditory emotional recognition studies. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. 2017
- Enriching conflict resolution environments with the provision of context information. Electronics. 2017
- Non-intrusive quantification of performance and its relationship to mood. Soft Computing. 2017
- Quantifying the effects of external factors on individual performance. Future Generation Computer Systems. 2017
- A neural network to classify fatigue from human-computer interaction. Neurocomputing. 2016
- Monitoring and improving performance in human-computer interaction. Concurrency and Computation-Practice & Experience. 2016
- Real time analytics for characterizing the computer user's state. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal. 2016
- The role of non-intrusive approaches in the development of people-aware systems 2016
- A multi-modal approach for activity classification and fall detection. International Journal of Systems Science. 2014
- Online dispute resolution: An artificial intelligence perspective. Artificial Intelligence Review. 2014
- Studying the effects of stress on negotiation behavior. Cybernetics and Systems. 2014
- Using Case-Based Reasoning and Principled Negotiation to provide decision support for dispute resolution. Knowledge and Information Systems. 2013
- Using genetic algorithms to create solutions for conflict resolution. Neurocomputing. 2013
- Multimodal behavioral analysis for non-invasive stress detection. Expert Systems with Applications. 2012
- A inteligência artificial na resolução de conflitos em linha. Scientia Ivridica. 2010
- Inter-organization cooperation for ambient assisted living. Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. 2010
- Resolução de conflitos em linha: uma aplicação ao direito de consumo. Scientia Ivridica. 2010
capítulo de livro
- Observability: Towards Ethical Artificial Intelligence 2023
- Teaching Data Structures and Algorithms Through Games 2023
- Time Series Analysis for Anomaly Detection of Water Consumption: A Case Study 2022
- Using Mouse Dynamics to Assess Stress During Online Exams. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2015
- Using Mouse Dynamics to Assess Stress During Online Exams. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2015
- Resolução de conflitos em linha na contratação pública electrónica? 2012
- Quality of Judgment Assessment
- Real-Time Algorithm Recommendation Using Meta-Learning 2023
- A Data-Locality-Aware Distributed Learning System 2022
- Continuously Learning from User Feedback 2022
- Using Evolving Ensembles to Deal with Concept Drift in Streaming Scenarios 2022
- Explainable intelligent environments 2021
- Decision intelligence in street lighting management 2020
- HORUS: An Emotion Recognition Tool 2020
- evoRF: An Evolutionary Approach to Random Forests 2020
- A customizable game-inspired application for memory stimulation 2019
- Monitoring mental stress through mouse behaviour and decision-making patterns 2019
- The Influence of Age and Gender in the Interaction with Touch Screens 2019
- An environment for studying visual emotion perception 2017
- Behavioral biometrics and ambient intelligence: New opportunities for context-aware applications 2017
- EUStress: A human behaviour analysis system for monitoring and assessing stress during exams 2017
- Analysis of Mental Fatigue and Mood States in Workplaces 2016
- Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Contemporary Conflict Resolution 2016
- A Framework for Monitoring and Assisting Seniors with Memory Disabilities 2015
- Detection of Distraction and Fatigue in Groups through the Analysis of Interaction Patterns with Computers 2015
- How Musical Selection Impacts the Performance of the Interaction with the Computer 2015
- A non-invasive approach to detect and monitor acute mental fatigue 2014
- Analysis of Human Performance as a Measure of Mental Fatigue 2014
- Conflict Resolution and its Context 2014
- Conflict Resolution in Virtual Locations 2014
- Establishing the Relationship between Personality Traits and Stress in an Intelligent Environment 2014
- Harnessing content and context for enhanced decision making 2014
- Improving modularity, interoperability and extensibility in ambient intelligence 2014
- Managing Motivation at the Workplace through Negotiation 2014
- New applications of ambient intelligence 2014
- A statistical classifier for assessing the level of stress from the analysis of interaction patterns in a touch screen 2013
- Dynamically Improving Collective Environments through Mood Induction Procedures 2013
- Extracting behavioural patterns from a negotiation game 2013
- Keystrokes and clicks: Measuring stress on E-learning students 2013
- Monitoring mental fatigue through the analysis of keyboard and mouse interaction patterns 2013
- Studying stress on e-learning users 2013
- The relationship between stress and conflict handling style in an ODR environment 2013
- An evolutionary approach to generate solutions for conflict scenarios 2012
- Incorporating stress estimation into user-centred agent-based platforms 2012
- Modelling stress recognition in conflict resolution scenarios 2012
- Non-invasive estimation of stress in conflict resolution environments 2012
- Stress monitoring in conflict resolution situations 2012
- An advice system for consumer's law disputes 2011
- An agent-based architecture for multifaceted online dispute resolutiontools 2011
- Automatic classification of personal conflict styles in conflict resolution 2011
- Developing dynamic conflict resolution models based on the interpretation of personal conflict styles 2011
- Issues on conflict resolution in Collaborative Networks 2011
- Role playing games and emotions in dispute resolution environments 2011
- Toward seamless environments for dispute prevention and resolution 2011
- Developing intelligent environments with OSGi and JADE 2010
- Using BATNAs and WATNAs in online dispute resolution 2010
- Using case-based reasoning to support alternative dispute resolution 2010
- Ambient assisted living 2009
- Case-based reasoning decision making in ambient assisted living 2009
- EMon: Embodied monitorization 2009
- The legal precedent in online dispute resolution 2009
- VirtualECare: Intelligent assisted living 2009
- Group support in collaborative networks organizations for ambient assisted living 2008