publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Identification of Waste Potential from Maritime Activity - Incorporating Polyethylene Cables into Building Construction. Key Engineering Materials. 2024
- Development of a perioperative thermal insulation system: Testing comfort properties for different textile sets 2023
- Required Attributes of a Smart Clothing for Pressure Ulcers Prevention. Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering. 2022
- Ergonomic clothing design for care-dependent elderly women. Textiles, Identity and Innovation: Design the Future. 2019
- Garment Sizing in Portuguese Children's Fashion Brands 2019
- Initial designs of wheelchair rugby gloves. Biomedical Materials. 2018
- Ergonomics, Anthropometrics, and Kinetic Evaluation of Gait: A Case Study. Procedia Manufacturing. 2015
- The Impact of Work Clothing Design on Workers’ Comfort. Procedia Manufacturing. 2015
- Pressure Ulcers Prevention Devices - A Textile Approach. Occupational Safety and Hygiene - Sho2013. 2013
- Effect of fabric structure variation on garment aesthetic properties. Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon. 2012
- Monitorização de desconforto em pessoas com sensibilidade reduzida - Prevenção de úlceras de pressão.. Nursing. 2011
- Ultra-sensitive shape sensor test structures based on piezoresistive doped nanocrystalline silicon. Vacuum. 2009
- System providing discomfort monitoring for people in wheelchairs. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. 2008
- Monitoring system of discomfort in disability, bed rest people and surgical patients. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. 2007
- Research and control on seam process. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology. 2000
- Diagnostic of the composition of fabrics from their thermal permeability in wet state. Indian Journal of Fibre \& Textile Research. 1994
artigo de conferência
- Contribution of Ergonomics and Anthropometry in the Design of Hospital Clothing for Prevention of Pressure Ulcers in Patients with Reduced Mobility 2023
- Calçar e Manobrar: uma análise das percepções e experiências dos bombeiros portugueses em relação às luvas de combate a incêndios 2022
- The Applicability of Ergonomics in the Development of Clothing for Bodies in Transformation 2021
- Somatic senses required for the emotional design of upper limb prosthesis. AI Communications. 2020
- The impact of ergonomic design on smart garments. AI Communications. 2020
- Desenvolvimento de um Manequim Técnico Infantil com Foco no Conforto Ergonômico 2019
- Analysis of body differences for the design of children's clothing 2019
- Design and characterization of a textile extension sensor for sports and health applications. Biomedical Materials. 2019
- Design of smart garments for sports and rehabilitation. Biomedical Materials. 2019
- Fog harvesting meshes physical, economic and environmental characterization. ICEE International Conference on Energy & Environment. 2019
- Sizing of clothing appropriate for overweight and obese children: methodology stages and the preliminary results 2018
- Virtual Prototype of Clothing in Academic Environment 2018
- Virtual prototyping as an evaluation method for functional clothing 2018
- Pattern design methods for non-conventional bodies. Biomedical Materials. 2018
- Basic pattern design for care dependent elderly 2017
- Identification of preponderant factors for work-wear design 2017
- Anthropometric data collection of Portuguese children using 3D body scanning: considerations about the scanning booth. Biomedical Materials. 2017
- Anthropometry for children's clothing: difficulties and limitations. Biomedical Materials. 2017
- Dependent seniors garment design. Biomedical Materials. 2017
- Sizing for the apparel industry using statistical analysis – a Brazilian case study. Biomedical Materials. 2017
- Comfort properties for different textile sets using a thermal manikin 2016
- Reflections on Ergonomic Pattern Design in Planning and Development of Garments 2016
- FYT Jeans - Ergonomically designed jeans for active and sedentary lifestyles. 2015
- An overview of the current three-dimensional body scanners for anthropometric data collection 2015
- Dependent seniors clothing from the caregiver’s perspective 2014
- Thermal properties of mattress protectors for the prevention of pressure ulcers 2013
- Innovative textils in pressure ulcer prevention 2011
- Textile moisture sensor matrix for monitoring of diSabled and bed-rest patients 2011
- Dynamic waterbed with pressure modulation by turbulent jets 2010
- Lightweight portable sensors for health care 2010
- Monitoring and control system of discomfort in disability, bed rest people and surgical patients 2008
- The effect of the sewing threads in seam quality and machine set-up - Objective evaluation 2006
- Advancements in on-line monitoring and control of parameters in knitting and sewing processes 2004
- A step on automatic sewability evaluation and seam control on an overlock sewing machine 2003
artigo de revista
- Design of Innovative Clothing for Pressure Injury Prevention: End-User Evaluation in a Mixed-Methods Study. Healthcare. 2023
- Ergonomics Applied to the Development and Evaluation of Insoles for Protective Footwear. Applied Sciences. 2023
- A Concise Review on the Potential Applications of Rugulopteryx okamurae Macroalgae. Marine Drugs. 2023
- Female firefighters’ body weight and stature: a comparison between two Portuguese fire brigades. Advances in Science and Technology. 2022
- Respiratory inductance plethysmography to assess fatigability during repetitive work. Bioengineering. 2022
- Seam pucker detection through presser foot displacement monitoring. Industria Textila. 2022
- Development of fexible textile aluminium-air battery prototype. Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy. 2021
- Anthropometric data for wheelchair users: a systematic literature review. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics. 2020
- Portuguese firefighters’ boots: obtaining user input for an ergonomic redesign. Journal of Textile Engineering & Fashion Technology. 2020
- Selecting fog harvesting meshes for environmental conditioning structures. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development. 2020
- Assessment of the intraday variability of anthropometric measurements in the work environment: a pilot study. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics. 2018
- Time Alignment Measurement for Time Series. Pattern Recognition. 2018
- A comparison of manual anthropometric measurements with Kinect-based scanned measurements in terms of precision and reliability. WORK. 2018
- Insights on the apparel needs and limitations for athletes with disabilities: The design of wheelchair rugby sports-wear. Applied Ergonomics. 2018
- Validation study of a Kinect based body imaging system. WORK. 2017
- Work-wear pattern design to accommodate different working postures. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology. 2017
- Current state of the art and enduring issues in anthropometric data collection. DYNA. 2016
capítulo de livro
- Firefighters’ Anthropometrics: A Comparison Between Two Portuguese Fire Brigades 2022
- Ergonomics of Firefighting Protective Clothing: A Short Review on Fit and Sizing Issues 2021
- Firefighting Personal Protective Equipment: A Comparative Study of Perceptions and Experiences of Firefighters from Two Portuguese Fire Brigades 2021
- Portuguese Firefighters Anthropometrics: A Preliminary Comparison with Portuguese Workers 2021
- Portuguese Firefighters’ Anthropometrics: Pilot Study Results 2021
- The Contribution of Ergonomics as Social Inclusion and the Development of Products for Bodies in Transformation 2021
- A Gender Comparison of Portuguese Firefighters’ Perceptions Concerning Personal Protective Equipment: Results from a Pilot Study 2020
- Design and Testing of a Textile EMG Sensor for Prosthetic Control. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2020
- Fashion and Inclusive Design: Assistive Technologies Applied to Clothing 2020
- Pattern block for clothing design of caregiver dependent elderly 2020
- Assessment of Portuguese Firefighters’ Needs: Preliminary Results of a Pilot Study 2019
- A Tecnologia do Scanner Corporal 3D a Favor da Antropometria na Moda 2018
- Anthropometric Data Collection of Portuguese Overweight and Obese Children Using a Kinect Body Image System: Preliminary Results 2018
- Garment Design and Engineering for Hospital Use. AI Communications. 2018
- Main Characteristics and Anthropometrics of People with Down Syndrome – Impact in Garment Design. AI Communications. 2018
- Anthropometric Data Collection of Portuguese Children with Overweight and Obesity. AI Communications. 2017
- Basic pattern design for care dependent elderly 2017
- Clothing Comfort for the Dependent Elderly - Caregivers Perspective. AI Communications. 2017
- Segmentation of Anthropometric Data of the Brazilian’ Female Population. AI Communications. 2017
- Open Inclusive Fashion: New Insights for a Co-design Platform 2016
- The Importance of Ergonomic Design in the Inclusion of Women with Mastectomies with Lymphedema. AI Communications. 2016
- A modelação como forma de comunicar o conforto ergonômico e a sustentabilidade no vestuário infantil 2015
- Da Ideia à Concretização: 4NoPressure - Desenvolvimento de vestuário inteligente para prevenir a ocorrência de lesões por pressão - Do Laboratório para a clínica: a Importância da Academia 2023
- Required Attributes of a Smart Clothing for Pressure Ulcers Prevention 2022
- Antropometria e o Vestuário das Crianças com Sobrepeso e Obesidade: Uma Revisão de Literatura 2018
- Thermal and comfort measurements of mattress protectors used for prevention of pressure ulcers. 2012
- Pressure ulcers prevention: insights from postural adjustments of healthy persons 2009
- Evidence on the Use of Gait Analysis - A Review 2021
- Evaluation of Design Recommendations for the Development of Wheelchair Rugby Sports-Wear 2019
- Sports-Wear in Wheelchair Rugby: Establishing Design Needs 2018
- Effects of Different Body Postures on Anthropometric Measures 2016
- Problems relating to sewing 2013
- High performance in sewing - guaranteeing seam quality through control of sewing dynamics 2007
- Avaliação do potencial de desenvolvimento de coleções de moda com recurso à tecnologia CAD 3D - estudo de caso CLO 3D 2023
- Benchmarking e avaliação do potencial da sustentabilidade na utilização da tecnologia inovadora CAD 3D no desenvolvimento de coleções de moda 2023
- Design de vestuário de proteção individual para as mulheres bombeiras portuguesas: estudo do processo de redesign com base em estudo ergonómico 2022
- Design de vestuário desportivo feminino com capacidade de regulação antropométrica 2022